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You drop a mirror in party play: My mirror They drop a mirror in party play: Our mirror


I drop a mirror in SSF: yay one more currency slot filled!


Or do what my friend did and make the perfect 1h foil to mirror.


Guam lol. Build still sucked


Drop mirror in SSF: use it on anything for that sweet Mirror charge mtx


Can this mtx still be obtained?


I don't think so, I think it was a TOTA supporter pack.


Sell it to vendor to get some div ex and regal


First rule buddy, it's the wife's mirror lol. OP is cleaning the toilet with his tongue til it's squeakie clean this week


So true


Genuine question here. I was doing a free feared carry (their map, their loot) for someone in Ritual league when a mirror dropped. It was their map, but the mirror dropped allocated to me and not the map owner. I picked it up and flipped it for him, but he decided to give it to me in exchange for half of its value (so we effectively split it). It dropped allocated to me, but in his map, so who's mirror is it?


If you had no incubators or anything that could generate loot, that would be his mirror.


hard to yoink the mirror, then ignore her irl. it would be funny though.


Honestly, your best bet would be going aura bot + carry. Tons of things can work with 12 boosted auras while in most other cases going 2 player at the highest tier content is a hinderance and you're both better off running it alone


Is there a good recent decent guide to aura bot for a first timer?


As other comments said, Haloplasm yt https://youtu.be/Q4L3O_h5DbE?si=3ZTLq5c-ZAjxfkvv


Legend. Thanks!


Also [SnapOW, part of Empy's party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWdzAzKbbVA) Including Duo-variants. Also, PoB supports aurobots. When you have the aurobot PoB open, you can "export as support". Then go to the carry and on the left there's a "party" tab where you can import the support.


I wouldnt recommend snaps duo builds over duo haloporo. I tried both. Unless you already who how to build builds like these snaps are kinda bad if they are not working because you didnt get the exact rolls or are missing some pieces due to money issues. TLDR: Use Haloporo if you have not done duo aurabot + carry. If you have experience snaps are also viable


Fair enough.


My party did this and we ran 5ways in Ancestor League. Besides my GPU and my sanity we did great.


Only problem with their guide for 3.24 is that they don’t have the reduced mana cost solved correctly on certain versions of the PoB. I followed that guide for my aurabot this league and had to do some real problem solving to make things work and ended up just quitting following the guide because of it. They had intended on us being able to use reduced mana cost rolls on mana flasks (not the crafted mod that ggg announced was being removed), but that was apparently removed along with the crafted mod, so yeah a portion of their guide that uses that is just completely broken and doesn’t work. Outside of that though their guide is really good!


They said that due to not being able to use the flask mod we need to continue to use the vertex. If we want to use the other blessing. It was said on their discord tbh


Well yeah I mean I figured out it myself as I said after awhile of trying to figure out a way to do it without vertex and then giving up and going back to it. I wasn’t posting that comment for help figuring it out. I was posting that comment because people are suggesting that guide to casual players who have never played an aurabot before so if they follow that guide they will very likely end up very confused if their mana shit doesn’t end up right.


Ur wife is an illusion.


This world is an illusion exile


Still the hardest voice line in all of poe, the tonality and cadence of his voice makes me get goosebumps


Dominus, Nightmare and Sirus are my favorite voice line


Him legend. I know that guy from spartacus tv series. Such a man.


Haloplasm Spark Duo. Or bow carry. Or the brand carry. One play aurabot, other play your choice of carry, but check Haloplasm out on YouTube


Haloplasm is who I copy when I want to play support.


That’s about 200d each. I’m not sure how much more you saved up, but most builds aren’t going to face roll Ubers at that budget AND be great mappers. You can definitely make a build that maps well and kills Ubers though. If you want to go the duo route with your wife, Archmage Ice Nova is very good with an aurabot. Even if solo, Id check out Goratha’s or the crit version people are playing. I could easily do T17s, Ubers, wave 30 Sim, etc. The build is also pretty easy to put together and a lot cheaper if you know how to craft. A strong CoC DD would be another choice. That skill is honestly broken for the low investment it needs with the new corpses. If you don’t mind being a little squishier, Hexblast Mines is also great. I’ve played both Trickster and Occultist, and was able to farm T17s pretty easily on both. The nice thing with this build is that it could run a lot of different map mods. Splitting Steel Trickster with Ephemeral Edge is another choice, although may be out of your budget. I’ve only played it with Mageblood, and can’t speak to how it performs without one. Worth checking out though. I’d probably start by checking out the builds listed above. They’re all meta for a reason. If you decide to dip run an Aurabot, I’d avoid CoC DD, as it’ll be annoying to stay under breakpoints with an Aurabot.


