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Answer: Jolie filed for a divorce a week after [an incident on a plane](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-08-19/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-fbi-documents-2016-private-plane-incident) in 2016 involving her Pitt & the children. It was investigated by the fbi due to the jurisdiction as well as LA county DCSF. It’s alleged he was intoxicated and physically and verbally abusive. Just last month she filed a motion with the LA superior court in regards to a previous lawsuit over a winery they both owned. In that suit “Jolie also claims … that Pitt’s “history of physical abuse of Jolie started well before the family’s September 2016 plane trip from France to Los Angeles,” but does not go into further detail about the alleged prior abuse.” During that winery lawsuit Jolie was asked to and refused to sign NDA’s that would’ve [“prohibited Jolie from speaking (other than in court) about Pitt’s abuse of Jolie and their children”](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/04/entertainment/angelina-jolie-brad-pitt-abuse-history) Edit: additional info & correction


Also want to point out that it was a member of the private jet's crew who called the authorities on Pitt, NOT Jolie herself.  Naysayers like to claim Jolie is fabricating  the abuse, but why then would a stranger go out of their way to get police involved with the plane incident? A third party was so alarmed by what they witnessed from Pitt that THEY contacted law enforcement ahead of the plane landing. Yet Pitt apologists like to conveniently ignore that.


Not just a third party, but a third party in a job that in general deals with increidbly wealthy, powerful people and who I'm sure has overlooked some stuff. It had to have been BAD.


That's a very good point, they put their reputation and livelihood on the line to protect her because whatever happened was just that horrible.


Yeah, odds are that this person completely borked their chance of continuing to work in the industry, unless they managed to do it anonymously. It's the kinda job you take \*knowing\* you're going to have to overlook some stuff. So it truly had to have been awful.


I know someone who worked for a business that sort of operated like Uber but for planes. They had high profile clients - actors and actresses, business CEOs, athletes, you name it. Since he had constant interaction with the clients during the flight, he was basically told by the company to "ignore anything that he saw that might be a problem - unless it involves kids" He once walked into a very famous CEO doing a line of coke off the ass of a woman he was positive was a prostitute. He saw an athlete having sex with three women at once while the guys wife watched. However, once, he walked in to see a client whipping his eight year old son with a belt because the boy had knocked over the clients glass of wine. He immediately contacted the police in the county they were in (as they hadn't departed the airfield yet) and police came and arrested the client for child abuse. Fast forward a week later, he gets called by corporate and told he's been let go for violating company policy by contacting the police instead of letting the company handle it on their end. This is someone who worked for 20 years in high end hospitality services with big name hotels and resorts and.pulling in six figures a year and now he bartends at a dive bar because he's basically blacklisted from the industry because he's considered a snitch.




No such thing as rock bottom my friend


Probably NDA's.


Probably get found hanging in his house.


> unless they managed to do it anonymously. I'd be surprised. Those crews are almost always very small. And the community is relatively *very* small. There's a pilot and co-pilot, and sometimes that's it. They may have had a flight attendant, maybe even two. But certainly no more than that. So we're talking about four people *at most*. It wouldn't be terribly hard for a professional to figure out which one talked.


Or you hope the whole team is all on the same page when it comes to domestic abuse.


Hopefully they’re hired by people who feel safer knowing the staff has their back if anything egregious happens…


alas this is the opposite of how that industry works.


Which is bull! People suck


money > people. you think Epstein's flight crews were unaware?


I work in the industry as a mechanic. I can tell you from first hand experience that black-balling mechanics and pilots is a real thing, especially among “segments” of the industry. So if you get black-balled at the airlines, you can probably still find work in corporate aviation and vice-versa.


Well I hope they have a decent job; they deserve it


Or, it got them a good reputation from someone like Angelina Jolie? You'd hope.


I doubt he’s fucked his chances too bad considering he was looking out for another A-list celebrity. If Pitt was abusing some random flight attendant it’d be a different story


IIRC he screamed at and poured wine over his youngest children while they hid under a blanket and cried.


Kudos for “borked.” I needed that trip down memory lane.


It has never left my vocabulary


i have no idea why that's the word that my brain dug up for that sentence, but that's what it went with and who am i to argue


If who ever reported it did so anonymously, they'd probably fire everyone on the plane. A company with clientele like that are going to lose a lot of business if they don't strongly crack down of people calling the police on the rich and connected, just because they were committing a horrendous crime.


