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What is PCM?


rPoliticalCompassMemes. On PCM yellow librights are viewed as bog standard freedom lovin’ libertariabs. Purple librights on the other hand are viewed as “the age of consent should be abolished” type libertarians.


And here I thought he was a ditto






They are referring to the large amount of French philosophers who backed pedophilia


Damn are they still going? I blocked that sub years ago


I was just thinking that too! "Ohhh right, that was a thing" and then forget about it again.


The sad part was that 2 years ago they were going really strong. Reddit admins proping that sub up so it was hitting front page DAILY. A ton of dumbass redditors thought it was just memes so they went there and participated. Came out full blown right wing nutjobs.


To each their own, I suppose- but I’m still subscribed because it’s the only sub that I feel can still criticize the left and challenge my own political beliefs, which I think is an important part of comedy Unfortunately because of that, it’s become one of the last havens for trump lovers, who often don’t wanna be clapped back with memes against them. Although every once in a while good zingers get through. Ah well


I am all for criticism but the last time i checked, All top post were basically based on things that didn't happen. Like sometimes i googled the headlines that were being memed on and most of the times it was completely unsourced shit next to articles of aliens sightings or sometimes these headlines just dont exist and were crafted for the meme. Seeing comments with hundreds of upvotes going like thats a real problem under a post you know is fake is really agonizing. Edit: just checked after i made the comment. This post was on top of the sub a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1d19drx/politician_convicted_after_publishing_gang_rape/. As a German i actually know what's happened it's always weird seeing people like musk post this and nobody cares to correct this shit. Woman posted this on social media shortly after Afghanistan fell to the taliban and hamburg wanted to take in 200 afghan refugees: "afghan refugees: hamburg mayor for unburocratic acceptance, welcoming culture for gang rapists." Not statistics no nothing. this came all later when she was called out for it. And even than her first post can only be intrepeted as all afghans = gang rapists and not there is a statistical correlation or something like this. Saying that all people of a certain nationality are gang rapists is considered Volksverhetzung (rabble-rousing) in germany. And then you have people who say there is no free speech because she just posted statistics and gets convicted for it. In the comments people joke about supporting russia over germany after this. It starts as a joke but this is how these russian bots create sentiment for themselves. https://www.kreiszeitung.de/lokales/rotenburg/rotenburg-ort120515/volksverhetzung-schuldig-rotenburger-afd-kreistagsmitglied-der-92316379.html article in german i couldn't find a good English source


https://preview.redd.it/fhphace2dy3d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02ef021f31c6f115d9a37e3e5d63cc47f5498db PCM was funny years ago, now it's just... This.


Bahahahaha 💯


This is fucken hilarious


This is the pinnacle of comedy.


You can criticize the left all you want in many subs as long as it's in good spirit and isn't just far right nonsense, there’s nothing special about PCM except that it’s just another crazy conservative safe space where they can continue being the worst human trash imaginable


I really disagree. I feel like any making fun of the left on another sub (facepalm, political humor, etc) is automatically dismissed as Trump support. But that problem seems to extend beyond just Reddit, it’s just how political discourse has devolved in the past decade. If you can find a better sub that challenges leftism without endorsing the right, I would love you to point me to it so I can move on.


It's probably because PCM allows obvious lies and slander that would get you banned in more reasonable subs


> If you can find a better sub that challenges leftism without endorsing the right, I would love you to point me to it so I can move on. You can do it everywhere (PCM does endorse the right for the record) I will do it right here as proof. Biden sucks, his Gaza policy is fucked and his strike breaking for railway employees (40% of whom still do not have the sick leave they were fighting for) was extremely disappointing as leftist. Watch nothing happen, frankly this view is moderately popular on reddit. It's election season now so everywhere (including PCM) gets worse around this time for self criticism but that is just inevitable. For a meme sub I like r/196 for a sub that has a mix of leftists of various stripes plenty willing to do self criticism


Criticism of our own party is often met aggressively and dismissively. Gets you accused of trying to "both sides" the parties, of being a Trump supporter or as good as one, of being an 'enlightened centrist' who will only criticize the left, etc. Or the topic you're talking about gets immediately derailed about how the Republicans are doing so much worse. Which, of course they are. But it makes discussing the problems in our own house a constant fight to stay on topic and constructive.


