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Given the truly staggeringly high mortality rate of hyena cubs during birth, you should be.




Except it really isn’t broken if they continue to exist this way. Even with that staggeringly high mortality rate, they still manage to gain enough reproductive success from it to overwrite the mortality


It’s pretty strange that the evolutionary force of so much death hasn’t selected for a wider birth canal without the long tube yet.


Maybe this is the improved version and the last one was worse. Next one thousands of years from now will be better still


The world of tomorrow is looking bright for hyena vaginas.




I heard that in, like, a 20's newsreel voice


Oddly enough, this seems to be a trait that was selected for! Being able to control who you mate with ended up being more advantageous than having lots of babies. Which kind of makes sense when you consider how unforgiving their lives are. If you cant crawl eight inches out of a psuedopenis, are you really cut out to be a hyena? https://youtu.be/fnYWLCpsDlw?si=H7SUC2ssz3XzJvnK


Elephants as well as hyenas the females have a penile looking vagina. It's weird til I tell you why. In the elephant and Hyena's kingdoms they are dominated by the females the females are the ones that run the pack. The penile vagina is used because the females choose when to have sex. A male can't force it's self on the female with the penile function. The penile vagina will flip in on itself when the female is ready to mate and the penile vagina looks like a vagina after the flip.


You mean that furry lesbian porno I watched between a female elephant and a female hyena wasn't anatomically accurate? What is the studio doing? Just making stuff up without any thought to accuracy? Is nothing sacred anymore?


Furry lesbian frotting 🤤




It is interesting how often Furry porn is fine using animal penises but almost always use human vaginas


I remember one time I found a thread on /mlp/ where someone was looking for r34 images of the mane six but specifically with anatomically accurate horse pussy. He was annoyed because the pussies on most pony r34 were drawn too human.


Well he will be glad to know that most feral mlp content now has anatomically correct genitalia. https://preview.redd.it/vaiog5qri71d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d606910610148a6ad6b3ad551d3a35084e5bb6af


The Ponussy, if you will.


I mean, the comment said that it flips and becomes "normal" when ready to mate, and I assume both those subjects were in the mood, so yes it is accurate. However, you have still admitted to heresy, so https://preview.redd.it/h8cxe9mcx21d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389fe64cd9e91508c1becb73f0856a433847f86c


Thank you! That was exactly everything I didn’t want to read today


You didn't even hear the worst part. Turns out, giving birth through a penis like organ is a very difficult thing. It takes about 48 hours, and one in 10 dies during during their first birth, while half of first cubs die during a mothers first time birth. If they survive the first one, things are usually torn open enough that future births are much less likely to result in death.


Why the fuck did I keep reading


Much like the rest of us, you’re a glutton for punishment.


My bad 😭 but we can learn a lot from these female societies.


but if everyone in a female dominated society develops a penis... arent we coming full circle and its a male dominated society again? 🤔


They have retractable penises, which are different from regular penises Honestly? Wish that was humanly possible


I mean, the female hyena with the penis isn't male, so why would anything else where the female has a penis be male? Edit: before you respond, ask yourself 1) do I actually know what I'm talking about? 2) is my joke funny? 3) does my comment make sense; can other people discern my meaning? Edit 2: if the edit bothers you it's about you.


The penis doesn't make the man, the man makes the penis


Truer words, my friend... truer words ☠️


Yes, the man made penises, a bustling business for the last forever.💯


I even heard that they attach robots to them nowadays


But which came first? The penis or the vagina?


If you ask most couples, I’m pretty sure the answer is going to be penis >98% of the time.


Proud to be in the 2% -- thanks, Prozac 🥲


This… is a great comment


I see what you did there lol


Embryonically, the vagina. Historically, Idk Edit: idk why this person responded to me just to say the same thing, but that answer is still embryonically.


Vaginas. Female fetus is the default model, then at about 2 months the male fetus starts producing testosterone and the hormones in utero cause the male bits to form. That seam on your balls is from your fetal labia and why men have nipples. This is true of all mammals.




Which CAME first?


I know what I’m talking about and my joke is funny but my comment doesn’t make sense, so I’m out.