I think I read somewhere he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her into a wall. Edit to correct: He grabbed her by the head. Choked a child. Then hit another child who tried to stop him. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126925040/brad-pitt-choked-and-his-children-angelina-jolie-says-in-a-court-filing


Oh man, the FBI report that got released was awful. It apparently started over an argument over Maddox. Pitt was drinking and said that Maddox "looks like a fucking Columbine kid" as the two disagreed over their son. 90 minutes into the flight, after he'd been drinking most of that time, Pitt asked Jolie to go to the back of the plane with him, took her into the bathroom, and started screaming at her and shaking her. He shoved her into the bathroom wall, started punching the ceiling, and when a kid tried to approach and ask if she was okay he yelled, "No, Mommy's not okay. She's ruining this family. She's crazy." One of the kids (not mentioned) then yelled back, "It's not her, it's you, you prick" and then apparently things went insane. The report is pretty heavily redacted, but it appears that Pitt left the bathroom, charged the kid, there are rumors that Pitt tried to strangle them, and Jolie is on record saying that she grabbed Pitt in a choke hold and tried to haul him back. Pitt slammed her into a seat, injuring Jolie's shoulder and elbow. Then Pitt went to go drink more and Jolie tried to calm the kids down by getting them ready to sleep. At one point Jolie laid down with at least two of the kids and put a blanket over all of their heads together. Still drinking, Pitt came back ranting and spilled red wine and beer all over the plane, pouring it all over the blanket where Jolie and the kids were as he paced and yelled. When they finally landed, Jolie suggested they abandon the rest of the flight and get a hotel room for the night only for Pitt to refuse to let them leave the plane. He began screaming at Jolie that he wasn't going to let her take the kids and shoved her to the back door area, knocking her down multiple times. When he finally let her leave the plane, but before they made it to a car, he grabbed Jolie at least one more time and shook her as a kid yelled for him not to hurt her. She filed for divorce a week later. While Jolie has been very tight lipped about things it's heavily implied from other statements that this was not the first time something like this had happened. So picture it. Shiloh was 10 at the time and had this terrifying experience where she witnessed her father assault and scream at her mother, possibly assault one of her older brothers, and she may have been one of the kids who had wine and beer poured over her as she hid under the blankets with her mom and another sibling. I think the reason why Shiloh is changing her name is clear. Actually, it seems like every sibling who's become a legal adult has dropped the Pitt part of their names even if they haven't done so legally. Considering the FBI report is a single incident and they may have witnessed more at home that weren't reported, I'm not all that surprised.


That is so much worse than I could have imagined. That’s truly horrifying. Good riddance, I’m glad his family has managed to get away.


And the children were all 8-15 year old at the time of the "plane incident". Imagine being trapped in a plane with an abusive bastard like him for several hours, when there's nowhere to run. Horrifying.


Thanks for the summary, that’s pretty nuts. How in the world has Pitt not been cancelled because of this? Because of his good looks?


It came out really slowly in pieces. There was rumors for a long time that something had happened on the plane since Jolie filed for divorce immediately after, but the FBI report didn't come out until 2022 when someone unknown, thought to be Jolie under a pseudonym, filed a FOIA request for it. But since it came out in bits and pieces and the Jolie/Pitt divorce is STILL dragging on, it didn't hit as hard as it could have. If the full FBI report had come out in 2016 right after it happened I do think Pitt might have gotten cancelled, but since it took 6 years for it to come out (and when it was released it was pretty redacted) I think a lot of people didn't hear about what happened.


This is the first time I've heard all that. At most I heard vague stories about him being drunk on a plane and being nasty to his oldest son. So yeah, this needs to get out there.


What the other person said about the slow trickle of info, but also Pitt has many rich and powerful friends in the industry, even though Jolie does too but I think him much more so. His production studio makes a lot of money. His PR team also did a pretty good job of making people think she was crazy and alienating their kids during the divorce. Even after the reports about what actually happened came out he still got a standing ovation in Hollywood.


It's because like yourself, most people just don't know about it. It's crazy that the whole saga has only really been covered by the gossip sites. Or places like r/popculturechat and r/fauxmoi


Patriarchy. People like to call women crazy.


Women are twice as likely to lose custody when they report abuse, even when the abuse is documented. No such bias exists for fathers, who do not lose custody at higher rates when they claim abuse. Source[source](https://zawn.substack.com/p/family-courts-and-child-custody-are) Since the incident, Brad Pitt has had movies with more marketing budget, more leading costars, than Angelina Jolie. People *want* to believe the best of him and find it easier to dismiss or diminish her. Misogyny in action


Back then the media and world was way more mysogonistic. Jolie was automatically the bad mom trying to alienate the kids, as Pitt had the money and power for good publicity.


