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Worst for me is when I have nothing for Azurobe to do and it heads straight for the far end defense wall and phases right through it


See ya loser


Azurobe is by far the worst for me with getting stuck. Everytime I come back I can guarantee he is stuck somewhere. Yesterday he somehow got stuck on top of the condenser which is nowhere near most of my production stuff.


Ive got a worse one: Jormuntide


This is my biggest offender. Followed by any flier.


It's the fire goat, the guy with the horns that itch in the sun (looks like Zoroark from pkmn) and the crystal ice dragon for me (Yes, I keep forgetting the names). The moon head will somehow get onto a roof and just stay there, despite having a way down, then it complains about not having access to food or a bed. The ice dragon will always get stuck in the foundations after sleeping; in this, and only this, it's as reliable as clockwork. The fire goat, though? That one will randomly float in the air between two fairly distant buildings and equally randomly drop to the ground, injuring itself in the process. I kinda gave up and am waiting for pathing behaviour patches before I pick the game up again.


Azurobe and Faleris are the worst. Brb azurobe outside boundaries, faleris spawned on top of random structure and stuck "transporting"


Then when half of your pals are outside and complaining they're hungry and you open the gate for them, they walk at .5mph to get back inside.


Then they eat one berry, go back to work, turn around, eat another berry, go back to work, rinse and repeat. I'm still hoping for automated food recipes. As is, I have to keep coming back to base, have them mill the grains, move 50+ toasts to their feeding bowl, then wait for the flour to be done before setting up another 50. I already have a job, thanks. I kinda want to, ya know, *play*? :/


I also wish you could have them grab food from the fridge so that they wouldn't expire so quickly in the food bin Or maybe they can and that's why my fridge is always empty. Either that or my Sweepa is a slacker and never stays at the damn fridge...


I had to give up on Azurobe. One managed to get stuck on literally nothing. No walls, no hills, nothing. Just darted for the edge of the fully open base and refused to do anything but stare at my other base and jitter. I hunted Gobfins until I got a breeding pair with Artisan, did some breeding, and replaced all my Azurobes with Artisan Gobfins. Productivity has gone way up. Gobfin only has a 2 in watering but doesn't get stuck staring wistfully at my other base. And fits under single story roofs.


Yeah my Azurobe has been my biggest issue so far. Someone did say the serpent like panels such as Surfent and Jorm had issues but to be fair I just seem to have stupid issues with Axurobe whilst everyone else does their tasks.


I constantly find my Surfent or Jorm somehow on top of my 1x1 shack roof that I purposefully removed all doors, windows, all but one wall, and stairs from so pals would stop getting stuck. It's... a little frustrating.


Aww my Jormuntide likes to climb trees...


All the snake lookin type, jormuntide, azurobe and the other one has a habbit of going far and getting stuck. Wish there were smaller pals with kindling and watering lvl 5 other than jormuntide, they are really big and buggs out a lot.


“I’m so tired of your bullshit, I’m going to break the laws of physics just to get away from you” -Azurobe 2024


This is why I stopped using defensive walls. I’ll build them just outside the line (I have no problem replacing them when needed) so they STAY INSIDE THE WALLS and they don’t. So I just always end up tearing down the walls.


Do yourself a favor and turn off deterioration in the world settings so your structures outside base don't break


Oh my goodness I had no clue this was a setting. I just kept wondering why my defensive walls kept breaking randomly. Lmao thank you for the info.


If part of it is in the base it seems to not deteriorate. I have whole corners of my tower outside the base but no single component is entirely outside the base.






Even better, turn raids off and play without walls. Raids are fun, I like destroying them with my Relaxaurus Lux or Mossanda Lux, but gosh turning them off and destroyiung the walls was a godsend for my pals.


They are a good source of large souls, though.


Souls and also organs, yes. But I'm not short on *large* souls (rather on small ones), and turning them off until they can improve pathing and AI was good for my sanity.


> But I'm not short on large souls (rather on small ones), Same boat here. 200 Medium Souls, 58 Large Souls... and not a single Small Soul to my name. They need to let us break the larger kind down or something.


