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I used to like GrandLineReview, and it's not that I hate him now (far from it) but like many, I fell off soon after he began spoiling major events with his thumbnails and got into Twitter wars. As of now, I only watch Tekking101 and Mugiwara No Goofy. That said, Artur from the Library of Ohara has a special place in my heart because I made a reddit post (via an alt account) a few years ago about my Dad, a major One Piece fan, who at the time was on hospice and about to pass away (and did pass away shortly after my post), asking for theories on how One Piece might end so I could read them to my Dad. After making that post, Artur private messaged me his theory but, more importantly, he left me a very sweet and heartwarming message for my Dad. It meant a lot to me in a very hard point of my life. But anyway, Tekking101, Mugiwara No Goofy, and Artur for life!


You’d probably like merphy napier, especially some of her earlier arc review videos she makes as she’s reading her first time through


Yeah, I like her content a lot.


Artur is really a great guy. Thanks for sharing this story with us, best of luck to you my friend. (I genuinely can’t think of something to say that doesn’t sound hollow in my head right now, hope that you are doing fine)


"When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It's when... they are forgotten." I don't want to sound cheesy but that quote actually helped me dealing with the sudden departure of my dad a few years ago.


MelonTeee is pretty good too. Also recommend Totally Not Mark (though he’s not exclusively a One Piece youtuber)


MelonTeee is great


MelonTeee is so good! Her character analysis videos are *chef's kiss*


I watched Totally Not Mark's video on Nami and it was so good,he is pretty much the only guy to talk about her character development after the timeskip.


MelonTeee's videos are great, highly recommend


I'd throw BDA Law in the mix too. I like his videos.


I must be the only one that finds Tekkings voice and mannerisms super annoying. Made him unwatchable for me unfortunately.


I ike Tekking and No Goofy. Used to like Ohara, but he has become way too click bait orientated.


Damn, love & respect him already, but man, did this make me love him even more I'm sorry for your loss man, even though it is heartwarming to see that you guys had such fond memories you made in his last days


The pre-release spoilers are infuriating. I just began blocking any YTer who had anything close to that on my feed. I don’t want their content and if clickbait spoilers are that crucial to them I’m not missing out on much anyways.


I feel as if goofy boy had a really really excellent video about alabasta where his comedic story telling was just right....and then it just disappeared. No longer funny. Sorry just me. I do appreciate how he frames things..


When a video takes off, it clues a creator in to what audiences enjoy so they make more of it. It’s a double edged sword though, since it suppresses innovation and creativity unless you’re really careful. I like his Hilarious series but some videos are better than others. 


Grandlinereview is on crack with how fast he puts out videos for new chapters. More recently, the scans will barely be out, and he's already made a video. His thumbnails are just spoilers, but i don't blame him he's just trying to compete with everyone else. Usually, the scans drop at like 4 am. cst. I've gone to bed waiting on a chapter just to wake up and get the chapter spoiled by my youtube notifications.


His pace is kinda insane considering the production quality his videos and artists have. From a content creation standpoint it’s quite impressive. Makes you wonder how many projects he’s juggling simultaneously


There's a reason GLR is the second most subbed one piece youtuber. He's one of the only ones who really figured out how to DO youtube.


Yep, he does the 10-20 minute videos, and he has a good artists for his tumbnails.


I told GLR that Enma was pronounced as En-Mah, for some reason he kept saying Enema like a rectal fluid and I had a good laugh. I asked about it and he said it like that. He said "it's just my opinion and I was wrong." Had a good laugh and he changed it the next video he was talking about it, decent bloke. Damn, that was a long time ago


Tekking is better than grandline reviews. End of argument. I used to watch his videos but then I slowly started to hate his content. I’ve never had that with Matthew.


The character and themes analysis of YTers such as Merphy or Melonteee are worth watching. I find myself watching others, though, on the LOONNNG breaks we've had of late.


I think Melontee is my new favorite, I think her way of analyzing things in more of a inuniverse way is really refreshing to me


The villain lust tier lists were pretty legendary too lol


Love Melontree!


