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Bill burr has a hilarious bit like this. “Woman would rather watch the Kardashians tear each other apart than watch other woman come together as team and work toward a common goal.” Edit: [Found the full clip posted on Twitter](https://x.com/frankdescushin/status/1780455924248850575?s=46&t=ZSr-J07KNQ-69ok0gip_Cg)


I can literally hear him screaming "BECAUSE YOU DON'T SELL ANY TICKETS"


When are you going to pick up your side of the couch!




It’s like the difference between lobsters and crabs. Lobsters will work to help each other out of the pot so some will survive, crabs pull each other back into the pot so everyone suffers


athletes:lobsters::reality tv ppl:crabs


“No one in the WNBA got Covid.”


No one’s got Covid and I don’t want to hear that word in here again.


“Who gives a fuck about women’s sports?” -My wife




[Tonnes of links to choose from here.](https://www.google.com/search?q=bill%20burr%20Kardashians)


>[Tons of links to choose from here.](https://www.google.com/search?q=bill%20burr%20Kardashians) 'Murricanized the link so no other freedom loving Yankees have to click this Brexit bitch's link.


They're literally the same link tf you smoking yank😂


Idk. One says tonnes the other says tons. I think I know who I trust.


This guy gets it. 🤣


"No one wants to see women fail more than other women."




Stop making me laugh you fucker!! 🤣


I had to log out of twitter for a while lol That place is a cess pool


All social media is a cesspool………..


True. Also this is because of jealousy!


And you logged onto Reddit instead 💀😭


Women dont dress up pretty for men, no… its to upstage other potential prospects.


It's a damn shame what Bill Lambeer and the Pistons did to MJ his first few seasons. We need to reexamine the bashing they gave him now that we're all more woke and progressive as a society. Zero tolerance


We talking bout that thing that jordan thanked for so much of his success?


There was some of that. Now eventually they did officiate Jordan different but he had to earn that first. I’m disappointed in the Fever. James Johnson tells people he “promises he will fucking kill you” when they bang around Tyrese like this.


James’ dad trained him his whole life for that!


You literally heard this point on First Take today ffs. Lmao. Get an original thought.


Honestly Caitlin Clark should embrace that moniker. Similar to how Charles Barkley did the “not a role model” slogan.


I think it is more he makes it irrefutable that Clark is the reason


Yeah he was quoting what Chennedy said before she delivered that dead ball foul to Clark’s back, it was show a million times everywhere. How are people trying to twist this?


Yeah pretty sure Pat McAfee Show was one of the first shows Caitlyn Clark was on when she turned pro. Btw I don't watch much but I saw that show and the one where he was explaining the NFL new kickoff rule. He was so excited. Lucky I caught that cause it's confusing as sh*t. I like him bc he is one of the only usa sports media personalities that loves hockey. None of the others even know it exists.


McAfee has spent a lot of time on his show covering the entire sports world, they even have Mark Messier on for hockey sometimes now. I know he wanted to help push the WNBA into the stratosphere and I'm sure he's disappointed with how things are going. I don't think it's a race thing though because I saw where Angel Reese is getting roughed up too so I think the "vets" of the league are just jealous the rookies are getting so much attention. I watch his show sometimes but his energy can be a little much to watch him all the time. I applaud him for it though, I wish I had that much energy lol. I like competition and being competitive so I do like that he covers so many different sports and being athletes themselves they're able to get some cool guests. Plus now that they're with ESPN they get even more cool guests and guest hosts. It's a cool vibe on days where I'm feeling kinda amped and want that energy lol.


She said white bitch?


I believe it was just bitch, but I do think that race and sexuality may play a role here even if they're (of course) denying it.


Yea that whole segment was great.


What’s crazy is her team didn’t come flying out. Imagine Caleb Williams getting cheapshotted when the ball isn’t even live. That entire fucking bench would be on the field in seconds, and the rest of the game would be mayhem.


I don't know who saw it and who didn't. I also don't really know what her team is getting paid per game, for some of them getting suspended for a game might be a big deal. League pass doesn't have multiple camera angles so we can't see how the team was during the incident. In general, I would agree as a man, if someone did that to your teammate it would start something. If Kobe was hit like that the Lakers would have come out. One thing for sure the League is covering up some of these incidents by showing bad camera angles to hide stories. The Tech against Seattle (I think it was) they cut hard away from Clark after the 3 point shot because they didn't want you to see the defender cheap shot clark in the face. League pass doesn't have multiple camera angles, but the league telecast did. Each one cut away from the cheap shot, but showed clark going off at the defender. Cell Phone footage showed the full altercation which should shift the narrative on that tech.