> They need to let us break the larger kind down or something. Should be for all resources: * They need to let us break down souls * They need to let us convert High Quality Pal Oil to Pal Fluid * They need to let us partially condense Pals. A Lvl 2 pal should bring 4, not 1 point when using it. Instead of 16 lvl 1 Pals, you should be able to use 4 lvl 2 Pals to make one Lvl 3 Pal.


On the last two bullets, I would at least be okay with Pal Oil and Pal Fluid farming skills. As far as condensing, they should at the very least let us partially condense so I don't have to dedicate an entire third of my boxes to duplicate Pals.


Being able to "save up" the condensing in Pals would solve two problems with one stone: * You do not "waste" condensing on the "wrong" pal. Got some Pals condensed early game and later bred a better one? Sure, use those lvl 2s and lvl3s you already have to condense that one up. * It would also save the storage question, because you could store a couple Lvl3s instead of 116 lvl1s. * It would also make banking up condensed pals an interesting gameplay element Maybe add some loss if you condense up already condensed pals (e.g. a lvl 2 only giving 4 points despite having needed 5 pals to create it).


Oh, by levels you mean star ranks! I agree with that.


Just need to be able to chuck eggs into the grinder for souls (or some similar action for grown pals via the condenser). I find most of my small/mediums running around opening chests in the desert/snow (both on the ground and in chests), but it would be nice to have a more automated way to gain them.


Right next to my main base, I had the same three Direhowls (not a rain, but raids did this, too, lol) spawn right next to my base. Because they aggroe on you, my entire base would attack at once. This would lead to a 30 second long FPS drop where both my RAM usage is maxed out and the dedicated server lags for me for a good ten seconds.


Im going to do this. Glad I saw this comment.


You can turn that off?? Why didn't anyone tell me before 😭


Does stone deteriorate as well, or just wood?


All treated the same


Yeah, took me a little bit to understand why my stone walls just outside the blue were falling down -- i thought it was because of raids, but it was just decay.


Ahhh if it’s only for stuff outside my base area I don’t mind that. I thought it was like…EVERYTHING.


Turn off decay in world settings. Just set it to zero and that won't happen anymore.


Pals aren't supposed to be able to go passed the blue borderline, and most of the time they don't, but I keep finding my merchants like 10-20 feet outside just walking around. And I can't interact with them cause they are outside the base area.


They still do that. They just keep phasing through walls Like that homer Simpson meme I just leave the door(gate) open for them, they always get back




The gate always is visually open but closes itself all the time for me.


It does that yeah It's a bug


Watched my Jor ignis just phase through one of my walls and I was SOOOOO CONFUSED. Homie was a GHOST


When raids happen they will leave blue zone and meet attackers before they reach base. It is designed like this as far as it seems to me.


Weird. For me, none of my pals aggro until the raiders get to a certain spot inside my base, then everyone aggroes on everyone else and it turns into a clusterfuck of particle effects.


See mine only aggro once they are inside as well.


Every single part of my base is within the blue border. My pals still pass through my two wall high walls and go outside of the blue border. Even if I pick them up and drop them into the middle of my base they will walk right back to the same wall and continue to walk into it until they pass through said wall.


I build them outside too but i don't know how... they glitch and go outside...


They’ll never stay inside base. It’s purposeful too, they meet raiders before they enter base to attack. It is annoying that they can glitch out the walls whilst working but that is fixed by leaving the biggest pal distance between any building and wall.


If you take the walls down the small pals get stuck on the blue line and if you put them up the big ones somehow get outside the walls. If you leave your gate open when you're not there, they will go back in.


I THOUGHT ONE OF THE WILD LITTLE CATS WAS DESTROYING MY BASE Unfortunately for the cat this comment was too late. RIP innocent kitty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Happens to me even without defensive walls. I'll have pals rub outside the blue circle of the base boundaries and then sit there wiggling back and forth in place refusing to come back to the base. Only way to get them back in is to pick them up and throw them or reset them at the base computer


They do it on the line too lmao They just get stuck or find themselves staring out to sea or at a wall outside the barrier.


I turn off building deteriation just for this.


I took off decay for this reason. A perfect circle and everything is a square.


Quick fix would be too add a check for pals, if outside parameter gt 10 seconds tp to center. Priority scheduling is my #2 big wish at the moment.


