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I enjoy spending time with my friends.


With all that information, yeah, like the others, may be a honeypot for... less desirable and heinous things.


It's not a honeypot the owner is very prominent in the piracy community and has worked on other projects that are storage related for years


they are leeching off of some cloud service. Ive always assumed google cloud transcoding, since I have been able to do the exact same abuse to it. I actually talked to the owner (burrito as shown in the screenshot) and when I asked if he was using gcp transcoding, all went silent...


Would you mind giving a surface level explanation how it works?


There are 2 ways, temporary storage, for example in transcoding (at least how it used to be), the video files that are in progress have to be stored somewhere, and usually this "somewhere" is temporary storage that isn't monitored. The next way is hiding data as other types of files. For example, you could add the mkv file header and .mkv to the filename, and all of a sudden, you have an mkv file, even though the actual binary inside is a text file or a different video file. If you control both ends of this input and output, you can "encode" and "decode" files easily. To google, it's just an mkv, but to the end user, its the file they uploaded. The combination of both of these tactics, I believe is at play. I have linked some videos below that actual demonstrate this and explain this in more detail: [https://youtu.be/\_w6PCHutmb4?si=vC4pEg76UsrMg\_Un](https://youtu.be/_w6PCHutmb4?si=vC4pEg76UsrMg_Un) [https://youtu.be/QiGKrBDqmKg?si=hcpe-Z3FDB897-uq](https://youtu.be/QiGKrBDqmKg?si=hcpe-Z3FDB897-uq) Disclaimer: I did use to do this, but leeching is bad, and yes these companies are rich beyond belief, and yes I know this is r/piracy and no one really cares, but you probably shouldn't do this. Pay for your storage, and it will be there tomorrow. With services like this, all it takes is for Google to do a quick scan, and they will wipe everything, patch the exploit, and buzzheavier will no longer exist. It's hard to patch these types of things, but remember this are billion dollar companies, they care if there is enough abuse.


And that is why unlimited plans went away. It was okay when a few people used a lot of space for personal use, but when pirates and data hoarders realised how it could be abused they set the C Suites off on their enshitification roll. Some bigger corps broke the ToS and abused these ceilings too. I remember using FTP Access back in the 90s to use storage on Exchange servers. We used to create .~{} folders on Windows with cleverly crafted FTP mkdir commands and abuse the shit out of the space. Those spaces went away once we had done some filling and Google will do it too.


Always happens. It's the circle of unlimited! They sell unlimited plans to make more money, people use them, then people abuse them, then they stop selling them, then people forget, then they sell unlimited plans to make more money...


Because there is no such thing like unlimited. It's like saying free food. Everything has a limit. It was just a marketing tactic for paying customers to think they have unlimited storage, but in actuality they don't.


I love reading comments of level headed and smart people such as yourself. Thanks for the insight


Main point of the buzzheavier was to provide service which can keep alive regional movie torrents (Indian specific) more than few weeks, yes 90% of indian movie torrents die within a month. Today buzzheavier seeding around 55-60TB/day. Let say even it runs for just 6 more months, that way I could kept those dead torrents alive for 6 months and seed 9PB.


I agree. Lately people are preserving movies on Telegram with split zipping the large files into 4gb per file and upload. Buzzheavier works for sharing stuff and as an Indian we don't really need to worry about FBI or honeypot as long as nothing is shared illegal.


oh damn you are vadapav guy. Great site. Thanks for still keeping it alive.


Is it alive? Is the URL changed? I couldn't access it a week ago and still can't.


Its alive and working


It is indeed working. I was aware of the budget issues and assumed it was shutdown when I couldn't access it. I looked into it now and found that it's a DNS issue. I use quad9 DNS ( and when ran dig on it, it gives nxdomain. I tried Google and cloudflare and it is resolving. I suspect quad9 is blocking the entry.


NextDNS AI Driven Threat settings also blocked the URL


> 90% of indian movie torrents die within a month Why is that?


Good. Indian movies are absolute garbage. Comparable to Bollywood. Let them die lmao.




And a downvote :)


This is what we call locally, "spoiling the market". Google clamps down on this and GP hack, everyone loses.


Are either of these methods able to be used in practical and automated ways? The videos don't seem to show how it can be done. There are companies like metabyte selling Plex streaming to tens of thousands of people at the same time and have over a PB of storage on google drive or cloud somehow but they won't say how other than to imply it's a secret method. I've been super curious how they do it ever since finding this out.


LOL so this will be done soon enough. Leeching that much service would create a huge red flag for someone somewhere.


if it's google, then i wouldn't be surprised. google is lazy. they still haven't patched the google photos exploit. you can get unlimited storage and backup in original quality by spoofing your device as a pixel xl. this has been around since they announced free unlimited storage if you have the pixel xl. someone i know has uploaded over 1TB of media using a spoofed android and a dummy account as a server. the device uploads the media to gphotos and then auto deletes the local copies. now, imagine thousands of other users exploiting this too.


