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There’s not really a “best.” Just keep going higher and higher until you can beat everything. If you mean specifically for moving from one region to the next, there have been posts here before you can find, probably for every region


Ya that is what I might


Oh so if you can show me the or dm the post for ever region for attack


Pick whichever has a high breeding efficiency and spam breed it with vitamins (check poke wiki for best vitamin for each pokemon). Its better to focus on a small group per region. But in reality with how fast they can gain stats by the time you're in sinnoh it won't be a problem. Just grind for the best vitamin combos you can do as early as possible and you'll quickly realise how to pick the best each region


What about pokemon that dont recommend any protein below Unova? Like Gyarados? He has high efficiency but the wiki shows no vitamins until carbos are unlocked. Do i just put whatever, or ignore for now.


Yeah if you can't get the best just go second best. You can always remove the vitamins afterwards later so don't worry


Is there something like a spreadsheet that lists all the pokemon, or is the wiki the best place? Just annoying to search for each pokemon, feel like a spreadsheet would work great


There is a discord that would definitely help with that. I'm personally not part of it so I can't give you the link but other than that I'm unaware of a spreadsheet, but I'm sure there would be in the discord.


[The Pokeclicker Companion](https://companion.pokeclicker.com/) has a vitamin tracker, among other helpful things.


oh wow thats exactly what i was looking for. and its hosted by the game too, incredible.


If you can one shot the toughest mon youre safe to move on to the next region


I cleared Sinnoh elite 4 a day or two ago, and realized i still cant one shot any of the hoenn elite 4. (i did a lot of X-Attack, X-click, and clicking to get through sinnoh). I havent wanted to go on to Unova since im afraid ill be so weak. Without any X items or clicking, i can just barely beat the Sinnoh Champion in time. Ive been breeding highest efficiency pokemon continuously. I spread pokerus around to everyone, and i have a pokeball filter to catch contagious ones to get EV up. I havent used vitamins at all, mainly because i thought they were one-time use. but i JUST realized you can add and remove as needed. So right now i have protein and calcium, Is that probably whats holding me back? I noticed Gyarados doesnt recommend any vitamins until Unova (Carbos), so do i just ignore him for now?


Over 100k required to evolve some mega Pokémon later on


You should work on having about 10 of them at 5k+, then 10k+, then ~25k+ ime. YMMV


as high as possible


Ok because rn my Pokémon damage is 140k