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Well yea he has groomed multiple victims, it’s 100% confirmed he is a pedophile and should be kept away from kids. Even without the context of what he puts in his game.


What about how he promoting incest by putting senpai and his sister together disgusting?


I think he did say that his sister isn't a love interest, and just doesn't want her big brother getting a girlfriend (for some reason??).


This is a cover up because the original little sister rival was in elementary school and was scanty towards her brother


Oh God, that brings back some awful mental imagery! 🤮


is it not obvious?


It sound like it by all this promotion,incest that disgusting?


Yes If you really aren't aware, prepare to go through a deep af rabbit hole


He is a pedo and a pervert not just for stuff he puts in his games, but his personality as a human being in real life as well


And supported incest


Yes, he is but not JUST for those reasons. If it was because he put some very disgusting shit of underage girls in his game, that'd be one thing. But we have 3 cases now of him grooming someone he knew was a minor and soliciting CP from one of them iirc.


Looking at his game it’s pretty obvious he’s both, as well as the multiple victims that came out against. At one point he got caught having csam saved and said he just “didn’t know her age/they got sent to him first”. One girl confessed to being coerced into acting explicitly sexual to him while they were dating. She was 14 and he was in his 20s, so this was before yansim. Some exceptional deep divers have also exposed Alex for the type of people he’d talk to in his 4Chan days, that being literal pedophiles and one he still friends with over steam to this day


lol OFC. he added his sex doll to the game. what should we say about it? he is a guaranteed pedo. 😭


I cannot wait until FBI gets involved.


Oh darling… stay innocent, you don’t need to know.




That Cumbringer Groomiath needs a holy divine intervention.


That Cumbringer Groomiath needs a holy divine intervention.


it does not matter what he has put into a work of fiction. works of fiction have similar content all the time and it doesn't promote or glorify anything, nor does it say anything about the creator. what *does* matter is that alex has groomed *real life minors* and that is what makes him not a good person. the content of the game's lore may be explained by his fetishes or interests but at the end of the day, alex has hurt *real life* people. i think it's a bit silly to focus on a work of fiction when the creator of the game has done much worse things in real life. ETA: probably going to get downvoted for this but hey, real life people matter more.


Is the Pope Catholic? e: I don’t see how I’m getting downvoted for using a rhetorical question. I wasn’t even trying to be rude