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show me your panera battle scars and why everyone thinks ur mentally ill


What if both


STOP😭😭😭 but also hope you're doing well


https://preview.redd.it/98kmd1h2a5xc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3f1ac131cd39182ed949e2c2c5dc7b461af0b4 Former baker ( this happened in 2015) rack oven door bounced back on me. EDIT: it was the rack oven not the deck oven that got me




my manager used to tell this story about how this exact same thing happened while she was working. crazy shit the oven door just slammed on this person! it might have even been you tbh, that looks rough i hope they paid up


I've got no burns since I don't work with food, but I've lost blood to nearly every edge and corner in the cafe, from the squeeze bottle holders to the dumpster lid. Oddly enough, I haven't been hurt by the bagel slicer blade yet.


There’s a little lip at the stop and I’ve scraped my hand on the bagel slicer before but never hurt from the blade


Dude I cut myself on the mf handle of the bagel slicer and to this day I have no idea how I did it. This mf was brand new too






now covered by a tattoo


https://preview.redd.it/y1sgymppq5xc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a239828e68dcab1e114c240d9b36773baf83406e Like 9 years ago from hitting a panini plate with the cleaning goo on it 😭 my skin was on the plate 🥲


Oh I was taking souffles out of the oven one day and I double burnt my left arm, on my forearm and bicep. It hurt like a mf and I still have a slight scar. That oven also reminded me of the one Sweeney Todd pushed Mrs Lovett into 😂


Mother Bread's kiss


more like bite😭


I once had my arm burned by the oven door. I was grabbing sweets out of the oven and a employee decided to push the oven door onto me instead of waiting or just going around. I mean the oven door is open for a reason. This employee is also not the brightest and is also not a good worker either


https://preview.redd.it/73k1e2wys7xc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e3f93f184567660c053b45ab2fadfae9eb7fb1a Everyone at my store has the mother bread mark 💀


Slice of tomato helps soothe minor burns! I accidentally l grabbed the inside of the oven door and two fingers and part of my palm were hurt pretty badly. Our prep person ran over to me with a piece of tomato and shoved it into my hand to grab… instead of getting horrific burn blisters, it was pink the next day w almost no blistering.




Don’t have pictures from then (baker from 2008-2014) but it was when they switched the miche from going directly in the deck oven to proofing for like 6 hours and going into the rack oven. I had mentioned countless times to the BMM, “Hey all our ten racks have weak wheels, can we get wheels for them? Those miche pans are heavy”. I was told I was being paranoid and that this wasn’t an issue in any of the other cafe. And it finally happened. Pulling out the rack and the wheel just gave up on the whole rack fell on me. I quickly covered my face with my forearms so that took the majority of the burns and my body was slightly red. Those Panera Tees were surprisingly thick and absorbed a lot of the heat. But at least AFTER the incident my BMM at the time had showed up during the day when I was home and replaced all the wheels.


they never listen to us. i got 3rd degree burns from someone not double bagging the soups and i had already told them abt it.


burnt my arm on the oven, then a week later as it was healing i did the same thing in the exact same spot 😭😭


I burned the entire back side of my arm in a bakers oven cause the hinges were faulty, and it closed on me.


The amount of times I got cut by the BREAD!!


https://preview.redd.it/yj3cbiyr19xc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c34b7378f666970b2a8c68391b41380dc9a60a7e One on the wrist from a hot pan, and the other from a toaster. I’m just a cashier is the best part just have syrup fingers 😂




They’ve healed but I have gotten many cuts at work A couple of them were my fault like fiddling with food stuck to the blade of the spiral slicer and being a little to zealous and stupid while cutting a baguette, but I’ve gotten like 4 cuts by stupid people putting sharp knives in murky dish water


Does Panera compensate any of you? They should. Plus time off.


BAHAHAHAH i hope this was a joke


I wish...I hope they at least have lots of burn ointment with pain relief in the ointment


* I quit over a month ago and got these scratches around that time. And of course they're starting to scar. Loved me some sourdough 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/ezsxu0dlmaxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4870341605e9628a904b883ae76b8a0fc5f8ce06 almost been a full year since this, but one friday night we were slammed all night and we were still going past midnight trying to get our closing stuff done. i was doing a deck scrub and i hit the lettuce scoop holder *just* right and it made a huge gash into my hand. the baker at the time found me at the sink because i left a blood trail and she was trying to help and see the severity but i was just freaking out and trying to calm myself down. the other manager on shift helped bandage me up best he could but it was such a nasty cut. i was closing MIC and i persisted and got all my stuff done (even though i was in insane amounts of pain), hand wrote a note to the opening GM and then i drove my ass to the closest hospital and was in and out with six stitches in one hour. and i had to work the next day :))) we do it all for mother bread


I cut my finger on the hand push Bagel Slicer cleaning it, I Barely touched the Blade, and it cut me enough that I had to wrap it to stop the Bleeding and then bandage it.. be careful ..I really was .. but it only takes the slightest touch , and you won't even feel it


Nothing compared to a real kitchen. Try working with fryers, grills, flattops, steam tables, ranges and convection ovens.


yeah my arm would be burnt off im to clumsy


Womp womp


Oddly enough I’ve worked in real kitchens and Panera and the TurboOvens are fucking evil. I don’t burn myself in real kitchens oddly enough.


And you shouldn't. Properly maintained kitchens are safe. Only people and badly maintenanced equipment get people hurt in real kitchens.


Huh I think you just need to find a new line of work if you're getting injured that easily in a kitchen. Most people don't get hurt regularly.....