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I would assume instantly wanting to move off app like that is a scam. Talk a few days, see if they seem genuine, then move to meet up or go to a different app


Don't do it. You can switch to another App when you have seen each other in real. Anything else it's not needed. It's not always about dangerous or so.. sometimes it's also just to get your Phone Number or other Informations to Sell them


Instantly going “I’m never on here” “can I get your number” after less than a couple minutes of talking is not even in the red flag category. It’s usually a report on their profile. You can usually tell. Otherwise I wouldn’t. But also if you look at their profile you usually see things that just look fake. Don’t let these fake profiles waste your time. Edit: if it’s clearly an insta ho I just unmatch. That’s just fucking rude. I hate insta.


I once saw a profile of an Asian woman and on their race it said African. Like no, there's nothing African about them. Also if someone is speaking broken English or if they don't respond to your questions properly then they are most likely a scammer. Now we have to also worry about AI scripts too... OLD is stressful as is and it's only getting worse. We also have to worry about sex workers which may or may not be a scam. I know that people need to make money too but in most places prostitution is illegal and now it's annoying that they are doing it on dating apps.


Oh yeah. That’s my favorite. Pasty white girl from Mumbai. 🇮🇳 so common.


I guess it's possible for them to be a different race than specified. I still believe it's a scam profile, there were other things that I think stood out too which I can't remember.


Most of the scammers I imagine are in countries where English is not their first language.


Exactly and they will ignore you for hours on end until it comes to meeting up but first you have to buy them something... That's not how it works when it comes to actually dating. Exchanging gift cards is NOT an American dating tradition. We are more apt to exchange firearms, ammo or knives.


You’ve got further than me. I’ve never had someone ask me to buy them a gift card. I’d be pissed.


Exactly and they will ignore you for hours on end until it comes to meeting up but first you have to buy them something... That's not how it works when it comes to actually dating. Exchanging gift cards is NOT an American dating tradition. We are more apt to exchange firearms, ammo or knives.


Exactly and they will ignore you for hours on end until it comes to meeting up but first you have to buy them something... That's not how it works when it comes to actually dating. Exchanging gift cards is NOT an American dating tradition. We are more apt to exchange firearms, ammo or knives.


Anything’s possible. But yeah. I don’t waste my time.


Every legit woman i have met wants to chat in the app for 10 messages or so, then i try to set up a date if that works, and we trade phone numbers.


Usually a red flag to have someone ask to switch to another app or try and get your phone number immediately. The messaging on most popular apps works fine. If they are saying they arent there enough so they dont want to use it, thats a classic bad excuse. Or if they say the app sucks, then they shouldnt use it at all. The way I see it is that yes dating apps suck, but they allow us to meet people we might not ever get to meet otherwise. Thats valuable. The goal is to move off talking on the app eventually, but usually only after having a date and then setting up a 2nd one.


Like others have said, wanting to move off the app from the get go or soon is usually a sign of a scam. If they cant or don’t want to use the messaging features of the app, at least until you have had a date or two, then that’s fishy.


If you go to the safety tips on each of these apps, they’ll tell you to avoid moving off of the app quickly. It’s a huge red flag. If you go over those rules it’ll be really easy to avoid blantant Scams.


Cool. Didn't know they had those. Thanks, I'll look them over


I think they’re in the help section. They’re pretty on point tbh. I didn’t know they existed until someone told me.


If you use an app that requires a username and no phone number, like KIK or Discord, you are good. If it is with a phone number, then it's not safe.


Discord is safe. I have discord. Thanks.


You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. The apps do suck and lots of people won't message using them. And people don't want to waste time meeting in purpose without first having a virtual meeting. In any case, there's always a risk of being scammed. People recommend Facetime for an initial meeting - so obviously you are leaving the app. My opinion is that this is the right solution. Of course it depends upon the other party having an iphone or ipad. Note that Apple allows you to connect using a throwaway email.


This is the classic scammer message. Don't install anything.


The easiest way to avoid scams is to not give money to people who you barely know and have never interacted with in person.