Oh, they get paid dogshit. I think the woman who got fined was fined $1,000 and only makes $70,000 a year. So that’s obviously a massive hit financially. But at the same time, if somebody is trying to hurt the person on your team that is single-handedly bringing a *ton* of attention to your sport (and especially your team)… I’m taking that chance. *Especially* when you consider that Caitlin just recently signed a $28 million deal with Nike. Maybe it’s just me but if I’m Caitlyn and I’m getting body checked like that, and one of my teammates comes in and lays that person out… they are getting WAY more money from me than any fine possible just for making people think twice about trying that bullshit.


Actually, I think I’m wrong about the fine. I believe those numbers were regarding a player that didn’t go to the post game interview. I don’t believe the player who cheapshotted her got fined at all. Either way, the players in the WNBA get paid dogshit. But again, if I’m a teammate and see that happen to somebody making more in an endorsement than I will in my life… I’m rolling the dice and hoping she appreciates it and throws some money my way. I don’t watch the games, but if this is a reoccurring theme they will *have* to basically tell some of the players they are “enforcers” and their entire job is to lay somebody out for trying to hurt Caitlyn.


fuck "people"


As soon as I heard him say it I knew it was gonna be a thing lol. I probably wouldn’t have said bitch but also there’s bigger problems in the world than him using a less than ideal describer. We get more outrage over a mistake or misspoken word than we do people getting murdered across the globe. The things some people let go vs throw a fit over certainly are something lol


people are mad about something or someone every second of every day. who even gives a shit what people are mad at anymore? they'll just find something else to get mad at, probably before i even finish writing this comment.


I often find myself writing a rebuttal to someone online just to stop and erase everything. At the end of the day no one cares. No one will change their mind. Why is it worth my time?


Herm Edwards was right all along, don't press send!


For the internet points dood! Gotta know the faceless masses are behind you and your opinion!


Yep, the outside is far more interesting and entertaining then sitting down arguing with someone who has no interest in anything you have to saw, let them get the internet points


Good for you, dude. I'm right there with you.


So much the same. I've been actively trying to keep myself out of negative back and forths. I like positivity. You shot 100 for the first time? Fuck yea bro. Break that 100 now! You like Aquaman the most? Hell yea. Glad you're enjoying yourself! You stand to wipe? Me too, man. It's so hard wiping clean while sitting.


Preaching. These people are ignorant to any view but their own. Call it ego, call it idiocy, call it whatever you like. The internet is a plague and a blessing. People need to lighten-up. If you don’t watch the show regularly, you shouldn’t judge the people on the show until you give them a chance. Pat does a lot of good in this world. Way more than bad. People will only focus on the bad though and never stray away from it


That will preach!!!


This is the criticism he signed up for when he joined ESPN. It’s great for the brand to be on in every airport, Champs, and electronics department, but this is the downside.


It's not downside, it's engagement, it's clicks etc.


It’s pat… relax folks


Don’t watch the show much, but I was watching when he said that, then looked up his inevitable apology. The man is hard to dislike, dude gave a sincere and well articulated apology that got to the heart of what he meant, as well as acknowledging personal growth he needed within himself. Admirable.


“ Men don’t understand women. Women understand women, and that’s why they hate each other. “ Al Bundy.


I'm not.


Username checks out love it lmao.


Lmaooo thank you for pointing this out


The comment and username combo got a good pop out of me so I couldn’t just scroll past hahaha


Pat ate with this


“People” are mad because they can’t take a joke or understand Pats sense of humor. In no way did he say it in a demeaning way. He wasn’t even saying it from his perspective.


Yeah what the hell is going on here? His perspective was what Chennedy said to Clark right before delivering a dead ball foul? It was shown a million times.


Can you link the video of her saying white bitch?


Bitch was what the girl who no one knows called her saving grace before she cheap shotted her.  He was saying what everyone seems to be tip toeing around which is being white is reason why the girl no one knows did the dirty thing. 


