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When they get zoomies and act goofy cause it shows they’re happy with the life we give them


I'll start! I love how excited my dog is everytime I come home. It doesn't matter if I stepped out 30 seconds to go to the mailbox, or if I came home from work. She still gets so pumped as if she missed me so much. Makes me feel so special I mean this much to something. I love her <3


I’ve trained my dog to calm herself down as much as possible in 90% of situations but I’ll never train her out of hyping me up when I come home. It’s the best.


How much my dog loves me. She is my shadow, every moment I’m with her, and annoyingly runs every moment of my day. But I love it


I feel that. Her life IS my life lol. <3


Their little personalities and habits that they’ve picked up from me. Hiding around the corner of rooms and jumping out at me, patiently sitting next to the counter while I slice brisket cause only chill dogs get scraps, barking at the freezer because they want ice cubes in their water…


My pets don’t interrupt or judge. And they are excellent hand warmers in the winter 😊


So true, they love unconditionally. And yes excellent hand warmers!!


My cat's little "hello" meows and standing on her hind legs to rub her head on me/get head scritches when I come home from work. She really is a sweet kitty and so full of love.


My Mittens will “trill” and rub high up against me, and sometimes if I lean down my he’ll give me headbutts. Granted, most of the time he wants treats, but it’s still awesome 😂🐈


Oh, I'm almost positive my Sallie just wants food, but idc. It's still sweet and lovey.


It definitely is!


Sleeping or waking up & they’re all in my bed at once safe a sound 🥺


My pup being constantly happy to see me!! I could be out taking the trash to the curb for 2 minutes and the second I come back in I get the same greeting as I would get if I was gone for 5 hours. And also the forced exercise and community that comes along with it!!!!! I have had at least 10k steps a day since adopting my pup and in those steps have met so many amazing dog parents. Even people in the neighborhood without pets start to recognize your dog and come to check in on them.


this! HAHAHAHA i love the 30 minute walk every night with my dogs. if it weren't for them, i would have gained so much more weight than i did the past months 😂


They do! Literally a minute or two outside and they get so excited for your return.


I love hearing my elderly rescue dog snore. I know it’s weird, but she has the CUTEST little snorts ♥️


Omg my cat Mittens snores like a human!


That’s adorable, I love kitty snores!!


I love the frequent ✨bombastic side eyes✨ whenever i eat anything. Cracks me up all the time


My kitty makes these cute little happy trills just for me, she doesn't make them at my parents or anyone else.


Ah it's the best feeling when a specific action is catered just for you!!


it is, I've only had her for three months and she follows me around everywhere and makes adorable little noises.


I have 2 dogs, 1 cat. I’ve had them all since they were very young; cat 3 weeks old, now almost 6years; dog 1 8 weeks old, now 4 years; dog 2, 5 weeks old, now 3 years- they’re all street rescues (I live in China). Every single time I come home the dogs are SO excited to see me. Whether I’ve been at work all day or just downstairs to collect the mail 🤣. Dogs are just so damn pure. My cat on the other hand tries to escape every time I open the front door, to leave or return. On the odd occasion she slips out without my noticing, she soon SCREAMS from the other side of the door to be let back in. She’s incredibly affectionate though, especially at night. I’m introverted and love just chilling out with them at home. They’re great companions.


Same thing I hate about it the most I think, and that is the NEED to get outside and move. 95% of the time happy to wear my dog out. But some days I just do NOT feel it.


Definitely feel that, especially on bad weather days! But on the flip side, she helps me stay active. I'd be a bigger couch potato than I am now if it wasn't for her.


Me as well, I always say I am a old pissy house cat, I need dog in my life Hehe. I am SO lazy without a dog, I walk 8-10 miles a day with my dog, without her I dunno if i would even leave the house o.o lol


Seeing my pet sleeping in her bed, and realising she is safe, she doesn't have to worry about food or cold. Knowing she is safe makes me very happy


Training!! Training my pup has been the most fun I've had in a long time, and I love how much he loves to participate. He's so happy working with my trainer and our doggy classmates. It's super exciting to see him understand and perform new exercises, and all he does is get better and better the more practice we do. CGC feels like it's just around the corner, and I can't wait to do the trial C:


The little moments of trust, especially if they're unearned. For example, I have a history of accidentally kicking my cats in my sleep but despite having several comfy locations, one of my cats will still sleep by my feet. This morning when I woke up, I saw his face maybe an inch away from my foot so I moved it, then realised he was using my foot as a shield against the sun in his eyes so I put my foot back and he relaxed again. I wish he wouldn't be so trusting of my asleep self, but it's just so sweet!


