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Because Justice doesn’t care for online grooming much. You need so much factors from so many different people because of all of the different victims that he has. Each of them can be all around the world and it’ll be impossible for court justice to happen because of this. It’s saddening but many times online grooming goes unnoticed because it was caused by someone that isn’t in the celebrity level, this is why many grooming victims online never get the right justice because most of the times online grooming is swept under the rug. Some times, even IRL grooming is seen as something that isn’t arrest worthy. It all depends on the groomers popularity, with Alex, he doesn’t fit the criteria. If one of his victims came to the police and what not they will most likely reject the case. I’m obviously not some educated person as I’m just a teenager on Reddit but unless Alex does something that the news and/or police see then he most likely won’t be jailed.


you can’t really get arrested for talking inappropriately to kids online. also considering the victims reaction to their trauma being shared online, i don’t think they’d wanna press charges


Yea I think it’d be hard for her to press charges (and esp with her history of not always telling the truth being exposed, Idk if the case would be able to end with PredDev in jail if his defense tries poking holes in her story)




I’ll just say it but america just doesn’t really care about those cases. Most of those are seen as “normal” or “not bad enough to care about” so sadly unless he does something irl w/those kids?? Yeah no! No justice is EVER being served.


maybe because he was cancelled online but wasnt accused legaly and if this isnt the reason, maybe american police is really fck up


He’s from America? I thought he was from somewhere else.🤨


I’m ashamed to say he is; and in fact, lives in a pretty well-known area of California. I have friends who’ve legitimately considered going to police to report him since it’s only an hour or so away from where we live.


I was thinking about that, I just commented about it too. In the discord, when you ask the stupid midor-bot what his time is, him and I are in the same time zone meaning it’s in SoCal. I don’t see why we couldn’t?


The main issue is actually what’s been mentioned in this exact thread. Most police simply don’t or can’t act upon issues on the internet, either due to lack of physical evidence and/or they are not skilled enough. Unless he is to do something rash outside of the internet anytime soon, he’ll most likely go unpunished.




Grooming minors *is* illegal, but unfortunately online stuff is a lot harder for authorities to take seriously or press charges against. Not to mention his victims’ conversations with him often involve personal topics like trauma, stuff they don’t want to have replayed over and over in a courtroom or on the news. The only way authorities could go after him is if he had undeniable physical/visual evidence of him doing something that can’t be twisted any other way. Unfortunately, Chalex would probably fall into this category for one of two things: possession of CP photos of real children (not hentai, as far as I know) or physically touching a minor to the point of leaving marks or displaying unambiguous sexual intent. Both of which are horrific and definitely should not be wished upon anyone, but that’s what it takes for online sex offenders to be taken seriously. There’s also the third option, like To Catch a Predator, where he has messages of intent to solicit a minor for sex. Those messages can be preserved via screenshot and the user can most likely be reported to Discord, or the person receiving the offer can call the police and give the details of the meetup so authorities can handle it from there. The messages would state his clear intent to break the law and have intercourse with a minor, and police would have to interfere for the safety of said minor. So unless one of those three things happens, odds are his actions would not be seriously investigated by any substantial government authority. At most, they might flag him as a weirdo who needs a bit more monitoring, but there isn’t enough for them to truly act on and make an arrest. TL;DR- Most legal authorities don’t take online grooming seriously due to the lack of physical evidence, especially when it comes to the damages inflicted on the victim. They could only act if he is found guilty possessing/soliciting illegal content like CP or has an explicit intent to have irl sexual contact with a minor.


But didn't he solicit CP from his 2nd victim over Snapchat?


He did. And he allegedly made plans to see her IRL for sex.


It’s bullshit, what I do know is if I understand the discord bot correctly, when I ask the midori-bot what his time is, him and I are in the same time zone meaning he is based out of SoCal. Im not sure if that’s been announced already or if that could benefit anyone in an investigation or if I’m under the wrong understanding of the bot and how it works but.. that’s new info lol Anyway, he needs to be punished somehow


yeah he’s definitely from california and in the pst time zone. iirc its temecula, California


Maybe no one called the police where he lived 🤷🏻‍♀️


The only way he’ll get caught is if he tries to meet a minor in person or is caught with cp on his computer.


Yeah wasn't there a case being reported to the proper authorities? Why is he still out free?


If he doesn't distribute any of the sexually explicit material that he coerces from someone, and if he doesn't actually have sex with someone under the age of 16, he's good to go. "Grooming" as we know it isn't an actual crime. Best we can do is get him cancelled.


Although still gross and he absolutely SHOULD receive some of consequences since it was all online and he never actually met the victims in person (to my knowledge) there's not much that can be done other than pulling out from his paid services like his discord and patreon