The conspiracy sub is infested with trumpers. the_donald level of circlejerk. Thankfully a few traditionally mentally ill people still post about how crop circles are proof the Egyptians faked tbe moon landing to cause 911. But i would aay 90% is now trumpers whining about trump not being treated like the untouchable god-emperor they think he should be.


Conspiracies used to be so cool


I used to love conspiracy theories. Now I stay away from them because otherwise people think I believe in a flat earth where liberals blow dart covid vaccines from sewers on people to give them Bill Gates' microchips.


>Although every once in a while good zingers get through. Which results in a ban.


It went from being political discussion to being alt right anti semites in one swift week.


It was crypto-fascism from the start my man.


Where else are the Nazis gonna hang out ?




*Autism… Autism never changes.*




But everything on reddit *is* autism.


Hey it's me, you.


Some subs left the autism spectrum years ago and went out to explore whether or not the human mind has any bounds in its insanity. So far no end has been found.


And they're still as bonkers. Didn't block them, sometimes they pop at at /all


Reddit adding the ability to block subreddits from /r/all is the best thing they've added. Used to have to do it via RES, and it didn't follow between computers.


How do you block a sub? I am so tired of all of the f1/baseball spam on /r/all


So we distinguish pedophiles through purple-files. I wonder if that was on purpose aha


It still didn’t explain what does PCM have to do with Ash. The character is joked as forever 11 years old. Not the other way around lol.


Oh, so purple is normal libertarian, yellow is rare and unusual libertarian.


Which is funny, because aren't those people more likely to be against the religions that have historically practiced such things?


So they redefined it to get rid of the connotation that all libertarians are pedos? That was the original joke before PCM became a right wing sub


I understood only every fifth word.


What language is this?


They are still trying to pretend those aren't both the same group?


Political compass, which is also situated in the bottom right


r/politicalcompassmemes It can be very funny sometimes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PoliticalCompassMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [tHiS iS wHaT AI tHiNkS oF uS](https://i.redd.it/n32as2fzrf4b1.png) | [765 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/142nz14/this_is_what_ai_thinks_of_us/) \#2: [nature finds a way](https://i.redd.it/218mhujyleza1.gif) | [1370 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13fli3s/nature_finds_a_way/) \#3: [Hmm...](https://i.redd.it/fibnsisufysa1.jpg) | [1324 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/12gto9f/hmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Depending on who you are. Its kinda funny, i see some say its one of the few politically diverse subs while others make... some of the claims of all times. Aaaand now the takes have shown themselves.


Lol politically diverse. Actually that's true, there's right wingers, and right wingers pretending to be stereotypical left wingers. That's pretty diverse.


Only sub I've seen on the front page with actual outspoken neo-nazis getting up voted.


You must not visit reddit very much, a lot of neo-Nazi and straight up Nazi talking points heavily upvoted on the default subs and gets even worse once you dive into the more 'political' side of reddit.


