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### Yarr! ➜ u/ardi62, some tips about "YouTube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/3HvFev.webp). - Go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Apply changes**.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait for the next best browser extension : replacing 30 second ads with 30 second black screens. I would actually use that.


lol, I too would rather stare at a blank screen.


I always mute ads and look away. It gives my mind a minute to be calm and wait patiently instead of being barraged by an endless GIVE US YOUR MONEY RIGHT NOW OR DIE


in the early 2000s, my best friend's dad had the overwhelming compulsion to mute TV commercials all the time. Even if he wasn't watching the show that we were watching, he would walk into the room and take the remote just so he could mute the commercials so he didn't have to hear them from the other room


Not muting is overwhelming.


my dad does the same thing!! that's where I learned it from probably lol


I literally do this. If I hear ads playing from the living room, I will get up, walk into the room, grab the remote from my mother, and mute the TV.


this is why I don't watch free to air tv.


Until it becomes like 1984 or Black Mirror and they won't let you look away or mute them.


They already pause the ad and the timer if you mute it on mobile. The amount of contempt they have for their users in unbelievable! Between that, and their status as a de facto state sponsored monopoly, I feel more entitled than ever to watch it all for free and block their ads.


I feel much better for using Firefox on Android, with ad blocker and sponsorblock. Pieces of shit aren't getting me to watch their shitty ads.


get the revanced version. native app + adblock + sponsorblock best thing ever


Og vanced and revanced measurably improved my quality of life


That must also be a new trick they are just trying out now. Mine doesńt do it.


Probably A/B testing. A: If user mutes ad, pause timer. B: If user mutes ad, increase rate of divorce related advertising on the spouse's device. Afterwards, send data collection to central AI for profit analytics.


They tried that a few years back too. I simply closed my phone at that point. No way in hell they’re highjacking my attention when I’m willing to relax.


Youtube has a new partnership with neuralink to show ads in your brain


and to think people actually think Neraulink is going to benefit us.


If the benefit is crippling headache followed by death. Sure.


Then I'd stop using youtube


This right here. YouTube underestimates how much some folks dislike ad's. My journey into piracy started in the 80's. specifically to avoid ad's using a VCR. And back then I was a fuckin' kid. My love for ad's has not grown since the 80's - at all. Thay can take me how I am, and sometimes I catch an ad here and there - or I wont use it at all. I've already left Chrome over this bullshit. I'm using Proton instead of Google mail. This company is just pushing me away more and more. Ebaums world is still a thing - that was my Pre Youtube go to. I'm happy to go back.


Ads remind me of mind flayers from D&D. They make me feel violated. I hate them so much.




[they can blanket up to 80% of your visual field with commercials before inducing seizures](https://youtu.be/KpPE85Jogjw?t=17s)


I honestly think about that alot. "Someday, I won't be able to mute the ads and look away. For now though, I can." That episode of Black Mirror really spoke to me and I haven't been able to bring myself to watch another one since


There's nothing I need to watch that badly.


PIRACY DETECTED!!!! Drink verification can to continue


NO! No you have to look at the pictures of products! You have to look at them! If the pictures don't go into your eyeballs, you're LITERALLY STEALING !! How can you treat the products this way???


Heh, me too. A nice, quiet moment of contemplation.


I drink my verification can


If it's part of the streamed video file, you can skip it by moving forward? Just thinking out loud..


Twitch extensions already do this lol but with purple blank screens


Oooo, I need that.


Make them Skyrim loading screens


That would be rad


If it came down to ads vs that, I'd take the black screen any day as ads are fucking disruptive.


Many ads are straight up unethical too (gambling ads). Some are probably criminal (NFTs pump and dumps). Plenty should be illegal The only ads I get are from Instagram because I use the official app. And creator sponsors. I skip sponsors, but manually Also if Youtube can inject videos in Youtube videos, hackers will probably find a way to do it too. Maybe a cyber-security expert could chime in


As some one who is into that particular scene, hackers injecting their own videos into Youtube is exceptionally unlikely unless Google has severely lost the plot. Injecting an ad into the video stream on the server side isn't hard, nor is it hard to to do that securely, so if that happens I, and a lot of the world are going to be laughing our collective asses off. The real concern and reason I expect them not to do this is doing so is a lot more expensive resource wise on their end, than simply relying on the client to do effectively the same thing.