Not gonna lie, Caitlin Clark was the reason I gave the WNBA a shot. I happened to see her play during the tournament at a sports bar and thought she was an exciting player. So naturally I followed her to the W. I now have no desire to watch WNBA anything because of this stupid ass drama other players have started. That was a fun few game run I guess. I’m out. All the best, Caitlin! Fuck the haters.


People are seething on Twitter. You love to see it


This is being used as a headline, but it’s him being cheeky because Chennedy called Caitlin Clark a “bitch” as she knocked her down.


This man has provided constant entertainment and controversy for like 5 straight years 🤣🤣 Just another day for him and the show. Keep it moving.


The thread on /r/nba is as hilarious as it is embarrassing. “Did he really say the B word?!” I guess the joke of them being nephews is accurate, the average age of that sub must be around 12.


Pat is the fucking man for this. The way Clark has been treated is absolute horse shit. The WNBA official had to look at a review in order to assess a flagrant. The girl blind shotted her. And the bench celebrated like it was some sort of victory to hurt your opponent when they’re not looking. The W is a joke in the way they’re handling the situation. It shows they’re not ready for the bright lights. It’s embarrassing.


And none of those people actually watch the show. Nothing lost.


If you can’t cover women’s sports without calling them bitches maybe you shouldn’t be covering women’s sports.


To be fair he says degrading things about guys too. Sounds bad to the public eye, but that’s just pat


But they bitches. And they be bitchin


And they be shoppin


He’s so obviously quoting Chennedy. How are so many people missing this?


If you’ve ever watch PMS, you know pat jokes a lot. He calls a lot of men a lot of derogatory names as a joke when speaking on men sports. He’s called a lot of guys a lot of bad shit. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him refer to women athletes as bitches before and I’m pretty sure it should be clear to everybody this was a sarcastic joke. He’s got a smart ass mouth and even he’s been saying it for as long as I can remember. So I mean.. quit being a bitch I guess


I love Pat and I personally don't care about this (given context) but yeah you're right. I believe he meant no harm but Pat is a dummy for still calling Caitlin a bitch.


He’s quoting what cheneddy said to her


Anyone can be called anything, grow up.


Forgive my ignorance, but I thought that the term had kind of changed the last 5 years or so? Like being called "THAT bitch" was endearing, encouraging, like being ahead of the pack kinda?


Would you tell your ma she's that bitch?


In this case he's literally quoting someone using it in a derogatory matter


What are they saying about this rookie class and why is he bringing it up? I’m so far removed from ladies basketball


To sum it up: some players in the wnba before Clark came around are mad and petty because she has people interested in the sport.


Nailed it Pat


He not lying.


Nobody is really offended


So when you say “people” you just mean like 3 or 4 people on twitter right


This could’ve all been avoided if Americans adapted to using the word Cunt.


There are certain subreddits and communities that truly believe Caucasians cannot experience racism


Interestingly enough every single persons profile I clicked on that was pissed about him saying this has posts talking shit about Clark lmao


He right


He ain’t wrong


the people mad at this know exactly what he’s saying. people like jemele hill are sadistic sociopaths. they would not care if caitlin clark broke her neck. the only motivations they have in life are selfishness and a desire to see those who hurt their egos punished.


Love the manufactured outrage


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. He was quoting Carter calling Clark a bitch. Do the people throwing a hissy fit over this not know Carter said that? Or are they just that offended he "called" someone a bitch he just spent 10 minutes praising? Probably shouldn't have done it just not to put it on a tee, but I feel like if he says "as Carter called her" in that sentence they can't say anything.


Let’s make her jersey the most sold wnba jersey of all time


You know what type of people are mad at Pat McAfee over this? White Bitches!


This is typical Pat. He has nothing but respect for her. It's locker room talk that sensitive fucks take too personally. He calls people "old whites" all the time or other terms that these same group of people would get mad over. The only reason this has traction is because she's the talk of the WNBA right now


Bravo Pat - only media member with balls to speak the truth.


It's why I watch the show. They do what know one else will do, all while making it funny.


Since Pat is a white bitch too it’s ok for him to say this


The truth usually upsets someone


I miss people being mad at Foxy for rooting for other teams like he was doing with the Steelers, those Twitter threads were so unhinged in a football way lmfao. Pat and Connor are there at fever games so he’s going to talk about it, it is what it is. I swear outrage is a need for some people lol. He was quoting what Chennedy said live on camera for all to see, after delivering a dead ball foul from behind to Clark’s back. Not even during live play.