I always see claims like this but people never provide examples. And then these claims get upvoted. But no examples of "straight up Nazi talking points" are ever given. There are two possibilities, and that's: 1. you're using an alternate reality version of reddit 2. you are so online that you think boring normal opinions that are *slightly* to the right of yours is therefore *extreme* right. I'm guessing it's the second one because I've seen a *lot* of people with this way of interacting with the world. It's like they never actually met an actual far right reactionary before. It's clear to me that "default subreddit reddit" is firmly leaning left. Extremely widespread acceptance of LGBT, drug liberaliaztion laws, etc. Extremely dislike of american imperialism, some dislike of capitalism (But relatively few people identifying as communist or anarchist). The country most represented on the site is the US, and the vast majority of American reddit users are *firmly* on the side of the Democratic party and view the republicans as a major threat. Can you give me a few examples of "straight up nazi talking points" on reddit that 1. are on a default sub and not a niche political sub 2. that 90% of us would firmly agree is far right wing 3. doesn't involve standing on your head, blurring your eyes, and deliberately misinterpreting the intentions of a commenter I'm a left-winger, like a socialist, but I never see anything firmly right wing. I think the closest I see is the widespread approval of Israel's actions in Gaza, over in worldnews, but even as horrible as that approval is, I wouldn't classify it as "nazi talking points", more incredibly misguided ideas of what measures asre necessary for security.


May I introduce you to /intellectualdarkweb. They just don't like it when you call them that, half of the posts are still lost in spinning why they are just cool hard logic™ rational thinkers with deep geopolitical insights from a high school civics class. Or r/europe, that's more common to see popping up as a non-member I guess.


> and right wingers pretending to be stereotypical left wingers They don't even pretend to be stereotypical left wingers. They just say they are stereotypical leftwingers while spouting out maga shit.


"i'm a lifelong dem and I can't wait to vote for Trump/Reanimated Hitler"


"As a fellow left~~oid~~ist I agree that the progressive agenda has gone too far and we must become more conservative."


It used to be good a couple years ago, but a lot of the right-wing extremists nutjobs moved in after they finally banned The Donald and what not. A lot of it is just virtue signalling bullshit nowadays rather than actually making jokes.


It got so insane that they created a dedicated strawman color 'orange' so they can have the 'whole compass' disagree with 'orange'. And then they make 'orange' believe anything OP doesn't like. It's the "You lost the argument because I portrayed you as the virgin and me the chad" thing, but unironically and without any awareness. I miss years ago when it was actually funny and not just agenda posting.


I remember joining at the near end of when it was good, I checked it out recently, it is boring now and has lost population and does not seem to grow




For people that dumb down politics to the point of being completely wrong most of the time, they take themselves very seriously.


When I finally filtered it from my feed it was mostly authright conservatives cosplaying as libright libertarians making crummy memes about the left


Its a sub where the right wing of the spectrum 'ironically' revels in the degeneracy that the left accuses them of and when pressed, it turns out that they actually mean the things they say and they just want an excuse to be openly proud of being awful people


no. very racist though.


Yes. Very racist though.


Hasn’t been funny in years


Let's not going saying things we can't take back


The one funny political compass meme, to save everyone time. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/hvtj7d/whats_aleppo/


It will get you banned from various subs.


Sometimes can be counted on fingers of one hand. PCM has been overtaken by nazis years ago.


I feel like it's usually just conservative memes


A alt right subreddit where right wingers can pretend to be liberals for strawman arguments and jokes..


A subreddit where conservatives roleplay as leftists to strawman and make fun of them.


A subreddit called PoliticalCompassMemes, steer clear. It's your classic alt-right shithole filled with people pretending, to pretend to be from all over the political spectrum And if you ever mention it to anyone who likes to hang out, there come back with the classic: >BuT ItS JuSt sAtIrE!!11651 And they're too stupid to realize that their lies are transparent.


fordboy136 and the OP MrDumox are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/k5mtyho/


Is any content real anymore?


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you


Can confirm, beep boop.


Real, maybe, original, no


ermmm your profile pic is that shade purple


i thought William Afton was just killing kids i didn't know that


Purple is libertarians, who are against the age of consent aka pedophiles


And who is orange then?




This is why we need to decentralize libraries. Corporations would protect our children better than the government. I for one think that librarians are an out dated concept and their replacement with robots is long overdue. /j


You're not wrong. It's past time we did away with those book peddling, noise sensitive nonces.


They don't want people talking in the library because they want to silence their victims.


