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I think GGG is trying to do the opposite. That’d explain why they did reveals before and after the summer games showcases. I guess it’s better to avoid competing with other announcements if you don’t have to.


Like 1 week after d4 expansion would be perfect to release Templar with D2 paladin vibes….


I don’t think on the same day is the best marketing play because players would rather be playing than watching. What do you think a better time to reveal would be? A week before D4 expansion? A week after? (I don’t think necessarily think we’ll see a Templar reveal by the Early Access given that Jonathan said expect at least 8 classes but I know they wanted all archetypes covered and Templar probably has a nice sword/flail and board theme). The Spiritborn may be interesting too. I can’t wait to wait for the 1 minute cooldown on my ultimate.


Tangental, but Templar is going to be a STR/INT class and they've revealed that Swords will be 50% STR 50% DEX weapons. So Templar's weapons of focus will likely be within the range of Maces-Flails-Scepters-Wands/Staves, which are all STR, INT, or STR/INT weapons. Here's a link to the video about weapons' attributes at the specific time they mention it. I think the whole video is really awesome. Also I do think you're right that specifically Flail + Shield will be a main archetype for Templar. [https://youtu.be/WIuIdulr-K0?t=1276](https://youtu.be/WIuIdulr-K0?t=1276)


Yes, looks like duelist will be quite sword oriented! Have you seen or do you remember if there are 2-handed flails? I could picture a sceptre + shield Guardian ascendency for summoning radiant and absolution sentinels. Inquisitor with 2-h staves, flails, mace. Wonder if Hierophant will come back with wands and totems.


So far I haven't seen anything about two handed flails. My guess is that will be revealed with the templar if it is a thing. One further note. In the 2023 Exilecon POE2 stream, they referred to Scepters as something you could ""give up your **offhand slot** for"", so I'm not sure you will be able to hold a scepter and a shield at the same time.


In rewatching the Witch gameplay reveal, I see that the sceptre doesn’t have damage on it and they put it in the offhand, so you are may be right here.


Update: They said you will be able to hold it in either hand in the 2023 Presentation. Not sure if that has changed or not. Time stamped below. [https://youtu.be/WIuIdulr-K0?t=1910](https://youtu.be/WIuIdulr-K0?t=1910)


Somebody held a sceptre in the main hand and a shield in the offhand during the latest LA event, so it's possible to hold it in either hand, but not possible to dual wield them, as explained by the devs on the PoE discord.


that's gonna be cool to see. I'm guessing scepter + shield will probably be one of the most popular builds in POE2.


I thought I remembered this. Would definitely be a different playstyle, I’m assuming fully spirit with buffing/cursing with dual-wielding sceptres, since they don’t seem to have weapon or magic damage on them for scaling.


One's imagination really can go wild with this game :-) I imagine the templar as Scepter+Shield, because scepters grant more spirit to fuel your auras, but also (as it was mentioned in a few recent interviews) perhaps a class-specific super-minion (Valkyrie anyone hehe)? Or perhaps just use that spectre gem and just farm a monster that has a desired aura? Wow! Aura-ception :-D


Super stoked to see what GGG has cooking with other minions types (?? A houndmaster Mercenary, radiant sentinel and absolution Guardian, love the Valkyrie idea for a Javazon Huntress as a D2 callback). The abomination necromancer in Last Epoch is also interesting, forming all your minions into an abomination lol


Just the Bind Specter gem alone opens up endless aesthetic possibilities.


I adore D2 to bits, and the Amazon's Valkyrie is iconic, but damn, it really does just slowly walk around and stab something here and there... After seeing POE2 Witch gameplay, it'd be wild to see what they could make the Valk do; like, make the minion summon it's own temp minion (Pegasus)? Man...


It would have to be flying around blasting or would feel like garbage lol!


Really excited for flail and shield gameplay


Two weeks would be good imo. Let the other game pick up genre interest for you, and it's long enough for the honeymoon phase to wear off and for players to start naturally losing attention.


This would be a terrible idea. GGG wants people to pay attention to their marketing reveals.


Yeah good point everyone would just be playing the new x pac


GGG ain’t that insecure. You on the other hand..


Calm down kid, post ain’t that serious


Sorry this triggered you




lol damn wasn’t that serious of a post


They arent inswcure but they like to diss D4 devs…. Remember what they did after Blizzcon 2019 when D4 was announced and the stupid items with attack and defence…. They made a card game with attack and defence for the exilecon show lol….


Also https://youtu.be/dLnHhQdkYcA?si=OZsBRgXfL3zIrUsV


They cater to different type of players, with an overlap in the middle.


They are looking for a VERY large overlap


I would actually say that the overlap is large enough that a successful and popular D4 actually *helps* PoE, as long as the two games’ seasons are out of sync. It’s good to keep people on the ARPG train while they’re taking a break from PoE. Could get complicated once PoE and PoE 2 have alternating seasons, especially if Last Epoch or something else grows in popularity.


