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![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49350) we know what kind of man you are


It gets funnier as I tell you that every single one of my bases are almost completely full of Lovanders




How are you getting food if there's nothing else?


That's why I said almost completely full I do have my farms running, just most of the pals in each base are lovanders. Not that I need to, I have a lifetime supply of ores, wood, and food because I've been playing for a while




The same type that has a weird thing for the cute blue aquatic cat from other Monster catcher franchise


>cute ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|50732)


Actually I prefer lucario.... Gotta be somewhat humanoid, I do have standards.


And a dog face 🤔


the eevee line? always thought the long ears made them canine, not that i can guarantee i know regular biology either


This is deffo the joker and lopunny kinda thing I can see it 👀


next update leaked. new item : lovander saddle 😉


Yeah, but the small print says "lovander rides the player"


Lol, I was jokingly talking about how they should make lovander rideable with a friend the other day


The boy ain't got no self respect


Yes, I agree especially with the last part


Nah I think Anubis is better. But for some most of my Anubises were female. And it was the boss variants, and every time they I am crafting something, she (the Anubis), would proceed to stand right behind and craft the item over my shoulder. At the very least I’m not waiting years for a building to be finished.


I do also love anubis and will admit I did have one in my party for a short while, they are now retired in one of my luxury bases surrounded in lovanders. My first Lovander I got through breeding (I named her Amory - a combination of Amor which means love and Amary which is a flower, then I gave her the last name of Baphomet) she has great stats, an alpha too like the game knew that I was destined to get her; But my point was that finishing is garaunteed to be quick with her.


I prefer Felbat, but I'll agree on that last part.


Can somebody help me remember me what happens when you lose to a lovander raid ?


GIF may be NSFW lol. [GIF Image](https://i.postimg.cc/44t9BdRT/416544155265.gif)


Felbat has the same ability. I'd rather get accused of being an edgelord then .... Yeahh




Does Lovander passive stack? \*sweats in increasing breeding farm production quota\*


I think it’s great that you embrace your kinks and live your life to the fullest. Don’t hold back, bro.


What's your opinion on the best traits for combat vs base Lovanders? Since the new traits came out, that is.


I haven't looked at them quite yet, mostly been trying to catch all the pals, particularly the Xenos Of which I only caught recently last night before posting this


My favorite is Lunaris. Haven't seen or encountered it in game yet, I have no idea what she does. I love her vibes though and she's my instant favorite


They are quite beautiful, I can't remember what she does at this current moment. But they can be quite strong, I do know that. You should level up more, you'll get better raids and a couple of those raids could have them, although you'd need a good sphere and depending on the area different raids will happen too. But if you don't want to wait for a raid, I'd suggest going to the sea breeze archipelago, which Is the island around the bottom left corner in the map There you will find a lunaris boss that you can defeat Although I do suggest you get a mercy ring (so you can't accidentally kill it)


They’re in the >!ice area dungeons!< and are adorably peaceful. If you bait a hostile pal into attacking them, they’ll use space magic to wipe the floor with them, even if they have a type disadvantage.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well. I hate having to lose slots I'd rather have dedicated to Lovander in to a mount and glider. Had been experimenting with using ribbunies to make her even beefier. I didn't realize that cremis had the same power, not sure if one was stronger than the other of if it's like felbat and Lovander having the same power. I just pretend the Ribunnies are baby Lovanders when I use them. The o ly thing I can't beat with her yet is the hard mode raid bosses, and thats more so due to not being able to run dungeons at all. I am rising an army of powerful Lovanders I plan to take them down with. Just gotta get 50+ more to max level and with good skill fruits.


Yeah the raid bosses are hard, and I have to admit that it took me about 30 each of bellanoirs and bellanoir liberos, combined with all my lovanders to actually defeat the Ultra Bellanoir Libero. I'd also have to admit that I use a mod that allows me to increase the max amount of pals working in your base, currently have it set to 100.


Homie 100% part of a palworld NSFW group


The huge rape lizard just tries way too hard imo. I prefer more tasteful stuff.


Judging from your flair, you prefer to dance the masochism tango〜


What? Ew no. Either side hurting the other is unacceptable imo.


Found the wrong best girl then, because that’s like Lyleen Noct’s whole Paldeck entry


That's to ones being disrespectful, not to me. As for pals seeking it, instead of slapping, my Leileen just lasers them. I also slaughter any pals or humans that try to do anything to her.