I’m sure the devs know how to fix it. It’s more of a “which fire to put out first” situation


Yep id much rather the "all pals at base starve and refuse to work" or the 30 minute reminder to take a break crashes be fixed


It's the crashes for me. Otherwise, almost everything else is fixable in some way in the game. Edit- also the inability to enter dungeons, but that goes back to the constant crashes.


Yeah, someone already put a mod that occasionally makes pals teleport back to the box position if they get hungry to auto-reset them basically when they get stuck. Hope Pocketpair is kind of paying attention. It feels like it shouldn't be too hard to implement something similar.


A better fix would just be to run a check on any pal that hasn't moved in a while and teleport them back to the palbox I found building my food box RIGHT next to the palbox helped tremendously as well. They need to find a way to make the pals eat without having to run to the food box if you aren't in render range


Need double area circle. Smaller one where pal work and bigger one for buildings.


this 100 percent.


So you lock them in a circle for them not to leave, but your buildings (bed etc) are outside?


I wonder how hard it would be to implement a check that basically goes; - My coordinates haven't considerably changed in 5 minutes. - I'm currently not actively working. - I have tried reaching and storing an object/ working sonewhere 10x without completing my task. > Time to teleport to the palbox spawn.


I still find constantly falling through the ground to be the most annoying thing. This is a close second though


I spawn into the game in the ground more than I actively have fallen into the ground


I, surprisingly, haven't had that issue yet. I'm kind of waiting for it to happen though. I have however, been hit so hard by an attack that it clipped me through the ground lol


lol if you can manage to get on top of the ball when trying to catch a pal. It launches you way into the sky when caught.


This one should stay.


I also have never fallen through the floor. I *have* discovered you can clip through your roofs sometimes while climbing.


You haven't been to the desert biome


I think the falling through the ground is only on XBox IIRC from another thread.


Just happened to me the other day on PC


Weird, is it a multiplayer server or single player? I wonder if there's a desync issue related to multiplayer that lets you clip through the ground.


It is a multiplayer server, however I was the only one in it.


i find this pal AI more annoying. if i let myself fall all the way down into the water, i just gotta relog and i'm back above the ground where i should be. relogging sadly doesn't cure all my pals of starving and depression lol


Seems to be easy enough to climb back through the map though. And the deathbag spawns are on point. Always find my bag easy to retrieve. I'd be more annoyed if I was losing my stuff to mesh issues...looking at you ARK


That kept happening to my wife, when she was playing on our Series S. She was getting so frustrated, I just bought her a Steam copy to play on her PC. She hasn't had the issue since. So, the issue is either on the GamePass/Xbox build, or the Series S, just can't quite handle everything.


Ride flying mounts everywhere. Otherwise you’re screwed.


series s? if not what draw distance settings?


Today I didnt phase out of a cave properly. Ended up on some really bright grass with nothing around me. Tried flying out. Nothing. Tried restarting the game. Nothing. Had to respawn. Go back to grab my stuff. Nowhere to be seen. The X is there on the map, but on the compass it says its 150m away. Very disheartened as I'm at the furtherest point I've ever got to in a game (I tend to restart a lot). Looks like I'll be restarting again.


Before you do this next time, set the death penalty to None, then go in the game, respawn, then exit the game and set the death penalty setting back to whatever it was.


This is why I changed my settings to no drop. It wasn't worth dying in some weird place and being unable to recover my stuff.


I had to abuse intentionally going underground when making my base on a new save. I tossed down some foundation, a palbox, and got some woodcutters going to cut down the trees while I started designing the foundation around coal/iron nodes within my boundary. Wood fell through the fucking floor, so my cats I plopped down to run cleanup were stuck in place trying to transport the items that fell through. I spent about half an hour clipping in and out of the ground by jumping on and off my mount near the cliff edge to go under the map to get the items that would likely never disappear. The worst part of it is not knowing if I got it all or not, just waiting for my cattivas to cosplay a pointer dog to tell me the general direction of where the offending wood is.


My world is littered with these spots now. I can usually see them but seems to be getting worse. Level 42 so the thought of starting over is unbearable


I had my Anubis keep teleporting near Palbox whenever I porting in. And some of them even ended on the roof.


