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Because rebellion has already started. Prince sailed from France and arrived in Scotland. Jamie's name on the list makes him traitor. He can't clean himself. His conscience doesn't allow him to do otherwise. Refusing to fight for Prince will make him traitor in his own eyes. On the other hand, his history with the english crown isn't great.


Plus, I think after the loss of Faith, they were both tired of trying to change history. You can see how exhausted they are and what a relief it is for them to return to Scotland. Their whole purpose of being in France was to try and stop the rebellion, but it was all for nothing. They just want to return to Scotland and their lives, and then the paper shows up with Jamie's name on it, incriminating him. I think at that point he probably feels like if it's going to happen then it's going to happen and he would rather fight for his country and freedom even if he knows it's going to fail


Besides, Claire and Jamie did discuss poisoning Prince Charles just before the battle but got caught by Dougal. Then Jamie got caught killing Dougal in self (and Claire) defence.


Yes, the rebellion has already started but he could have pushed for neutrality with the Mckenzies and Lovat, tried to persuade other clans even if he could not save himself. Ensured the Highland’s way of life doesn’t disappear if the rebellion is weakened. He knows he isn’t a traitor nor signed that pledge. I think that at the end he really wants to die and take his men with him.


He couldn't have pushed for neutrality because he was on the list of men supporting the rebellion. I think he really believed that if they all put their hearts and souls into it, they could be more successful. You can see Jamie advising the Prince to attack and go deeper into England, so the Culloden won't happen. >I think that at the end he really wants to die and take his men with him. I think you forgot thay he saved his men. He was the only one who could have died on that battlefield.


I think if he had fled, his family could have been considered traitors and hanged. This is why he backdated the deed to young Jamie to appear they had been separated before Jamie became a traitor. He could have thought to deed the land then, but in the heat of the moment when decisions get made, he likely didn’t consider it. This was a time when fighting and war were nearly everyday occurrences, and he was raided to protect what is his.


He backdated the deed of sasine because if he was the land owner and a traitor, the British could seize his land and remove his family and all of the men from it. By giving it to Young Jamie prior to becoming a traitor, as long as Young Jamie was never found to be a traitor, the British couldn’t just take the land from him. Lallybroch was protected for the Frasers with that action.


Jamie may have known he wasn't a traitor nor signed the pledge but the crown doesn't know that. Jamie was labeled a traitor by the crown and would have been executed except for the promise of Lord John Grey which was honored by his brother when he found Jamie.


Because it was too late, the rebellion was going to happened no matter what. If he doesn’t fight with Charles and the English win he is a traitor anyway because of the forged signature. If he doesn’t fight and Prince Charles wins he is a traitor to him and Scotland. His only option was fight and try to win.


With Jamie’s forged signature on that list, he couldn’t just sneak away and leave his sister and Ian, and his tenants to be arrested and Lallybroch confiscated. Everyone associated with Jamie would be tainted by his being a “traitor.”


They tried all they could to stop it before it reached Scotland. Once it had been declared it was too late. The war would happen because of the other clans support. Jamie thought it would be better to try and fight and maybe win than to not fight at all. You have to remember that history was only set for Claire. For Jamie it hadn't happened and it could have a different outcome.


Because it is a fixed point in time.......


The Bonnie Prince forged Jamie's signature in the war declaration, Jamie was doomed already, he was forced to fight. The only thing he could do, and did, was giving Lallybroch to little Jamie, with a prior date, just to save the property for his family. From my pov, they can change little things in history, like when Claire saves someone, but this complex events, they cannot, sadly.


I don’t think they are changing anything. Frank found evidence that Claire went back to the past to find Jamie before Claire even knew she would.


Remember when they are at >!the theatre and Claire operates a man right there (they were trying to distract the governor, also) another doctor arrives late, and mentions how he would treat that patient. Only Claire could save him, bc she was a TT) that is what I mean, with changing little events, saving lives!< But maybe you mean, that even that was already meant to happen.


Yes that’s what I mean. We are given no evidence that Claire is able to change history. She saves people but who are they? Are they serious players in history? Is she changing their fate? Or is her presence what ignites medical discoveries? That is the issue with time travel. What comes first? The chicken of the egg?


So about fleeing vs risking his men - if he flees, he could have actually put Lallybroch in more danger.... He would have put his tenants and family in the blacklist of the redcoats because of his signature. And in the blacklist of the Jacobites for his "cowardice". His men would have still been forced to March under Dougal or Lord Lovat, both of whom wouldn't have cared for the welfare of those men. The only way to keep his men safe, really, was to lead them himself. And he did save them from the fate of Culloden in the end.


Like others have said, Claire can change smaller events like saving a life but they can’t change major historical events. Think of it like a moving train. They didn’t build the train, tensions between the English and Scottish up to that point did that, but they did their best to stop the rebellion from building the tracks. Did their best to stop them from mining the coal to power it. But once the tracks were laid and they were shoveling coal into the engine, it was too late by that point. If the hopped off the train, they’d be a traitor to the Bonnie Prince and be killed. If they stayed on the train at least Jamie could fight with honor for what they knew was right. Standing up for the preservation of their culture against the English.