• By -


This post has been independently and thoroughly vetted by the mod team. I am so sorry to say that it is 100% true. Please remember to follow the rules of the sub closely.


The webcam videos are so icky


He is a truly horrifying creature to behold.


Why is his hair so eldritch? It's literally a shape I cannot comprehend


it looks like a fucking wig


he looks a bit like Dr. Disrespect with the hair...which is definitely no help


Haven't read the doc, you got an image?


It's curly, long, and unkempt. My hair probably could look something like that if I didn't bother to maintain it.


I thought the same


I dunno what's wrong with these pedos bro


He has a webcam show me?


You are really brave! Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope that your healing process goes well. Please contact the mods If that monster dares to contact you again, you are not alone. The mods of this sub are good people that can handle well this stuff. I know that I'm just an internet stranger but I wish you well.


it doesn't matter who you are, i appreciate any support received! it can do so much for a person, thank you <3


How is she brave stupid


jail speedrun any %


Avoid programming speed run


Don't talk about speedrunning, he will immediately patch jail to correct it 😱😱😱


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This man is disgusting and needs to be put behind bars for the shit he’s done. I hope that you’re alright now and have people in your life who are able to support you because honestly the stuff he did to you is deplorable and is another reminder of how awful he is


i have the most supportive friend who's been there all along that I'm so grateful for <3 the support really makes me feel heard, i appreciate your efforts of commenting such a supportive comment!


I said this on the original post, and I’ll say it again. You’re very brave for telling you’re story. It’s inspiring that you escaped and overcame what happened to you.


thank you so much, i'm grateful for the kindness <3


Same here


it’s criminal activity is what he’s doing yet he’s not had any repercussions.. it’s actually insane how the justice system **doesnt** treat pedos as criminals..


i genuinely do not understand either. my situation was minimized so much by dev, that I myself started to take it less seriously. I just don't understand how the justice system doesn't do immediate action for the previous victims situation though. however, I do hope that this can help in any shape or form..


I just want to say you're so brave for stepping forward and bringing attention to this, it's horrific that he's walking free and not behind bars for what he did to you and his other victims. You said in your post, "i do wish i handled many things differently with him". Please don't blame yourself for anything that happened, he preyed on you when you were vulnerable and there isn't a thing you could've done differently. If anyone should be held accountable it's him. He was the adult in this situation and he knew exactly what he was doing- he should've handled things differently, by never even approaching you at all. As a grooming victim myself (although it happened years ago and had nothing to do with YandereDev) I'm deeply sorry you had to go through that and I hope you're getting the support you deserve.


Stay safe now, thanks for putting this out.


i'll do my best, thank you!


Thanks. Make sure to get help if you need it, and remember that your situation is not the only one like this. But for now, get some water and food, do whatever you do to relax.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


https://preview.redd.it/zj45p4g6rp7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ac90e8dc84aeb152d2e6e3d3faba8da01af12c Pedodev Wtf are you doing why do you want to talk to this minor daily? That's creepy as shit. All you had to say was "thank you for your support it means the world to me" then end conversation.


This is fucking textbook grooming. He's trying to guilt the victim into staying contact with him regularly by using emotional manipulation. "If you don't answer me I get sad", "If you can't talk now it's fine but I feel really bad right now so...", "Why aren't you talking to me? I really care about you, you know?" and the more extreme side is threatening self harm. These are all examples of course, but you can see a common theme being repeated in his texts when he wants a victim to keep talking to him. Somebody call the fucking POLICE. He is a serial groomer at this point and is willing to keep doing this with no remorse.


How many more victims dose there need to be before this pedophile see jail time?


One is enough, but apparently, the american justice system says otherwise. I'm terrified that during these 10 years of development, there are many more victims that have been affected by this disgusting man as he used their interests to groom them for sexual favors. How many do we not know because they are too afraid to come forth because of their trauma? The thought makes me sick.