I definitely have a bypass script that replaces some of those annoying 'Wait 10 seconds to retrieve your link' with a blank screen, and honestly it is preferable to whatever random nonsense it normally shows.


A lot of those timers can be set to instant with ublock scripts, just FYI.


I'd love this, what's the name of the script?


How about fallout loading screens? VDSG.227 Did you know the person that made the ad that blocked your video is a dumbass? Even worse youtube that won't allow adblockers


A extension that replaced ads with user-defined images and video would kick ass.


So would I, on a general principle.


Reddit post a few weeks ago, someone said YouTube will always be playing the cat-and-mouse game with Adblock. I’ve said many times that YouTube may try to implement server side ad injection, but I was called crazy and told that they’d never go that far lol. Why wouldn’t they do this? It takes only a day of development time and they will reap the biggest benefit — leaving the user with no choice but to watch their crappy ads.


that will be OK


Damn. And this is after neutering some of the extensions with the new manifest? I might not get the full YouTube experience this way, but downloading the videos never fails me. No ads, no buffering. It won’t randomly disappear on me if I like it. Shout out to yt-dlp and cobalt tools.


Same as movie/series torrent, you don't get the full experience (actually arguable if you have a seedbox and Plex), but damn it feels good to have whatever you want, not disapearing


What? What experience are you missing? I don't remember the last time I paid for a movie outside of the theatre.


Some of the ui might look worse i guess (though stuff like plex and jellyfin looks great imo) and maybe the ability to watch instantly without downloading


The only feature from a pay service that I am jealous of is Prime's x-ray. It's really cool to be able to see exactly which actors are in a particular scene without having to scrub through the entire cast.


You can do it on Kodi, not picking people out live in a scene but it will tell you all the cast info for the particular episode etc. Like this https://ibb.co/TmtjrSf https://ibb.co/pLLTgnG https://ibb.co/Jm0x7GS https://ibb.co/J2DGW5g This is Fenlight with Fentastic skin.


Yeah, Plex and Emby do that as well. The scene specific casting and music information is what I'm talking about for Prime's xray. Not to mention, you don't have to leave the show or movie to see the information.


I don’t have prime but that sounds really cool. A FOSS community run alternative will probably rise up eventually.


They might be next target. Imagine need to activate drm to watch videos. Enshittification ends only with product dying.


Can they do that? Impose their rights on user generated content? That would be wild and cracked pretty quickly due to public enthusiasm I would think. Although I bet you they do it with their rented movies so probably not far off with regular content.


Probably not if it becomes a court case. Otherwise, it's just the old story of migrating to another, better platform, that actually ends with no one moving and everyone just accepting whatver the Company does so nothing significant happens to them


You had me in the first half.


They are right though. Look at reddit. Many great 3rd party apps torpedoed, many great subs ruined, bot commenters all over every single post. Yet, we are still here, posting and digging through the muck because we are too used to it and the dopamine hits it gives. I had an easier time quitting oxycodone and nicotine than reddit.


They certainly can as platform owners, and they will claim they're protecting their platform and the content of their users. Most people don't care about and won't be affected by such things, so videos will be downloaded or ripped by groups like they do for netflix, amazon, etc. It's not "if," but "when."


Maximizing profits is a cancer to all of society. No one is against making money, but the capitalism we experience today will destroy us if we don’t get rid of the notion of maximizing profits. And yes get rid of the stock markets in their current form. 




I know US consumer protection laws are weak to almost non-existent at times. But if Google outright "blocks" Firefox from using their services that would immediately get major attention from the Feds for monopolistic behavior.


Well google is the reason firefox still exists in the first place, not it's user base. Most of the revenue of Mozilla Corporation comes from Google (81% in 2022[[2]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Corporation)) in exchange of making it the default search engine in Firefox. They keep it to have "competition".


That's likely how the new extensions would work it would just stream as it downloads.


