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So those isrealis blocked the truck convoys are hamas!? What’s a twist!!


The UN is a Hamas agent. The WHO is a Hamas agent. Amnesty International is a Hamas agent. Umm... \[Checks notes\] Macklemore is a Hamas agent.


Sorry to tell you this u/IOo_ol, but the Israelis now claim your mom is kha-mas.


we, here, are all hamas agents too! hello fellow agent!


you forgot Taylor Swift.....also amnesty.....ASPCA......


You are Hamas agent, I am Hamas agent, We are Hamas agents.




The shitty rave dancing Israeli’s are all kha-mas, I guess.


I want to be hamas hamas literally hero, fighting against genocidal zionst


Wow, the disguises were so convincing...I would have sworn blind they were real Israeli civilians having a party on the border


Who is this ridiculous woman? And wtf is she blathering on about?


she debated Ilan Pappe few years ago, she proclaims anti zionism is anti semetism and Pappe makes great points taking her argument and completely dismantles it [https://youtu.be/K1VTt\_THL4A?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/K1VTt_THL4A?feature=shared)


Oh thank you! I know who Ilan Pappe is so this should be glorious!


She writes for the Daily Mail, all you need to know.


Got it! ✌🏽


I'm telling you guys, the entire right and alt right with their crazy conceptions is bankrolled by Israel. They are funding "both sides" so you get stuck in left vs right wars. The CEO of Prager U is ex Israeli intelligence. https://twitter.com/prageru/status/1463598301681373186?lang=en


the reason we have suffering at all is due to the right wing. please learn that conservativism and all the abuse that exists because of it is never going to be 'reasonable', 'logical', 'proper', or worth debating or making excuses for. the left have been fighting tirelessly against the right just to get food on people's tables and enable people to have a half-decent life. it's bigger than palestine. this is not a conspiracy set up by anyone, it's simply what you do if you believe in protecting the masses from evil greedy half humans. please wake up !!!!


Grade A wanker at the outset of being associated with the Daily Mail


A racist and islamophobe who is given too much air time. She was quoted and referenced several times in Anders Breivik's manifesto.


sam harris with a vagina white supremacist, chauvinist, islamophobe, imperialist.


I see this, yes. Her “you laugh because you don’t know. I’m telling you.” Jesus




She is a Jewish Zionist with a Zionist husband. Colonial white trash


*colonial white trash* Brilliant


Look at how proficiently and persuasively she lies. Totally calm while she freestyles lie after lie. People like her are amongst the lowest of the low. Completely and indisputably morally bankrupt. As is proven by her dishonest rationalising of genocide. They have no shame because they have no self-respect. They know they are scum.


Spot on. Such easily debunked nonsense, guises in professionalism, all to gaslight and then when we get upset about it we look unstable, or irrational, or radical. It’s infuriating to no end and these people deserve the worst ending posisblr


They are manufacturing their own demise. Already their status in the world is sub zero.




Seen her over the decades, the reactions to say facing Mehdi Hassan in debates makes it clear she doesn’t believe what she’s saying. She’s just paid to be present and spread the narrative. Personally I’ve always thought that she’s somone acting out of a sense of vindictiveness targeted at people in general, the type that wants to see the world burn because they aren’t happy.


"the type that wants to see the world burn because they aren’t happy." That is so true.


No, she's not. She knows she's lying. And she lying because sucking Bibi 🐓pays well. She's a sociopath. Zero empathy for the slaughter and starvation of Innocents. She does not give a damn.


typical zionist, when isa comes and one shots dajjal they'll say he's khamas too


All these zionists have as proof is "trust me bro, google it"


She's a truly awful individual, professional right wing liar for the daily mail. One of the worst.


Why do these awful people have a platform to spew their lies? They look and sound so unbelievably deranged, I guess this is the best way to convince people that zionists live in their own made up world.


That's an excellent point. I feel like we're in the Twilight Zone listening to this insanity.


That woman is not a Journalist! Regurgitating Zionist propaganda does not make one a Journalist. She knows full well what she's doing - carrying water for Israel.


Hamas are no longer the laughing stock that Isreal said they were. Now they are a sophisticated organisation that has infiltrated the UN of all things, merely to make themselves look bad, and isreal look good. I'm lost!


The enemy is both weak and strong


Cognitive dissonance. There’s a great book called ‘Mistakes were made, but not by me.’ That lays out how it works. 1. She believes she’s a good person. 2. Her behaviour and that of her peers is criminal and clearly documented. But for her to accept the reality that is right in front of her she would have to admit that her and her peers are monsters. Her mind won’t let her do that as it undermines 1. The current situation is so extreme that individuals like Phillips are losing the optics war. Anyone with even the meanest critical faculty can see she is lying and is very unpleasant indeed.