A few years ago you could also exploit Google's "Backup and Sync" program, by storing infinite amount of data in original quality, by overloading the system that was supposed to downgrade the quality automatically. Doesn't work anymore since they discontinued the program. It's been like 5 years now, and [long story short.](https://imgur.com/a/ceO9c1W) All streamed seamlessly through Plex.


That reminds me: Google could fix the Unlimited Photo Storage exploit anyday, so what would be the best way to export photos regularly besides Google Takeout?




Yes brother could you give a basic surface explaination about this? This is crazy and inteiuges me.


> they are leeching off of some cloud service So more tragedy of the commons.


There are ads now, he also claims he exploits some cloud provider's glitch - not GCP though


if not GCP then AWS or Azure, there is no one else out there that can do these sort of numbers without investigating heavily into their system. This website leeches off their services, and likely costs the parent company tens of thousands per month, probably more, and Buzzheavier has been doing this for at least 3 months. Only one of those 3 could be the answer.


Hundreds, or thousands, not tens of thousands.


Alibaba has a cloud offering


Not Burrito receives over 100 DMCA notices a day. I doubt anyone can keep up with that, especially with a job, unless... it's not really one person behind this


There is ads


It's not a honeypot or anything similar the owner is very prominent in the piracy community and has worked on other projects that are storage related for years exploits are abused and storage is really cheap, they have enough ads and donations to keep things running, he does also have another service in the making that is paid to help with the costs of buzzheavier


he gets tons of donations, also you cant upload what ever you want. you request it to be added and wait.


Why you care? is free, enjoy.




Yeah unfortunately seems like it


What's a honeypot


Government or other shady structures offer a service (like torrenting or CP in deep web) to snatch yo data and catch yo ass for downloading illegal stuff.


So basically an internet sting. That's a little scary


There is a well known case where the feds hijacked CP platform Play Pen. While their popularity grew because of how accessible and stable the connection to the platform was, the site is hosted by the FBI and malware is spread. I think the feds used it for about 9 months until they got enough data to start their manhunt.


While I think honeypots are unethical, good on them for getting pedos in jail


Honeypots are unethical but piracy isn't? I'd argue honeypots are an ethical imperative if you want to catch pedos.


Piracy is not unethical. The government has no right to demand I pay for something that can be infinitely reproduced at no cost.


thats so delusional dude


Time and money is spent to get this something done, it does not pop out in a vacuum dude


There are so many reasons I disagree with this statement as justification for antipiracy laws. First of all, let's be real. Even if **nobody** paid for entertainment, people with actual passion for it would still create. We wouldn't lose much if any of the worthwhile stuff. But Marvel probably wouldn't keep putting out the same schlock every other month. Oh no whatever will we do when actors, who contribute nothing real to society, don't get to be millionaires just because some executive (who also contributes nothing to society) can use them to make himself a billionaire. But that's not what I'm advocating for. I just don't think we should be legally obligated to pay for digital media, which again can be reproduced infinitely. People who make good things that people like would still be paid. It just wouldn't be an exchange of money for digital goods, but rather the funding of a creator's ability to keep creating and have to devote less (or even zero) time to a real job. Something like Patreon is a great model imo for how people like that should be paid. Additionally, EULAs and selling "rights", and potential profit and all the tricks and bullshit excuses these companies pull shouldn't be allowed. If I buy a game cartridge, I should be allowed to do whatever the fuck I want with it, including rip it and upload to a torrent site. I'm not taking anything from Nintendo if I host a Mario game on my server.


What do you mean? Someone hacked your wifi, right?


e.g. in the dark web the fbi runs cp forums that they use to catch pedos




You can find those over at fbi.com


It’s a pot of delicious honey! You should totally put your hand in it! Definitely nothing bad in there waiting to put a cuff around your wrist!


What are you even talking about?? I can assure you that no media-firm would use these shady methods to get the ip-addresses of average consumers. This would not only be highly unprofessional but also illegal (at least in countries which care about privacy). The website literally spreads malware through fake popups


It's the feds trying to catch cp rings and other suspicious stuff. also, crazy how you hear of wikileaks and feds spying on you isn't the first thing you think of


evidence?? why would it be???


why wouldnt it be? A "free" website, where you can store anything, as large as you want, for as long as you want, yeah makes total sense. Nobody can do that for without abusing another paid service, or running some kind of honey pot to catch people dumb enough to use it


if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Wth is this?


It's a trap!


without knowing shit classic reddit user


if it's free then you are the product


Go ahead and use it and tell us what happens


\*Donvoted to oblivion\*


haha fr sadly people in this sub are like that


what even is buzzheavier?


i googled it and its a free cloud file sharing website with no data caps and no limit on file sizes with your files never expiring all for free which seems to good to be true


This definitely sounds like a honeypot!