The idea is the only way for a female ruled society to work is if females control the sex.


Obviously the only option is women to develop vaginal dentata. The snatch that snatches you!


Teeth (2007)


When I was like 18, I dated a girl who’s dad worked on that movie and we were having a movie night once and suggested we watch it because I’d never seen it lol.


Oof… how’d that turn out? 😂


Not necessarily because there still female,


You mean the one where the adult females kill the female pups? That type of society?


Ah yes, female led species are the only ones when the dominant adults kill the babies 🙄 thats just mother nature for ya


fun fact: it’s extremely common for species with a harem style mating system (one dominant male + multiple females) that when a new dominant male is established he goes and kills all the babies fathered by the deposed male. I think this gave gorilla conservationists a massive headache because the gorilla population was at risk of extinction yet here goes the new silverback, murdering gorilla babies (also, due to lack of need for other forms of sexual competition in such species the males usually have small genitals)


So you’re saying these insecure silverback gorillas have little dick energy


No, if he had LDE he would be doing things like negging the females and cutting off other members of the troop in his BMW. He’s primarily concerned with furthering his own genetic line, which will be more difficult if theres a bunch of other people's kids running around sucking up resources and attention.


Yes, we can only take all or none of its features and sacrificing small children is just the price we have to pay ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Men forcing themselves on women=bad Women forcing themselves on men=good?


They don't force themselves on the males. The males are always down and they just offer access. 


I am beyond confused as to why so many people find this off-putting


Usually the bigger freak out comes when people learn what happens to the penile vagina during birth.




Like pushing a baseball through a hose.


Ok, this one’s easy. Most mammals don’t have penile vaginas, and humans can feel discomfort when presented with something that’s unfamiliar to them


It's just very weird, but when genitalia and animals are involved, it becomes weirder


You want me to make it worse? I'm gonna. >! female hyenas do not have a proper vaginal opening, so they give birth through their clitoris, the hole is about an inch wide, and has to be torn for the pups to pass through. Which btw, they don't have single pups, they have litters of 2-4. About 60% of hyena pups suffocate before being born bc of this and the fact that not only is a hyenas birth control twice that of an equivalent sized mammal, but it also has a hairpin turn about halfway through. !<


As far as I'm aware, the hyena and elephant pseudopenises seem to serve slightly different functions. Both elephants and hyenas have female dominated social structures. However, male elephants never live within these group structures once they reach adulthood, while male hyenas are never without one. The elephant pseudopenis is possibly involved in the prevention of forced insemination, as males in musth are flooded with hormones and extremely aggressive. However, female hyenas seem to use their organ in dominance displays, enforcing their hierchical pack structure. Also, sexual monomorphism seems to be important among juvenile hyenas, as dominant females might otherwise kill the female children of their rivals.


pseudopenis - good band name?


Is should be noted that only **spotted** Hyena's have a penis vagina. The other hyenas just have regular pussy's. Scientist also have no idea why that is.


Don’t they also get absolutely destroyed during birth because of the way the vagina is designed.


Yes, if by "destroyed" you mean can actually kill the mother and cub. They give birth through their pseudopenis. This means the pseudopenis tears during childbirth, with first-time mothers experiencing higher death rates due to the tearing than mothers experiencing subsequent litters. This results in something like 12% of mothers and offspring dying during childbirth.


>This results in something like 12% of mothers and offspring dying during childbirth. The mortality rate is significantly higher for the pups. Somewhere over half of them suffocate last I checked, but I'm not sure if they're more likely to survive if they're not the mother's first litter.


Don't... don't call them pussies please..


Penile pussies please


Penile pupper pussies please, papa


Would you prefer Hyenussy?


Those hyena pussies sure are moist today






It tastes like wolf pussy! >:(




Does the hyena vagina flip also to give birth?


I doesn't flip over during birth. Which has resulted in the babies suffocation. The canal of the vagina is only about 1 inch in diameter and sadly some of the babies can't make it through.


It results in a ripped penis and possibly death in hyenas. Something like 50% doe during or after birthing.


