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Nah, you just don't get the message. Maybe the concept of racism is foreign for you


I wouldn’t say ist bad or the worst. I think a lot of people say that because they don’t like Hody Jones, wich is understandable, but I assume he is written like that on purpose as a opposite to Arlong. Arlong hating humans is an allegory for racism in our world, how he was mistreated by humans and therefore he hates humans, wich is an understandable perspective but his actions was not. But Hody Jones could be seen as politics, he uses the rasism against his people as a strategy to help himself for selfish reasons and even don’t and he doesn’t hold back from hurting or killing other fishmen. And because Hody Jones is such a evil villain with not a tiny amount of something good in him and it takes so long to get rid of him, I think people don’t like fishman island. It was at least for me a long time. But fishman island arc introduces so many important things for the late game, so i learned to love it. But yes it’s gets better from here on


No, but I think it is the most underrated. That said, the anime did a poor job adapting it, so it is one of the worst arcs in the anime. The manga version is superior, but it is still disliked by many. >Please tell me it gets better again from here?! It gets better after Fishman Island.


I enjoyed every arc but that was the least memorable forsure as I watched the show I kept wondering if it was still gonna be able to hold up in the later seasons but I always found myself saying wow they did it again. Getting hit those deep emotional scenes. So I’d recommend to keep going. Especially cause you got dressrosa coming up and that one was very satisfying


It gets to levels that had me sobbing ugly tears, had me out of my seat and shouting but there is one arc to come that will test you in a way no man should be tested. Buckle in because by then you’ll be too deep to give up.


Fishman is a very good arc... People overlook what hoody represents.


fishman island is a great arc. amazing characters and themes. try reading it in the manga or something


I think so. It's not so long but feels dragged. It does get better later.


Wait is fishman the one right after the time skip or are you talking about Arlongs park


Fishman arc is obviously the one after timeskip. If it was Arlongs Park, he would have said that.


It gets way better. In real life 2 years had really passed, so I look at FI as Oda slowly giving it gas before taking off at the red light.


For the anime, you’re in a tough area in terms of pacing. Fishman island and the next 3 arcs drag a ton for me in the anime, but it improves after and is more tolerable for the other arcs since the story is better even if the pacing is similar. Manga has much better pacing and when more complex arcs are happening it is much easier to track the different things happening simultaneously


imo punk hazard was worse but it does get better w dressrosa onwards


In terms of story and themes, Fishman Island is up there for being one of the best arcs in all of One Piece. But anyways, the anime never gets better with the pacing. You should read the manga instead.


It absolutely gets better after this. However, after timeskip, the episodes are much more dragged out than before. So switch to One Pace now if you don't want dragged out episodes. If your issue isn't the episodes being stretched too much, but just that the plot wasn't good. Then yes, Fishman Island sucks, Punk Hazard is somewhat better and everything from Dressrosa becomes great.


Idk i watched anime only till dresrosa when it was week after week of them running up stairs. Swapped to manga only since but ive watched a small amount of onigashima anime due to the stelar visuals. Like demon slayers hashira training arc, its stunningly cinematic. The quality is amazing. But i have seen a lot of one piece vs one pace clips and its stupidly stretched. Then again one could say the same of the MC.


It's meh, ma boi Sanji gets absolutely shafted by the writing, i loved all of One Piece but I do find it hard to think of a worse arc than Fishman island, not that it was awful by any means, just not up as high as the rest of the show. And yeah it gets way better, one of the best arcs in my opinion is Wano and it's one of the most recent arcs so don't worry it will get better just stick with it.


Yeah i think fishman is bad but similar to skypeia it will be appreciated way more once the story is finished. Fishman is also the first arc where the anime pacing really slows down. Overall, i think the main reason it gets a lot of hate is because hody jones is one of the worst villains too. Luffy is clearly stronger than him and his backstory is meh. After this arc is punk hazard which you may think is slow but has a lot of funny moments. The rest of the story is 10/10 peak fiction


I personally think the Wano arc and current arc are the worst arcs in the series by a large margine. Fishman Island Arc is a mixed bag, the flashback stuff is all phenomenal and the ending is great but yeahhhh the rest of the arc is a real drag imo. The arc after Fishman island Arc is also a big drag imo it's not awful but it's significantly longer than needed and it doesn't really have any pay off tbh. The two big arcs that follow that one I think are both phenomenal tho. Really what I'm trying to say is that post timeskip is a mixed bag, and the anime itself is pretty bad pacing wise and even animation wise, I'd heavily recommend skipping to the manga instead but if you are hell bent on watching anime instead of reading I would check out "One Pace" they do a good job of making the pacing of each arc more comparable to the manga, it's a significant upgrade to the normal anime imo.


Everyone says it gets better. I’m on a break from the show because of this arc lol.


It gets better but that’s definitely not the worse arc. I couldn’t stand the Davy Back arc. It was intolerable. Honestly fisherman island isn’t that bad, just slow paced. But… there are better arcs after it. Especially the Doflamingo arc.


I think Skypeia was worse.