Agreed. Everyone I know wanted a paladin class and they announced some dog shit jungle hunter. GGG makes a game that the fans ask for.


I think it's a Shaman-esque type of class that will provide some support benefits with Totems and such. Their replacement for the Monk/Paladin. Mix of Witch Doctor too.


Am I trippin or did the OP forget to mention last epoch and grim dawn? 💀


Never gave grim dawn a proper try, and just not really a fan of last epochs high fantasy aesthetic/style.


Fair, grim is abit old but still holds up its ground considering what it has to offer


I’ll probably try a play through between now and the Poe 2 beta


I think Grim Dawn was designed by Titan Quest creators or inspired by it by combining 2 different classes. The same type of tree and you can freely choose your attributes. To me it has the same aesthetics but I haven't delved into to it as much as I should because I enjoyed Titan Quest mostly do to the theme of Greek Mythology.


They should even spotlight a templar build based around throwing a hammer spinning around your character, for no particular reason...


That's kinda malicious. I would rather GGG not create a malicious reputation of itself for short term gains, and instead act like proper adults not looking for a quick buck with the harm of others.


Blizzard has done this kind of thing before, setting devstreams at the same time as league announcements and other things like that. I'd hardly call that malicious, especially when a class reveal will not stop anybody from purchasing their expansion. That being said, if their objective is to release the beta with only the currently revealed classes, rushing to get one more done just to match D4 would be pretty stupid. I'd rather they use the time to keep polishing the current ones over getting a last one in just so their announcement will inevitably go unnoticed when everybody and their mothers will be talking about Diablo.


Yeah obviously taking the time to get all the classes right is more important than taking Petty jabs at blizzard, I just think the opportunity is there lol


July 18th is Spiritborn reveal. GGG Live is in Mid-July. They are usually on Thursdays. July 18th is a Thursday. That means GGG Live and their next PoE1/PoE2 announcements are likely to be July 11 or July 18. My bet is July 18th. *It could be a bloodbath.*


Ohh man if they do the announcement of their date for POE2 on the day of the spiritborn reveal that would be hilarious


I expect a July 25th reveal personally.


I think we will have our date for EA before the expansion launches, I am curious how close to the expansion POE2 EA will be. My guess is they will not be that far apart, will be curious HOW close though 3 weeks? A Month?


I don't think so. Even if it seems advantageous as a marketing stunt for most companies, that would go against Jonathan's character and the appreciation he has for Diablo or any other competitor (like we saw with Last Epoch).


I don’t understand why it seemed as so negative and serious, it’s just a competitive move. Nothing malicious about the idea imo. Johnathan himself said he wished he was able to release Poe 2 at the same time as D4 to go head to head with it kinda like when D3 released


What you said is completely right but there is a sutil and important difference between those 2 cases. Launching at the same time is like going "do your best and see who comes at the top!", almost like 2 buddies competing fair and square... with some sport-like attitude and respect for your opponent. On the other hand, releasing a class in PoE 2 which players want it in Diablo 4 since it released, ON THE SAME DAY... will be percieved as mockery for some if not most people. A low punch. And there is 0 reason, from a marketing standpoint, to go for it.


I don’t really see why it’s such a big deal they are two competing businesses, not buddies. Blizzard is a massive public company owned by Microsoft not some plucky team of devs


I was thinking about exactly this. But more around the time the Spiritborn class will be revealed by Blizzard (which is coming soon). It's better to have "Can't play yet" vs. "Can't play yet" than "We can play Spiritborn now" vs. "Can't play Temple yet" And obviously not at the same time. Give people a chance to digest the Spiritborn videos and make content and theories about it then after a week... BOOM, new Paladin just dropped.


rent free


Disappointment? I rather have a new class


That’s fair, each Diablo game has had a new class so it’s on brand and everything. A lot of people do wish the paladin or at least a sword and board holy class was in the game though. Only class that can even use shields is the necromancer which is a little weird


a few days later might be better, gotta let them be disappointed by the dlc first


They should just release a new league and say that we are gonna play it instead of Diablo 4 because thats not even a game like they did with Diablo Immortal. (love u chris)


The D4 x pack is going to sell 10 million copies, they won't even notice.


Very true


That would actually be amazing haha. 


D4 bad....... Right, ppl? Everyone???


You can’t deny that PoE has made massive progress over the last decade. I remember when it was “D3 bad……Right, ppl? Everyone???”


D4 bad....... Right, ppl? Everyone???


No one in here has said that. had fun with it this season myself though I can’t speak to any else’s opinion. I would probably buy the D4 expansion if it came with a paladin like class


Hah, that would be mean towards Blizzard.





