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That looks like grass and roots.


Yup. A tree out in the yard or whatever found the waste water pipe and got its roots into that delicious nutritious sewage water.


Thank you! After this picture was taken he was actually able to extract a large mass of root about 2 feet long, Honestly looked like Groots shit as some one else mentioned. He said nothing about repairing the presumed compromised pipe. He only said he’d be back to replace the toilet flange as the bolt broke. How long until it clogs again and I can’t shit ? I was hurting man.


Presumed compromise? How do you think the roots got in. You just got confirmation that it is compromised.


Maybe someone swallowed a watermelon seed?


Bold of you to assume this isn't evidence of a morlock hydroponic garden.


You will need to fix this. This will be expensive or require you to locate and trench out the old ~~sewer~~ wastewater pipe (to save some money); scratch that, it will still be expensive. Length of time? Could be not long (days, weeks), maybe a month, maybe a quarter, maybe a year. It depends on how bad it's been compromised, and how quick that tree/bush/whatever grows.


He might be able to reline the old cast iron/clay pipe. After they clear all the roots out. Still not cheap tho


Lining is definitely an overlooked option.


I looked into lining my pipe. Very few companies do it. The two I talked said it would be a minimum of $10 k and they didn't recommend doing it on residential lines....


Same here got quotes 10k for a pipe lining in my area as well. Seems like the industry standard now a days. At least here in Nj. Only thing I want to keen on is they gave me the estimate but didn’t snake a camera down first to assess the damage on my 100 year old house.


The joys of owning and attempting to maintain a historic place....


There’s a company in south Florida we used about a decade ago. Was an in house plumber in a 340 bed hospital. They lined about 80% of the underground. These guys were phenomenal. Couldn’t tell you the cost but I will say in the year they were there we only had to open the floor in a couple of places maybe 3’x2’ to install a cleanout. The work they did definitely impressed me even with 20yrs in the trade at that time. Most of all the facility was able to run at full capacity.


More and more plumbing services in my area are investing in relining machines. Even if expensive, it spares a lot of issues with digging, especially if you're in an area that requires lots of permits, inspections, etc.


I worked with a lining company awhile back on a large project. Yes lining is expensive BUT if you add the full cost of demolition, plumbing, floor & wall repairs you’ll see the cost difference.


Not really, it is really difficult to do in anything residential as the size of the pipe is so small and the separations could have made the pipe far too misaligned.


Not true. These guys lined miles of 2”-12”. As for misaligned pipes it doesn’t matter. They drag the liner with a bladder inside that once it’s inflated it makes a true pipe. These guys were able to line through sections where the cast iron was gone. To add….. I know this worked and worked well because when they finished I stayed on as the hospital plumber for 7yrs after the project was complete. Areas that would religiously clog never clogged again. I was honestly skeptical of the whole project/claims. It was definitely a learning experience!


Ok but a 12" pipe is a big difference from 3", a several inch offset separation on a 3" is like an 80% flow reduction. A several inchboffset separation on a 12" pipe is like 10% reduction, Inflating the bladder doesn't realign a pipe with 1000s of lbs of dirt and a house foundation on top of it.


The majority of the pipe they lined was 4”-2”. These guys had a goodway cable (that’s what they called it) and there were different heads they would attach. These heads were like mini medicine balls. It would grind all the build up away so the pipe was pretty close to the original dimensions. Then they would line it. I’m sure plenty of companies all do it differently. These guys were out of Sarasota Florida. They were top notch. Again I say this because I knew the condition of the existing plumbing and stayed on approximately 7-8 years once they finished. The lining they did drastically improved the existing plumbing system.


Depends on if it’s on his side of things or the county’s side.


Here in Illinois the homeowner is responsible for the sewer line from his house to the tap out to the main line. Then it becomes the cities/counties problem. Is it different elsewhere?


In my county in GA the homeowner is responsible for the whole thing to the tap, even with long/several easements. I've cleared houses with laterals over 700' going through several yards, the owner had to pay. One county over, you run the sewer out to the property line, and the county does the tap and the connection, even crossing roadways.