“Back then, eight entire years ago when dinosaurs roamed the earth.” Trust me, it’s not better now. In a lot of ways, ones specifically relevant to this situation, it’s worse.


I'm curious how that didn't translate to an arrest if it's all in the FBI report. Surely battery, child abuse, etc. are illegal under federal law?


Unfortunately the law doesn’t apply equally to everyone :/


Thank you for the summary and the insight! I was also OOTL and didn't understand it was that horrible.


Thanks for the summary. I hope the pilot was able to salvage his career.


What an abusive partner will do in front of total strangers is usually tame compared to what they will do when they are at home with no eye witnesses. So for Pitt to do that on a plane with flight attendants present, I can’t imagine what he did at home. He’s a horrible man.


Good time to remind women that being choked by an angry partner is a predictor of future homicide. If this happens to you, get out as soon as you can. *a 2008 National Library of Medicine study showing that someone in an abusive partnership is more than seven times more likely to be killed by their partner if they've been strangled by that partner in the past.*


I had no idea about that. Holy shit, that is scary.


I've taken to posting this every time it comes up in threads, just to get the word out!


Thank you. Someone who shared that statistic in 2014 or so helped me get my ish together to get out of a crap marriage. He'd been prone to throwing things before one specific incident, but I knew it went bad when he grabbed me by the throat.


I'm glad you got out and I'm glad you're still with us.


Thanks. Me too.


It happened to my mom, he did end up killing her about three years later. I try to speak up about it as much as I can. People don't talk about this enough.


That’s horrific. I’m so sorry for your loss.


>"Pitt lunged at his own child and Jolie grabbed him from behind to stop him. To get Jolie off his back, Pitt threw himself backwards into the airplane's seats injuring Jolie's back and elbow," the filing says. "The children rushed in and all bravely tried to protect each other. Before it was over, Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face." Jesus. I wouldn't want to keep his last name, either.


How was this guy not cancelled? He still making movies and having ads deals.


Holy crap. I knew it was bad but I had no idea it was to this extent. No wonder his kids are distancing themselves from him.


He dumped a beer on her head too.


I heard he got really ticked off that in her parenting style, for decisions that would affect the kids she would ask the kids opinions and how they felt & what they wanted. And that he got really angry about that. Like, why are you asking them!? And got aggressive towards the kids as well. And she did have some, most of the kids before being with Brad. And in a way kept them as her first priority over him. So he felt, undermined or emotionally threatened by that or something. It is kind of weird, in Jolie having such a wild reputation that she was actually quite protective of her children and wouldn't abandon them for currying favor with a guy or romantic relationships but still had them as a priority.


It’s insane this man is still making movies and not even trying to be lowkey or go into hiding after the FBI report was released while other people have so easily been cancelled. Also people always mention Angelina’s past, but I think that’s just due to aging and growing up. Having kids can really change people and her wild behavior stopped around the time she adopted Maddox. She’s had more of a focal point on her humanitarian work than acting and maybe having kids just gave her a different sense of purpose. You could tell how in love she was with Maddox when she adopted him. I think the last crazy thing she was known for doing was having her affair with Brad, and his abuse has probably changed/aged her a decent amount as well. She seems like a different person altogether, and I’m glad those kids have such a great support system solely from her.


Her dad was (still is) an asshole and she always had a pretty tumultuous relationship with him, as a Hollywood kid none of her behavior surprised me


After they split he admitted he had a marijuana and alcohol addiction. He credits Bradley Cooper with helping him get sober. Apparently a violent drunk.


Weed doesn’t make people choke their kids on a flight


He essentially tried to murder his family on a flight. The pilot most likely didn't want to be an accessory to attempted murder. If you see someone try to kill someone and stay silent about it, you can be prosecuted. And if not, the regulatory bodies that handle professions like piloting have their own code of ethics and if you violate them you an get fired and lose your ability to get licensed. There are also liabilities with being the pilot in command in the air, that could lead to not only those things but civil prosecution. Mr. Pilot was just watching out for his own back. People like this carry secrets for the rich and famous all the time, but now it was going to burn him, so he had to report it.


I used to feel bad for Jennifer Aniston the way he fucked her over but now I’m thinking she dodged a bullet.


I know right. Felt especially bad when she came out with her struggles having children. Also, genuine question and not trying to victim blame, wasn't Angelina outed as a not nice person years ago and was borderline spewing Aniston hate online or something? Again, still fucked up what Pitt did and Jolie and their kids don't deserve this, nobody does. Just related gossip that I was out of the loop on and remembered, so wanted to clarify.