That's the percentage for babies. Surprisingly, only 6-18% of first-time mothers die during birth, and it goes down a lot after the first time since the "tear" has already occurred.


Okay so in the documentaries I've seen where the males say they're going to "tear that pussy up", they're actually performing a potentially life saving preventative procedure? Very interesting.


No. That's why hyenas always sound like they're laughing: First, the females laugh, because they've got bigger penises than the males. Then, the males laugh, because the females got to birth through their gocks.


So at some point evolution just had it with violence deciding who got to reproduce? I can’t say I blame it.


The animal kingdom has some interesting solutions to reproductive. We’ve got labyrinth vaginas, exploding genitals, cannibalism. My favorite messed up one is a bug that lives inside a nut its whole life, because of this they seldom bump into a mate so they developed the ability to self fertilize which results in a male 1/4 their size who then mates with the bug so it can reproduce a normal size off spring.


Exploding? I’m getting concerned.


Male honey bees, if they ever get to have sex their dick explodes and then they die.


Oh, I thought it just tore off, like the worker bee stingers! Not that that’s a huge improvement over exploding.


No, that’s octopuses (octopi?) They rip their dick off and throw it They’re like “urg… look, just take it, I’m busy watching the snooker on tv”


It's more like "I'm too scared that you might kill me, so just take the penis without me"


Hyenas give birth through the fake penis, which isn't big enough. A lot of babies suffocate in the first birth. And it explodes and the next births tend to go smoother


You forgot the octopi who throw their peens.


A literal flying fuck


The more I learn about nature,the more I become a Captain planet villain.


Angler fish. If I could just be a gonad attached to a female and my only purpose is to nut inside her. I'm not sure there's a better life.


There is still violence involved. The dominant female routinely "rapes" other female and male hyenas of the pack. So who gets to reproduce is still very much predicated on who’s the strongest


Hyena's are very rape focused with their fake penis so no. It's just the lady doing it


They have a *pseudopenis* apparently, whatever the fuck that is… > All female spotted hyenas have functional penises. They use it to pee, signal, anally mount males & females for dominance, and give birth. — [Gender Inclusive Biology](https://www.genderinclusivebiology.com/newsletter/all-female-spotted-hyenas-have-functional-penises-and-mount-both-male-amp-female-hyenas-gender-showcase-9-12)


That pseudopenis is a nightmare for the hyenas - and our human imagination. Imagine the pain having to give birth from that. I wonder what is the evolutionary reason for it, because I learned (thanks to Casual Geography) that they can retract it when mating, selecting which males can mate with them, but the birthing part is brutal. I'd speculate something about hormones or physiology, because females are way bigger than males, but I have no clue


It develops independently from androgens. It is speculated that, apart from selection during mating, it helps camouflage young females so they don't get killed by other mature females.


Yeah that makes sense. High ranking hyenas can kill a lot of young pups of the clan just to assert dominance


Kind of explains why hyenas have asshole personalities IMO.


Hyena childhood trauma was not on my bingo card today


I'll never watch The Lion King the same...


Do you mean because you liked the hyenas so much, and suddenly they seem less likeable to you?


Very poor choice of words




*Just Matriarchy things*


Haha. This makes human patriarchy sound tame. Imagine if humans behaved more like hyenas. Lordy Lordy


In some noble settings, when a son is about to become the next king, or whatever, they might just kill all the brothers, just in case they might plot something later.


aka the ottoman empire


China too iirc


I remember doing this many times in crusader kings


Damn that sounds like the second worst birthing process in the animal kingdom


What's the first?


If I remember there is a spider where they store the egg inside its body.. and when they hatch they eat the mother inside out. Think it is matriphagy or something like that


This is either not really bad or REALLY FUCKING BAD depending on if the mother is still alive at birth.


Knowing the animal kingdom, it's alive.


And hyper-aware because of hormones?


im not sure spiders have the capacity for hyper awareness.


According to Spider-man they have hyper awareness through their spider-sense.


They gain it for the birth.


Me (watching a wolf spider hunt): "It's amazing what animals can do on instinct alone." The Spider (absolutely focusing on the giant ape looming over it): "Uh...can I help you?"