700 feet? How is that possible to clear? Do you use a high pressure water jet or are there several clean out access points you can use? Btw, is there a root cutting snake a homeowner can buy that isn't too expensive? I want to clear the roots out of the cast iron waste pipe under my basement floor...ty


It HEAVILY depends on the separation, that level of root intrusion could be a really large separation. If the pipe is lets say 4 inches, and it's misaligned by 1 to 1-1/2 inches or more you can't line that. It will be a huge flow restriction and would be incredibly difficult to even pull the liner through.. without a camera I section it's impossible to know the extent of damage and the best route to repair. It's also insane to me that lining the pipe is code compliant anyway because technically it's a flow restriction and a downsize. And you can't downsize a diameter under code.


I see. When the plumber did a camera inspection of my clay sewer line there was a huge break in the pipe like 3 feet down. It was like the pipes separated at the joint (ferrule?) and there was a 3" gap between the pipes. They said the pipe was intact enough tho to be able to be relined...for $8500 I have since discovered that roots have infiltrated the cast iron waste pipe that runs under the basement floor! I was able to at least partially clear it with root killer but idk how bad it could get.


I would not ever trust that repair if it was separated like that.


"our units" in the post makes me think OP might be in an apartment complex.


I bet it’s after the plumber fixes the poop throne. 🤭


Plumber here. In an older line, such as a clay sewer, the joints are fitted together male and female with a rubber gasket or fernco cuffling. This does not make the pipes an air tight seal. Meaning that roots will regularly enter the sewer line through the joints looking for water. You can cut down every tree and bush on the block, you will still get the roots, as often roots can grow as long as 200ft. This is typically not an issue that requires repair, instead you need to just have your line annually drain cleaned to remove the roots before they grow so strong they cause a clog. If you are worried there Is a bigger issue, get your sewer camera'd by a local plumber and be mindful that they will likely attempt to upsell you costly repairs that aren't necessary. Get a copy of the video and send it over to other plumbers for second opinions if necessary.


As someone with an old clay sewer line I can confirm at the moment I am doing this with the hopes of possibly getting it lined once I get some extra loot.


More often there’s no gasket in clay and concrete hub and spigot


How well does the root killers work once the roots have been cleared to keep the roots from growing back?


Root killers like root-x can be used eight or so weeks after a cleaning, and are effective as a preventative. They will not fully sub for a traditional drain cleaning. They can help buy time between cleanings. Some people need their lines cleaned every 3-4 years, some people have to clean their lines every 6 months. In the ladder situation I'd recommend using root-x so that you can make it a little longer between cleanings.


I had a toilet that was clogging frequently. It was in the bathroom my teenage daughter used so I suspected she was flusing femine products. When I finally popped the toilet, I found a thick tangle of roots that was over 6 feet long. Removed the roots and started putting root killer in the line every six months. That was at least 5 year ago. Haven't had a problem since.


Which root killer did you use? Seems like there is an argument online for using the "foaming up" kind?


I just used the granulated Zep Root Kill


Whatever kind, the active ingredient is copper sulfate, the blue crystals. Used to be able to buy it straight up, I remember the plating experiments in middle school science class while plating a brass key with copper , using copper sulfate as the electrolyte, a battery and a piece of copper wire.


Call your insurance and add service line coverage. It’s cheap and worth it. I had issues with my sewer line and a plumber suggested the coverage. A year later it saved me 10k.


You have a couple options. Maintenance or repair. Regardless your best option is to first have someone run a camera down the line and record it. Depending on the severity of the roots, if there is real breakage, etc can change your best solution, but you’ll want to be armed with all the information you can have first. For maintenance that would essentially involve someone coming anywhere from once to 4 times a year to snake/jet the line. Over the long term this will obviously cost more money, but is much cheaper in the short term. This may not be a great option if the pipe is too damaged or the roots are growing at an incredible rate. I’ve had clients who only needed the roots snaked once every year or 2 to avoid issue, but some needed it every couple of months. For repair some companies can run liners, but those like any option can have some cons attached, the other option for repair would be replacing the line which is of course the most expensive, but if there is a break in the line, would be your best option. You can also look into removing the tree if there is a clear culprit, but that has its own expenses and potential downsides as well. tl;dr Get someone to run a camera down the line


Every year flush copper sulfate down your toilet. It will stun the roots so they don’t grow. It will not kill the trees it will only eliminate the roots. I had to do this every year at my old house.