Seconding your comment I think you basically nailed the best advice in the thread here. I really wouldn't recommend they play a full carry like a wander or a bow build because they'll literally run out of money too fast and be too squishy in a duo, the builds in above comment are better


Which version were you playing on T17s?




I'd love the pob of the ice nova build that you did


I blasted T17s on a 20 divine hexblast miner (occultist not trickster which is a big difference) so i think they will be fine


What's the difference between occultist and trickster hexblast build? I was recommended by some over here to play trickster because it apparently is more newbie friendly (I'm newbie) due to the defensives or tankier aspects, but I honestly don't know since I'm very new (3 weeks into game).


Occ - more damage more burst but glass basically Trickster - more defensive layers, overall tankiness and EHP but less top end damage I had a witch so i went with occ but i dont regret Ask anything


Ah ok I see. I also see maxroll had a saboteur build. How is this different from the other builds? Also, so far my favorite playstyle is to slay plenty of mobs in zones. I heard that maps are built like that, but there's a boss in each map. I'm looking for a build that can clear plenty of mob packs and then kill the boss, doing both at a good speed (when I say speed, it just means dps, I'm not looking to zoom zoom through everything like what mang mixmaxers do). Which hexblast class will fit this playstyle the best?


I also played both Occultist and Trickster Hexblast. Occultist has a lot more AoE that also scales with power charges, which makes clearing feel better. But you'll die a lot from random bullshit. Occ is fun for mapping but it can be frustrating to play. I ended up with Trickster CI, stacking crit multi with an adorned setup. I think it's a good mix of defenses and offenses for both bossing and mapping.


Cool, I think I'll go with Trickster too then. I really can't stand being one shotted, it feels unfair to me (in any games, really). Could I check what does CI mean in your Trickster CI? What what is an 'adorned setup'? Thanks for the help!


I would just add Mjolner hierophant... it can deep delve it can do all content and depending on socketed skill it can clear like mad bonus is that squire is chep that league and if you dont like one skill change for another.


These goalposts are nuts. There are absolutely builds that can do what he is looking for for less than 10 divs, let alone 200 each. You absolutely don't need more than 200 divs to build an effective bosser/mapper.




Haven't looked into the gear but there's a guy on YT who shows his "9 div" power siphon trickster destroying T17s and Ubers. There's a couple other budget builds that can do it. But of course, usually not as good as the higher end builds.


The price of a build indicates the rarity of the required gear, not the power level of the build.


People keep recommending aurabot (which is actually surprisingly fun) but you guys didn’t specifically mention you wanted a duo, just two good builds? Some cast on crit cyclone shenanigans is always fun, FR is my favorite version but it feels weaker without mageblood. Some pathfinder builds with progenesis will make you feel crazy tanky. A Doryanis prototype armor stacker champion is pretty strong feeling pre mageblood, but you die instantly to lightning dots. Or you guys could pick up two headhunters and zoom with some bow build. You got a lot of options


The thing is: just playing two builds is really... not very good compared to playing a carry/support setup


Doesn’t matter as long as your having fun. Id imagine if one of them wanted to play support they would be


Sure, that's fair. But the title is called "two builds to make us rich off t17 farming". The by far easiest and cheapest way to do that is with a carry/support setup.


Sounds like she needs to be the original sin wander carry, and you can be her aurabot. Her mirror after all.


osin is the entire mirror and more already, much less a wand thatd youd probably want to mirror as well


Wand can be crafted through necropolis at reasonable price and you just go yolo on fractures. If you hit, then you are fine or you can hit something and finish the craft for whatever you need with available means. But yeah, you'll need more than one mirror to make a high end wander. People generally pour several mirrors into such build, even more if they go intel stacking route.


Graveyard makes synth weapons with fire dmg / str & % spell dmg / str implicits? If not, then I wouldn’t mess with graveyard crafting for a build using Sin. Easy enough to Zeal (or the crit one) essence a single implicit (fire per str) synth engraved/carved wand for like 30-35 div (I don’t know current veil orb prices so am assuming 8-10 div) and immediately outpace any T1 flat light, T1 % spell dmg, etc. vanilla wand.