It's perverse really, operating as a distributor of the written word whilst using the platform to silence certain people's opinions. It's Kafkaesque. Orwellian even.


BigSuperTaco and the OP MrDumox are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/k5mwmmx/




Due to rubbing


Because his pp is still at age 11...


Ohhhh, so that’s whats wrong with mine!


Every time you go pee, You're committing a felony. You monster!


skyspeartv and the OP MrDumox are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/k5n2hr8/


Yup. If anyone wants to see how infested this sub (and many others) are, follow their accounts and check every post they commented in. Bots. Then check every post those bots commented in. There's so fucking MANY. In this particular network, you can see many of them were dormant for a while, and just "woke up" recently. All stolen and/or purchased accounts. The ones that don't get banned will likely end up impersonating OF accounts, spamming NSFW subs, advertising links/products, astroturfing... It's a real problem and many subs are able to keep them out for the most part, but many subs like this one don't give a fuck and just want the engagement. facepalm, meirl, wholesomememes, tons of the "cats" and "aww" subs... fucking infested.


The only safe places are subreddits that only support OC. The second you start letting reposting and excessive use of cross-posting go wild in a subreddit you are just opening the door for bot behaviour. It's just the sad nature of it.


Huh? Based off what? The comment is exactly the same, and they're both missing the period, which is evidence that one copied the other, but at the same time, it is a very short and "obvious" comment, could be a coincidence that they were both lazy and didn't include the period. Regardless, what does that have to do with OP? You linked to a comment from Alone-Fuel-6988. What does OP have to do with that? What's your reasoning here?


Based on the way it be The comment I replied to copied the comment I linked. They are working with OP in a bot network.


What does that have to do with OP? Why are you speaking so confidentally about this? Am I missing something?


They definitely look like bots to me. Let's look at [MrDumox](https://old.reddit.com/user/MrDumox)'s (OP) profile. Account was created 4 years ago but only made a couple posts about CS:GO and then took a nap, waking up 1 month ago to post some cat pics and advertise their Spotify account for sale. Seems like it's been compromised and is now being used for shady things. It then took another nap, woke up 1 day ago with a great idea for a repost, then made some comments. [skyspeartv](https://old.reddit.com/user/skyspeartv) was active 4 years ago, napped, woke up 1 day ago. So it also looks compromised. It too woke up with a great idea for a repost, and then made some comments. If you check the OPs of other posts that MrDumox and skyspeartv commented on in the last day, they too seem to be compromised accounts with great ideas for reposts.


In "political cumpiss memes" the color of authoritarian right is blue but the color of "libertarian right" is yellow, or purple when depicted as pedos. So the idea is that ash is a pedo but his genitals are militaristic and authoritarian because he's a pedo. Very stupid, I know, not funny


Chris Hansen walks in: " Have a seat"






It's an old joke that ash is "always 11", which he is canonically


Bro died 3 times at 11


Skill issue


https://preview.redd.it/rzo34fretx3d1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab17bb81a3231861759f145bf8158ed2ded709e What are you talking about kiddo ? Those are rookie numbers ! If you're not above.... Hm... At least ten, then you're nothing


Frisk got the spirit, not even 10 and died hundreds of time. Real chad


Rookie numbers




tbf you generally stop aging after you die, so I get it


That's... well... yeah ? Kinda ?


Not only is he canonically still 11, but on the phone with his mother, she says it has been over a year since he left. This means that he is both canonically 11, and been traveling for over a year.


Didn't he get kicked out at 10, it's been a very long time since I've played it watched any pokemon games/shows so I could totally be wrong


After the first 30 years they let him have a birthday


nah your right. the meme is wrong. ash was ten when he started and is still ten when it ends.


Jesus his mother is fucking cruel, that poor kid


Isn’t he also retiring???


He did already. Or maybe not, idk, he may still be journeying past the final episode. But the series stopped focusing on ash because it finally ended and we got a new set of two lead protagonists named Liko and Roy. They are pretty cool.