I like Melonteee a lot in terms of her opinions and thoughts, but she tends to repeat herself and I wish she was more succinct. I find myself thinking after every video that it could have been 1/2-2/3 as long with better clarity if she’d just edit them down a little after the fact. 


Those are my favorite


You should try TB Skyen, he is more about the analysis of visuals and visual storytelling. I love his videos, made me tear up more than once and helped me appreciate a lot of details since he analyses the manga chapter by chapter.


I’ve been watching Tekking since like 2015, and haven’t really watched any other One Piece Tuber for any extended time. I watched Ohara for a little bit, then his clickbait thumbnails and titles really started to annoy me. Tekking is also the best when it comes to not spoiling stuff. Back when Gear 5 came out in the Manga he didn’t put it in the title or thumbnail, just “Something Happened.” A legend


I've watched Tekking since his old standing up in a suit Bleach days and I don't think I've watched another One Piece YouTuber. I like his detailed videos.


Yea Tekking's the only one I can stand to watch these days, His theories and analysis may not be super deep but the guy can just go off about a single topic video for hours and still make it entertaining, for me at least. I think its his genuine love for the series that does it for me.


His passion and excitement is infectious.


He just feels like a friend that theorizes with you


Tekking is an absolute legend, one of the nicest people on YouTube for sure!


Same I also really love when he talks about organizations and geography


Geography is *everything*


I am geography


Tekking genuinely knows his stuff. I feel like GLR is faking his knowledge for some reason.


Melonteee has made some of the best analysis videos on One Piece I've ever seen. It's really refreshing seeing someone with a lot of media literacy analyze One Piece.


My word I love her style


Oh yes and the Wings of the Pirate King video is my favorite. The editing of that video made me laugh way harder than it should have.


Everyone is trying to be tekking lol


I have blocked almost everyone with click bait titles and only watch tekking and Murphy. I used to enjoy others but they got too spoilery and would ruin one or another manga I was reading for me


These are hard times to be a manga fan…


Beyond the major youtubers, there are a significant number of accounts that do shorts and it's just hot garbage. Ultra clickbaity, illogical takes, and hundreds of thousands of views


If op YouTube was a barrel of cheep alcohol the shorts would be at the bottom of the other rotten barrel standing next to it ( late night metaphor, let’s go)


Insane thumbnails just making shit up etc. I never really got into one piece youtubers tbh.


Tekking on top, melontree up there, grandlinereview used to be a personal fav but he fell off so unbelievably very hard


Honestly same


I only really watch the chapter review videos from Tekking and Merphy. The former because he'll point out loads of things I miss, and the latter because she actually knows how to analyse literature. I hate theorycraft videos as they're all very clickbaity. Edit: I forgot I also love me some "eoreh x" animations : https://youtu.be/WFAiSiV2GnY?si=3tCBAoOllN_Zvm5G


Yeah theorycraft has gone down the deep end mostly, sadly I think a lot of reviews follow its example. At least we will have tekkings/merphys reviews to keep us covered


Melonteee is amazing. In particular her Law & Donquijote brothers and the Boa Hancock analyses are SO spot on.


Really love her sense of humor to, almost choked on a cookie because I laughed so hard


Mugiwara no Goofy’s meteoric rise needs to be studied. Dude appeared out of no where and is now one of the most popular (and one of the best) one piece YouTubers


Funny enough I haven’t really watched much of him, need to study more I guess


He’s really funny. Just make sure you’re fully caught up cause most of his videos, including ones about earlier arcs, have manga spoilers


Thanks for the warning:)


Yee no worries! Gotta look out for your fellow one piece enjoyers🏴‍☠️


Hidden Island when I want to think, Mugiwara No Goofy when I want to laugh, and JoyBoyTheories when I'm high and ready for something batshit.




I mean I would watch parvision when High.


I only watch merphy. Everyone else is too clickbaity or overreact like crazy at every little thing


In the past, I have not watched anyone besides Tekking, and I still really don't care to. However, StojDoes is hilarious.


