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I'll lay it out in plain English for him. Alex. They want you to stop grooming kids and deliver the product you promised would be out before 2020. Some people even paid you to make this. Stop grooming kids. Stop being lazy. Hope the fivver side hustle means the end is near.


All that time he spent typing out these paragraphs could’ve been used to work on the game.


He doesn’t understand that the fun community that existed back in 2014-15 is gone. No one likes him anymore, no one is excited for the product, and no one is interested in the game’s “development” because it’s just sad to watch now. There’s no one left to make the videos for. 


And the only comments you'll see are the kids who either don't fully understand the damage or the extent of what he has done or adults who don't care as long as the game is complete due to the sunk-cost fallacy and the amount of time they spent hooked on the development of it.


"when are you finishing kuudere simulator 4?" words said by no one


Yeah, why would I ask for KS4 to be finished when KS3 still isn't


wheres the blogpost


https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/ You can find it here.


He describes the game completely failing as only potentially a big deal


It’s easy to forget sometimes that GroomdereDev is 35 (although Pedodev looks like he’s in his fifties lol)


He’s probably crying that no one wants a spin off game


those are not “games”, just ABSOLUTE GARBAGE prototypes-


This irredeemable lust demon from hell will never stop until the police interfere to arrest him, which is very unlikely, since they don't give a fuck about online criminals. It's so infuriating.


Lol he literally hasn't changed at all. Still trying to guilt trip his fans when he sees survey results he doesn't like. What is the point of even asking at that point? Either way, you're not going to work on the game so why give people the impression that you actually plan to?


Apparently those talks with the therapist aren't working. That, or he let them go for "taking too much time for precious game development." Or that he's lying about the whole therapist thing.


I don't understand how he can say "things he wanted to do" so essentially he is treating the game he has worked on for years like a chore. Then he goes on to say the survey gives him a "roadmap" so then what was all these years that past considered? It's sad really the guy has been doing what he wanted for years, doesn't have to show up to a real job and still cries. So many would kill for the opportunities he has had.