[Yep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matriphagy). Though it's more than one species of spider, and it's not a behavior unique to spiders. But hey, at least the spider offspring don't cannibalize each other... ...as much.


I'd argue the sea louse is worse. The male inseminates by stabbing through the abdomen. Kidnaps the mother and then the matriphagy thing happens where the mother is alive while her children eat their way out.


I knew about the stabbing part but not that the children also ate her.


Bedbugs also do that, and they have trouble distinguishing genders, so a lot of male rape happens


Too bad "lousy" is a weak insult


You know what? Nature sucks. Screw you, nature!


Nature, you scary!


If I remember there is a spider where they store the egg inside its body.. and when they hatch they eat the mother inside out. Think it is matriphagy or something like that


dementia 💀


!remindme 200 years


A Kiwi their organs get rearranged and some broken bones


Iirc the female hyenas are fiercely territorial even to their fellow females, so the appendage works to let them "blend in" with the men as to not get attacked As for how they breeded themselves to this, very slight, advantage is the real question Edit: just realized that by virtue of not being killed they have a greater chance to pass on that gene, look at that, science in motion


Female hyenas can kind of pull back the “sleeve” of the pseudo-penis to allow a male hyena to be able to stick their penis into them. However, the males have to get into a physically awkward position for sex, which means that the females have a lot more of a say on who their mate is.


I researched these poor bastards some time ago. It's not just a birthing canal, its literally an enlarged clitoris. The birthing process can take up to 48 hours. Usually two to four cubs. Hell on earth. I've read 9-18% of first time mothers die, and 60% of all cubs born will suffocate and die on the way out. Sixty percent !! Fucking brutal. They haven't evolved away from it precisely because 40% of cubs survive, and 90% of mothers live. Just gotta live long enough to fuck and give birth, evolution doesn't care for what happens after. If the pseudopenis helps them get ahead socially and have more babies, more power to them.


"imagine the pain having to give birth from that." I DIDNT NEED THE IMAGE IN MY HEAD


Is Tuliping involved?


No wonder they always have that akward laugh


Well, I guess they just prefer being kinky rather then having an easier birth. You'd have to ask hyeinas that. It's a decision they comsitently made over and over to the point that it's imprinted into their DNA.


I saw that video too, they also have a stupidly low birth survival rate thanks to the stupid thing


>Imagine the pain having to give birth from that. And yet they laugh in face of such pain, such optimistic animals


My day is ruined and im upset


lol. This is amazing. Sorry.


I concur




A pseudopenis is an enlarged clitoris. It's not a functional penis capable of impregnating others. Otherwise they would be an example of a mammilian simultaneous (true) hermaphrodite, something currently only found in some snails, slugs, and fish. Also most plants, but not among more complex species.


OK, but I don't give birth from my clit. I'm into some kinky stuff, but that sounds like pure hell.


A penis is also an enlarged clitoris, with an extra channel in the middle


Futa hyena?




So this is why they keep laughing! They're laughing at eachother ! "Hahaha look at your pegina" "hahaha,no! Look at yours!"


That was an insane read, thank you


Nice pfp


Well now you know what to describe when your players meet a female gnoll. Or a fun way to mess with a furry who wants a gnoll GF as she gives him prison loving for dominance.


Any furry worth their salt wouldn't bat an eye at female penis.


So basically, hyenas dock their cocks to acheive conception?


Imagine a vagina with a very long clit but the clit is where the uretha is in this case.


Afraid to Google but not afraid to post on Reddit.


you wouldn’t believe the things i’ve seen on here


Clearly not as bad as feliform fanny


Oh ffs , I didn’t need to know this


you’re very welcome


I see people here talk about the hyena vagina ripping during childbirth which yes, is horrifying, but this happens a lot during human childbirth as well lol. Sometimes women are ripped down to their perineum and it has to get stitched back up. Childbirth is crazy no matter the species.


Then you have fucking marsupials that give birth to embryos while the rest of us suffer. And then there's kiwis...


What's wrong with the kiwis!




Poor things :(


So does this compress their organs?


I would assume so.