Soon there will be sort of like SponsorBlock but for ads


Serverside ads will likely be randomised, they won't be on a single position, they'll shift positions.






i worry about the future of yt-dlp and sponsorblock integration it's so nice rn side note: a lot of my sponsorblock submits have just been for me, it's always nice to go back to a channel or similar video later to see that others have joined in. it's wild how much crap there is in videos. mostly for my submissions it's been intros and non music bits. a small percentage is ads and marking access You've saved people from 37,175 segments ( 7d 7h 28.3 minutes of their lives ) You've skipped 12,096 segments ( 3d 20h 23.6 minutes )


if you have decently fast internet it might be faster to download a 10 minute video then watch instead of waiting through the 1 minute unskipable ad


I almost prefer my browser to do that in the first place. No more buffering


This is a sacrifice I am ready to make.


I doubt it - a lot of really massive youtube content creators put ads where they want them in videos to drive ad viewership.  If the ad doesn't show right as Dude Perfect throws the ball, but before it goes in the hoop, then it loses all of the impetus to continue watching the video to see more ads later.


The ads are repetitive by nature. Some simple image detection on the client side could find them. I know it's not super-simple, but as a developer I know the lengths I go to when I want an annoyance removed.




Get N videos. Figure the common frames For users, when a new frame show up that isn't a known one, mute/block/whatever.


Honestly that'll be the only slightly positive ordeal about all of this shit. Serverside ads have been on twitch for ages already yet we have no solution to them. With it being implemented on YT some genius dev may as well find a breakthrough to bypass them.


That's not how it works. Ads will still be separate from the video and likely be at set positions (start, end and set by the creator), but not blockable by third-party services due to being handled on the server. Right now, the logic is pretty simple. They literally just have a list of script names, like ad.js, tracking.js, analytics.js and so on. If the adblocker detects one of these, it blocks them. When ads are handled on the server, its not that simple anymore.


I'm sure that someone that is tech savvy will find away around this and considering billions of people watch Youtube everyday the incentive is high to find a work around.


It will never be impossible to detect it though. Even if it takes recording the screen to see when an ad pops up.


Google keeps getting worse and worse. Soon they'll be in the same conversation as Adobe, Nintendo, and Ubisoft...


According to your comment, they already are.




They have been for a very very long time.


There's been a marked decline in quality over the past year, though, even from the depths before. Search straight up does not work anymore: Results are severely limited, full of ads, and often not even what I was looking for. It's shameful.


Google is a hundred times worse than Adobe, Nintendo, and Ubisoft all combined, and has been for decades. Those other companies can only dream of having the amount of data about you that Google has. The biggest governments in the world can only dream of having the amount of data about you that Google has --- short of one who already has in spades (the US gov intelligence agencies who Google obviously has some partnership/integration with, and maybe the Five Eyes). The amount of surveillance one would assume entities like the CCP have over the chinese citizens is exactly the kind of surveillance Google *de facto* has over people, no assumptions to be made. And not just Google. Comparing that to Nintendo is even kind of silly.


Someone once described Google/Microsoft as the technocratic arm of the US government, and to this day I've never found a more apt description.


Google mines hundreds of dollars of marketing value a year from your Gmail account alone. It's only going to be more than that if you're deeply invested other Google stuff. Sheets, YouTube, and all the other ecosystems Google has. As has been reiterated for about 15 years now; *You*, dear user, are the product. *You* are being sold in exchange for services. I host my own email server, use DuckDuckGo, aggressively block ads, and don't log into an account on YouTube! Of course, Google is still going monetize me until I find (as in I should be looking *right now*) a quicker and easier way to universally share spreadsheets with people, but I have tried to separate myself from the ecosystem because *they're gross*.


Adobe, Nintendo, Ubisoft, Sony, something smell like ASS here


The big four of ANUS


> Soon they'll be in the same conversation as Adobe, Nintendo, and Ubisoft... At least Nintendo is explainable. Bunch of older dudes behind the times on copyright an fair use.


It's called the Enshitification process, it's most apparent with venture capital funded internet companies But the rate of profit for any company will always inevitably fall and this will lead to cost cutting in both the product and labor costs so it basically happens in every industry, especially with stuff like planned obsolescence https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification The inevitable result of a competitive market economy


Wait, would that mean that the ad will be "baked" into the video even if you download it from YouTube? This is going to be hell for so many people.