He needs to die in prison


Thank you for sharing your story. I hope he will not get away with stuff like this any longer ☹️


i wish for something good to come out of this :)


I’m sorry this happened to you, we are all here for you ❤️


thank you for the kindness, it really means a lot <3


He has no power over you. I'm glad you're safe.


thank you, this could've been worst. thank god it was just this <3


Jesus Christ


Yup, Pedodev really needs Jesus Christ


And the Holy Spirit too,for that matter


the constant ayano emotes is such a front


I can’t believe this… but I’m happy you built up the courage to say it. Please remember that there are people like us who are here for you🙏


i appreciate the support so much! thank you!


you are very brave for coming forward and sharing your experience, and I hope you heal very soon <3


thank you so much, it means so much to me!


Oh my god he is so fucking disgusting I am so so sorry, he’s a grown adult male who is pushing 40 he should absolutely know better. If you need anything at all feel free to DM me, I know it’s not the same but I went through something similar so if you’d like to talk to someone who can empathize I am here for you.


i am so sorry that you went through similar, and thank you so much for your consideration, I appreciate the support through this so much!


I can't express into words how I felt sick to the core with Alex's actions while reading the explanations. Never forget that you're never alone in situations like this, and that there'll always be people willing to help you out of it, no matter how dark everything may seem. You're brave to be sharing this with the community, and we all wish you the best to move onto a new chapter in life without this weight on your shoulders ❤


thank you so very much for your kind comment, and the support I've gotten makes me feel better about this. I'm doing my best to move into a new chapter and put this all behind <3


i’m so sorry :( this man is such a creep. you didn’t do anything wrong and you’re so brave for sharing this. i hope you’re doing okay and that he has no way to contact you again! please stay safe ❤️


i appreciate your words so much, thank you! I am a bit scared, and a part of me hopes he doesn't say anything about this, but again, thank you!


as someone who similarly has been lovebombed and blinded to any and all faults of the person I used to love, I can relate deeply. Especially from an impressionable age. I'm sorry you had to go through that, please take care ^^


god, im so sorry you were treated that way. I will never understand the true intentions behind anything. thank you so much, you take care too!


He needs to lose his remaining Patreon money


He needs to be caught and thrown into the slammer by the authorities, and ideally not be let out ever. 3 confirmed victims is 3 too many, and who knows how many others are out there who have yet to speak out about their traumatic experience with that hellish creature by the name of Alexander Mahan?


You are really brave for coming forward. Since you posted this, I just suggest you turn off DMs on your account, even temporarily. Most people are understanding, but there are some people out there who take the chance to harass others for no reason.


Oh my god I’m so sorry for what happened. Wishing you the best


that's so sweet, thank you so much!


Thank you for telling us your story it must be hard to come out with all of this personal stuff about you and your experience with yanderedev


it was very difficult, especially with how personal each message was. I discluded some messages that seemed really insensitive of me to add, but yes, thank you for your kindness!


Wow, I read the entire thing and he really is an asshole. I'm so sorry for what you went through with Pedo Dev, trust me it really isn't your fault. I already knew he was a weirdo but god damn. I'm currently 1 year older than you at the time right now and it makes me think how crazy it is that we were all children when this game started development and mid-development and now we're all adults realizing that he was just a pedophile all along. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised, this is the same guy who thought a panty shot mechanic of underaged girls was a good idea 🤮. Same guy who included nude models of underaged children in older builds of the game. In the end, we ended up getting Sloppy Coding, Fucked up and stolen models, and a desire to manipulate and fuck kids. Hope you're doing better now though without the raging sorry excuse of a game dev coomer bothering you. It just sucks though, I feel like he could give game devs a bad rep since I make games too and this man is beyond disgusting.


im so sorry that you experienced this. I know that meeting these kind of people can suck since I also experienced something similar. You're brave for managing to find so much evidence and even making this post, I know it must've been hard and probably brought back old memories. But at the end you are strong and I hope for your sake Alex experiences real life consequences.


what a heartwarming comment! I'm so sorry that you went through something similar, it's really awful. it was very hard to talk about this, and im still fearful, but i am hopeful that this can encourage more change


I am hopeful too, have a good day (idk any way to communicate in threads)


thank you so much, you too! (I'm unsure as well)


We need to do surviving Yandere dev doc.