Osin is like 1.5 mirrors alone




Divorce her and sue her for half a mirror. The only way...


Did she leave you and take the kids?


You could turn your champion into a boneshatter slayer. I'm killing ubers and T17s are so easy I have to think about ways to make them harder so they are more interesting. This is my YouTube, you can see from the gameplay if it looks like what you're after or not: youtube.com/steadyplaying


Gratz to you're wife (and you too:) )


Yes grats to you are wife


The real win is wife playing Poe at all


I would go archmage, fulcrum chieftain is also amazing at simulacrum and juiced up maps but not a bosser


I would also wait for mirror to go up a bit, as some one said if you play together an aura bot would be the better choice, If you play separately tho the. Do what you want but as it stands 200 div per character is something but not quite enough. I would also suggest looking into a hh build as they are quite cheap currently. When buying gear make sure to take i to account attributes and immunity’s which are not always in pobs. Good luck!


Gotta a PoB for this so called Fulcrum Chieftan ? I've got mine from last league but it doesn't feel nearly as good, or as fun with those damned little charms. Still got the twwt on there, don't tell GGG.


It's basically the same build as the last two leagues, just worse because we don't have the explosion/max res tattoos from ancestor or the explosion/max res charms from Affliction.


Basically what I was thinking, thought it was a strange rec. coming from dude above there even just for sims and mapping.


>fulcrum chieftainis also amazing at simulacrum Um what? I tried a simulacrum with a Fulcrum chieftain last league (which was a quite a bit stronger than this league due to Affliction Ascendencies) and when I got a wave 27 Kosis, I went afk for 20 minutes and he still wasn't dead. Not only is that build not good for Simu it is virtually impossible.


I dont know why you're getting downvoted. If you ever fight a boss and run out of ignite, your run is either bricked or you're standing there for 10 mins. It's not a good simu farmer.


I’ve never played it myself I think I saw tunas vid on it and he said it was good for simu, could be wrong but I thought it made sense because of how tanky it is and I thought you could get good ignites with dd


I had a look at the video and immediately after he says its good at simulacrum, he says it has no single target, which is the problem. It's a fantastic sim farmer... while you have fat ignites. If you get unlucky on a wave and don't explode any rares while the boss is around, it's miserable.


The problem is u need to explode something else to carry the ignite over otherwise u do literally no damage. The pathfinder and Sabo cws imo is a much better version


What is wife




is your wifes name visa? lol jk grats


Buy my int stacking wand. I ran out of currency but the prefixes are perfect.


MB to get 90% res, full phys to el conversion, slap on a defiance of destiny and any build becomes very tanky. I'd say ubers and simulacrum require a far lower budget to clear cleanly than T17 maps. Honestly the amount of garbage those maps can spit out is pretty insane


I think you already are rich


Did you kill your wife dude? How did she drop a mirror?


no reccomendations since i feel like half a mirror is more than enough to do all content on a huge variety of builds with room to spare. maybe not a wander in terms of flashiness, but dot cap and good defenses (defiance is like 20 div right now which makes gearing a lot easier for life-based) should clear easily. but a word of warning regarding aura/carry. the whole thread seems to be sold on the idea, and it is very strong since aurabots are way cheaper than the power they give, but it's really not that fun to play aura when forced, and it also doesn't read to me like you two are duoing. just know that it's quite a different playstyle from solo where there's a lot less pressure to be actively doing things (since you don't want to keep your partner waiting), probably have to dedicate time to trading for two people etc. ETA: i would agree on the advice to hold onto the mirror from a pure value prospective, but if you feel like you would be able to farm more currency with a stronger build/ have more fun playing something higher-end, then that probably means more.


They don't just want to be able to do t17s, they want to be able to farm them efficiently to make alot of currency, big difference there.


I'm not following metabuilds right now but My bet autabot+PenanceBrand is the cheapest, easiest and strongest option.


Assuming you don't want to reroll and re do campaign again ( pain in the ass for newer players who never practiced speed running), your options are pretty much limited to champ. Splitting steel champ comes into mind.


If you dropped a mirror you are already rich.


Bro.... You're already rich... You've caught the carrot. That's it lol.


My thoughts as well. *gets a mirror* "I need to get rich" You are rich!!


You?? SHE needs a build.