Barry for president


It could be worse. Love Merphy and Tekking. Also as far as reactors go, they’re new but they’re developing a decent following in the OP community: Haylo & Kiss. Absolutely adore them, they just completely buy into the world/characters/story and get so genuinely moved by all the right stuff.


Yeah, haylo and kiss are great, they're just genuinely enjoying the shit out of the show and it's fun seeing them try to guess what's coming and then get completely shocked and laugh about how they can never predict it. First the live action and now the anime. Plus them fan girling over Mihawk and Zoro is hilarious


Cool I need to check them out soon


What I find most annoying is people that can’t admit they were wrong. One of the more famous might be Mr Morj grasping at “the raid will fail” for way to long. But I remember this annoyance started for me when Joyboy had a theory on how whole cake would end, was proven wrong but made a video saying “we were right”, referring to how some other fans had correctly predicted many parts of the ending.


True that’s the reason I don’t watch Morj anymore, part of me still doesn’t forgive him for the shitfest that happened because of his inability to say he was wrong. ( it’s petty I know)


Been following Morj since he started (and I still do) and lucky enough I didn't buy his "raid will fail" hype. First time I watched that one I thought, huh that's a decent speculation, and I just completely moved on. When he doubled down, the vibe I got is that he was just embracing the meme, and it *was* funny. Tbf he was very big back then, fans dubbed him as One Piece PhD lol, I just didn't expect the "raid will fail" thing would disturb the fandom discussions THAT much. But yeah it did damage his name. His analysis videos are still worth to watch though.


Only person I watch is Sawyer7mage. And even he I watch less due to increased complaining and, imo, unrealistic theories. Not saying one piece can’t be critiqued, it should be. But complaining that something you wanted to happen didn’t and genuine critique are different.


Yes at some point it just turns into whining


He Overthinks a lot


I really enjoy watching aleczandxr’s analysis videos and his journey through one piece


Great I know what to throw on for the next drawing session


After GLR posted a spoiler in a thumbnail two years ago I blocked the channel. I honestly forgot about Liam until just now.


They all suck except for Tekking.


Tekking101 is the best dont get thrown off by any cringe opening he just be like that.


I like to watch Jay D Legend. His shitpost way of reading "Agenda Piece" is absolutely hilarious and makes the series way better honestly.


Love you like it. It’s just not for me I have enough agendaproblems Irl. (I’m soo tied)


I think it legitimately stopped being a bit during a certain backstory.


I like Randy Troy, his break week theory for theory streams with other YouTubers are usually entertaining. I really like his chapter analysis videos. Big time agenda pusher though


You don’t say. His agenda pushing can sometimes put me off of him.


I really enjoy chapter Analysis Like JB Theorien and library of Ohara do it


I love Athur. JB goes of the rails sometimes but I still enjoy him


The crap cafe is pretty good imo, they're a small channel


Never heard of them but will be checking it out


I feel theres a lot of varity and I enjoy that nearly everyday if I'm in the mood for some one piece talk because I'm during an errand and want to hear something One piece related I can always go to either GLR or trekking depending if I need a long or short video, but I wish more people would release analysis stuff, but most people are into powerscaling on youtube it seems, like I would enjoy it very much if someone like Morj could release an analysis video on Wano,


I would recommend Melontee for some crisp character analysis/studies


Like 99% of any part of the larger "manga/anime YT world", it sucks


Tekking is the only one I watch consistently, have been for like 6 years now. Everyone who has ever spoiled something in a thumbnail is instantly unsubbed and blocked. Melonteee and Dawn&Dusk are both great for different reasons, and Artur is consistently putting in work. Randy Troy can be really good too, and Dak's Sake has been growing on me. Joygirl is okay when she's not with ohara or glr.


I just hate how watching anything related to any anime will *always* put manga spoilers in your feed, and not just for the anime you watched content of on YT either. I’ve stopped watching anything anime related on YT entirely for fear of spoilers for One Piece, JJK, MHA, Vinland Saga, etc.


