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It can be really easy to think that the loud voices of contrition are the vast majority but in the end most folks around the world want the same basic things, want to be part of the solution and not the problem, hope to have at least some kind of a purpose driven life contribution and don’t want to leave the world worse off than they inherited


More people care than you think, but they care much less than you think. 70% of Americans are unwilling to pay $10 a month to fix: [https://www.newsweek.com/majority-americans-unwilling-pay-climate-change-1304048](https://www.newsweek.com/majority-americans-unwilling-pay-climate-change-1304048) Which explains perfectly why there hasn't been any real political action. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/swVamBDk78


>More people care than you think, but they care much less than you think. 70% of Americans are unwilling to pay $10 a month ...that is a shit unit of measurement for how much people care. 'vote with your wallet' implies you have money and i dunno bout y'all but im fucking broke.


I’d be willing to, but I come from a well off fsmily. I doubt a lot of people have the money you fo something like that. Speaking of, this gives me an idea. Any climate change organizations that you guys would recommend donating to?


But you have plenty of money to game.


>But you have plenty of money to game. are you... are you suggesting that im lying about being broke.. because you checked my account history and saw a comment about video games? that is beyond dumb, and i have no idea where on earth you got the idea that internet stalking me would let you determine the size of my bank account.


For those that do want to make a change, I use pay an amount monthly to wren. There are many other platform like this too.


According to some entity you know nothing about!


Then how about do some damn research on the entity so you know about it instead of just making ingorant comments that hold zero worth


No one should care about this because it is a non issue


Talk is cheap. Do they care enough to reform their lifestyles?


Unfortunately, the people who actually control policy couldn’t care less


#1 we cannot save eachother from ourselves. we cannot distribute food. we are unjust. we have senseless wars. individual enrichment is more important than anything. else we don't even know how to be happy for christ sake. #2 but yet we think we can save the whole damn planet. this idiotic conflict is actually perfect: only a hairless ape who's so delusional to ignore idea #1 can at the same time smile and drink wine at dinner parties talking about their steps towards #2: it is not about doing something, it is about talking about doing something. a self-righteousness that's stoked and at the end, a way that primitive tribes can know how to love and who to hate. one day most people will realize the lie they tell themselves. but i'm sure they would have already moved on to the next fad.


My question is what are you willing to give up to fight climate change? I know many Liberals that fly around the world several times a year on vacations..one of the worst things you can do for the climate.


I've got a great idea! Let's make politicians in charge of the weather. They are so good at solving problems, I'm sure they can customize the weather via taxation,


Thank god. Too bad it’s not priority number 1