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I'm guessing you're a devastated fan who wants the honest truth, and since I've done my research, I'm sad to say that yes, he's always been a disgusting pervert. Now, don't beat yourself over it for not realizing the obvious signs, we were all too young to notice at the time. Here are some things Yandere dev has done. He originally wanted Hanako Yamada to be a 5 year old incest jailbait who "seduces" her brother into doing incest. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/1acenx9/i\_scrolled\_through\_the\_subreddit\_and\_found\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/1acenx9/i_scrolled_through_the_subreddit_and_found_this/) He made all the male characters perverts who buy panty shots from Info chan, which is why we get points from her for being gross. He told a fan to kill himself [https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/hyfgpe/yandere\_dev\_told\_someone\_to\_kill\_themselves\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/hyfgpe/yandere_dev_told_someone_to_kill_themselves_again/) He made Osana's stalker sexually attracted to his sister. There was no need to make this apart of the lore, but he did it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/1dm41p8/what\_the\_fuck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/1dm41p8/what_the_fuck/) The teenage character "Mai Waifu" was originally Alex's sex doll. He named his sex doll Mai Waifu, and made her a character in the game. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/18upu2p/is\_mai\_waifu\_really\_based\_off\_of\_yanderedevs\_sex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/18upu2p/is_mai_waifu_really_based_off_of_yanderedevs_sex/) Now, I don't have his 4 chan posts, but when he was under the name Evaxephon, he described his ideal lover as "babyish, childish, and someone he could nurture."


Man that really fucking sucks I knew he was bad but he's really fucking bad


Not to be this kind of guy: "🤓☝️" (please forgive me) But we got the post describing his ideal girlfriend from the loserz forum and all the other posts where he rants about not having a girlfriend, being a virgin and an incel are from the Gaia Online forums.




Idk where that’s commenter got that info tho, since it’s not on the post. I remember this coming up a few months ago but not the 5 year old part. I’d like a screenshot to confirm or something 


I think that was just a rumor that got spread because there isn't any sources for this number anywhere


Damn, I hate when that kind of stuff spreads. It’s just a fake issue that overshadows the real issue


https://preview.redd.it/snqmkqo46f9d1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f3f1be27832d3ec24634f75bb0f3af6e0d5588 Dude, I think I *found* the *post* you're talking about. (I'm not sure if that's what you mean, but it sounds *very* similar).


Didn’t he also make a post on 4chan talking about murdering his parents or is that something I made up?


I don't know what happened in his personal life but... ...He was disgusting before the YanSim development. The first ever registered vĂ­ctim of pigdev suffered when he was just a streamer and she talked about It. Sadly, when she talked about It, the proofs were too vague or weren't enough for some people. I hope that she's okay now.


I hope there wasn't any more people


Sadly I think that there are more unknown vĂ­ctims that are too afraid to speak because he's in contact with too many minors and he didn't receive any legal consecuence for being a monster.


Aside from the 3 "official" (please excuse the lack of a better term) victims there may be at least other two: the "old friend" that prompted YandereDev to start chatting with Jane and another victim from his EvaXephon days that commented under a video from 9 months ago, when everyone was talking about the situation, that was confirmed not to be Sisefs.


I hope you're wrong so no one else has to deal with something like that


I mean… sisefs was long before his fame.


Sisef was during a different time of his fame. It's just that no one thought to fully document his antics back then since he was just famously known as the local loser in a bunch of niche circles.


A pedo since 2008, a groomer since 2009, as far as we know!


That's actually a good question. I think he was always like this but the 'Fame' or more like popularity he received make it clearer, but yeah, he was always the same, the difference is that we didn't know who he was before yandere simulator


There's an almost three hour long video on YouTube about him and his story before Yandere Simulator, and sadly yes, he has been a creep as long as he has been on the internet


If you're talking about "YandereDev: The Incel that ruined his game", I watched that video in 2 parts, pulling 2 all-nighters, and I've never been the same person since then. That video genuinely looks amazing and like a real documentary that should air on TV.


That is exactly the one I'm talking about, I also had to watch it in two parts because I couldn't stomach the whole thing in one sitting. They guy that made the video is amazing at documentaries.


Id say he was always pretty bad but the fame (or more likely infamy) made it worse. among other things he made up a whole damn world of hot anime chicks that he publicly documented on wikipedia


i’ve always loved yansim but alex is genuinely disgusting.


the fact that he’s can’t take valid constructive criticism and has put more effort into his debunking page than his own game also puts me off. I think it puts off potential investors as well.


He conceptualised YanSim to be "the ultimate anti-SJW game", so that should say a good bit about his personality other than all the gross shit he did


Wait that's the reason why he made game I kinda need proof with this one he can not be this bitchless and weird


I think he said it right at the beginning when he was pitching the concept on 4Chan, I cannot find the original thread though. That being said, I think him wanting to make the game "offensive" was part of the reason he originally made Taro's sister look more like a loli in the concept art. Bro thrives off pissing folk off.


Bruh I swear he gets worse the more you look into it


My dude, he literally was posting on 4chan about wanting to show all that doubt him he can make a game pandering to 4chan users. So...


he has always been disgusting; hope this helps


He was always like this. Back when he did streams as EvaXephon, he would chat with a 14 year old girl when he was 20 and groomed and preyed on her too. Excusing it like "Oh I never got to experience high school romance". He also would say his type of woman is something called 'moe' basically meaning a girl who is baby-ish looking, young, naive, malleable. So yeah he was always a perverted predatorial scumbag.


Ugh I'm holding back the urge to vomit


He posted some gross shit back in old forums when his username was EvaXephon, i believe the pictures of those posts still exist somewhere.


Almost all of his internet history has been archived and can be found on a certain tropical fruit site


>I'm here after seeing his really gross current posts on discord I'm almost too afraid to ask. What has he been posting on Discord?


Same, what's up?




He made a whole video claiming it was stupid that YouTube took down his video of taking upskirt shots of underaged girls... (He argued it's for the plot)


Tl;dr. Yes


Yeah I've started to see that he was mega shitty and weird as fuck


You must be very young


Nah just haven't been In the Fandom very long


Yeah I've started to see that he was mega shitty and weird as fuck


**In short,** Yes


it doesn't matter. In yandere dev history, a big tl;Dr is that he has always been a fucking weirdo smartass


Always has been.


Yup even as a kid he was a creep


I mean some aspects of the game itself just shows his gross side. Like the panty shots, saki’s task, the panty wardrobe, and possibly more I forgot to mention. The thing about this school being a “post-highschool” and all the characters being 18 is absolute bs. He only said that to get people off his ass about specializing minors. So yes sadly he was always a creep and always will be.




To my knowledge, yes


Yes, he's been an awful person ever since his teenager years. I suggest you search up EvaXephon if you want to know more


Yes. Despite him being well aware of yansim community consisting of mostly minors, his discord have suggestive emojis and a bot that give out vulgar facts


https://preview.redd.it/bjpg6pxi8f9d1.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4fff8542d6b29fc6afd454f0f22a162afde9123 This is going to sound strange, but I am a person who has been researching the history (or lore) of Alex for some time. And I remember that in an old Gaia online publication he started talking about one of his classmates' *~~breasts~~* (it's the image I uploaded). Sorry if the image quality is not good, but the file has been on my computer for a long time, and might not look very good. :/


I wish I was stevee wonder