Seems like people are way overreacting to me but that's the usual with these things these days


You cant please twitter freaks. They are professionally angry and will never stop moving the goalpost to continue to be angry. Never apologize or bow down to pressure from these absolute assclowns and your quality of life will be wonderful


People who are mad don't know that Clark was on the PMS like a month ago. They're good.


People get mad at facts these days. nothing new here


I mean he literally just pulled a Doyle but won't admit it because it's Pat.


What's a Doyle?


Nah Doyle a simp. Being creepy and shit. Not comparable at all.


That dude was like hitting on her which was weird 


I think the reason he used that term...is if you go back and watch the flagrant from the other night...it looks like Carter might have called Clark the B word right before she hip checks Clark. Just before that, Clark had caught her with an elbow that wasn't called. They come back down the court. Carter hits the shot and then hip checks Clark before the inbound pass. Right before that if you look at the replay she mouths something that looks like, "Yo b\*\*\*\*!" I am wondering if Pat using that word is just reference to that situation. I can't be certain that's what Carter said but it did kind of look like that. I think it changes the context of why Pat used the words he did. Not saying it's right to use that language...but I am not ready to cancel the guy for it.


I’m mad because Cameron Brink is my favorite player


Anybody got a time stamp or general idea? I wanna see context but couldn't listen today having to take my car in for service.


Early in the show. The first 5 - 10 minutes I think. And yes, context is huge in this instance.


She has the potential to be a superstar. The league is pushing her to get Viewers. Because she put eyes on College Women's basketball.


He backtracked nearly immediately and he's indy, he's been cool about clark. Totally blown out of proportion.


I just don’t understand why tf there is so much controversy surrounding Caitlin Clark … people are ignorant if they don’t realize that she has revolutionized women’s basketball … it has NOTHING to do with race. She’s amazing to watch… the ratings, the planes, the attendance would be the same as it always has been and in a dumpster if it wasn’t for her. They’re jealous that they aren’t the ones who put more eyes on women’s basketball by 10000000000% than it ever has been, period.


All boats rise when the tide goes up, except in the wnba where they're all so jealous they'd rather sink each other's boats and their own.


I’m dead lmao


Nothing but truth there


Feminists hate him for this one simple trick. Honesty.


Obviously out of context it sounds bad but anyone who’s watched pat ever will get his style


No. This is not a problem. This is the best thing for the league. All publicity is good publicity and the league will only keep benefitting from the attention, albeit controversial. Rivalries and controversy sell in any sport.


Looking forward to when Caitlyn comes on tomorrow and Pat personally apologizes, and she says “nah, all good, been hearing it a lot lately”


Hopefully now we can all stop pretending to go give a shit about the WNBA lol


they can be mad but let’s be real, they ain’t watchin the games


It doesn't matter if people are mad. They only have as much power as you give them. If you literally ignore the outrage, make zero response or apology and just carry on, then nothing will happen.


1 bitch would have been sufficient.


I’m surprised they’re even covering the wnba


Might just be me, but I thought the controversy was largely around referring to as a “white bitch”


Women be shopping


Funny how fact are a problem


McAfee is an attention whore?


Aww people are mad 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuk the 1% of people ! What he said wasn’t bad.




Harrison Butker approves


"When you're successful it's like being homecoming queen. All the ugly butches hate you" - Charles Barkley while on PMS


Damn Kelsey looks good


It’s kind of funny that the word they’re pissed off at him for using is what Chennedy called her right before slamming into her. People need to stop with the selective rage. Also people only think in. 280 characters at a time so there’s no room for context and intent.


It is hard for a long limb nappy to accept your days of having an animal mix competitive edge has still been overcome.


Complex posted this clip 3x under different complex insta accounts, got simultaneously flamed in the comments, and took it down 3x


Facts hurt feeling


It's really cute to see Pat trying to live his dream of being a standup


At least he didn’t call her a nappy headed hoe


If he had said something like “HBIC”, then nobody would have noticed


It's not so much people who are mad at Pat.  But more like storm troopers and defenders of the empire who want to contain Pat's renegade influence.


Women don’t want anyone else to be successful except themselves, even if means putting down their own people. I’ve seen it business since I’ve been in it. It makes zero sense. They want “girl power” but not for anyone but me. Yall can’t have shit and it’s your own fault


Truth hurts. Get over it.