It's not a honeypot the owner is very prominent in the piracy community and has worked on other projects that are storage related for years


"Trust me guys it's not a Honeypot..." Nice try Mr. FBI.


I don't trust a single one of these pop-up hosters, anon uploaders, telegram bots etc but the honeypot conversation is interesting. How does that hash up against peoples general safety opinions on the security of VPN?


VPN are usually paid and those that are trusted are externally audited or known to be trusted (no case of data getting forwarded to government forces for example)


For sure. I was just curious about how people find might consider this risky if they were using a VPN while messing around with various things like this. Certainly a honeypot could be avoided.


Basically every VPN is a Honeypot. You just have to trust your VPN provider, but that's up to you. I trust mine and hopefully it stays that way


People are saying it's a honey pot id just upload 200GB of just the same Shrek picture over and over again


That’s important enough to keep saved locally imo


Some things need to be preserved forever


To good to be true? Run.


Couldn’t any trusted service become a “honeypot” without anyone realizing? How do we know something like Real-Debrid hasn’t been compromised? Asking genuinely, btw. I think about this a lot.


This one is free Real debrid isn't 'Free' should send alarm bells for anything, you're paying one way or another


True, but theoretically couldn’t some massive organization/company purchase Real-Debrid and then do whatever they want with it? Or would it be too hard to keep under wraps?


They absolutely can, especially if they aren't audited. How would we know? I think Australia literally has laws to make backdoors in programs for the police with encrypted data etc. We have no way of knowing unless they are transparent with their code/practices.


may i ask, what is a honeypot? i searched google but i dont think im getting the definition relevant to the topic


Its kinda trap. You offer something people would like, something that looks almost too good to be true, people go there and you have whatever you need from these people, because they came to your bait. Now that you have them, you can have their info, ips, passwords, whatever you need. Could be used for "good", or for "bad" practices. But at least me, i have seen the term used mostly for bad practices.


A honey pot is basically a big jar of honey, or a trap. What people mean is that this site is a trap, laid out by the 3 letter agency.


It's actually called a honey trap. Which, makes more sense.


Never read someone calling it honey trap. Honeypot cause a bear cant keep is paws out of it.


because it doesn’t trap anyone. it just lures them there but they’re not harmed


Free forever and no caps, is defi a short decr for a trap


decentralized finance is certainly a trap


Didnt need to. But besides that, everything in the text smells like a fish farm


It's not a honeypot or anything similar the owner is very prominent in the piracy community and has worked on other projects that are storage related for years exploits are abused and storage is really cheap, they have enough ads and donations to keep things running, he does also have another service in the making that is paid to help with the costs of buzzheavier


Whatever. Over 100TB a day costs way more than any website get with donations or ads. I mean, we dont talk about a underground scene server, so no way. Its def a trap in MY opinion.


Apparently old news... Not burrito: "Don't know who posted this but it is old news. buzzheavier now hosts **312TB** of data and I sell your data to FBI to make good $$."


>I sell your data to FBI to make good $$." a sarcastic take or he is being the truth?


None, he is trying to hide the truth by making clown statements.


Burrito doesn't sell your data beyond what the ad providers used on the site take and that's every site that uses ads


Obviously a honeypot


It's not a honeypot or anything similar the owner is very prominent in the piracy community and has worked on other projects that are storage related for years exploits are abused and storage is really cheap, they have enough ads and donations to keep things running, he does also have another service in the making that is paid to help with the costs of buzzheavier


K so I made a bot (super scuffed code) Uploads nothing but shrek memes and pictures of Burger King. It’s at 328 gb


Share with us, so we can upload more **Shrek**


Bitdefender said this as I tried to enter the website: **Infected web resource detected** 2 minutes ago **Feature:** Online Threat Prevention We blocked this dangerous page for your protection: [https://buzzheavier.com/](https://buzzheavier.com/) Accessed by: brave.exe Dangerous pages attempt to install software that can harm the device, gather personal information or operate without your consent.




Let’s not spread misinformation, ok?


Gang gang gang. I like free and unlimited and making big companies foot the bill. Time to upload all my Linux isos.


Screams or dodgy. Still just encrypt the contents of uploaded files and compare the hashes from the downloaded files. Nothing to risk?




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upload Speeds are slow still GO file>> buzzheavier


anyone has a way to automate the process of processing links ?? in buzzheavier


the comment section is shit. he basically abuses cloud services and makes money by ads. if you worry about logged ips you can take precautions easily. i think everyone is smart enough to not to upload their private files. you all use piracy content and worry about a file sharing service, that is ridiculous. anyone can't judge you because of your downloads and uploads to that site because you don't know the backend exactly.


>high-load environments. Like a bukkake scene?


Trust ? If you are asking for trust it means you are sharing important, personal stuff via these kind of sites already ? If you are doing such a thing, you fucked up already lol.


DDoS it?


Why would you want to ddos it?