I don't want to insult or dog on AJ here as the comments are mostly about her and her children being victims of horrific domestic abuse, but in the past it was speculated that she suffered from BPD, which can lead to some unpleasant behaviors. It did seem as though she had a habit of stealing people away from long-term partners (Jenny Shimizu, Billy Bob Thornton, Brad Pitt) and had some extreme acting out, but whatever, none of that makes a person deserving of abuse


I dunno...you really don't want to fuck with a flight crew. My aunt was the head flight attendant for a local billionaire's fleet and she has many stories of poorly behaved rich people getting in trouble because of their terrible in flight behavior. She worked for the billionaire (who was apparently awesome) not the rich assholes leasing his jets.


Word is he practically strangled one of the children to death while they were protecting Jolie from his drug fueled rage. And he got away with it. People have been calling me a hater for years but the Diddys and Brad Pitts are all over in plain sight. Beyonce is also a monster. Taylor swift doesn't need to be one because her fans are.


What has Beyoncé done? I remember when she first gave birth, she had her security team not allow parents and family of other infants on the floor, which I found reprehensible. But, I don’t know of other stuff.


Oh wow, I never knew that


His PR is insane. 


Plus, alcoholics can be very charming when they are sober or near sober. Especially the ones that work hard to hide their alcoholism. They also tend to cultivate people willing to help hide their bad behaviors when they are drunk.


Alcoholics can and so can abusers in general. Most abusers are characterised as being extremely charming. 


I didn't know they could be charming while sober. That's good to know, and interesting since i habe neber heard of that before.


Huh, explains why he went into recovery for substance abuse over recent years


I feel like that was performative. I recall he was reported to be out drinking up a storm in pubs in the UK whilst filming that F1 film. 


> Naysayers like to claim Jolie is fabricating the abuse, but why then would a stranger go out of their way to get police involved with the plane incident? People are so inclined to not believe victims of abuse, especially when the accused is some celeb who was in movies they like, that they will literally ignore basic facts.


Also, they tend to disbelieve people who tend to be aloof. As if she needs to be shaking hands and kissing babies all day. That woman's got her hands full.


A lot of women will defend attractive abusive men. It happened when Chris Brown was beating up Rihanna. It's gross, but real.


Tory Lanez.


He’s not considered attractive, he’s short with a cooked hairline, it’s dudes that defended him


This is true but not nearly at the rate that men defend abusive men.


I went to the same high school as Pitt, just not at the same time. Several of my teachers were his teachers as well. One of them once commented that he was a total douchebag even then.


To be fair, this is a fairly common reaction to someone getting super famous. I live near where Justin Bieber grew up, and there’s just as many people that say he was a little douche bag as say he was a good kid.


My assumption is that Bieber was a good kid at times (or to certain people) and at other times (or to other people) he was a little douche bag.


Sounds like a kid.


Yep normal kid stuff. He was just running around busking and being good at what he did.


I'm from Ottawa, the amount of Alanis Morissette gossip was off the hook growing up. Most of it bad, of course. 95% of it completely made up, probably.


you oughta know, I guess


he’s here to remind you of the mess you made


Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


He’s cousins with my bestie, and she’s never really been proud of that. Not even in the 90’s when the rest of us high school girls still cared about him. Like, you’re cousins with the guy we all have posters of, and you’re *not* bragging? Apparently? Yeeeaaah, not a fan of that side of the fam.


A teenager was kind of a douche? well that definitely explains domestic abuse


They’d say 90% of the school are douchebags. It’s a high school.


Kickapoo, eh? I grew up in Nixa. Apparently his parents live there now.


Which is tragic to say the least; it’s battered wife syndrome, they won’t actually go and get help until it’s too late or it’s bad enough that some good natured people have to intervene, like this crew. Abuse is not always visible and most often it is very subtle. My mom is the same way, still to this day I just don’t get how she can stay with my bio father, a verbal, emotional, and psychological abuser. Even when she knows the effect of that abuse has on her children, she still chooses to stay. The abuse still affects me to this day, and I’m working on it and going to therapy, but I cannot deny that the abuse has stunted my mental health as an adult and how I view romantic relationships as a source of fear and misery (which I’m trying to change that view but it’s just so difficult). He has actively and still is actively trying to destroy her relationships with friends and family, and isolate her. It’s not love, I’m glad Jolie was able to get out, I’m glad that she had a support system that woke her up, but so many others choose to stay.


> Naysayers like to claim Jolie is fabricating the abuse That's an interesting way to spell sexist.


