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Sorry! I'm here now.


Your feta cheese gets fucking everywhere


I change the build order cuz of that - Tomato basil Hummus Feta Peppadews Red onion Greens Tomatoes Cucumber Hummus Tomato basil This way the hummus helps the bits of feta and peppadews stick to the sandwich and prevents cucumbers from slipping out


Haha I also go against build and put feta on the hummus, only I do it on the top side and build the rest normally, it helps so much.


You and me both I hated trying to put feta on the sandwich until I started doing it on the hummus


haha I'm so glad I wasn't the only one doing this lol. it was a mess to make


YES! A lot of the default builds are trash. Why would I put the chicken on top of the salads instead of under the other toppings??? It covers up the prettier stuff! If the customer is worried about us forgetting chicken; they can just check like adults.


I always put the feta and cucumbers on the top piece since it's right where it should be, and the hummus on the top holds it together


Most sandwiches use a sock for that. Just don’t let your mom find it.


Thank goodness! That imposter was not it.


You're my favorite <3


That’s some insane commitment right there 🫡




What is that


Right what is that?!?!????


It's the new ciabatta cheesesteak. The steak tastes so much better than the the old steak used for the steak and white cheddar. But still, it's not a med Veg. Sorry that happened to you.


Looks like the toasted steak and cheese.


They don’t even sell them here anymore. 🫠


That looks really bad. 🤮


disgusting because what is that? thank God I no longer work there I need a flair for this sub😂 the girl needs to be either retrained or fired ASAP but not unnormal for Panera


Definitely not unnormal. I got their frontega chicken today and it was soggy legit falling apart. The wad of napkins was even wet like the person was drying their hands and packing the bag at the same time. Whenever I go there's apathetic teens than can barely string a sentence together. I don't know why Panera even bothers having sandwiches with more than 1 ingredients because they can't even get people to make them right. The turkey club is still ok but I seriously am done with this place.


Is this meat? Barf? Mushroom?




That’s super gross but I’m glad you’re getting a refund!


They didn't even get a refund lol. Only a voucher 😭


Omg that looks disgusting… What is that supposed to be?


Looks like it was supposed to be the ciabatta cheesesteak, modified without the peppers/onions, maybe? It definitely looks poorly built, not visually appealing imo. Not sure how that got confused for a Med Veg, since they are wrapped in 2 different types of papers. The breads also feel quite different, unless you wanted it on toasted ciabatta instead. Also not sure why they couldn’t give OP a refund (since “no in-store refunds over the phone”). Not sure if it’s different with other franchises/corp stores, but at my franchise we can submit your receipt from our system for refund, even if you’re not physically present. It takes 7-10 business days to process, but at least the money would still go back to you. Possible that the manager either didn’t know how to find the in-store receipt or maybe wanted to avoid the refund (as it’s likely more profitable long-term to just give a voucher and keep the original money).


They were out of whatever bread I wanted and I took the ciabetta because it was what they offered as a sub. So that's why they wouldn't have noticed the bread.


They refused to give you a refund? I guess I won’t be getting a refund for the gift cards I bought thinking the menu would stay the same. There’s literally nothing I want to eat here.


The store I go to does not do refunds over the phone either. I have had managers take my address to send vouchers but they never arrived. Most recently I emailed corporate customer care and they added a couple of equivalent rewards to my account to use.


Gift cards almost always have a specific no refund policy pretty much everywhere anyway.


Pretty sure it's on a per store or per market basis. My store will give refunds, but I've heard of others refusing unless you bring the sandwich back in


Panera has gotten progressively worse :( but thankful they still have good ice tea 😭


Hasn’t it killed 2 people?


The charged ones yes! I like another one but scared to say it bc I don't want them to get rid of it😭


It took that dude 20 minutes to rub one out on your sandwich, be thankful I'm sure that took him quite a while to make


The sacrifices that must be made when Panera corporate removes Mayo from the line. 😓


As a vegetarian, having this happen on my lunch break would break me 😭


Their sandwiches are below mid. For the price it's an insult. Panera should just stop with the sandos. The customers are going to. Shit is a joke. $12 for that I bet too. Veggie... feta the most expensive thing on there. Inedible. "New era" of inedible over priced carb bombs. Pass. Every post that's a sandwich I'm like "ewww pass". Take note corp.


