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Mega Banette is the only other I know of but I’m still pretty new so there may be something else


Speaking of Inkay (Pikachu) - where exactly it is?




The problem with the wiki pages for the secret shops is that if you don't know where to look, the wiki picture is only a tiny bit more visible than the original map. It needs a BIG RED circle around the tiny little dot.


then that's not a secret shop anymore


Eh, either we list them on the wiki or we don't, but the point of the wiki page is to spoil the location--it's just not doing a very good job of it.


Well, it didn't really answer my question. I'm already checked wiki, but it doesn't show on the map where exactly in Kalos this disguised shop is, nor listed a terms for it to appear (time of day, weather etc.) I'm pretty sure I clicked every clickable thing on Kalos map and haven't find it


It does, but it is a small dot pinkish redish dot on the wiki, but I think it is like a green bush in the game. It is to the left of route 10, near Geosenge Town.


The wiki sucks for things like this, but if you look at inkay(pikachu) wiki page, then click disguised shop under the shops tab, there is a small red dot on the western edge of the map, that should be it, although I'm not in Kalos so I can't check. People who just say wiki but nothing else also suck.


I literally linked to the Disguised Shop wiki page.


And you explained nothing. If you don't know what to look for, or even if there is anything you should be looking for, you'll never see the red dot and won't know where it is. Just linking to a wiki page, with no explanation, on something like a hidden shop helps no one.


Talk for you, because I found it thanks to them sharing the wiki page.