I like Mugiwara No Goofy just because I enjoy humor. I don’t watch chapter reviews really. I also don’t go for (usually) young guys arguing amongst themselves over obscure lore and fan theories. Not that those videos are bad, it just isn’t for me.   The only ones I can’t stand are the YT shorts using an AI voice over clips with horrible grammar. They’re probably made by kids for a kid audience based on the comments I have bothered to look at, so I’d never leave a mean comment but I scroll past them so fast. lol


I miss the old fanbase, before it was supreme in “the west.”


Yeah times where easy then


Tekking101 keeping it alive


I forgive Grandline for everything he does because he has the same high quality videos he had even before he started to create titles and thumbnails for The Algorithm (I mean, we ARE in agreement that’s why they do it, right?). Ohara seems to be going a bit to the left of that, his videos look more and more like they’re trying to keep you visually engaged. Still like him tho. Arthur Parvision and Syv are 😘👌 And let’s not forget Secret Island (or something like that). TEKKING ON THE OTHER HAND 😁😁😁😁


Bda is the worst, he says absolutely nothing in his videos


Only melontee 


Great taste (yes I’m biased)


The only one I actually listen to is Morj. His analysis videos are the ones I find to be the most comprehensive among other OP youtubers. I recommend every fans to at least watch his [Blackbeard](https://youtu.be/Ey9SRGscZqE?si=-HISVNpvffJv_8hx) or [Shanks](https://youtu.be/zjnG94AKpHE?si=trb8A1iAOwp5QcPA) video. But when it comes to his speculation/theory, it's always a coin toss. Just like every OP youtubers. At least Morj always looks for clues from *the manga canon* and rarely from outside sources (i.e real life myths/history etc). My favorite is his [Shanks-Rocks connection](https://youtu.be/ajXVYpHu9MI?si=j7ThFJKUutoZBJNd) and [Lili Paw Paw fruit user](https://youtu.be/HQNyb4QmgJ0?si=Xu-J2WaEuiUxOHMD) theory. I don't mind the stupid thumbnails. It is youtube afterall. Whether you want to or not, clickbait is necessary. But the actual content is always the video.


the raid will fail


uh don't really care, never have and probably never will watch one piece content on youtube.


I stopped watching most One Piece YouTubers generally I use Jamie reactions occasionally, I still watch Murphy, Brago, and Morj tho


I'm not really a fan as its either reactions (which is fine but i have to like the reactor) or theory crafters (a lot of reused or stolen stuff, or the theories just aren't good).


Yeah also theories do clickbait like it’s a fishmarket


Based on the videos that I have watched on youtube, there sure have been a lot more theory videos trying to predict how things will play out in the future.


That’s the true curse of the „endtimes“ I guess


Indeed. I find myself reducing the amount of One Piece realted youtube content that I watch because of these types of videos.


Same it’s just feels so „cashgrabby“ (is this a word?) sometimes, like everyone is trying to guess the ending and forgets reading the story


Exactly my fellow One Piece fan. Theory videos tend to over think things sometimes and that definitely takes away form the fun of the reading the latest manga chapters.


I stopped watching everyone except tekking and morj (and merphy, but she is not rlly an OP youtuber). Morj irks me sometimes when he gets too much into powerscaling but other than that I like him. Everyone else just seems too disingenuous to me.


I used to watch a lot more but now I only watch Merphy (sometimes), Randy Troy (sometimes), and Melonteee ( all the time)


A fellow Melontee enjoyer I see


What can I say. Do you check her chapter streams?


Not jet but I rewatched her op videos 70 times (never made it to a stream:()


You can watch them after, she keeps it up. She talks more there with some controversial opinions (anytime she talks about Garp)


BDA Law is cool. Good balance of details, banter and theory. Has a much better memory than me for thing. Also collabs with a range of different people so you get a good amount of different theories and perspectives too


I used to love Tekking. But I can't stand watching him anymore. I'm older now, and I don't have the time to watch a 40 minute video about some niche story topic.




Tekking, Daks Sake, Parvision, Artur. That’s my four horseman of one piece


TBSkyen's best panel shorts were a factor in me picking up the series. You can tell he is very passionate and pays close attention to the themes and art of the series.