Plan to have the roots augured every couple of years. Depending on your jurisdiction and where the roots are coming from your municipality might cover it. They usually will do the first auger for free and scope the line to confirm where the roots come from and who's responsible for it. Did the plumber tellyou how far out it was until they found the root? Figure out how close that is to your property line and it might give you some indication. Roots in plumbing mains are extremely common.


Flush copper sulphate crystals about once a month at night before going to bed. This allows it to sit in the main over night. It will kill any new growth. You can pick it up at HD or L's, next to drain cleaner.


The pipe is not compromised. The roots grew in over the top due to a leaking wax seal. I see this all the time. Replace the flange, seal the leak, should be good to go


That poor man cannot do the $10-20k replacement job of your outside line on the spot. They have to find it, plan it, and bring the crew. Your yard has to be dug up from one end to the other. If it's possible to line it on the inside, then they will do that, but can't be done if it collapsed.


Yes, this exact same thing happened with our toilet a week ago. They found all kinds of roots and are having to reline the inside pipes and dig up and replace the outside pipes. Only $18k and problem solved! Our pipes are original to a mid 1950s house so we are about 20 years overdue. They just don’t last forever.


“Only” 18k? Damn next time call me first.


Ha ha will do! I’m trying not to think about it too much, lol.


My 14-year old nephew got his Dad to rent a backhoe and then this kid dug up the cast iron sewer line, dropped into the trench, replaced the entire line to the street with cast iron and even melted lead to correctly repack/seal the Oakum rope. Friggin remarkable kid. Caterpillar Tractor hired him as soon as they could. A poor man can do it if this kid could.


Lmfao. I mean, yes, someone can. But they didn't discover a toilet that didn't flush that morning and then do all that the same day. As you said, he became a professional soon thereafter. OP called the guy a maintenance man meaning he is a jack of all trades of some sort. And "units" meaning he has more than one call today


I don’t know, I think the only way we can be sure, is by OP tasting it, if it tastes like grass and roots we could be more accurate at classifying what it actually is.


Looks like a ball of jute twine


Came here to say this. That’s exactly what it looks like


Are we making friendship bracelets in the sewers? I mean I'm down, I just didn't know that's a thing we were doing.


I have 3 children. U would not believe the things that can make their way through a toilet trap.


Looks like some got some roots growing. Pain in the ass


That’s only if they don’t fix the problem and the roots tickle your butt


If your line clear they will get back in. They make a foaming root killer that prunes the back, use it a couple times a year and you may not have to pay $$$$to get your yard destroyed!!


Looks like he got to the ROOT of the problem.


Get out.


Leaf him alone!


You too.


I would usually say got to the bottom. But I don’t think there is a bottom.


You got a elm tree in your yard.


There's stuff to throw down your pipes to kill roots, or you can get the drain snaked periodically, or you can get the drain "lined": they'll snake out the drain, then roll a tube that unrolls down the pipe turning inside out as it goes. It is like the "water snake" toy for kids, but longer. The plastic barrier of the lining is enough to keep the human fertilizer from feeding the roots of the tree.


Ever seen that movie The Ring?


I am gRoot


Forbidden spaghetti


Looks like tree roots to me. Happens sometimes. If they’re roots, you’ll need to contact a plumber to fix it. Most people can’t fix this by themselves. Edit: Even small trees can have wide-spanning root systems.


True statements. Monocots - fibrous roots Dicots - taproot The amusing thing to me is whatever the type, the roots are the opposite, like a Pine tree.🌲




Ooof sorry that's an expensive fix (tree roots getting into your main drain pipe).


U got terracotta sewer pipes. Bet.


The roots the roots the roots are in your pipeline


Oh Danny boyyyyy


Get a company to put a camera down there and find out where your pipe is compromised. It will result in a much smaller crater in your yard


"I am a monument to all your sins"


The coconut nut is a giant nut


Not to sound funny, but it looks like a miniature Captn caveman.


That is the famous poopy birds nest native to ironland! Like and share, because not many get to behold this treasured site!




Looks like fruitless mulberry roots are they growing over top or flange


Roots. Looks like the glue connection on the flange failed for who knows what reason. Could also just be the picture making it look like that’s where the roots are coming from.