Lmao the 2 Zionists in the crowd thinking they can compensate by clapping weirdly loudly


This piece of Sh*t is your typical racist zionist. And the way she says "why are you laughing?' lol


What a wicked, evil woman


The banality of evil.


This woman is like a representation of the devil if the devil were to exist.


Vile Nazi trying to deceive   


She's a fascist idiot


You can see how she winces at the end when the videos of civilians being killed are mentioned. She's trying to pretend to be professional but she let the mask slip and it revealed her shame almost as much as the spineless arguments that came before that moment.


What a monster.


Ah yes, hundreds of trucks of aid. Never mind it used to be 500 trucks a day.


And those 500 were not enough


Yup. That was the " diet" they were put on...


UN and WHO say there is a famine. Zionist answer: but this YouTube video!!!


What a hideous individual. I wonder whose stolen house she is living in?


So, how can aid be stolen by Hamas when the trucks are being blocked from going into Gaza by Isrealis?


We need to publicly shame people for spreading verifiably false propaganda. All these pro Israeli sources or advocates are just exposing the fact they are tools with no credibility, and we should treat them as such.


Listen to her tone change.. when she is caught out...


How about those videos of actual Israelis stopping aid from dying babies?


You could even see the audience crossing their heads in disappointment.


Stephen Flynn is a champ. This is an interview he did with Owen Jones a couple of weeks ago: [https://youtu.be/dhyFc3ZvkQI?si=rrASRHiAv-gM4G\_b](https://youtu.be/dhyFc3ZvkQI?si=rrASRHiAv-gM4G_b)


Quick, someone take a shit on her head, it will make her smarter. What an idiot.


Least delusional Zionest. Owned 🤣


But but ...i saw videos on yOUtubE! Seriously woman, using YouTube as an evidence?!


you know when your older relatives send you an email with a spam ad.....and ask if the claims are true. I felt this while watching this clip. She watched something on YouTube.....and totally believed it.


Zionists are fucking rank. When they see pictures of children dying in Gaza, they say they're faked and call it 'Pallywood'. But apparently a couple of images of stocked food markets is proof positive that Gaza is perfectly OK actually


Cooked that bozo. I needed to see this. Im glad more people are seeing the b.s 🙏


Thanks, Melanie! You can collect your AIPAC check on your way out.


Thank God those "video pictures" were released on YouTube showing the truth!


That one person clapping 💀


Sounds pretty much like every other reddit hasbara troll. Sad that it has to be said, but gaslighting is wrong to any halfway decent human being. It's lying, deceptive, and manipulative. The ones trying to pretend like all the video footage is a lie are just as pathetic as the holocaust deniers. They can't hide behind excuses of propaganda fooling them in 2024 where there is a variety of media platforms. It's willfully and pathetic.


When you tube is her only source….🤦🏻‍♀️


That one lady in the crowd looked like she wanted to bite her head off lol.


The audacity of this b*tch to lie infront of live tv is just outrageous


She’s smoking dick


She's a basket case.


You guys need to watch Mahdi Hasan dismantle her “anti-Zionism is anti-semitism” argument in this debate: https://youtu.be/OPGOtbtFTJ4?si=pYllkRpYAkpSBOaC


I just want to point out There is a market in Gaza And it will have some food However It is only a small amount And by Israel's own admission no aid trucks entered before November and to this day not a single day it was more than 100 trucks (the minimum to feed Gaza is 500)


very expensive food and obviously not enough to feed everyone


Why is this woman allowed to spew absolute lies. She needs to be educated on how to search for the truth,or maybe she doesn't want to know the truth because of her biases.


This is so crazy, because they’re literally doing Jewish conspiracy theories with Jewish people compromising every institution just with Palestinians. These people would be antisemitic, if they weren’t morally lucky enough to grow up like that.


Zionists think they have a right to blatantly lie and not get called out for their fake news. Then if someone does they play the "anti-semitic" card. But it's not working any more, they cried wolf too many times.


Awful women!


Idiot delusional coward's Zero evidences but Khaamaas!! To justify of starving hundreds of thousands civilian's


Miss Resting Bitchface thinks she can explain away genocide. I recognize her from the debate with Ilan and Mehdi from a few years back. She was a complete blabbering idiot then, so I can see nothing changed.


The UNRWA/Hamas claims were debunked and what a surprise turned out to be fabrications by Israel! Who is this cretin?


Melanie Phillips is one of the reasons I stopped listening to the BBC. She used to be a regular on the Moral Maze. One of those shows that pretends to be intellectual but is just about generating controversy so they have idiots like Melanie on and invite her back again and again despite the history of saying untrue things


Love seeing those assholes called out in real time


Funniest shit I've heard in a while lol


Zionists will lie even though they know everyone knows they are lying!


The current phase of propaganda "Disgusting the audience."


Why do the lying trash get soo much airtime?