Yeah, he is, if not even already did, I'm not caught up in the anime, sorry


It's been a long year. You don't know the struggles of a 11 year old.


He’s actually 10. He’s always been 10. The English dub mistakenly put a line where it said “this is our 1 year anniversary” but it never happened in the original. Even so, in Journeys the announcer says he’s 10. In every series the announcer says he’s 10. I don’t know why people think he’s 11.


I remember watching some movie or special where he celebrated his one year anniversary with Pikachu, chronologically making him 11. I always thought he aged up to 13 through Gen 6 but brought him back to 10 and kept him there for the remaining Gens.


Yeah it was a special where it was like their 1 year anniversary or something. It did make him 11 but I think it was only that way in the dub. And regarding aging to 13 I think he didn’t and it was just the art style that made him look significantly older.


The Simpsons did an episode showing Homer sneaking growth hormone suppressants into the kids' food. How else can Maggie still be a baby after 20 years? Makes you wonder...


the OP MrDumox is a bot Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/k5mxiun/


Yes, at Professor Oak’s summer camp!


Peter's obnoxiously political dog Brian here. So basically, the subreddit r/PoliticalCompassMemes is known for making jokes based off the four quadrants of [the Political Compass](https://www.politicalcompass.org/). The bottom right quadrant of the political compass (libright for short) is often stereotyped as being obsessed with guns, drugs, and underage mail-order wives. At some point, two different versions of the Political Compass emerged, one with the libright quadrant colored yellow, and one with the libright quadrant colored purple. So PCM set about debating which color should be used for the user flair for libright redditors. After much deliberation, a compromise was reached, with most libright memes using yellow, and purple being used specifically for pedophile jokes. So basically, in overly Political corners of reddit, covering someone in a purple highlighter is shorthand for calling them a pedo. The joke here is that 22 years have passed since Ash was 11, which would mean he's in his mid thirties, yet he's still introducing himself as an 11 year old to young girls.


Best response. This is it.


This is why I like the Everstone Stone theory




There's also the dead ash theory




It’s more of a lateral aging.


Cinnimonx13 and the OP MrDumox are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/k5mg36t/


So there's a test for political disposition called the political compass test where there are 4 quadrants all colored differently that represent different political alignments. Blue is authoritarian capitalist, red is authoritarian communist, green is libertarian communist, and purple/yellow is libertarian capitalist. Anarcho-capitalists or ancaps for short fall under purple/yellow, and a lot of them basically want to be able to buy kids and do whatever they want with them (for nefarious purposes) in their lawless hellscape. The joke is that ash is a pedo which you can tell by him being colored with the same color as the pedo ancaps.


I tought they were 10...


I haven't seen the anime in a long time, but i'm pretty sure Ash is 11, and Misty was 12. In X/Y Serena is 16. Most of the protagonists after RBGY are older than 10, Serena/Calem being the oldest. In the most recent games, Scarlet/Violet the protag is 14ish. All in all, i don't fuckin know, the pokemon universe is weird. In the Scarlet Violet E4, Poppy looks like she's 4, but she's actually fucking 9. Idk


Serena is the same age as Ash, they first met when they were like 5 at Professor Oak's camp. She just spent the first 800 or so episodes sitting at home refusing to do anything with her life.


OP used the x/y version of Serena, the protagonists of those games were a little older than 11. Anime Serena is younger and looks different, probably where the confusion is lol


Yeah, Game Serena is 17-18 according to the games. Calem and Serena are stated and shown to be older than a 16 year old Emma. A group of kids accept Emma because she isn’t a grown up but don’t accept Calem/Serena because they are grown ups.


According to a theory: Ash is supposedly part Pokemon (Possibly with Mr. Mime being his father), whether that's canon or not... who knows, and he never ages because he hasn't evolved yet. Pokemon don't age, you see, they just evolve. Of course... that sort of implies he HAS evolved at least once. Because he's no longer a baby. He is perpetually an 'eleven year old boy' until eventually something triggers him to evolve. This also explains his inhuman durability. Which is part of why it's a popular theory.