Absolutely a scammer 100%


I have found a few things to be fact. If you move off the messages in the Facebook Dating App and allow them to exchange messages on Facebook Messenger this allows them to see your full name and any Public Information on your profile. If you give out your phone number, Facebook automatically begins to show that person in the area of Facebook that shows you people you may know Just this gives people access into your personal life. I don’t necessarily say scam here but it happens , I know this because I have had it happen. Three weeks in, video chatted, to be asked for money, which didn’t happen but turned me into a detective. I learned he was in a different country, married with two kids and just trying to scam women in the United States. After calling him on it, he created another profile, new name, etc. I reported to Facebook again and was told that it doesn’t go against their policy so it remains active. I only knew because his new profile showed up in my “People You May Know Section “because I have his phone number in my phone. Now another reason if not a scam allows a person to do some research on who they’re talking with to make sure they are who they say they are. I know because I have done this as well. It sucks that people are so sketchy that it makes dating difficult. I’m seeing it in men and women but some are finding love or hookup’s it seems. Like winning the lottery or being struck by lightning. Good luck. I don’t have a real answer just real experience.


There are scammers galore, so be mindful of that, and once you give them your number or your socials, they are persistent lol.


Ok. Thanks everyone. It sucks. I usually get one word responses and I get someone that seemed to actually want to talk, and it's a scammer. I'd quit these apps if I could.


Just curious what's keeping you from quitting them?


Because I have no other option to try meeting people. I am in a void city, and I work from home, University is all online....


Understandable. How much do you want a relationship is it a really really important thing to you? I would suggest considering moving to a bigger city where there are more events, clubs, bars, etc you can meet people at. You will also get a bigger online dating pool. Something to keep in mind for the future.


Yeah, yeah, there is an issue with that, before this place, I lived in big cities, like San Francisco for example and cards on the table I have never even gotten a second date in my life. I don't know what I am doing wrong but.... I keep trying.


Never had a second date in my life either. Just have to keep working on things and trying. It's a lot of failure and limited success. Different for some than others but if you struggle its worth keeping the effort going. Only way to get better is to keep going through the motions. Sometimes it's just you didn't line up with what they liked or they weren't feeling attracted enough. Lots of variables. Best not to beat yourself up even though it's easy to.


Thanks. At least I am not alone, I have to remember that. That and that I haven't failed until I stop trying. We will get there someday.


For sure. I see a lot of other dudes who are married and like they are not cool not good looking, etc. At that point you realize they just found a person that likes them for whatever it is they are. The actual "dating" market so to speak is filled with people that all they do is seek out red flags. I'm thinking an indirect approach one where people aren't forcing a date or tryharding to find someone might be better. I think people who try to forcefully date are often head bashers because they have a mission for perfect. It's different if you are in something more casual which isn't inherently designed for dating people. Then you get the people who aren't going to be dead set in this mission for a perfect partner. They are just out there having fun and because all the pressure of dating is off then it's easier to form a real connection where nobody is going to sit there and go through a checklist of pros and cons like is the case with dating apps, speed dating, bars, clubs, etc. You just like each other for the experiences you had. All of the long term relationships I've known were people who did something along the lines of this. My parents met each other at a dance night at a bar. They are a rare exception but it was more of the in person energy was there and the bond flowed. Things were definitely different in the past. People were way more risky and even a bit naive. Today everyone has their guard up.


I have a simple rule. I won’t ask for money, and I’ll disappear if you ask for money. I’ve wasted time but never lost any money.


If someone is asking you to move to another app within the first couple of messages, and it’s an app like WhatsApp or something, it’s likely a scam


Oh, and i better add that i've never encountered any scammers from the US, so i'm not sure where you're based. They all seem to be overseas, but it can get annoying after awhile. Just be aware, and don't move off the site too soon. That definitely is a red flag. 🙂🙂


Anyone here getting a lot of attention from Women who are from Africa and now live in the US? Pretty much all the women I have been talking to are from Africa now. I went on a date with one and really liked her. But now she is giving me this story about her son's flight being delayed from Africa and she doesn't know what to do. I feel like she is trying to get money out of me. Is this a common thing? Have other people had this happen to them? Is it a scam?