That's the failsafe for stuck pals kicking in. While you were gone, it got step-bro'ed, game detected it, and moved it back to the palbox, but you weren't there to trigger it to start moving again. I assume (with my limited knowledge of game programming, but my knowledge of computer programming) that AI scripts aren't being triggered to start on newly 'spawned' NPCs until the player is nearby to conserve resources. Could be a Palworld issue, could be an Unreal Engine issue.


Its ironic because the end result is the same, the pals starve to the point of getting sicknesses. I think the quickest fix right now would be allowing pals in the base to eat from a feedbox no matter where they are in the base. Or giving us another type of feedbox to unlock that does that (maybe call it the Automated Food Delivery System or something). I don't mind them getting stuck and not working, that's annoying but not nearly as annoying as them starving to death because they're waiting for me to come back to the base to properly spawn in.


Yeah I believe it to just be a half measure since I see them pop into existence while I'm at the base, so I believe that they got stuck even while I was around and got unstuck, then back to working, but yeah if you're out and about while it happens, they're pretty much not functioning still.


I ended up building a gate to replace one of my walls. Opening the gate allowed them to path back into the base most of the time. That was before I started building the walls further outside the blue circle. Sure, deterioration kinda blows, but works very well to keep this from happening.


If your own world and not community world you can turn deteriorating off in setting


You can turn deterioration off in the world settings.


Honestly you don't even need walls. The raids target your character specifically and will only attack walls to get to the center of your base. When I was getting hard raids (before end game) I just said "well this base is toast" and flew just a bit of a distance away. The raid walked into the center of my base, and then proceeded to book it directly in my direction. I was barely still in line of sight because I wanted to see the damage they would do. They hard focused me with long range attacks and didn't touch the base. Toco's aside, you can safely leave the zone when a raid happens (maybe even with Toco's too, I just didn't want to chance the kamikaze birds wreaking havoc so I'm not sure about them).


If you turn off deterioration rate and rebuild your walls outside the base limit it makes things work a lot smoother.


Teleport back to base, see a pal that "hasn't eaten in a while", look up and they're on the defensive wall, "HOW IN THE ACTUAL F... Sigh whatever"


The raid function was working poorly for me so I just turned it off and have no need for a defensive wall now. It was too disruptive and chaotic.


If you line your walls up on the blue line they stay in better and any rocks or trees just outside the base remove and put a sign down to stop it spawning back and stops pals trying to go out and mine them


I'll try on the line for sure, but the stupid thing is that they aren't going to mine anything. I'll fast travel to the base and they either already be there, or they'll idle walk into it and just get stuck. I purposely made my base outside of anything they would try to prioritize, and those pals in general don't even have a mining skill of any sort. Just handiwork and smelting


Can confirm this doesn't always work. I built on the line and this still happens constantly.


The line should work and If you also really need them to do something I just build little hut and lock them in with a feed box for abit 😂


This looks like one of those gatekeeper things where one only tells the truth and the other always lies.


The babe...


Omg why do they do this!?!?!?!? Drives me insane!


My pals like to climb trees and not want to come down for food


My fridge pall spoiled all my food because he decided to go for a long walk... The task assignment is completely broken for me. Pals constantly getting stuck on top of the tree (don't ask me why...).. Raids are useless because enemies are always getting stuck or just freeze.. some pals randomly start T posing. I really hope Devs will improve AI very soon because this game has so much potential.. ![gif](giphy|0128kFpC9BxaDPNcsz|downsized)


My Jlothog Cryst is a Bamf. All he does is cool the fridge and eat. I've never seen him do anything else. One of the only mons that I've never had a problem with. Him and Fuddler.