Melontee has amazing analysis videos, they’re entertaining, theyre original, theyre funny, they are well produced, theyre insightful, theyre great. Unfortunately they come out weeks apart, but quality takes time. Edit: Melontee is also very good with accurate spoiler warnings.


the only thing i watch on yt about one piece is people reading for the first time and the ocasional reaction but that's it, i have a massive list of block channels


I only watch TNM and MelonTree


Jay D Legend geta me to laugh. But outside him sawyer is the only one i fuck with anymore


The Memes are influencing half of them which is my problem. I don’t mind the joking, but when it goes too far it becomes too much imo




I despise them tbh, started hiding any one piece content on youtube, i was only watching Tekking, but now none


Only watch Tekking so I can't really comment.




Don’t really interact with OP youtube anymore except the official channel, and even then probably like once every other month. I found out that I don’t really enjoy Youtube OP discussions outside of listening to people describe experiencing OP for their first time. Following people like Merphy, TNM and Daniel Greene as they release their videos every week or so was so much fun! Besides that, kinda meh.


I have more issue with YouTube spoiling stuff for me, I'm watching a week late on Netflix, but YouTube doesn't know that and it tells me stuff way ahead of time.


I don’t tend to watch theory or review videos anymore, but I do enjoy Rogersbase and King of Lightning especially for their chapter reactions.


The biggest one guilty of that is AnimeUproar, just look at how he title his video. However Tekking101, Mugiwara no Goofy, Merphy, MelonTeee, Mushrooman and Syv are the one I usually watch, Also Mom Piece




Short and sweet


Except morj all are crap


Randy Troy, BDA Law and Jay D Legend are my holy One Piece Trinity.


I like dawn and dusk channel it is one of the most interesting channels I have seen all of his videos his takes are very logical and are far better than most of the clickbait youtubers (and those who try to be too meme ,every , name they say they say bullshit like 5anji ,4style zoro ,frawdhawk, da smitch shanks ,like it is too much meme man either you make your channel meme channel or be a OP youtuber) and Dawn and dusks theories are also far better from those western yappers . IN MY OPIONION


Yeah the memes are becoming a bit of a problem for me too. (Maybe I just hate fun)


The only peoplw I enjoy watching are merphy, totally not marked, tekking101, AJ, and the drawkshow with his mom.


I only really pay much attention to Mugiwara no goofy, I check Tekking101 every so often since I watched his Bleach reviews WAAAAY back and only caught up to OP a few years ago but imo Tekking's more niche, dude has crazy knowledge and takes his cringe in stride but it's not for everyone. Goofy's fun, probably favourite for OP content, Totally Not Mark's One Piece stuff was also good but beyond the reviews I think he did a couple character videos and went back to other things.


Everyone’s giving their flowers to Merph, Mel, Tekking and Mugiwara no Goofy, all of whom deserve their praises. But man I gotta give some love to The Drawk Show/Mom Piece too. Both Drawk and his mother are extremely media literate, but Mama Drawk comes from a very thorough educational background with focuses in English, theater, and philosophy with a strong enthusiasm in history and mythology. When something piques her interest or she finds real life historical and/or mythological parallels in the manga, she delves deeper into those myths with a level of analysis and understanding that few others on YouTube can compare. Not every history-backed theory has been a hit, but she’s spot on when it comes to Oda’s themes and character writing. Most notably, she’s accurately predicted Luffy being some sort of embodiment of the sun as early as Little Garden solely based on recurring imagery with some backing in eastern mythology. Other notable theories/observations include the magic circles in the Gorosei’s chamber, Raftel potentially being “Laugh-something” due to the ambiguity of L’s and R’s in Japanese, and Ace not coming out of the series alive. She’s nuts in the best way possible, and I always look forward to what she has to say as she goes through the series. Drawk himself is very savvy in One Piece and has the advantage of being caught up on the series while also doing a mostly great job on not spoiling his mom on future events. He does suffer from a light case of “up and coming YouTuber/streamer” cringe, has some pretty wild takes here and there, and is not the best host in how often he’ll cut off his mom when he has a point to interject, but he’s smart and well-read to the point that I can overlook the flaws.