A rare instance of a private plane crew actually doing their mandatory reporting duties.


thanks so much for that info. I wasn’t sure how much to include and what not to and how much to explain the implications


Thanks, this was very informative. But based on your last link she didn’t sign that NDA - it says the negotiations broke down because she wouldn’t sign it. Point stands tho


ughhh thanks so much it was late and I must have misunderstood. Corrected


[Details about the plane incident](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-08-19/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-fbi-documents-2016-private-plane-incident). He also poured beer all over her and children while they were sleeping together in one bed to escape his ranting and ceiling punching.


Seems like Jolie just wants privacy and peace for her family. People should respect that.


Add: He also strangled one of his older sons, Pax, along with Angelina, who later went on to address him in an Instagram Father’s Day [story](https://la100.cienradios.com/resizer/zFL68U-umOnY5PmgpirkqIbbKpk=/arc-photo-radiomitre/arc2-prod/public/X4HUSVT7EBCSFIMKSXY2RLLKRE.jpg) disparaging him.


Also, the kids removed Pitt from their last names.


The stuff that's came out in the court files is absolutely abhorrent and reminds me of my childhood watching my mum get abused. I can understand that after some controversial cases in recent years we're now trying not to preemptively cancel people but once this is all legally settled I sure as fuck hope that if this is found to be true that he'll be given some distance in the industry. Unfortunately we know Hollywood is an absolute cesspit and a casual wife/child beating won't matter when they're fine with rape including child rape. Turns out the reason actors don't constantly accidentally look into the camera is because they're so used to turning a blind eye.


If it turns out to be true? It quite obviously is true, there are multiple witnesses. Will it ever go to court so he is convicted? Of course not. It's been 8 years. Angelina just wants free of him so her family can heal. 


That's insane. Especially when you consider Jonathan Majors incident.


I have zero sympathy for physical or verbal abusers. Such a shame


So he's basically Jordan Belfort in Wolf of Wall Street


Answer: from the article > “Happy Father’s Day to this world class a–hole!! You time and time again prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person,” the then-16-year-old allegedly wrote on a private account, which was obtained by the Daily Mail. > “You have no consideration or empathy toward your 4 youngest children who tremble in fear when in your presence,” he reportedly continued, seemingly referencing a 2016 incident when Pitt allegedly roughed up his ex-wife and two of their six children aboard a private jet.


Damn I used to like Pitt... This fucking sucks


I've been on set with him -  I'm so glad that people are starting to hate him. He is the only celebrity that I've met that sucked so bad that it ruined my ability to watch anything he's in


Can you share any details?


It would be incredibly hard to tell the story in a way that isn't incredibly identifiable because the location is the main issue at hand in the story The closest I can get is that he inserted himself where he wasn't even supposed to be in the first place and inconvenienced someone that was supposed to be there because he thinks he's the most important person in the world and thinks he's still as famous with the younger generation as he was in his hayday ugh


I guess he crushed the role of Achilles because he wasn’t acting


He played himself in fight club.


Unfortunately it seems like his role in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood isn’t too far off, either. ☹️ I’ve really liked him since Thelma and Louise. But even I do not want to watch him on screen lately.


It did feel like Brad and Leo were playing Brad and Leo in that movie. (I still enjoyed it, though. And hate how much I liked the Brad Pitt roof scene now that I know how he treated Angelina & his kids.)


Lol. I mentioned him the other day to my kids (ages 12 and 16) and they had absolutely no idea who he was.


And now I know how my MIL felt when I told her I'd never heard of Robert Redford.


Wait a minute…am I old enough that young kids don’t know who fucking Brad Pitt is?


My kid is 14 and doesn’t really know the names of any actors or musicians, even if she watches their films and listens to their music. She does know plenty of YouTubers and TikTokers by name, though. In her world, that’s about as famous as famous gets.


You’re blowing my mind rn.


I kinda get this. When I was that age I enjoyed movies with guys like Billy Crystal and Woody Harrelson, but I wouldn't have had a clue what their names were.


Yea my daughter early 20s is barely aware of him. Like his identifying characteristic to her was malfeasants ex husband


Malificent? Or did Jolie do something wrong I'm not aware of?


Hahaha I edit to correct but too funny


Sounds like Brad Pitt didn't impress them much. 


....sounds like a wedding where he just grabbed the mic lol


Never name drop in hollywood. It’s considered gouache. Brad Pitt taught me that


my brother was an extra on Legends of the Falls and has nothing good to say about Pitt. Apparently Brad was having problems getting a scene right and they had to do take after take and Brad was a real ass hole about it. So even back then, he was already not so nice.