Thought I was slick putting 8 Anubis at my workshop base. Now I got 20,000 stone and my ammos still over there crafting itself


You don't have to build within your based borders, I put my walls up outside of that perimeter for this reason


Fix idea, make the pal roam radius slightly smaller than the build radius. Or make them both something you can adjust. Hell, hire some devs from Roomba or Shark and learn about no go zones and mapping 🙃


I just turned off raids and got rid of walls. The raids don’t add anything and aren’t a challenger they’re just annoying as hell


So yeah, I came here looking to see if anyone else has this problem. I'm 100% positive this is a new bug. Whatever they did on the first patch fixed a lot of the starving/depressed/etc Pals when no one was around; but the second patch has seemingly caused this bug and it has nothing to do with the walls. My Pals are getting stuck at a base where nothing has been changed, no walls for them to clip through, no nothing. Since this previous update. I assumed something broke again. They're also all depressed and not eating because of it. I've watched them path out of the boundary multiple times and just stay there like in the picture.


I’m currently having the issue where the gates are open but they won’t go back in and so I have to destroy the wall so they can figure out how to use their legs 🙄 I can’t even pick them up sometimes


My biggest annoyance is the game crashing every 15 mins.


If youre on pc you might want to look into undervolting your cpu. I went from crashing every 35 min with very low settings to having zero issues at max settings. Dropped my temps by 20 degrees


If nvidia/amd use the overlay thing to see whats holding you back Then proceed from there :) Not even my steam deck ever crashes from this


Weird question but do you know a way to pull up the map on steamdeck? I can't find a way to map it at all, even trying to set the back button to M on keyboard as a hail Mary didn't work. Just got my deck yesterday so I'm not super familiar with all the settings, so I'm genuinely unsure if there's just no way to map on deck or not.


What? Never heard of anyone experiencing this. The game demands a lot, maybe you need to upgrade your PC?


Build walls in breeding pen so they can’t get out


I feel like walls are only useful for keeping things out, but not keeping pals inside the base, since they can just phase through them


I had penkings kept floating over little fence so I build walls x2 high and they couldn’t get out and would make eggs


Even then I've had attacking pals glitch right through the walls lol


Skull and Crossbones is in free open beta right now. I love Palworld but I needed a break from the bugs.


Yup, I’m not playing untill they fix some of these bugs. It’s just more time consuming trying to work with the weird glitches the game. Especially when I put out my pal during a boss battle only for it to be stuck in some roar animation with no attack meanwhile I’m getting clobbered by the boss. Gotten me killed and frustrated AF several times.


Thanks for coming, don’t forget to lock the door on your way out


I agree it's infuriating. I stopped it for my three bases by moving them to places that were either raid-free, or where the raids come but can't reach the base. That meant I stopped needing defences, so the pals can't get stuck outside of them. They still find other ways to get themselves hopelessly stuck, of course. Most notably inside the mansion I built for myself, which they can't leave as the doors are shut, and apparently the strange osmosis that gets them inside is only one-way.


I'm having issues with thighs hovering over the pal box. Especially Suzakus. The just fucking hover and then I can't access it either. 


I’ve noticed more problems lately than at the beginning. Idk if it’s just larger pals since I’m in late game but as mentioned sasakus are definitely hovering demons. Still the most fun I have playing a game by far


I get angry when people dip their balls in my pint. But you’ve definitely got it worse.


Everytime I tp I find some of my pals on top of trees or cliffs far away from base


I find that building actual walls inside those defensive walls helps solve the problem. I usually can't have gaps and need to child proof my place.


It's taken me several weeks, but I officially have all 3 bases where no one gets stuck or anything. A few tips I learned: -I avoid defensive walls. Normal walls work better. 2-3 high sometimes. -The Ranch And Breeding area I either have as much of it hanging out past my base as it'll let me or far enough inward that stuff can walk completely around it. -shipping container style storage units and the silo usually need to have a wall and ceiling to keep pals off of them. -using Pizza instead of just berries doesn't interrupt your pals in the middle of stuff nearly as often and causes less issues -build the bases where they either can't be raised or figure out the directions the raids come and block them off before they get to your base. Like the one good ore spot that's only connected by the bridge? I put high foundations on the other side of the bridge. Raids just get stuck and leave before they get to me. -base goes over the edge of a cliff? Walls. 2-3 high.


I just keep my gate open now so they can walk right back in. Super annoying though.


It happens even without the walls there. I'm constantly coming back to my base to see Pals stuck right on the blue boundary. AI needs to update to either prevent them from getting to the edge of the boundary, or extend the boundary a bit in a way that provides a buffer for them to path back in. Also, these pals are always just walking the borderline. its so annoying. even if they are not currently stuck, I know they will be soon. Just walk around the big open space I have provided you in the middle of the base for gods sake!


