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Battledancer swashbuckler


How could i have forgotten about this one!


Battledancer Swashbuckler would also be a fitting option!


I really forgot that one thanks :D


One of the [bard sample builds](https://2e.aonprd.com/ClassSamples.aspx?ID=4) is a dancer, so that definitely works. Other stuff worth mentioning, in no particular order: * [Shadowdancer archetype](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=77) * [Celebrity archetype](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=54) * [Battledancer swashbuckler](https://2e.aonprd.com/Styles.aspx?ID=1) * Cleric of [Shelyn](https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=293), [Nocticula](https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=45), or [almost any god which grants Perform as their skill](https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?include-skills=performance&sort=deity_category_order-asc+name-asc&display=table&columns=pfs+edict+anathema+domain+divine_font+ability+skill+favored_weapon+deity_category+pantheon+source) * A lot of classes could work with a combination of feat choice and flavoring of their abilities. Fighter, Kineticist, Sorcerer, and Monk all come to mind personally, but you could probably figure out others.


If we're bringing up clerics then Ashava is literally a goddess of dancing.


When I think of a dancer in fantasy combat, I think of Fire Emblem dancers. When I think of Fire Emblem dancers I think of using your own turn to help others cheat their way into extra turns. That makes me think of Warrior+ (Multifarious) Maestro Bards, Silent Whisper Psychics, and Air+Water Kineticists. Psychic is hard to reflavour, I’ll admit, but the Bard and Kineticist can both be easily reflavoured as actual factual dancing.


I feel like psychics only using gestures to cast their spells could make it pretty easy to reflavor. Emptional Acceptance Subconscious mind fits well too. The only thing that might not fit is some of the debuff stuff, but that could probably just be distractions or something im not creative enough to think of on the spot


I made a Battledancer Swashbuckler recently as part of a Desert themed adventuring party. Uses a Dancers Spear instead of a one handed weapon. Would definitely be a good fit for Extinction Curse. https://pathbuilder2e.com/launch.html?build=699268


I play a dancer maestro bard and love them to pieces. There’s a bunch of strong spells on the occult list that have to do with motion; Friendfetch, Kinetic Ram, Slow/Haste, etc., so it’s easy to make my spell list thematic and pretty strong too. I dipped into Medic with FA because we needed more healing, but I would’ve archetyped into battle dancer swashbuckler otherwise.


Don't forget the Acrobat and Staff Acrobat archetypes -- both could easily be reflavored as dancing.


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Swashbuckler has a Battle Dancer build as well.


Bladed scarf is an awesome weapon that is super appropriate for a dancer. Think "House of Flying Daggers" in the Geisha scene. [HoFD](https://youtu.be/p-nmfwQdkeM?si=AigkyviLgWyBc2Z4) Acrobat archetype or Gymnast Swashbuckler are also great.


Make sure they're proficient with [chakrams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJTHh15yJzw).


And here we see a FFXIV player out of their native habitat


Literally any Dex or Cha class.


Since 3 other people already said it, I will too! Battledancer swashbuckler!