Ha, that's funny. I have a family member who has been in the film industry for over 30 years now and has said that Brad Pitt is probably the most down-to-Earth "normal" famous person they have ever met. And they've met a lot of famous people.


Depends on what capacity they work in. A grip working late nights is going to see a different side of Pitt than his makeup artist.  And his family will see the true side of him. Always believe the kids over EVERYONE else. 


That is actually shocking to me. Even if I hadn't had my bad experience with him, he in no way acted down to earth or normal  But I met him more recently so maybe it's a new development




Don't worry, I knew exactly what you meant and yea, totally possible. While it left a bad taste in my mouth, I never really thought more about it until all this bad news started coming out about him. And yea, I've actually had really good experiences with some people that ended up getting cancelled later for bad behavior that I had never seen. It's crazy how singular experiences with people can be in the scope of things


I would say 99% of the men that abuse their wives and children are considered good guys to everyone outside the home. Anyone who has ever been abused knows exactly what I’m talking about! They put on the awesome good guy act for the world, everyone loves them, and it makes you question if you are the reason they beat you behind closed doors. It is textbook domestic abuse 101.


I have a very close family friend who has been in the industry just as long, if not longer. Very high in demand person too. It’s funny, because growing up I always hated Angie because of this friend. Angie was the ONLY celebrity he refused to work with, and was vocal about it. He never told us why, he said it was too disturbing to re-tell the things she did on set. Keep in mind though, this was her blood wearing brother making out days. Hilariously, he had 3 actors he would ALWAYS take a job with no matter what, because he loved them so much. One was Jennifer Aniston. This was all back when she was married to Brad. I’m so curious now what his thoughts are on all this. And for the record, I’ve changed my opinion on Angie since then. She seems to be a class act now and a great mom.


Doesn’t mean there aren’t times when he acts like a POS.


My friends in the industry have said that he’s generally not been great to work with. I’m glad to know that’s not always the case. Based on the way he treated his kids, it’s clear that he absolutely has the capacity to be a real piece of shit when he wants to be.


Lots of people are super charming to friends and deeply abusive to family. It’s often how they get away with the abuse - no one believes they have a whole other side to them. My dad is not extreme, but the way he behaves with us can be VERY different, cruel and even violent compared to his very charming, relaxed persona that people in public see.


My dad was the same abusive at home everyone else loved him because he was charismatic


Normal people are assholes and abusers all the time


Same. Like I was never his biggest fan but he seemed chill. Guess he's really just that good of an actor.


Most abusers are charming publicly. They’re often pillars of the community, well-liked. They manage to lure their partners in and get them to stay because they are so charming and likeable and so convincing when they promise it was a mistake and they’ll change, or when they convince their victims that is their fault. 


Absolutely this. People like to put most of the blame on the victims (historically women) as if they're simply making poor decisions and staying with obvious losers. It's an infantilization of the victims imo. In reality, **a lot** of abusers are *extremely* well-regarded publicly and are very charming. This dark "side" of them doesn't come out very often at the start of relationships, but gets worse and worse over the years. Imo it usually gets worse about 2-5 years after marriage -- but only for the victims. They'll make so many promises to change, and it'll actually change for a while. Victims will be gaslit because "no one else is having problems with this person", so it MUST be the victim's fault in some way. It's how so many victims get so turned around.


Absolutely. This is also true for child sexual abusers.  My friend was sexually abused by his step-dad as a tween and teen. His step-dad was a pillar of their small town community. Everyone loved him.  My friend started “acting out” due to the stress and trauma. Eventually, at 14, he told his mother. She didn’t believe him. She thought her delinquent, difficult son was trying to stir up drama about her lovely husband. She kicked him out. He wound up living on the streets and in and out of juvenile detention.  When my friend was 21, his step-dad was publicly accused of abusing multiple children.  His mother finally realised that he had been telling the truth all along. She apologised. But it was too late. The damage was well and truly done. This is backed up by a study released in November 2023 by UNSW which looked at the prevalence, characteristics and behaviours of pedophiles and child sexual abusers in the community. They found that *the men who admitted to having these feelings towards children and admitted to offending are more likely than other men to be married, earn higher incomes and work with children.*


My dad just found out his Aunt - a woman who had known for 75yrs to be the sweetest lady he ever met - was incredible abusive physically and verbally to her children their entire lives. Like everything he knew about her was a lie.  He has been in shock for a week. Abusers mask so well and love to portray that their lives are perfect.