I haven't come across this one, yet. The play is to build defensive walls outside the base boundaries?. Good to know. Thank you for bringing it up. Unfortunately, I'm currently playing on an Xbox One-S. Sometimes I think I spend more time in the game startup menus than I do playing the game....


I go wall less, I know the raid path the raiders always take. I made a little funnel out of walls that lines them up for death.


I removed my walls completely in the end, such a frustrating bug...


Had this happen to me at my first big base. A work around it to have at least one gate open. If they go outside the fence they will auto path through the gate but it has to be open.


Easy fix from the devs: make pals able to open doors/gates.


My pals sometimes get stuck in the blue borderline when my base is under attack and I need to put them in the box and bring them back ,otherwise they'd starve


Yeah, whatever system they use to spawn pals back into a base you've returned to needs improving. Same with however they are supposed to manage base production while you are away. Breeding is a wait enough already, I shouldn't be penalized for leaving while the breeding is supposed to be happening.


Build your walls further out, or build in a spot you don't need them. But yea, it is frustrating how often pals get stuck outside/on/in bases


I keep all my structures a full foundation tile away from the line these days. I noticed that if a Pal straddles the line, it gets stuck outside even when the path is clear.


Never had this issue with my defensive walls. Weird. 


At my main base, I built a defensive wall around an already enclosed area, so I very rarely get this issue there. At my ore farming base, however, I sometimes go back to find starving Tomcats just outside the gate. It is annoying and I feel your pain.


Get a microscope if you want to actually know. They are cheap. 20$ on amazon.


I turned off structure deterioration and surround the exterior of my circle in walls for this reason. Looking forward to the fix too tho


Oh I dunno. Clipping through the ground into oblivion, then the game crashing (Series X), is pretty infuriating. It’s happening so frequently, I’m about to quit playing altogether…


I stopped using defensive walls because raids would just run through them. Also a player can just climb them.


Walls bug out pals as well.


If you have a gate and leave it open they wonder back in after a minute


I had to glide down a few hundred feet from a mountain top, pick up my breeding relxasaurus, and find a climbable path bank to the top. After spending 5-10 minutes figuring out where she was!


Yes, yet wild pals can walk right through your fences as long as they aren’t in a fight.


Most infuriating thing is world autosave fail error not allowing people to play their worlds


Don’t make solid defense walls, then raids will destroy them to get through and your guys can’t get in. Instead, make 2-3 focal points where raids most likely come from and have sandbag turrets there. This way, when raids happen, you have defenses in place to get them, and you also give your guys access back into base. Simple fix for the current issue and honestly, probably a better solution all together


I get this kind of problem even without the walls.. they get stuck outside the boundary line and then I have to pull them back using the palbox


Like, I'm fine with them taking a break, but then they go outside the wall and seem to take forever. Seems to be an issue with some species of pals more than others. Foxparks does this a lot. If you want a quick but annoying temporary fix, put them in the box and take them out. ETA: Although, tbf, Foxparks does this even at my base that doesn't have a wall inside the circle. It goes and just stands there a long time. I have one with Artisan and one with Serious and I trust neither with base work anymore.


I have a Fuddler with artisan that always gives me the "hard at work. Must be a good worker". It never changes and he never does anything but mine and eat. Same goes for my Jolthog Cryst. It seems to me that the problem is with those that are just handiworkers. Loupmoon, Wixen are the biggest offenders of getting stuck on things or on the base line


If you open the gates they'll come back in the camp 😁


It's never going to stop until they fix their auto pathing that forces them to the edge of bases. Literally watched my jormuntide walk behind a corner wall where I historically see him and ignis stuck. They literally force themselves to patrol the border of the base and even get stuck on the border line with no walls


I always build my walls a good bit beyond the circle and it still happens. Also no point in the walls as of now aside from looks. Also the walls seem to stay even if base decay is on, if they are outside the line but the gate does not


It doesn't matter what you do, they will clip past the border and since they technically can't exist outside of the palbox area, they go untargettable sometimes and you gotta put them back in the box to get them out.


i moved to an area that makes it really difficult for enemies to get to my base and stopped using walls altogether because of this.


