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Its okay man a lot of people here have been there. Just glad you were able to break free from his bullshit. It's a lot to take in and process but we are here for ya


Welcome to the pity party. We all felt that way once finding out. Despite being known as a Yandere Simulator hate reddit, everyone here was actually once a fan of the game. We're all angry for what he's done, what he's promised. We all wanted a game to be made out of it, but all we got was this. Seeing you tubers leave, voice actors leave, supporters, artists leave, it was devastating, but the best choice. We're all gonna leave too one day. Grow out of the yansim phase for good. Years from now, nobody will even know this game existed. I genuinely believed that this game would be finished one day when I was younger. I remember watching the video called "Making Senpai Reject A Love Confession In Yandere Simulator." I believe somewhere in there, he stated that the game would be finished in 2020. I was so excited to hear that as a child. Just for it to end up being nothing but a beautiful lie.. To this day, I still imagine what Yandere Simulator could've become if it weren't for yandev. I make concepts in my head all the time about every single rival. Yandere simulator.. Something it will never be. I want to let you know that we're all in this together. You're not suffering alone. Everyone here hates what he's done. It'll hurt at first, but once you start coming here more often, some of the jokes about Yandev might actually make you laugh once in a while.


I mean… I think some of us have fully moved on from the game itself now. While I do miss the peak of this game, it’s so much more important to focus on Alex’s crimes. (I’m not saying you don’t think that, I’m just sharing how I feel.)


>everyone here was actually once a fan of the game. Truth!


I came into the fandom late in the game. The cameo appearances from the Doki Doki Literature Club characters is what drew me in. After reading up on the game; it had a pretty interesting concept I was willing to try. I read some of Alex’s update blogs and started respecting that he was working on his passion project solo. Then I read his apology blog in late September about the “allegations.” I tried to sympathize with him going in what he posted in the blog. There were times I was willing to e-mail him and encourage him that: “haters and trolls are going to try to drag you down. If you need a helping hand with anything, I’m willing to support.” Then I came here and viewed Ally’s video. It opened up the rabbit hole what really happened and I was in complete shock and disbelief. In that moment; my viewpoint was completely shifted. Any respect I had for him vanished; and I wanted to learn more and more about what was behind the scenes. Digging around here; we have pretty much his whole life story. He’s not a good person. I uninstalled whatever version of the game I had on my computer because I didn’t want anything he worked on attached on my own personal stuff. If anything good came from the game; it’s bringing together a lot of talented people who draw fanart or write their own stories about the characters. That talent and love for the series is pretty much the only thing that keeps me here.


Welcome to the club.


I'm glad you were able to see it now instead of later on. I hope one of these days the remaining fans will see it too


Please don't feel bad about it. We have all had this feeling at some point. The good news is, now you know, the more people know, the less support Alex will have. The less support Alex has, the fewer opportunities he has to groom underage girls.


In truth, it’s more than just the grooming incident..there’s a whole icebergs of things he did that lost people trust.


I know. This whole game seems to be one huge p*dofilia fetish. Between Hanako, Stalkers crush on his sister, and Mida, it should’ve been clear years ago that he was a creep. There’s so much more too. I’m not even sure if I wanna know what he’s done outside of his game 🤢


Not to mention him stealing from fans, the dramas he was in, the fact that he got triggered so bad over panties shots stuff, etc. In truth, I’m just so sorry that you had to learn about this side of Alex really really late. ;-;


Eww I forgot his name was Alex. I’m embarrassed to share a name with him


I was the same way. But I became a hater or 'detractor' for another reason: I stopped caring about the game because he didn't come with any updates. Then I watched the vids that critiqued him and his game and that's when I saw the game and YanDev for what they truly were.


I feel you. I was too a supporter of yanderedev. I loved watching yansim update videos and hearing 'Thank you for following the development of yandere simulator' I was very sympathethic towards yandev when he told he has depression because at that time I suffered from that (Or something very similar) too. Is a fucking shame


Curious, what turned you to the gremlin side of the fandom?


The recent accusations of grooming. I could justify not working on the game, or act like a dick from time to time (Now I realize it was most of the time) but grooming a minor is were I said enough