Is that guy insane??? Why he keeps talking to underage and having some inappropriate conversation with them???


Because his fans are mostly children and with his victim complex their constant praise, innocence/naivety , works well with it plus narcissism in there too also bc a grown woman would more likely he's a creep anyway. He also has a thing for little girls, but all this together


I can't believe he's simultaneously dating multiple girls. Alex Marhan is mad as f.


Multiple underage girls. Ew.


I don't get these pedos man


Geez, I'm sorry this happened to you; my condolences.


thank you very much!


It takes courage (a lot of courage nowadays) to share this story to us, thank you. Stay safe and make sure you had him blocked.


thank you so much! thankfully he hasn't contacted me through email or a third party person, and im hoping he won't. but thank you for your kind hearted comment!


Your welcome <333


The webcam videos are terrifying holy how is this creature still talking to people online?? 😭


I'm so sorry to hear that you have gone through all of that. I hope you’re healing from the past and doing much better now. I really admire you for coming out with your story. Thanks for sharing your story, I wish you the best!!


thank you a lot! I've done all i can to try and move on, it does take a lot of time, especially because this was years of experience. but, it does eventually get easier, and i am healing slowly, but surely


I know we both do not know each other, but I want to take the moment to say that you are very brave for coming forward with this, I know it's not easy and I hope good things come to you, please make sure to stay safe. 🙏


it means so much to me to hear that, thank you very much! it makes me feel like this was worth doing!


i’m so sorry this happened to you


i appreciate the support!


he is disgusting


You’re really brave, stay safe


Tysm for sharing your store! So sorry you had to go through this...


his behaviour is simply disgusting... i'm sorry you went trough this, i really hope you're alright now


What the actual fuck is this... I recently gave Yanderedev ideas for his game to help him, not sure if he responded or not. and THIS is who I gave advice to? Absolutely disgusting and vile. I cannot believe I supported someone like this. I actually had hope in his game for 5 YEARS and even donated 10 dollars (not much, I know, but I didn't have enough at the time). I'm glad I didn't donate 100$ and become his sponsor. I wish you the best in life and I hope Yanderedev gets locked behind bars.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I commend you for being brave and sharing your story. I wish you nothing but the best. Be safe out there. ︎︎♥︎


Words cannot describe just how pissed off I am. He just couldn't stop thinking with his libido, could he?


After all that has happened the game shouldn't be mentioned nor the focus anymore when Alex mahan the creator of yansim is doing creepy stuff like this behind the scenes.


You're very brave, as a lot of people mentioned, but also considerate, since you do warn people to stay away from him, and who are his "go-to" targets. I hope you have a good support system, and if need be, therapy can also help you. I am so, so sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic experience, and I can extend my compassion to you, I know how malignent narcissists are, I was "friends" with one for two years and a half, it was an horrible time, it has changed me as a person. So, to be groomed, at an age during which we don't have a good sense of judgement and self-appreciation yet, it must have been stressful, terrifying, plain awful... Good luck VelvetStar, and stay strong, we are all proud of you for finding it in you to come forward and tell how you felt and about what happened. I wish you happiness !


the fact that he isnt behind bars is crazy to me


I think it's because the victims don't press chargers on him?


I’m so so sorry this happened to you but I’m glad you’re safe now. Thank you for sharing your experience, you’re so brave for doing so


Thank you for sharing your story and coming forward. This took incredible courage, and I have the utmost sympathies for you. I'm sorry for your experience, and I hope that this motivates other potential victims to come forward and share their stories, or even to be more alert in their own lives.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, Alex is such a creep and should never have spoke to you that way. I hope you’ve healed and are getting the help to recover


Jesus Christ. First of all, I need to say I am so deeply sorry you had to go through something so awful. You are such a a strong, admirable individual to share your story with us. I pray that you can get better, because I know what you've been through is absolutely horrible. I apologize, I am just very emotional knowing Alex has not stopped his horrific ways. I truly hope that you can live in peace now, because no person deserves this. Again, thank you for sharing your story and bringing justice.