Downloading services might find a workaround where you download twice and compare differences


exactly - maybe set up two different accounts and delete anything that isn't exactly the same from both videos. Probably could do it with an ffmpeg script


Deleting ads automatically from cable tv recordings is a thing, isn’t it?


That's cool. Pretty soon I'll be experimenting with not using it anymore.


Good luck when there’s no viable competitor of their size and stature


Sure... YouTube is nice and all, but it's not life... Other than the occasional learning need tmfor techie guys, we don't reeeeeally need YouTube as a source of entertainment.... I'm more than happy to get my entertainment from elsewhere... And going to YouTube only when I really need to learn something...


I mostly agree with you on the entertainment part, but YouTube is also the home of millions of great turorials and other educational information.


Sounds like it’s a public good.


Youtube is one of the greatest sources of DIY information that has ever existed. Sink dripping? there's a video for that that easily explains how to fix it. Car scratched? Chrisfix has a great video for that. Want to build a bike? youtube has that. Replacing your roof? you bet youtube has that. etc Not to give all the power to youtube here - they're shit without the creators - but it's not something that can easily be replaced. "youtube university" is a very real thing and very legit imo.


That approach is why there isn't one, no one uses alt tech unless they are forced to. So they become bastions for the banned, of all kinds and little more.


That's the neat part, it doesn't matter of there is a viable competitor or not when I am prepared to just stop using that kind of service for my entertainment altogether.


Making ui, user experience better : no Play annoying ads : yes


We are going to need the government to start regulating ads. It's becoming similar to spam.




That isn't stuff like fake download buttons or scams


Strict regulation of ads does not fix the monopolisation of of youtube. I want my dislike button back


Google is no longer a goods and services platform, it has been ~~an ad~~ a _**malware**_ platform for a very long time now...


It has ALWAYS been an advertising company.


Maybe, but I think you could argue that services they used to offer at least functioned. Namely their search engine which made them what they are. Good luck using it now.


Search was just their foot in the door to be a household name. They became the powerhouse it is because they acquired DoubleClick and monetized search. End of story.


I've had this knowledge accidently for so long: High School in 2003-2004 in Economics class. It was a blow off. We had "$200"(On Paper not real). The DoubleClick($DCLK) stock looked like a soda brand I was pretty fond of(Double Cola/Ski). Well, I used my fake 200 and got that stock specifically. By the end of the school year, when assessed, Google was positioning to purchase it and I made a fake multi-figure return on it. Peaked early. And never for real.


Ads and Malware platform at the same time


Counterpoint: I classify all ads as malware regardless.


This has been going on for a few days now. Check r/ublockorigin . People have been experimenting with fixes to see what works and what doesn't.


What good would this do? There would be no analytics proving the ad was watched. The ad bidder would need blind faith to believe their spending was justified.


YouTube uses [DASH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Adaptive_Streaming_over_HTTP). DASH works by segmenting a video into chunks, then the video player will request a chunk as it goes along. You can modify the [manifest](https://ottverse.com/structure-of-an-mpeg-dash-mpd/), which is the file that contains all the chunks, before it is sent off by the server and insert “new” chunks that will show up in the video player on the client instead. In simple terms it is a description that has: - The index of the segment - The timestamp for where the segment begins. - The URL for the video itself. So let’s say you were watching a video called “CoolVideo”, the manifest would look like this: - segment index: 10 - timestamp: 1m00s - URL: CoolVideo10.mov - segment index: 11 - timestamp: 1m30s - URL: ViagraPillsAd.mov - segment index: 12 - timestamp: 2m - URL: CoolVideo11.mov (Not exactly of course, the actual manifest is an XML file) On the client, you can just get the URL/Source for the current segment that is playing on the video player and use the video player state (paused/playing/seeking) and send that back to the server. The server can then use this to determine whether or not the ad was successful in being shown, giving you analytics and other metrics. There are a few other ways as well, such as utilising different media tracks and flipping between them, or more. It’s very much doable to have something like this, and it’s highly likely to be the case because it allows you to swap out with any particular ad campaign when you want dynamically. In fact, it has already been agreed upon by the DASH standard and is supported in a few sites already. https://dashif.org/docs/CR-Ad-Insertion-r8.pdf (PDF) https://dvb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Ad-Insertion-in-Live-Content.pdf (PDF) Here’s a talk about it by Matt Poole, who implemented it for ITV in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7BFMaRGKPM This has been silently in the making unfortunately for the past few years. There might be ways around it but because it’s never really been mainstream, like YouTube, research of methods around it aren’t common.