For their prices their entire menu is below mid. It's either toddler-sized servings or something that has the quality and flavor of an item that should be 1/4 of its price.


This. It's sub par for even fast food. Every time the sandwiches are soggy with limp or wet ingredients that look past their prime. God forbid their employees can make a sandwich with more than 1 ingredient too. Panera is seriously an insult to food at this point.


Looks like a Philly steak that birds have picked at in the dumpster for the last week.




I’m trying to figure out what is on the bread?? It’s not even the correct bread—I’m just guessing it’s a totally different sandwich though


I know I haven't worked at Panera in 2 years but what in the world is that?! Is that steak??


They changed so much in terms of the menu and the steak they now use. They’re using a different cut now; mimicking the kind for cheesesteak sandwichhh 🤣 All locations losing revenue due to “simplifying the menu” and removing stuff. Ugh.


That is the least flattering picture of a cheesesteak I've ever seen, lmao


The whole in-store no refund is so so crap, I've heard that before from other big chains who have really messed up their food.... If you can take my money in the store you can sure as hell give it back in the store.


I keep seeing people mention a lack of vegetarian options at Panera. Don't they have a bunch of salads?


So the interesting thing about being a vegetarian is that everyone thinks we want a salad all the time. A salad isn't enough carbs after a run and they were out of baguettes. Also, unsure about Panera (because I don't go there for salads and preferred grain bowls) but many places make you order the chicken option, pay full price, and get less food. TLDR: I didn't want salad just because I don't eat meat.


Ik atleast when i worked at panera before the big era change that you were allowed to sub in avacado for any of the proteins(meats). Idr if it had a upcharge but idr it having one unless you added it as a extra protein. So you could in theroy make any of the panera sandwhichs (vegetarian or vegan depending on what else you took off) but i would also always tell people that if you couldnt get avocado for somereason that day to it you had someone you knew in your family or a friend you wanted to treat to order the meat to be placed on the side so that you are getting what you paid for and able to know your not completely wasting your money on something you arent able to eat Edit: sorry for the long winded response.


Avocados aren’t a protein though. They have plenty of healthy fats, but almost no protein.


Start getting that meat in you.


I was a vegetarian for 20 years. I no longer am but my diet is 98% vegetarian. I go months at a time without eating any type of meat/fish/poultry. When I was a vegetarian we didn't have a Panera and I would have killed for a place to get nice salads. But thanks for the tldr on vegetarians


So you stopped being a vegetarian like 20 years ago? Things have changed a lot and a place that only serves salads doesn't cut it for modern vegetarians. I've been for over 25 years now, things are different.


No I was a vegetarian for 20 years, stopped about 10 years ago when I relapsed. Then I got clean but have not committed to vegetarianism again yet. But yea things were very different back then and I would have killed for a salad place. If I could afford Panera I think I would murder some of their salads (today). Lol


Well then you had Panera because it's been around since the 90s. Early 2000s it was already everywhere.


I was not aware of a Panera in my area if we had one.


I'm glad the king of vegetarians showed up to gatekeep a diet that they quit eating lol. Most vegetarians like more options than just salads FYI, that's a key signature of a place with shit vegetarian options when salads are all they have. You're definitely the exception and not the rule


I understand that people want more than salads. I was referring to people saying there's "no vegetarian options", when there actually are several vegetarian options.


They used to have the best panini ever called the tomato mozzarella and it was so fucking good!! It was vegetarian


I was super angry when they got rid of that. Then happy about the Mediterranean warm bowl …. Then they got rid of that too.


The green goddess caprese melt has filled the tomato mozz void for me, it’s so good. Literally the only reason I go to Panera anymore lol


really? ill have to try it!!!


