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Jonathan previously on regarding every micro transaction: If It has an equivalent on both games it will work on both. Otherwise it just works on one that it makes to have sense on it in.


It is still unknown, but I'm pretty positive we'll at least have some sort of fragments in PoE2.


We don't know, but I assume most if not all will be back in the game.


So just to confirm there's no word on whether PoE2 will have fragments, div cards or essences? So for someone who hasn't bought the stahes hoping to have it in PoE2 doesn't make sense to buy them then?


We have no idea yet.


I mean if you don't need the stashes in POE1 why would you buy them for a game that isn't even out yet?


Any of them where the content will exist in the new game


I'd speculate if we get to keep tabs fragment and currency is safe but all the other ones are a dice roll at best but unlikely. Div cards I'm not sure if they will be in poe2, I feel like they were for the most part a failed mechanic. Unique tab should be safe tho but even I don't have that Like it's unlikley poe2 1.0 will have essence so why would they give you your essence tab; then at some point when they make an essence like currency there is a good chance it becomes something completley new because essence would not cut it as a modern poe league. So because it's unlikley they bring back many leagues without complete reworks i w9uld not bet on those leagues tabs being compatible unless they are feeling extremely generous