[decorative hay figure mouse](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71+3jWy8iAL.jpg)


Tree roots. I have to snake mine once a year for roots.




Some kind of root


It is def compromised else where and if they don’t fix it now, it’s only going to get worse and more expensive.


City sewer or septic? Either way your pipes have been compromised and it will just happen again.


You need where tree/ vegetation has developed a taste for turd/ piss and invaded your drains. Chop down, rip out the cause and id be getting a drain survey done to see if theres further damage/ roots




Stop with the capital letters.


It will not be the end of this problem. not until they replace the damage pipe line




Jimmy Hoffa’s sock!


Yeah, time to find the leak in that pipe


See if you can get service line coverage added to your homeowners insurance. If /when this happens again have sone shive a camera down there and determine if it's just a maintenence issue or if you need it dug up or re lined. You should be good for a while


The Blair witch effigy


Beaver dam


That looks like someone shoved a whole ball of twine in there.


First thing I hallucinated was a meth spoon!


You want to know how far down the pipe he hit this, determine the approximate area of where in the yard that is, and start digging. Replace that section of bad pipe. Hopefully its not paved over.


Root ball. Good luck.


Send a camera down there anyways to see how bad it is


I wouldn't worry about it, unless it happens again.


It's time to move.


Bailing twine or roots


Time to cut back on your fibre intake


Expensive is what it looks like.


If you can’t afford to redo it 💰💰rent a snake machine at HD and buy some thick gloves and open your clean out plug outside and snake the drain to breakup the roots and clear the line. One of our old rental properties had similar issues and we just did this about twice a year to keep it problem free.


Call the city through the non emergency police number. Most cities will come out and snake the drain from the clean out T in your yard for free. Mine even ran a camera for free.


We just has a similar problem with roots. Draining our 2nd floor bathtub caused a backup from the 1st floor toilet. They ran an optical scope and found roots about 20 feet away in the sewer pipe. They hydrojetted all the crud caught in the roots and the roots for $600. Said they could reline that length of pipe for $1500. Located in New England. Otherwise, you'll just need to hydrojet again when the roots grow back.


$1500?? For how long of a pipe? I had to pay $8500 for about 25ft of relining of my clay pipe.


The guy said is was about 20-25 feet. Said I'd probably have them do it in the Fall. Didn't realize it was a great deal. Thanks!


Looks like tree roots.


Camera the pipe, look for damage. Go from there. Treated my line with copper sulfate for about 6 years, till we sold. There was no dig solution. Even relining would have necessitated digging up a neighbors back yard. The city sewer line ran along the back side of the property then. Now the city is requiring new construction to tie in at the new line on a new street where there is a new development going in. Grandfathered existing lines until failure. Pretty sure they tied in a couple of years ago.




That’s a high fiber diet if I ever saw one.


Those be roots. You screwed.


main line has plants feeding on your turds, not a huge problem make sure he snakes it with a chopper bit on the snake. This could eventually lead to a bigger problem but the solution now and when that problem occurs are the same, main line replacement or sleeved




Someone's eating their fiber!


Looks like a bird's nest


You're just getting back to your roots.


Tree roots, you've got a crack in mainline somewhere


Groot Pubes


Hate to be the bad guy here but to fix the problem you need to replace the whole pipe. It will just continue to get worse.




Roots, bloody rooots


This is what I came here for 🤣


Sepultura fan


Red tailed swallow nest. They raise their young in dark damp areas until they’re ready to fly


I think you can safely cut down on your fiber intake.


Someone flushed a copy of Roots.


take it apart, is it 20-40 cm long each, all same thickness or so? if yes you got someone flushing dental floss.


You blind?


no, but wasn't sober sorry for this shitty comment it really looks like grass and roots this morning


Damn sewer gators lol


Or perhaps... sewer snakes would be more appropriate?


you dietary intake is questionable


It’s Bigfoot scat.




You trying to be a vegetarian. 😂Hint: you should stick to eating more edible plants like fruits and veggies. Not trees and grass.


I am Groot


Too much fiber in your diet!


Cherokee hair tampon


What have you been eating??


Hey, put that back in there. That's Skibidi's lunch.


Birds nest