It's possible that he was that way when he was younger. People can change for the worse. Especially when you get substance abuse involved. Especailly the kind of people who tend to externalize their own insecurities and such.


Same, it's been hard for me to watch his stuff since I found out


Best to assume that EVERYONE in film, television, or music is a scumbag piece of shit. It'll hurt less when the actual revelation happens.


“Never meet your heroes” became a cautionary quote for good reason. Jobs like that tend to require, and thus draw, big egos. Generally I assume any celeb is going to be a pretentious egotist, if I actually get to meet them and they prove me wrong, great! But if I meet and they confirm my expectations at least I’m not disappointed.


More than ego, I've always assumed that performative industries attracted people who've grown adept at performing by performing from a very young age - integrated racial minorities (who become adept at code switching), closeted gay people, and narcissistic sociopaths.


Oh for sure, it’s the kind of job that basically requires people who are able to mask at the drop of a hat. That’s part of why I assume some douchieness until proven otherwise, it’s just hard to know what a celeb is really like, it’s their job to put forward a certain personality type.


Except Dolly Parton.


Except Dolly Parton that is correct. Can confirm. I met her as a youngin and will always remember her voice saying my name with her little twang.


Most people in film and television and music are just normal working people.  Are you just talking about famous rich actors?


Yeah I worded that poorly, I mean to say actors and musicians past a certain point of fame.


>_roughed up_ No. Don't make it sound infantile. He physically abused his wife and kids so badly the private jet staff informed the authorities.  


And he poured alcohol on them, while they cowered under a blanket. While it’s not painful, it IS abuse. An adult PARENT who should be trusted to care for their children, instead showed his contempt in a disgusting, degrading and humiliating way. I’m sure he would have pissed on them if he had something in the tank.


He allegedly choked one of them (Maddux?) and struck Angelina.


I thought it was the opposite. He grabbed Angelina by the throat and pushed her into a wall because she jumped up to defend Maddox after he hit him. Edit: So I looked it up and I combined the first two assaults. He grabbed her by the head. Choked a child who defended her. Then hit a child who went to stop him. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1126925040/brad-pitt-choked-and-his-children-angelina-jolie-says-in-a-court-filing


What a piece of shit. Why can't good talents just be decent people? Is that too much to ask?


Hey weren’t the British papers supposed to stop hacking into people’s emails? Especially kids.


This sounds like less hacking and more they got added to a private social media account.  It is still scumy to do, especially with a minor in a story about child abuse. But it wouldn't be hacking emails.  I don't know if they have made separate privacy agreements. 


I'm pretty sure this was on an Instagram story post that was screenshotted and shared.


They promised to stop as long as the politicians stopped investigating whether they'd stopped or introduced any external regulation to make sure they'd stopped. That's worked about as well as you'd expect. Our conservative government is corrupt and incompent as fuck right now. But we have an election this year that hopefully will give them a good kicking.


At the time, the governor of the Bank of England complained that he couldn’t get access to David Cameron when he needed to, but Rupert Murdock had weekly access to no.10


Last year they dug up a murdered trans teenager’s deadname and publicly revealed it. The Mail have always been scum.


It's sad how often people will ask questions that are answered in the article on Reddit. It's one thing to do it for an article someone else posted, it's an entirely new level to do so for an article they themselves posted...


That article and that quote, taken by themselves, just make general claims about the shitty state of Pitt's relationship with his family, without specifically providing a full history of the issue. It's reasonable to read it and be curious about the how and why of it.


Especially considering the source is the completely untrustworthy Daily Mail


Agreed, I've definitely read articles that left me with questions before. But so many posts on this subreddit boil down to "hey, can someone read this article for me?"


I think a lot of the time people are less actually looking for insight, and more either (optimistically) looking to have a conversation about the topic, because they feel it's worth discussing/shining a light on, or (cynically) they're fishing for easy karma.


Out Of The Loop is probably the premier bot training ground on reddit. You get to act stupid for karma.


Which child wrote this?


Answer: He was an alcoholic during their marriage. We don’t have any details but alcoholics can do shitty things and the older ones have said they felt like they needed to protect their mom at times so… I’m going to guess there may have been some violence they saw.




He used to be an alcoholic, he still is, but he used to be too.


Thanks, Mitch


> We don’t have any details We have plenty of details, there’s literally an FBI report of an incident on a plane where he was verbally and physically abusive with her and their children. Jolie had to open file a Freedom of Information Act? Motion? Not sure the correct terminology, for it. After several instances of him physically handling/abusing them, Jolie and the children hid under blankets from him and he would occasionally pour beer and wine on them. You can look up more details.




