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Yes absolutely. It would have made more sense for a random student to be the first rival instead of Osana, Taro's childhood friend, whose death/disappearance would have such a big effect on his sanity. Osana feels like she should be a later rival.


i’d argue osana should take megami’s place


Or Mida's


mida and muja should definitely be replaced , but i picked megami specifically bc she isnt all that interesting and i think that if ANYONE should be the last and most difficult rival , it should be taro’s childhood friend , as she is the one he has the closest connection to


I also like the idea of Osana getting closer to Taro and comforting him in the 10th week after however the player decides to eliminate Hanako (especially if she was murdered, Osana probably would never leave Taro by himself if that were the case) and then eventually confessing to him on Friday.


Osana should've been a supporting character or a transfer student who comes from another school, meets Senpai, and they try and catch up on lost time.


I would personally put Osana as the 6th rival, and have her be a turning point. Beforehand, you're dealing with regular students like Kokona and Amai, but Osana would be the first really serious rival, due to said connection, and then you'd be moving into the really big leagues with the likes of Osoro and Megami.


^^ this. it’d make so much sense if she was a later rival considering how deeply it would affect him if she died


Yes. Kokona is an iconic aspect of the YanSim fandom, just like Midori. She deserves better treatment.


When I heard he was going to get rid of her I was so upset, since I was like 5 I like her the most :(


She was one of if not the first characters I drew fanart of and the only one I emailed to said character's creator (I was like 8 or 9 and didn't know he groomed kids yet. I frequently realize how absolutely lucky I am. I remember being so excited and overjoyed when he emailed back to basically say good job)


Kinda wanna try finding that email now just to see the drawing again. Maybe give it a redraw or something too if I feel like it


I can find the email but I can't see the attachment?


Also I was actually ~12? 13? Anywhere between 8-13 basically


U followed yansim at 5 💀💀


I'm not even kidding btw I literally loved it at 5


lmfao i loved it at like idk….11 but 5 is crazy


Damn, he made his first blog post when I was 14. Somehow, I'm feelin' kinda old now 💀


uhh I kinda worry about your mental health now =( /j


Were your parents aware of it ? 😭


Hell no if my parents knew they wouldn't let me use devices on my own until I turned twelve (for necessity reasons) 💀


My exact thoughts, who let kids watch outside YouTube kids


Honestly I don't think any of us as kids used YouTube kids I don't know anyone who did including me


I hope if he ever does dlc to make kokona and midori rivals


Being honest, I really like the idea of her being a tutorial rival and you don't actually kill her but learn things by helping her rehearse for a play. But I don't remember if it was dev or someone else who came up with that idea. Aside from that, I really wish you could still be able to help her even if it doesn't bring any gameplay benefits. Like, why did he spent so much time making her story if in the end he won't do anything with it?


That's just what I'm saying, what a waste of time and money


Hot take: Kokona as rival is not a good idea since Kizana is already a rival but she can be replaced as her even i don't want to see her getting murdered anymore. (But she's planned to be a DLC rival tho)


there’s not gonna be any dlc if the main game isn’t done


What about 1980s mode


that’s also a unfinished mess


no I mean, 1980s was supposed to be a DLC-ish addition and he dropped it in the game like it was nothing, it wouldn't surprise me if he did it again.


She can be a kizana's less spoiled and annoying sister and have them share a week or 2 and you have to get rid of them both. A set of twins were hypothetical rivals anyway


What does dlc means


downloadable content :3


Delicious last course


No shit :0


Yeah. Even back when I liked GroomdereDev, I thought it was weird that Pedodev was putting in all this work on a character then throw much of it away. Plus, she’s a well-liked character from what I’ve seen


It's really weird considering his mindset is basically to keep mindlessly adding new stuff. Dev almost never removes anything from the game no matter how useless or problematic, but he really did throw away all of Kokona's character arc despite her being perhaps the only decent-good character dev has ever made. It was really stupid of him to downgrade her from rival to boring NPC. Meanwhile, he can add pages and pages of text to Megami's story but she'll never be as well-liked as Kokona was. Sometimes less really is more.


I feel like she should've had Osana's place, and Osana should have been a later rival. Not replacing another rival, just like maybe she comes to the school after or before the sister does.


She should've been the demo/tutorial rival.


