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Too many instances to list here. Look up "YandereDev being rude to fans" on Google and go to images. There's countless screenshots of him being a fucking cunt.


He is just filth.


Yep. He’s so rude that it baffles me that people still support him. Why not support someone who appreciates their fans?


I hope this pedophile dies. He will one day sooner then others that's an undeniably fact all he would be remembered for is a failed fetish game that did not make any impact on the gaming industry called yandere simulator.


He’ll be remembered as the sex obsessed virgin who created a shitty high school fetish game while wanting to get into the panties of underaged girls and loses his shit over criticism of his shitty game.


>He’ll be remembered as the sex obsessed virgin who created a shitty high school fetish game That had promise, potential and high demand to be good game but the developer fucked it all up.


Back in 2012 or something I used to visit his streams as a kid when he was still not hiding the fact he was EvaXephon and I got banned because, verbatim, I said "kids are fine" and he threw a hissy fit about how kids are insufferable, evil or something among the line That man is deeply disturbed lmao, has no social etiquette besides what he sees in anime and views the world in such a egomaniac, narcissistic way that everything just needs to appease him, or else, it's either bullying, intrinsically evil or disgusting, never considering the fact he is into bullying (he loves ganging up on people when he's in the "stronger" side), being disgusting (his less heinous kinks and other sexual stuff) and being evil (adding covid and ebola as a fun easter egg to the game, grooming innocent girls, etc, you know the list) I think my favorite thing about him is the way he is hypocritical, like intensely so, remember when he added a paragraph in that shitty anime thing parody of Death Note in the game and said the main chara would kill only bad people such as "child abusers"? Yeah, he doesn't see himself as one, neither does he see himself as the bully, the disgusting person or the one that's evil af, dude's a fucking monster manchild and he has, like, zero capacity to empathy, only, at max, a little sympathy only and if you never \*ever\* do anything, even the smallest thing, that incurs his wrath, which is easy af considering he has the emotional intelligence of a eight year old with amnesia, and you ALWAYS will be in the wrong, never has this man ever felt guilt in his life besides maybe sharing photos of himself or his sex toy online


He told people to kill themselves on his livestream before


Yeah especially when his fans are just trying to help, ask questions, or give a constructive criticism He also doesn’t think D.I.D is real and kicked one of his fans out just because they had it


>He also doesn’t think D.I.D is real and kicked one of his fans out just because they had it After everyone was shitting on him saying D.I.D is a real thing Alex the spineless prick that he is caved into the masses and admits that D.I.D is real. Then trys to play it off in his debunk page like he wasn't told it was real.




He sees his supporters as open wallets and slave labor. He respects no one but himself, he only pretends to tolerate others because he knows that without them he’s as useless as a bag of rocks.


"The Sahara is dry I hear"


remember when he put a kid’s art on blast?


Oh yeah I think he was getting mediocre art to the point where he just took sum random person art and mentioned something along the lines of this. (plz don't give me art that looks like this it's awful, low effort and looks lazy)


smh so unprofessional of him. he wants good artists while being the reason why some of them quit.


Yep. He even told someone to shove a cactus up their ass on stream.






To be honest not really, im on his discord and 95% of his interactions with fans are complimenting their art/work, responding questions, joking with them. Not defending him, just telling the true. https://preview.redd.it/n2pmevpck98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aafcfc7872d5a5a80c591b899e8b2715a4c23bb


Well, of course. He’s trying to save the little positive attention he has left. That doesn’t mean he’s magically a nicer person now. Everything he has and ever will do is for himself.


That doesn't cancel out the '5%' of times Alex is a complete dickhead to his fans tho, and let's be honest it's way more than just 5