This sounds like it still relies on the client being the source of truth. Unless they disable seeking in which case they punish everyone. Not to mention what happens when a third party plugin gets involved. Monitoring ad impressions with full analytics suites is tough enough already.


Why don't we train an AI on a bunch of ads and any time it detects one it sends back malware to the source producing it


Fight fire with fire, I like it.


This is one of the only uses of machine learning AI I will actually advocate for


What part of we don't want to see ads do they not get 😂


Right? They’re being so fucking aggressive about this, it’s absolutely insane.




there's a ton of alternative video platforms. Just that none of the stuff most people want to watch is there


Pay the creators and they will leave. They dont care where they post as long as they get paid. Alot of YT users and creators are sick of what the platforms become


Lots of companies have tried that exact model. Hell remember when Microsoft paid Ninja and a couple other streamers some ungodly amount to switch over to their streaming platform? Didn't work and eventually MS shut it down and everybody went back to Twitch.


Even Outlook by Microsoft has ads now that get this 'you can pay to remove' like fucker Windows already cost money


Fuck ads. I don’t care how they’re presented or how non intrusive they are. They’re inherent cancer to the online experience and need to fuck off. 


Man, they are really trying to make me stop using YouTube.


Bye, youtube


New CEO is fucking desperate for profit brownie points.


How much extra revenue does the company make if this works? 1% more?


It doesn’t matter how much they make. For them line must always go up no matter what or how much.


yeah but that 1% still equals $315 million


Even if I were to pay for premium to disable ads I still would get all the sponsor clips that are already part of existing videos, so there's no point


Get [Sponsorblock](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone).


I have been using it for quite some time now, I am referring to what is the "official" scenario


You clearly didn’t read the tweet linked above. It’s from SB def saying this will break their app. Probably because these ads will expand the overall video time.


This issue will directly affect the sponsorblock


Don't even know why they're bothering. It's likely a fraction of a percentage of people that use YouTube ad blocking. Greasy mofos can't give up, they need to wholesomely dominate the market, so they can move on to their next objective. Coming up, AI will be monitoring your eyes during ads to make sure you pay attention.


"To continue viewing video, please say into your microphone: You are in good hands with All State" To continue viewing this video, answer these three questions about the ad you just watched . . .




"For the security of our community YouTube does not allow blocked cameras".


Who are the idiots buying from ads?


The point of ads is *not* to immediately cause the user to purchase something. It is to subconsciously increase brand recognition. Even if an ad gives a user an awful impression and they completely hated the tone of the ad, it has increased the presence of that brand name in the product category it is in. Some ads are not even for a particular product, but are rather an attempt to prop up a dying industry, such as the "got milk?" campaign that was seemingly advertising the *concept of drinking milk*, without pointing to any particular milk producer to buy from. Similar thing happening with gas stove ads right now.


mostly boomer women e.g. my aunt keeps buying stuff she gets on ads and we are all annoyed by that cause she often gets stuck on the shopping site afterwards


I've never seen a company more hell bent on ruining a user experience and running their audience away from their platform than YouTube. their mobile experience without ads is enough to make you delete the app but the ads make it akin to a form of torture. I will forever use any Adblock option to circumvent their sexless dork engineers.


Ok, so we can just manually skip them once they show? So they'll have to write smth to deal with disabling of the timeframe which I imagine we can still automatically do. Its more heavy lifting and infra but we can attempt to fingerprint the first frame of each ad and run a community server to download the fingerprints combined with ad length to auto-skip.


I don't think it would work like that, since that would mean that old videos would keep showing obsolete ads. I imagine that the server will inject an appropriate ad at a random interval of the video but then I wonder what stops us from fast forwarding


I mean exactly what you're saying. It is not immediately clear how they will deal with multiple playback enabling seeking ahead.


Oh, I gotcha. Something like a real-time AI sponsor block.