You're such a strong person for talking about this




[VelvetStar77](https://www.reddit.com/user/VelvetStar77/), amazing work on coming forward. This can't have been easy, and thank God your interactions with him didn't escalate to the same point as his other two victims. I couldn't bring myself to go through all the evidence you collected, as Alex's behaviour towards girls and women is just sickening. The only question left is just how many victims of Alex are out there.


How can anyone still defend this man? He is sick in the head, and so are his followers as well! Same with those who give that bastard money But in other words, I am sorry to hear about your experience. That guy is sick, and I hope he rightfully goes to prison.


I am out of loop,what happened?


basically, i discovered and contacted dev through email back when I was 14 (2020). dev and i grew very close when I was 15-17. I was growing strong feelings for him at a young age, and dedicated my time helping him with his projects. he was constantly love-bombing me, doing a lot of things that I didn't see were red flags for something that could've been worse, and that continued to make me love him more and care about him more. I later realized that dev was using me all along, and that he's not the man I thought he was. I recommend you check out everything I put into the Google Drive, it'll give you an accurate image of what I explained


I'm sorry that happened to you


it's alright, at least I learned something from it - never trust strangers on the internet, even if they are well-known


You’re brave. I’m so sorry you went through this


didn't you abuse krexa


Disproven a long time ago


Hey mate, I know this is really minor but I sent you a hate comment/message a while back cause I thought you actually had done some of this stuff, I felt really bad about it once it was disproven but had no idea how I could apologise. I’m really sorry


No worries homie. I appreciate the apology


when /gen


https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/s/NGVRYQXzEH right here, hope I could help


sorry you still have to put up with this.


<3 Ik it can be hard but Its all love


I am so so sorry that you had to go through this. One day that man will get his karma. We all believe and support you


You're incredibly brave to share such horrible experiences, and i truly hope you can heal from them. Much luck and happiness to you !! :) <3


He's so disgusting. I feel like puking just looking at these messages


So we have good amounts of evidence against this man. Why is he not in jail yet or having the FBI or police knocking at his door.


I appreciate your braveness for sharing more proofs of the Chalex’s true nature. this is important to warn all the potential future supporters of the kind of person he actually is.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, OP. It’s amazing that you had the strength to come forward about this, and I hope you can heal <3


I'm so sorry for the years you lost being near this pest, I really hope you heal from all this


I deleted my past post because I don't want to support this guy. Is there anything I can do to help you, VelvetStar77? I can call the police if you'd like as this is certified evidence of grooming.


not again.... i hope you're doing well now. so sorry to hear about this


Why isn't he in jail?! Like with all of the info in the doc should put him behind bars for life and we all know what happens to creeps like him in jail! I like the game, not the creator. Is it wrong to like Yandere Simulator and not the creator?


im fifteen and i could never talk to a fourteen year old. the maturity difference is just so big, so imagining what the difference between 14 and whatever that pedo is is honestly so disgusting. You were a freaking child and he was an adult already halfway to the grave. I sincerely, truly hope you recover from that disgusting trash 🫶🫶


So sorry you had to experience this hope your healing goes smoothly now that you're far away from that monster


im so sorry that this happened man


Seriously what you did was heckin brave i wish you the best on whatever journey you're on


Please don’t blame yourself for anything that happened, you were a child. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you all the best in your recovery and future life, you still have your whole life ahead of you.