The way she kind of is 😭




I never really give it a thought, but actually it'd be way better and much interesting than having kizana (another club leader added to the rival list 🙄)


Boobs Mackenzie




Ill never understand why he didnt just test out the features on osana instead of putting in so much work on kokona just to remove it all 😭


As much as Kokona deserves a break, absolutely yes. At least with her we were given the liberty to eliminate her as we pleased


No I love her too much to want any harm for her


She’s my favorite character from Yandere Simulator, so yes.


Yes I am also hoping for her to have a small role in week 3.


I adore Kakona, so yes


Girl deserves to be Ayano's love-interest at this point




No animations were made specifically for kokona, all of her animation were given to other students and osana.


I don’t even know why people can still be excited for this game. The dev is a pedo, the code is poorly written, all assets are stolen, and frankly I feel I could do better with no experience. This is honestly sad to see, since Yandere Sim was an interesting part of my childhood, but damn.


yes omfg and it wouldve been such a perfect opprotunity considering he already had tons of voiced lines and animations made specfically for eliminating her


absolutely, i love kokona and a lot of her work was already finished if i remember right. she is also SO recognizable, i'll take her over all of the other rivals tbh


yes & him building up base-level yet interesting lore for specific characters & then so easily disregarding them & their existence speaks to the larger issue around his lack of concept and direction of the game/story 😐 ik it was kinda shown that she was meant to be a placeholder but he's always jumping to here & there & then ends up dropping it entirely.


yep, she was the perfect introduction rival. plus Osana being first was always stupid, she should take the place of senpais sister. it would get rid of the weird incest shit, while still allowing a late game rival whos known Senpai since childhood and would be around him all the time.


Honestly Kokona is way better than kizana


I don’t why she wasn’t a rival, he used Kokona as a test dummy for all of Osana’s code. He could had just used her as the demo rival


It would be nice, but Kokona, as a character, is kind of bland. It would also make Kizana redundant. I think that if Yandere Sim were to have DLC rivals, that's where Kokona belongs, as it would be really hard to make her interesting without being too gimmicky for the main game.


imagine she was the TRUE final rival. some 4th wall breaking with her being tired of being a guinea pig for all these years even if it stopped. she didnt forget NOR forgive


If he would of made her the demo/test rival to show he can make a “good “ game maybe he could’ve had the crowdfunding and had money to get the game done by now I mean other then the stuff that happen but if only


Get rid of Kizana and put Kokona


She had so much made for her, unless a different rival is doing compensated dating but it doesnt fit any of them


hmm it would be good kokona only needs rival/senpai interaction and that's it


there is NO reason she shouldn't be a rival tbh


She was a rival!!!




I mean he's already written her whole story it's so weird for her to no longer be an objective in any way. But she's too good for Taro in my opinion anyway




Yes. I'm way more attached to her than any of the rivals and I think a lot of people can relate.


I will never understand why dev put all that work into her only to replace her with kizana He literally could’ve made her a rival that people care about


I really wish there would be something to help her in future weeks


I never got why Taro’s CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND was the FIRST AND EASIST RIVAL In 1980s mode, the first rival is a just…a girl, which makes sense because it’s the first rival If my childhood best friend went missing, died, or stopped talking to me, I doubt I’d be in the mood to date a girl…maybe a week later


I don’t understand what he was even testing when he made all of Kokona’s events. They had nothing to do with actual gameplay systems, just super specific scripted events that all got 100% deleted. For example he made one functional interactive lunchbox for her and then had to redo the whole system years later because the code couldn’t handle poisoning any student, just her. Same with stealing phones and electrocution; nothing was being tested because there was nothing to test. It’s the difference between coding gun mechanics and writing one in-game cutscene where one person gets shot and then also cutting that cutscene. Just a waste of time. And also people went and got attached to her because he didn’t understand why people actually grow to like characters so everyone was sad she got removed. I can’t believe I used to watch him thinking I was following an interesting development process lmao. He was just going in circles it turns out. Also remember how for years there was an event where the player could watch Kokona bathe in the locker room? And he proudly showed it off in a video gleefully being like “We could take lewd pictures of her😀”. Ninety percent of my adult experience with YanSim is unlocking these weird childhood memories and being like “Lol no wonder he turned out to be a creep”. Also anyone remember the cat killing comic he went out of his way to commission from a volunteer artist? Wild times.


NVM he didn’t commission it, a fellow freak just turned his short story into nuclear grade edge https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/short-comic/comment-page-1/