I throw player prop bets on WNBA (always the under) And after two years of doing so, can’t name a single player or even a full team name. Yet I know Catlin carter plays for Iowa That’s her power to the sport with recognition


The shoes are preposterous


That’s Pat for you and he says it how it is. One white bitch who is absolutely amazing at basketball and what people are trying to compare this to when Dom Imus called the Rutgers college basketball team Nappy headed hoes.. this is stupid and I’m sure Caitlin Clark would go on Pats show tomorrow if asked. This is so silly.


I mean, she's a white bitch no? Don't see the problem here


Pat never lies….


People are dumb, that's why I ignore them


None of the guys on the show or you guys in this comment section have any women friends


Truth hurts


They should be madder at whatever those so-called shoes are. “Game…blouses.”


Trying to contort this into race is embarrassing, there are plenty of white players.   Not one other player has made a peep about her race. Clark is getting an absolute ton of attention that clearly other players don't think she deserves, and are being bullies over it, how we got to this being a race thing is some really corny culture war bs, which of course pat doubled down on.


Yeah, bc he uses "bitch" in the wrong way. If he just said, "one bad bitch in Indiana," he would've been fine. He said "white bitch" accentuating her race instead of skill and it turned into this. It's such an obvious error that I wonder if it was on purpose.


They clearly don’t read the disclaimer


Pat gets a pass from me...he finally has sleeves on


People can be mad. It’s ok


The women that care don’t watch


Remember before the internet when we didn't know about nor would we care about loser whiners and complainers bitching and moaning about nonsense?


Pat McAfee is a dumbass!! CBS shit canned Don Imus in 2007 for calling the Rutgers women's basketball team a bunch of "Knappy Headed Hoes." Sorry but McAfee stepped way on past that!!!


crabs in a bucket dawg


He could’ve used a better choice of words


I can see why. This is totally inappropriate.


Never call her White!


I don’t have the sound on but based on that guys shoes, he seems like a doink.


I see nothing wrong. What are we supposed to say, the bleach bitch? People need to lighten up. I grew up next to and Indian reservation. They don't care for white people, but I guess I'm loveable. And the Indians I grew up with hate blacks. They said, "Why are they complaining? They didn't lose more than half their race and all their land. These are the words from the true Natives of this land.


When I read about this I 100% knew it was taken out of context and deliberately misunderstood so the typical shitheads could get their hourly dose of outrage.


Of course they are. People are mad about everything.


Fuck the haters. Although I think Clark gets more hate from the players for being straight as opposed to white. Although she is discriminated in both cases


Numbers don’t lie, Caitlin Clark is selling tickets and growing the game. Angel Reese didn’t have as much of an impact. If Caitlin didn’t do what she did in college the game wouldn’t have grown as much as it did. Even if a man broke the all time scoring record, social media would have labeled him the next big thing going into the NBA. The great thing with this is WNBA has there next big thing and it’s bringing fans to the game. Caitlin Clark- Indiana Fever last year averaged 4,066 Fans This year 16,571 Angel Reese- Chicago last year averaged 7,241 Fans This year 8,255


Could he have said this one black bitch. Or could Stephan a Smith say white or black bitch. Nooooo immediately canceled.


“People” are mad. OK? My kid shit his pants this AM because he was mad who cares?


Just a stupid comment, he has a daughter and a wife. He just got a little over his ski’s. He apologized and I hope people accept it


Nike needs to copywrite "this one white bitch" 💯💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💀


Im no fan of Pattys, but this is a nothing story. The people who are offended by this aren't watching his show to begin with.


Why does he have chicken legs.


The only "sport" that women support other women and push them to achieve a higher level is (deep breathe) Cross Fit.


Haven't seen anyone mad about this. Who is it?




This sub just showed up in my feed for no reason and I don’t know why. Is this the McAfee that pooped on people? If so that may explain it.




I still will never care about the WNBA


Mad because he called her white bitch she is a white bitch and he didn’t mean it in a disrespectful tone and I called them white bitches all day every day


Fuck Pat McAfee


Pat has been so bad on espn. The frat bro shtick doesn’t work when he has to cover real news. Can’t believe they laid off 20 people to hire this guy


I think Pat of all people should see that all this drama is a big work. Caitlin Clark is the face, these other players are the heels, it's got all of sports media talking about and watching women's basketball ffs. Good on them.


Maybe it is the boots?