I'm so sorry that you have to went trough all of this, You are such a brave girl, And i really really hope that if he contacta you again you won't fall, You have all the community support, I hope you get 100% better soon ♡


i'm so sorry this has happened to you. someone you should have been able to trust has taken advantage. He's a sick, sick, disgusting old nonce


This guy is so disgusting. I’m so sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you realized what was going on and were brave enough to cut ties and ask for payment! Sending you lots of good vibes <3


I just want you to know that you seem to be a very good person OP. This is not your fault, nor does this have any meaning to the person you are today. Sometimes we just cross paths with bad people. You were very brave for sharing your story and being open to other ear others who went though something similar. I wish you the best!


Bro really went to a confirmed not-adult and told them that they made him feel like he had a S/O???


Oh my god, that is so messed up. You are so brave for telling this story. This man needs to be put in jail


the same thing happened to me (i wish to not disclose any info even if it's even more proof of his actions, i'm trying to heal) , i'm literally so sorry about this man and he terrifies me how sickly he is. i hope you can find a way to heal safely and stay away from this guy.


I spoke to OP about an incredibly close call I had with Alex over e-mail at a young age where he knew I was a minor. I agree with everything you said. He’s a terrible, expolitative person and I can only thank God that my interactions with him were cut short because of what I considered to be a “mistake” but was an amazing decision in hindsight. I can't imagine how many girls out there had creepy prolonged interactions with him.


I know that this is like 17 hours later (at the time of typing this) but I just wanted to commend you for your bravery and I'm happy that you were able to get out of a nasty situation. I only wish you the best from here on out. Stay safe.


Absolutely insane, thank you for having the courage to speak out. We shouldn't go against your wishes but he needs to be removed from all social platforms like Discord. Especially if he was doing this to multiple people at the time.


Oh my God, that is some creepy groomer behavior, I am so sorry you had to go through that. I sincerely hope that you're okay, and we appreciate you for sharing your story.


I am so sorry this happened to you. You deserve all the happiness in the world after what that man did to you.


Reading his messages makes me want to gag. Tons of grooming tactics, painting himself as a victim. All of his "wow you're the only person who's nice to me ❤️" is so cringe. He's trying to act like a teenager but he's just a groomer pedo piece of shit Sorry he took advantage of you like that


He writes like he's in love 😰 Without context u be like "awww" but with the context Yikes


Alex Marhan: Dates another girl Osana: How many times must I teach you this lesson? Old Man?!!


Groomer railgun


I am very proud you stood up and posted this, I hope that you get better in the future, friend! 💚


I had to stand up and walk away from my phone for a bit after those webcam videos. Thank you for sharing this and I hope you’re healing.


You did the right thing coming forward. This kind of behaviour is vile and disgusting. There is a special place in hell for people like him. Thank you for sharing this story. Hopefully, more people can see the true face of yandere dev and stop supporting this monster. I really hope you're doing alright after this.


Glad you’re okay, thank you for speaking up!


I'm so sorry that you went through that, he's disgusting. But you're really brave, and please remember that this isn't your fault, you were young and impressionable. If you need someone to vent to or anything, feel free to dm me, I went through something similar when I was twelve so I understand you :(. take good care and stay safe!


This is terrifying omg


Wtf. Girl I AM SO SORRY THAT MAN IS A MONSTER. I will pray for you. Please know that you are loved, by the right people. You are supported.


I feel like he's done so many young girls wtf. Girl I HOPE YOUR OKAY.


Oh my fucking god. I am *so fucking sorry* you went through that. Seeing all of this makes me feel sick and shaky, no person should *ever* go through this. This man should be in prison. Have you reported this to the authorites? I'm not sure where you live so I have no idea how much help they'll be, but the more evidence that gets sent to authorities will help get him there. I'm happy that you had a friend who was able to help you get out of this situation, and I hope you're doing much better now. I know I'm just a random person on the internet, but I mean it when I say that you are the bravest person, and deserve nothing but good things from now on <3 Edits: Fixed typos, I was shaking as I was typing to the point my comment was borderline illegible


I know exactly who you are. I've seen this situation developing right in front of me. Dev lied to us, said a different version of the story, a version that made him look like a mature man who handled the situation. I can see now that that wasn't the case at all. I'm truly sorry for everything that happened to you and that I wasn't able to see through his lies to help you at the time.