Salad isn’t really a complete filling meal if it’s just rabbit veggies. No vegetarian protein options.


So sorry that happened


Yuck! Gross! I miss the old med veggie sandwich on tomato basil bread but again that looks gross


Lol i read so many comments asking what that is in disgusted way or ew but here i am staring at the pic like id destroy that. Looks like a steak and cheese sammie to me.




this meat gives me the same vibe as arbys’s roast beef- a grey looking, chewy amalgamation of multiple animal corpses, processed, packaged, frozen for a mystery amount of time, and shipped to be assembled by an underpaid employee who may or may not have washed their hands that day


Arby's also had that turd bowl. It was filled with a large steamy turd and topped off with dingleberries that ripened with the but sweat of Juan after working a hard days construction. Drizzled on it was septic juices from various different ethnicities.


Life is too busy and shit is too expensive to be waiting for nothing and paying for the wrong product


did they also forget your Apple and gave you two bags of chips instead?


This is like turkey with bacon and cheese…. 🤨


Looks like vegetarian foreskin 🤮


Funny, that's what the doctor said when you crawled out of your mother's diseased cooch 🤣


C-Section gang


This pic sums up the new menu


they took the time to pre-digest the food for you. nice.


Yuck, Panera usually delivers with the good fresh eats. That shit look like school lunch.


Funny bc I thought I was in r/fossils


Wtf IS that??


Wtf IS that??


Looks like a grilled steak and cheese


Mediterranean veggie is basically the only thing I eat at Panera, and now that is ruined for me 😀


This is why ordering from Panera is a bad choice. Their food is pricy and garbage


Ok that’s meat from the Pompeii volcanic eruption in 79CE. That looks inedible


I'm good not eating at Panera, I have a microwave at home.




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Why do people still go to Panera?


It looks like mold on a roll.


My half med veggie/half soup took 40 minutes last week so you actually saved 20 by getting meat.


That’s why you always check before you drive away 👍


That looks like what my cat produces after eating too fast


mediterranean veggie? this isn't even close & i don't even know what could've mistaken it for. 😭


They used a Midwest tofu substitute called… meat


Disgusting looking meal. Sorry that happened to U




Best damn veggie sammich ever!


F that. It is that deep and that’s not what you ordered. It’s not even close to being right. I would have still gone back up there with the sandwich to get a refund for my whole order.


Panera is just overpriced hospital food. Change my mind


I just found out they got rid of their Flatbread. Annoying AF considering how much they charge. I'm so sorry you had to go thru this.


First off sorry, & second off congratulations for being able to afford Panera in this economy 🤪


I’ve gotten the wrong (meat-filled) sandwich when I’ve ordered the MedVeg too. Even though they weren’t super filling, I miss their vegetarian grain bowls.


I’m still bitter about the two good warm bowls being removed. I should probably stop going. The new salad just isn’t as good.


Interesting this is getting downvoted 🤔


If it’s not that deep why post it? Shit happens dude. Looks like they did everything within their power to make it up to you.


Ordering a vegetarian item and receiving a completely different, meat-filled option is pretty bad even for fast food standards. That's not "shit happens" that's "somebody isn't capable of working in this type of environment"


Ok mister main character. Let me explain to you how the real life works… line worker goes through a hundred of those wrapped sandwiches and mistake can happen anywhere from the register to the QC, clearly they had a rough shift and yet they did try to make it up so the OP. So yes, shit happened. People like you are the reason this industry can be so shitty to work in… I mean every word in that last sentence.


Its almost as if its a sign for you to stop bitching about take out and buckle down and do some solid meal prep if you have such strict dietary requirements. I mean if Panera can’t meet your strict requirements, it surly would be much cheaper and efficient to prep your own meals in advanced adapted to your specific preference and parameters.


OP literally ordered a vegetarian item from a place that has multiple vegetarian items, and they completely fucked it up and didn't even come close to giving the correct item. Get that Panera-brand stick out of your ass.


Nigga it's a mistake order ![gif](giphy|l4FGHDDIodtnVjL1K|downsized)