Damm that’s gotta hurt


Crazy for everything but humans are one of the animals that definitely have it worse than others. Narrow hips for bipedal walking dont work well with massive skull for equally massive brain.


Hyenas actually don't have a vagina, what they do have is a *Pseudopenis,* which is exactly what it sounds like. Biologists don't know why they have this, especially because it doesn't present any advantages in terms of survival, as a matter of fact up to 25% of new hyena moms die during childbirth because the pseudopenis is almost too small to allow the newborn pups to pass, and every single one of them has to rip the thing in half iin order to make it easier to deliver future pups.


oh jesus christ I didn't know that last part


Was better to just google it, you get the same answer here


First of all google shows images, second of all that wouldnt look good on your digital footprint


I'm a writer. My digital footprint could get me banned in several countries if anyone bothered to look. Hyena vagina is the least of my worries.


'Government, I want to know the process of a nuclear weapon for writing purposes.' 'How does a drug cartel work?' 'If the human system could survive for X amount of hours of a volatile solution that could explode, does their heart rate have to be at a certain level?"


Something like that.


Whale biologist from Futurama here on a crossover. Female hyenas can use their vaginas as penises to dominate males. Generally this happens when the female sees the leader as weak and decides to take over. They still, of course, give birth through it and it's excruciatingly painful. Whale biologist out (I hate whales)


He's a whale biologist, we better do what he says.


Female hyenas have a pseudo penis that is the same size as the males (it comes with a pseudo scrotum and everything). This is because hyena society is matrilineal, and cubs inherit their mother's rank, but males tend to leave and join another clan so they lose the rank they would've otherwise had in their maternal clan, and this leads to their society being primarily female-dominated. As a result of this (we currently believe) they evolved their male-like genitalia to help them in these female-dominated societies, as female hyenas can control who mates with them, meaning no rape ([although, mating can be a bit awkward](https://youtu.be/Bq2Ww-BI0YE?si=6NR4_MbtjDs9G4Av), as they still have to maneuver to copulate successfully even though the female can retract it). But the main problem is that they have to give birth through the appendage, which is as bad as it seems. 60% of cubs born to first-time mothers will suffocate before they make their way out, and a good % of first-time mothers will also die during childbirth, made worse by the fact that hyenas have the largest babies relative to body mass of any carnivoran. It's better the second time though, as the clitoris rips if they can give birth successfully the first time.


Poor felinedogs : (


🎵 Hyena vagina, what a wonderful phrase 🎵


It's no passing craze.


https://preview.redd.it/f2dddcybt01d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03297797f7dd2ed48cf503fed01a93c18788ca51 📈


2 things 1. Hyenas have penis looking vaginas. they're actually bigger than the male hyena's penis 2. What is normal? so many animals have weird ass reproductive organs that I don't think there really is a normal. ducks, echidnas, and octopuses are my favorite examples


Hyenas don’t have normal vaginas. They have a pseudopenis which means when giving birth…you can fill in the blanks




I regret read these explanations so much. What an abysmal day to be literate.


Don’t forget the female’s bigger than the males


both sexes have penises, and during childbirth, the babies have to go ALL the way through.


So, imagine an ovipositor, but for giving live birth.


Female Spotted Hyenas have pseudo-dicks. They have sex and give birth through them and it causes many problems. Often times it gets torn in childbirth which is a terrifying mental image.


It's pretty self explanatory lol


They are dick shaped; yes, they give birth through it and yes, fatality rate for both is high


Hyena females have what’s called a “pseudopenis”, basically it’s not a normal vagina because it sticks out and looks just like a penis. We don’t know why it evolved but it makes childbirth even more dangerous than it normally should be


As the other comments have said the femalee hyenas do have a pseudo penis. But just to bring the explanation home. The pseudo penis causes the birth canal to be much smaller than it otherwise would have been. This leads to hyena births to be one of the most painful for the mother in the animal kingdom and for the cubs to have a 50% chance to die during birth along with more maternal death for the female hyenas but hey at least psuendo penises prevent them from being raped!


Psuedo penis Gives birth through extremely narrow tube Very painful, sometimes fatal It has definitely been explained a hundred times here but I'll leave my definition up