When I was a kid, my dad would record tv shows on vhs tape to watch later, and the recorder had this cool feature: when you play back the tv show, it would detect whenever the show has gone to commercials and would automatically fast forward the tape and stop seconds before the show resumes. It removed the additional step of having to push the FF button and back to > yourself. Awesome. I loved watching it because it was spooky - seemed like there was a ghost in the room controlling the TV.


These losers just won’t give up… fuck off


And users are experimenting with client side add ejection


This is the logical result of YouTube’s business model. They have never been profitable, rather they have relied on investments and unlimited google cloud access to grow exponentially and now they’re trying to find a way to make a service that *allows you to store unlimited video for free* profitable.


Sad that YouTube is in this battle, those that don't mind the ads get them now. And if that's the majority, why keep burning cash on this. If the majority are blocking, then come up with an alternative, like banner ads or something. Forcing me to watch an ad won't ever make me buy a product.


When they got rid of their moto "Don't Be Evil", everyone should have known what was up.


They did something similar to twitch.... I used to watch it while making some chores, but since they did it i think I've watched it one or two times


Time for adblockers to level up


Google keeps doubling down on the worst decisions imaginable. Absolute scum fucks.


at some point they are gonna have hardcoded ads into videos put there by ai.


And at some point someone will create a script that pre watches the videos and buffers out the ads. Or something like that, there will always be those see it more worth it to figure out a way rather than pay.


Gonna shoot myself in the foot here by mentioning it and allowing YT to implement a workaround, but I've been using an extension called [Tweaks for Youtube](https://inzk.dev/tweaks-for-youtube) for a while and it can sort of address this. One of the things it lets you do is assign shortcuts to different regions of the video window. I have mine set up so that there's a small bit in the upper left which lets me adjust video speed with the mouse wheel, one in the upper right which lets the mouse wheel scrub forward and back through the video in 5 second increments, and everywhere else is mouse-wheel volume adjustment. Whatever way it scrubs, I can scrub through these unblocked ads.


I love how YouTube thinks they can beat ad blockers, that's cute


I’m surprised still so many people use Chronium browsers. Firefox all the way.


I actually had this, instead of showing the weird Yellow bar along with the direct link to the product it would show a Red bar and no direct link in the video. Refreshing and updating uBlock as well as refreshing filter lists didn't work either


You have to disable parsing of cosmetic filtering


So the same ads will appear Everytime that video is watched wow big bang for your buck for those advertisers


They will probably just generate different streams per-user with different ads.


They inject it dynamically.this is already a thing with podcast feeds.


YouTube has a clear and obvious monopoly in the video streaming/sharing sector. They don't care if you don't like what they're doing, where else are you going to go? Nothing else comes close to what YT provides, and no matter how horrible they make the user experience and how many people they piss off, they just don't care. They don't have to.


Won't be long until they hook into our phones' ability to gauge attention and pause ads if you're not looking in the right area.


holy shit i didnt think they are soo greedy and bad to this point edit:Typoo


google can f off then


So we train a machine to recognize and remove ads? A plug-in maybe to report ads


f them hard if there is no work arround.


Isn't that going to break the "share at timestamp" function that YouTube natively has?


Is this why my videos have been randomly hitching and freezing?


I'm honestly surprised it's taken them this long.


Turkey inflation YouTube premium


curious but how would this affect YouTube downloaders like YTDLP?


Simple if I can't watch YouTube as I always watched it with ublock I rather not watch at all. It would probably give me a lot of time back...


I wonder if Freetube would be affected by this.


I thought it was something wrong with my extensions or VPN. I've watched a lot less youtube as a result the past few days. Never any skip button and some of them were nearly 2 minutes long. The ads have even been playing on unmonetized channels.


Shit like Quibi got nearly *two billion* in funding over a dumb gimmick service that only had two somewhat decent series from what I heard. There's been a growing market for a YouTube competitor thanks to their increasingly stupid and user unfriendly descisions, yet investors keep sleeping on it over the dumbest shit imaginable.


They won't learn all by themselves. We need to make them learn.


Good, that would help me view less videos.


Fine, guess ikl stop watching youtube and do something useful then lmao 


That's fine, we're gonna have AI-powered ad detectors that replace it with funny videos of kittens in about a year.


I will never, not ever, watch an ad on Youtube.