New to one piece YouTube and I like that's analysis video have increase instead of theory,Mr morj and that melontee


Love Melontees character studies.


I know he’s not OP YouTube specifically but I love TotallyNotMark. His videos are high quality and I like his voice.


Love him to but I think I have the opposite problem to him, for him pages get cluttered, for me there is never enough on the pages because I love to dissect it.


I've been a fan of One Piece since 2003 and YouTube still doesn't even know that. When it comes to One Piece related content, I mostly stick to reddit (and forums a few years ago). I was never a fan of theories and analisys in video format, I prefer text. So I pretty much never searched for anything related to One Piece on YouTube and as consequence I don't get any related recommendations. I'm happy like this.


That’s honestly the dream but my adhd-ass has problems with to much reading :(,


King of Lightning for me I've been watching him since the 8th grade about 12 to 13 years ago but I have started Watching The Kryptonian Saiyan and Nitengale much much smaller reviewers but I absolutely love their content




Jay D Legend is the main dude I watch now, King of the Agenda and General of the 🐀 army


dont watch any one piece youtubers anymore ive seen enough


Respectable. I have greatly reduced my screen time but I do miss it sometimes


Just listened to Connor from Trash Taste explain why he doesn’t like One Piece, because “it’s not a vibe”. I don’t get it.


I don’t get it either but if he doesn’t like it.. who cares


But he didnt say he didnt like it did he? Only that's One Piece isn't a "Vibe" or did i miss something


i have been blocking one piece YouTubers for years now. Never been happier


Melonteee, Hidden Island and sometimes Mr Morj, especially his "Nobody Understands...." videos are pretty good character studies imo. The rest of his stuff is clickbaity trash though Haven't seen anyone acknowledge this five hour essay on the entire series from start to end of Wano, but I absolutely love this video. It's a really good refresher for everything up until the end of Wano if you don't want to reread or rewatch everything. He doesn't hit every important aspect of the story but most of it https://youtu.be/prOeb5wnNEk?si=M7Dajv1iD9vj_OyS One Piece: The Modern Odyssey from Axelbeats


Hidden Island is so good. I'm surprised nobody is talking about him. Maybe his videos are too long lol


I always laugh a bit when we op fans say something is too long (no offense)


The worse is Ohara. That bich from japan wanna be whiteboi. Tf copied the name of our Og ohara the librarian instead. No shame.


I didn’t watch One Piece (both the anime and YouTubers) for about 5 years after Dressrosa because I was busy with school and stuff. When I came back Tekking was just as good as I remembered him, and I still love his content to this day. Plus he just knows the story so well. I do agree with some of what people say about GLR, but I still enjoy the short videos, art, and use him as a second opinion / second set of eyes to catch any details that Tekking and comments might miss. Otherwise I don’t really watch anyone. Just never needed to.


Tekking is the king, I just don’t really vibe anymore with GLR, like I still respect him but he is sometimes just a bit too cynical for me (I think? Lots of complicated emotions with this one) maybe I’m just a bit sensitive in my old days


Ever used don't recommend channel option. Works wonders. Is watching one piece not enough, that we have gotta watch some loser comment about something we figured long ago.


It’s me I’m the loser, thanks for the guidance


Some ultra theories video turned out to be spot on and I love it when they get it right


I watch Morj consistently as his analysis videos are pretty well thought out. His weekly streams are fun too although they can go off the rails quickly lol. I’ll watch GLR and Tekking now and then. GLR videos are big production and generally funny but for some reason just don’t interest me that much. Tekking is great but I don’t always have the energy to listen to him go at breakneck pace for 40 mins.


Ohara used to be one of the best but now he's the worst!




I would like to but I don’t have the financial resources (computer, mic,etc) but maybe in the future, would love to make more inuniverse reviews and character analysis without really looking at the meta. I think that there are some facets of characters that are often overlooked witch paints a character in a new light for me…. You think someone would care?