I love the snuggles. Each pet has thier own style. 1 likes to be tucked up under my chin. 1 likes to guard my feet. 1 lives for the chance to be a lap dog. 1 likes to head butt me before I sew or write 1 is working on his preferred technique. He will get there.


The unconditional love. My Luna (kitty) will talk to me and I’ll mimic her, and she rolls around and talks back. It makes me laugh and feel like no matter what is going on in my life, or how I feel about myself sometimes…this wonderful little friend loves me no matter what.


The warm snuggly weight against my back when I sleep combined with the little snores


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The endless snuggles, how all four swarm around me on the way to the kitchen in the morning, and how freaking entertaining their behaviors are! Three cats and a dog - I just love them to pieces!


I loved petting My cat and how he would purr and Be so exited, i miss him


..hilarity + cuddles..


I love I can be myself when I’m with my dog. I am 100% sure he doesn’t judge.


The way they know the sound of my footsteps on the stairs and how they all come and greet me at the door every single time I get home. The fact that whenever I'm chilling somewhere in the house there's always a cat that will sit on my lap and purrr as louds as it can. The way one of my girls sleeps next to my head on my pillow and lets me hug her all night long.


I would say, my girl is in for everything I do. I can just being totally crazy and she will follow. I can just run then dancing and then doing ninja moves and she will be there, being crazy with me. After this explosion of energy we will just lay down together and chill. My partner for everything


When my rescue dog falls asleep in my arms, knowing he trust me enough to let go and relax completely 🥺❤️ That is the best feeling in the world. The next best is when he is goofing around trying to make me laugh. There is no doubt in my mind he tries his best to make me happy 😍


teaching them new things! i recently taught my cat how to give paw (she sort of slaps my closed fist) and it's adorable! i used a new flavour of her favourite treats while teaching her and now she begs for them constantly... oops... but i love how polite she is when she begs! the treats are kept in a cupholder built into the sofa so she'll sit on the armrest and look down at them, then at me, then at the treats, then at me. eventually she just sits there patiently, not making a sound.


The happy trills any chatty meows from my kitten every morning because she's so happy I'm finally up and we can play again.. And the little licks and cuddling that follows once she's played, fed and content ☺️


When they do something silly and regret it so they come rushing to me to get comfort 😭


Every morning, I walk into the room to my rabbit, and he greets me so joyfully, swirling around my legs. Every evening, he sits by the bathroom door, waiting for me to come out and feed him. And overall, he gives us so much tenderness and warmth that I'm very happy to be his parent.


When you give them a safe space they are actually able to express their little personality! Also spending time with them being completly present they actually can feel that. Also they help you to regulate your nervous system! Struggling with anxiety attacks my special boy has already helped me so much


When my cat tucks me in at night.


I think my favourite thing about my cats is when they’re sleeping and I kiss them and they roll over and show me their bellies. I have 11 cats that all let me fuss their tummies, which is a huge act of trust from them (because their most delicate organs are in the belly region) so if you’re allowed to touch the belly it means they trust that you won’t hurt them. I love that they trust me like that


My cats race to my bedroom knowing it’s bedtime. They wait for me to lie down and put my knees up and then they crawl under and curl up in the tent. I love it.


I mostly had cats and enjoyed them. Then we got a dog. It’s hard to beat the pure joy and enthusiasm from your dog when their people come home. We still have cats and I love them, but we also have two dogs. Whenever we go out, no matter how short a time, we come home to them jumping at the window and barking purely because they are so happy to see us again.


When my boxer gives me a hug.


When my babies come & lay on my lap & my man’s lap! We call it a cuddle puddle ❤️


My rats seek me out! They snuggle with me & get excited to see me.


Coming home to kisses.


I miss the way my Dino Pepino used to give me nose kisses 🥺🥺🥺


When they became part of you through time, one day you wake up and you realize this pet of yours is one of the most precious things you have, the fear of losing them however it’s hard to think about, it proves how much you love them.


When i lay with one on each side and they’re both happy and cozy.


Way less stress about a college fund


My two cats have polar opposite personalities and preferences. I love getting to know them as individuals. Also, there are fewer pleasures in life greater than reading a book in my recliner on a lazy Saturday with a cat purring on my lap. And yes, I know that was two things. It's so hard to pick just one!


Sunday morning. I don't know how cuddle puddle time came to be and they won't do it any other day. We all pile into bed and just doze. I'm sure we're all slightly uncomfortable but the group cuddle makes my week.     The rest of the week they're up at 7am looking for breakfast and choas.