I prefer the theory that in the first episode of the anime, Ash sees Ho-oh take flight as he starts his adventure. One of the flavor texts for Ho-oh's pokedex entry is: "It possesses seven-colored wings. It is said that those who see Ho-Oh are promised an eternal happiness." In this case, 'eternal happiness' for Ash is just getting to adventure forever with his favorite pokemon and take on the world's challenges, so this "gift" from Ho-oh essentially explains why he never seems to age, or why his adventure never seems to truly reach a close.


His mom is def a Pokémon (like Jenny and Joy) and Professor Oak is hitting that. Which suggests Ash is also a Pokémon, but one specialized in catching them all… and sending his spares back to Oak.


>Pokemon don't age, you see That's not true. In the episode where Ash catches his Treecko, there was a whole tribe of them and they had an elder that was still a Treecko.


I mean... I looked exactly like that treecko for about two weeks after I lifted a heavy box. And I was twenty-ish at the time. So... I wouldn't say that means he's old just because he's an elder.


Omg I didn't even think about this joke that way


He’s cannon eleven. That means in a single year this kid has traveled by foot across like five continents and participated in pretty much every league ALL within a year. This makes Ash the most accomplished fictional character


Leopold Bloom did much more in a single day.




Bots: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1d5eqi5/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/l6lu3nz/


A better question is why his particular part isn't purple here.




​ https://preview.redd.it/lswbyn2exx3d1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed9649e650dd422323b18848938d46643cb92e43


the OP MrDumox Cinnimonx13 MrDumox skyspeartv agarner702 billyshackleford75 BigSuperTaco and fordboy136 are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/17bxyol/peetah_why_is_ash_purple/


Removed and banned. Thanks for pointing that out!


It’s super effective!


🤓um, axcshully: Ash was 10 and Misty was 12.


I thought Ash was 12 while Misty was around 14-15


Ash worked for ovo?


That's a big Ditto, partially shaped like Ash.




Why not 11?


I get the joke, but i gotta be that guy and point out Serena is 16. The protags of X/Y are confirmed to be 16, and Serena is the fem protag. Anyways.. sorry about being a nerd lmao


Don't show the Republicans this, their Lord and Savior Donald Trump who r*ped a 13 year old will.... well, lets be honest, Republicans will ignore everything and continue to project.


Brother in Christ, get off the internet.


Fuck Trump, but what’s this about a 13 year old? Gotta drop a link if you’re gonna say something like that


According to my quick Google search, there are 1269 Pokémon anime episodes. If one episode takes place on only one day and we round the total up to 1300, the amount of years passed is around 3.6 years. This means that in XY, Ash’s maximum age is 13.


Tbf the events of the show don't seem happen at the same rate as they release. In the Lucario movie, Ash said he met Pikachu "3 years ago," which came out like 10 years after the first series. Not saying it would be less creepy.


And they’re allowed to just travel from town to town


It’s a pcm thing


Didn’t they actually know each other as small children though?


It's something to do with the political compass. The political compass is a collective thing created because left and right changes from country to country.The liberal right is often represented by yellow. But we have 2 different liberal rightists. One is purple and one is yellow. While the yellow one does not want the state mostly for more economic freedom, the other one wants not to be limited by laws




What exactly do you not understand?


Everything. What does Pokémon have to do with left or right?


This has something to do with stereotypes on the political compass


Yea I don’t think so buddy


"I don't think so"?


If she's 15 I'm 15 ya smell me.


I thought it was a reference to how google links are purple when you already clicked them so ash forgot his age and has dementia (since there was that one meme where it said something like \*searching do i have dementia\* and the links turned out to be purple which means he forgot he already searched it) but i was wrong.


Grimace shake