> Wixen bros Thank; you have permanently changed my perception of Wixen.


Until I got Anubis, I had the Wixen bros and the Loupmoon triplets(2 male, one female) they were the best handiworkers I had and have more than made themselves legends in my books. Lol




I feel this. It's lessened to me by the fact there is only like 40 dudes who didn't know how unreal worked 😂


Worst for me is the crashes


I haven't had any of those thankfully. I do get some major lag here or there, but usually only when I've broken multiple nodes and the game is trying to catch with so many things in the world.


I feel this pain. Keeping your fort doors open kinda sorta works but honestly PP just needs to work on the spawn range of pals.


Does it have a print button without the hud?


Do you mean being able to screen cap without the Hud info?


I have no defensive walls, just the breeding pen in open ground. They still leave the pen. I ended up making a type of room so they cant get out. They spawn outside it anyways. I put them in a separate floor, still. Only way I can keep them there is if I watch them do it like a creep.


Build gates around your base instead of walls and all your pals will stay in your base.


This is my issue every time i visit my iron and coal farms and wonder why i get slow progress.. it irritates the shit out of me


This is why my pals are free range


I built my walls further inward and removed gates because the game thinks open doors are closed. So far no problem and still funnels the raids into where I want them. I can also build a gate during a raid and take it down after.


I found the way to fix this if your hosting is to change structure decay to 0 and build your walls outside the blue circle, then they never get stuck


Broncherry Aqua and Astegos..... both of these alphas go to the hot spring and end up stuck in the floor running in place


I remember when i built my 4 stories house and I use jorm for watering and when I came back i saw jorm on top of my house starving and stressed


Mine are normally because they're trying to mine rocks or cut trees just outside the walls of my base. Im thinking of turning raids off and just removing walls.


Tip, build the defense walls a good amount outside of the boundary. Pals typically try to stay within the circle boundary


I’ve had 4 worlds completely deleted after getting around level 40-45 and the backup didn’t work. Just finally got it to work for my last world and it’d be nice for them to fix all that.


I built my 3rd base near lava because there's a load if sulfur there. No matter how much I build over the lava or how high above it I go or how many walls I put around it to stop them. My pals still always find a way in everytime I travel there half my pals are injured. Not moving though cant find anywhere as good for sulfur


Build walls outside of the palbox circle. They glitch out of the wall thinking it’s a walkable area, ignoring the walls.


It's funny but it only started after i started using defensive walls, before that they would never even go to that part of base, there is nothing for pals but i put down a wall and they seem to be drawn to it Getting rid of them solved it, hope they fix it


You think this is bad? This chicanery? It’s done worse! The game wouldn’t save on XBox and I lost a lucky lamball and an hour of progress


I sometimes find that if you have a gate on your defensive walls and leave it open then they sometimes walk back in


All mine spawn in one spot and get stuck with no option to pick them up either lmao


I used to have the problem of my pals being stuck on the border of the palbox area before I moved my palbox to a new area. Now I just have an issue where they somehow spawn underground and get stuck there. Not able to do anything before I take them out and put them back in the palbox


Yea thats why i destroyed my first base and put it somewhere else, its super annoying. But i kind of got around this problem by getting an area that is as flat as possible, put my base there, and put the defense walls outside of your circle. Because your pals cant get out of the circle normally. So my walls stand and if my pals go to the edge they come eighter right back or stay there until they find something to do and then come back. I had to do the thing in the world settings where the big door doesnt deteriorate outside of my base and disappears by itself after some time. Dont do this in multiplayer tho bc otherwise others can just destroy your walls quickly with the build menu.


I make double or tripple layer in possible holes where they can get out. Works for me


What’s the point of the gate if they still go thru it


Meanwhile my catress and foxparks: *roof climbing noises*


I had a catitiva get stuck on my statue of power. He started freaking out when he started starving and I t was funny to watch him on top of the infrastructure screaming like he wanted to start a revolution.


My vanaworm and azurobe get stuck or wander outside more than anyone....


delete the wooden gates