Jesus Christ reading everything made me so uncomfortable. Hope you're doing well OP and I wish you the best 🫶


holy shit omg are you okay


Oh my god, I’m so so sorry that you went through all of that. He’s a horrible person, and you’re so strong for sharing this. I really hope you’re doing better 🫶


Please don't blame yourself. You trusted him and didn't know better. He made you feel comfortable and safe and you were just a kid, I know that feeling since I went through similar. You are very brave, don't ever forget that. I hope you're healing well and wish you the best! <3


FBI wya?


I'm so sorry to see you manipulated this way, there are some parts in which you were relatable to how i was, and it's honestly scary cuz the type of girls like us or even in general, be it a boy or a girl like this are prone to be soooo much manipulated and used, i hope you are healing like i am right now !


Prison speed run for pedos


I’m so sorry for your experience with him. He deserves to die in prison


I'm not surprised. Time and time again, he has abused his position to hurt others. We need to stop treating Alex like a missing stair.


I'm very sorry you had to deal with all that...you're very brave for telling your story


Hey, I’m not sure you will read this, but your experience spoke to me intimately. I don’t know how to put it into words. It wasn’t with yandere dev, but the similarities were so much, it actually ended up making me tear up when the memories flushed back in. I‘m so sorry you went through this all and I hope you can heal better than I did. Thank you for showing me there is a way out.


Last year in september was already disgusting, this is even more proof he doesn't stop, ugh...im getting sick of him... Bit girl, you did something brave, and im proud of you! Good job! 👍


ChildrenDere really is a bigger POS than I thought he was. I'm so sorry you went through this, just know that r/Osana supports you 100%


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope he gets what he deserves and I hope you're doing much better now...


My heart aches for you and all the people he has manipulated, used, and led on like this. Please remember that people who actually care about you--whether family, friends, or romantic partners--aren't interested *only* in what you can do for them.


How much did he pay you? You don't have to answer, i'm just curious.




Hey, OP, I know I’m just a stranger on the internet. But, I’m so sorry that someone so disgusting had done something so vile to you. It’s not your fault, and someone like that deserves to be in prison


this is so awful and i’m so sorry this happened to u. this man needs to be behind bars and i hope u heal from everything u’ve went thru<3


Nisse came back to say wtf


what is the uncensored things he said?


i cannot wth the webcam videos……


I've just read through and watched everything, his face changes with each picture I've seen him and I'm shocked, he's such an awful and disgusting person and I hope you you recover and heal from this, stay safe.


WHY IS THIS MAN NOT IN PRISON WHAT THE FUCK. also I’m sorry this shit is so fucking nasty he’s the fucking scum of the earth i don’t understand how the fuck he keeps getting away with being a shitbag pedo I hope mans get locked up one day your strong for having to deal with a saggy ass pig like him. The shit he does in those videos and discord text is fucking disgusting he’s fucked for grooming and manipulating literal fucking children. Just wanna say again your strong and take care of yourself you don’t deserve to have fucked up people like that in your life 🫂🙌🏼💯thank you for speaking out against this fucktard




Victim blaming is not allowed on the subreddit. In addition to this, please follow rule 1 - be humble and treat others (including victims) with respect. If this behavior continues, you will be banned. For more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/17si5gc/rules_reminder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Correct we did not respond to the mod mail. Honestly it's because this comment is so victim blamy and out of touch that I don't see why it needed to be posted.


"under age women" Hmmm... if only there was a word for that. Like children.


You're so brave to come forward and share your experience. I hope you heal from this, and I'm really sorry you had to deal with this. I wish you well 🖤


I sincerely hope that whatever fans he has now still don't defend him after this. I'm so sorry you had to go through all this, posting this is a really brave thing for you to do. Know that you have a lot of people who support you. I hope you're doing alright.