Thanks I will try


I think a lot of them exposed themselve as people that dont know that much about one piece. 99% of theories they said were just wrong and stupid. Grandlinereview was my favourite for a while, but he does too much clickbait + actually also has no ball knowledge. I realised that when I watched his review of the live action. Homie is just whaffling. I like Jay D. Legend. But I only follow him to see him laugh at one piece memes. Thats not a serious channel about theories. The best One Piece youtuber is "Marco Dawn". German Youtuber that is actually extremely knowledgeable when it comes to one piece. He does not spit out crazy theories and states them as facts and his theories are actually pretty good. He talked about the water level rising before anyone else did. He wished for giant luffy really early on. He got giant luffy with g5. He knows ball. Sadly he seems to have some personal struggles and has not uploaded in months. But he is the goat. No question about it.


I only watch Sawyer7mage.


Mid besides few people. I only watch select people


As someone who only watches Merphy Napier, shes great. I watched a couple videos of some other youtubers before Merphy had gotten into One Piece and they were okay back then. Too bad shits changed


Tekking is the GOAT OP YTer. Almost no one likes OP as much as this dude and he's unafraid to show it. I like BDA, KOL, Morj, Parvision, and Merphy amongst others as well. OP discussion on YT is great as long as you don't take personal offense about someone's opinion on a comic(which, unfortunately, too many of y'all do ROFL)


As far as theories go I think I've narrowed the ones worth watching down for myself with Morj, Artur and Sawyer7mage. Drizzt is good for adding a more critical perspective to the series. Mugiwara no goof for the lulz. The rest I don't care for.


No Tekking?


Not a fan of the "greatest theory ever" stuff, but I do quite like the new thumbnail game. Also it clearly works for the majority of people, else it would likely not be a thing. Can't blame people who live of YouTube to cater to the biggest audience possible. Gonna use this to gas Drawk Show and Dawn&Dusk, both severely underrated channels imo. DrawkShow talks to his teacher mum about every arc, after she finished reading it and that women is crazy. She has a theory that Luffy is a sungod since Arlong Park. Just got to Wano. Dawn&Dusk is a Japanese translater that brings up theories, interpretations, etc. that I have never heard/seen in the western fan base.


Dawn and dusk is amazing, being able to actually read the kanji not only creates new theories, but shuts down all the ones that come about from bad translations. It's super useful


I think what’s really bugging me about the thumbnails is that they are sometimes „overexalurated“ (is this a word ? A thing? English hard:( ) like they take a detaile and balloon it up to the point that it’s just kills a bit of the fun for me (especially in reviews, I’ve seen more Zoro vs Nasjuro art then I can count and they never even met jet) it just feels they try to overhype it autoficently, to me at least could be totally wrong here.


I only watch the fan animations. The rest of the youtubers like the ones making theories went downhill


Any good recommendations?


Definitely, I'll link it here soon, I'll edit my comment so stay tuned [link 1 torra animations](https://youtube.com/@torrahua?si=ZDz5BPHAULnhhOSw) [link 2 Xanimo](https://youtube.com/@XanimoAnimation?si=c5pup-RfMhJ6qXHO) [link 3 nostar animations](https://youtube.com/@nostaranimation?si=J0o0XW6FH7M0Jpq7) [link 4 slh animations](https://youtube.com/@SLHAnimation?si=MRy0H2p3T5OBhR6F) [link 5 etoilec](https://youtube.com/@etoilec1?si=7Gvesf32Ub1D32tC) Note that etoilec, slh and nostar aren't making OP content (mainly DB) but their animations are also top tier. Xanimo and Torra are legends (they mainly do OP content)


Thanks my friend


You're welcome


The only OP content I watch on YouTube is clips from episodes. I think most/all content creators in most anime fandoms are cringey and a waste of time, just my opinion though, if people like it then thats fine


You are probably right about that. But sometimes (that’s all the time for me I’m a terrible communicator) when you got no one else to talk, it’s nice


Ya I understand the appeal if you aren't one to communicate with others about One Piece forsure.


Only watch BDA law and JoyBoy theories, but i don’t watch them consistently


Both are good dudes