For real. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I've done some extremely stupid and despicable things. I sure as hell never got violent with my partner. I've annoyed the shit out of her though.


I know people who are assholes before they become drunken assholes. I've also known nice cool guys who become drunken assholes. I think it's hard to say which Brad is, since we don't know him personally, but it doesn't make it less despicable that he allows himself to become this person in front of his children/wife.


The nice cool guys who become drunken assholes still make the decision to drink even when they know they’ll hurt the people around them… which makes them assholes


It would be nice if it worked like that. The road to alcoholism is deceptive. Most don't realize they are on it. Once you arrive at alcoholism, it is a lifetime of struggle to stay away. Life isn't black and white. You don't have to forgive his actions. You can hate them. But, it will serve you well in life to understand them.


Seems to me that you can understand that anyone is better than their worst acts and that people can become alcoholics without realizing it. Life is hard, and none of us asked for it. But you can also acknowledge that, after a repeated history of getting drunk and being violent, that continuing that behavior makes someone an asshole.


what you're actually doing is conflating two issues : ​alcohol doesn't make people abusive, some abusers just have alcohol problems and the abuse gets worse when they drink. This isn't just an opinion of mine it's established fact from the community of people that research the impacts of relationship abuse.


It's Johnny Depp all over again. People want to blame the substance, which is somewhat fair... but the addict needs to take *some* responsibility.


That one is one of my favorites, people all saying how it's not his fault blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile he and Paul Bettany had a whole conversation where Depp fantasized about murdering her and fucking her corpse and people genuinely went out and said "Oh, he's just being funny! This is how dudes talk to each other!"


I've always been an angry drunk. Every time I've been drunk, I've ended up agitated and on edge and looking to fight somebody. So when I realized that it kept happening and it wasn't just a couple bad experiences, I just stopped having more than one drink (and now don't drink at all.) I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who know they turn into assholes when they drink, but decide to keep drinking anyway because they think their fun is more important than the comfort of everyone around them.


It makes a huge difference when they don't drink. My mother went difficult/awful to insufferable/cruel.


Speaking from personal experience (victim) I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to place blame there. It doesn’t mean what they did doesn’t matter and doesn’t mean you have to forgive them, but alcoholism causes people to do terrible things. In the same way I wouldn’t blame a crack head getting clean for robbing me while on crack the same way I’d blame a guy robbing me just because he’s terrible or angry


Agreed 100%. Not sure why everyone else is defending this stance too. He's a total piece of shit with or without alcohol.


There are lots of details when you look up what happened on the 2016 flight that led to the FBI investigation.


Answer: Other people have talked about the breaking point in the Jolie-Pitt marriage (the plane altercation). The FBI incident report states that Jolie jumped on Pitt from behind, allegedly to stop him from attacking one of the children (IIRC it’s widely believed he was supposedly was attacking Pax). Jolie suffered bruises and scrapes. Pitt also allegedly poured beer over her head. He was allegedly drunk at the time. The incident was so violent that a crew member called emergency services to respond to the flight altercation once the plane had landed.     Additional context after the split is that, allegedly, Pitt tried to swap visitation time with the adopted children (Maddox, Pax, and Zahara) to increase his visitation time with his biological children (Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox). His bio children were said to be disgusted by this and refused the request. His adopted son, Pax, has publicly denounced his father on instagram and claimed that his youngest siblings (Pitt’s biological children) are terrified of him. Pitt and Jolie have been embroiled in a suit over their winery and Jolie’s attempt to sell her interest (to a Russian oligarch). Pitt’s team has allegedly been the ones to draw out the case and also allegedly the ones to plant stories in the media about Jolie. Jolie’s major recent focuses seem to be promoting her new fashion house that features small independent designers and her children and her humanitarian work. Pitt has multiple movies coming out soon.  Pitt’s on-set reputation is that he is easy and rewarding to work for, and very charming. However, many abusers are very skilled at hiding their evil. The allegations from his children, and their collective treatment of him now that they are aging into adulthood, is sufficient evidence for me that I, personally, will not watch his work anymore. 


Answer: he’s abusive


Answer: The media has glossed over it because sexist readers who hate good-looking women (the same ones who drove Meghan Markle out of the UK) want to see the woman as the villain. Even so, reports have emerged that the kids have a problem with Brad's addictions (alcohol, I think) and temper. On the few occasions when his problems have been mentioned, people have accused Angelina Jolie of parental alienation. But it's an inescapable reality that the kids won't have anything to do with him. Pax in particular (the one who was apparently involved in a physical altercation with Brad) doesn't like him.