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My top 4 tips are : ● Drink at least 100+oz a day and include some electrolytes. It feels twice as important as during prior weight loss efforts. It helps prevent dizziness and fatigue, as well as flush waste & and is doubly important for keeping your digestive process from drying out during *delayed gastric emptying.* ● Prioritize protein. Eat/drink it first thing and throughout the day. Aim for 60-100+g. Free nutrition/calorie apps can help keep you on track. Due to *delayed gastric emptying,* get your protein in before you get full. ● Be very cautious eating. Start with miniscule portions and chew well. You can always have more in an hour. Same with *trigger* foods of anything fried, deep fried, greasy, high fat, rich, alcohol. Start very slow and small. Remember, *delayed gastric emptying* means everything piles on top of what usually would have moved on down the chute by now. ● Stay ahead of constipation. Don't let it go more than one day. *Delayed gastric emptying* can contribute to a log jam. Definitely read this wonderful explanation of poop process, called [called " The Story of Poop", along with constipation solutions & prevention.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WegovyWeightLoss/comments/15pn2qn/never_let_your_constipation_get_out_of_hand/jvzqwgy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) Congratulations on getting started! This is a wonderful breakthrough medicine!


Thank you! Appreciate the very well thought out response, super helpful


How did you stay ahead of constipation?


I started last Monday. I've had a great week - minimal negative side effects. Threw up one morning - had slightly too much dinner the night before. Already experiencing fullness and drop in emotional eating. What I've found working for me: \- drinking at least 2 litres of water daily \- magnesium supplement \- journaling, it's been interesting to see a breakthrough in stress/emotional eating \- eating high protein and low GI balanced meals. I'm serving about 50% less than I normally would, and waiting 30 mins before eating more (note, the morning I threw up I didn't do this!) \- meals that seem to be sitting well with me: omelette & greens, green smoothie, stir fry, soups \- I've noticed heavy white carbs like bread are not sitting well with me, feel quite uncomfortable and bloated when having toast with soup for dinner. Edit: each night I also have two squares of good quality dark chocolate - first time a block of chocolate has lasted beyond a night in my house. Learning this type of will power is important for me, so not cutting all treats.


Thank you for the tips! Super helpful


I always jab Friday nights. That way I have Sat and Sun to get through anything. Except I haven't had anything but still stick to Friday nights. Also, don't take it to the extreme and don't change anything how you do your normal routine. You have no idea how it's going to work for you. I started by just jabbing it Friday night and moving on. It wasn't until the 2-3 week I started to eat almost nothing and not hungry. One thing I do all the time, drink water. I always have a water laying around or at work, if I am hungry, drink a glass of water. Then see what happens. Now I almost can't finish my food and save the rest for the next meal. Water, water, water helps the pooping go better. You can get constipated really fast and if the opposite occurs, helps rehydrate you.


Thank you! I took your advice and kept my day after first shot as normal as possible. Fingers crossed!


after 2-3 shots, you won't even think about it anymore, you just do it.


Just remember that not everyone gets all the terrible side effects. You probably see it posted more often here because people are looking for help (understandable). Do your best to go into it with a positive mindset! And as others have said, stay hydrated & stick to a high protein/low carb/low fat diet. Good luck!


True true, thank you!!


You already have great advice here, just want to say good luck. I wish you few side effects and lots of success. This med has changed my life.


Thank you! I’m so glad to hear. All the best to you


After my first dose I had absolutely no problems at all. I just felt a little less hungry.