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Glaceon, their star move is just point and click, and it gets a bit boring to me


Second this, my 3rd favorite Eeveelution but her gameplay is brain rot.


freeze-dry's still decently fun, honestly




Buzzwole because I suck at him. Love that dude but I’m terrible at pulling off his combos because I keep overestimating his range and missing embarrassingly easy hits. Honestly it’s a skill issue


Mimikyu, it's definitely a fun pokemon but I prefer to keep my distance lol


its one of my favorites but im just bad at it. though i feel like i should revisit now that ive gotten decent with trailblaze night slash Meow as theyre practically the same moveset.


Ye the whole concept around Mimikyu is amazing


Dura, I just wish it was more mobile


I always liked Dura but in the current meta it’s just totally unplayable. Sad. 


Mew. P.s: I'm a mobile player :( and greninja. Blud is too squishy to even start with


I like Zeraora a lot, but man, that thing’s play style gets it murdered by cc. I also like most eevees, but hate them in unite because they’re too strong. Garchomp is just clunky and outclassed. Ttar is just so bad rn because of how late it gets going. And I’m not a huge fan of how Urshifu plays for some reason.


When I play Zera, I am well aware of CC with him. So I just Full Heal if I get scared if they might CC me. Or pop it when I get frame 1 CCed.


I always go full heal. Yesterday I was playing spark + wild charge zera, was getting several 120k+ games. Then for some reason, 5 games in a row had a volt tackle pika whose sole purpose was to make my life impossible lol


Just go jungle for Ttar and this might seem weird BUT GO TO THE OPPOSITE ROUTE WHERE THE ENEMY JUNGLER WENT It helps you to spike your way quickly since the opponents on the other lane are lacking their jungler


The thing is, jungle ttar still isn’t evolving until right around first objective spawn 9/10 times. And no one wants a pupitar to be the thing ganking their lane.


Idk, works for me (when teammates know what they're doing)


Surely that can’t be often lmao


Play harder!


Beldum and it’s lack of being in the main game


Gyrados. It’s too shredsy. Would have preferred it had Hyper Beam.




Like auto-attacky, A-button-mashy...


umbreon!! i just can’t get the hang of it. meow on the other hand, she’s my fave to play ♡


Gengar; the only thing I genuinely wish would change would be the fact that its unite cannot travel through walls. I know that would be somewhat busted but that’s literally its whole niche in the anime.


Mewtwo, I love mewtwo but I refuse to ever play an EX Pokémon.


Chandelure, always love the design but get immediatly destroyed by any pokemon that gets to close to it due to poltergeist and imprison having a long cooldown and not being as effective as they should be against certain pokemon like Absol, Zoroark, Mimikyu, Buzzwole and others. I've lost count to how many times I've been suplexed by Machamp and Buzzwole or backstabbed by Absol or Zoroark... . You have to keep a long distance between you and the enemy team or it's over for you


mew. the playstyle and moves are technically fine and are probably the best way to do mew, but i'm a little stupid and suck with it


Absol. I.hate.crits. i loved absol in mainline games for a lot reasons and 100% crit chance build was one of them, having to relay on rng on a high commitment assassin for a pay out is just annoying.


Lucario. Even before his massive buff / Nerf, I couldn’t actually make use of his skills as it doesn’t “match” with how I play generally lol


Scizor, my favorite pokemon of all time. I was even hyped as fuck when he was leaked. But his kit is uh, so simple for me. the playstyle i enjoy leans on more strategic and agile gameplay, like volt switch zeraora, pursuit absol, flower trick meowscarada, brave bird talonflame etc etc, but Scizor's kit is so simple i get bored after a match with him. No complex in kit so straight, also he got a kit that's really hard to balance properly, so he's either bad or just a menace can't go in between. But yeah wish scizor had much more complexity in the kit than spamming Swords dance bullet punch again and again like he does in main game series competitive




what about it?




oh now makes sense


Can I interest you in double hit?


Mew. Loved Mew ever since the OG movie but I just feel like Unite really failed to capture the feel/essence of Mew. What we have instead is a weird slot machine play style which realistically only has 2 viable builds in terms of move synergy.




My boy duralududon has been done dirty 😥


Urshifu Rapid Strike. Surging strikes is fun, but whatever the other move is, it needs to go.


Meowscarada for me too. I love the Pokémon and use it one my sv comp teams but I just don’t like the style she plays in unite


Gengar is my fave Pokémon but it’s Speedster style is not my preferred play style. I’d like it more if Gengar had a (Attacker-esque) move set that was like Pikachu’s Volt Tackle + Electro Ball. You know, like a jump into single target and stun, jump back, and then throw a sure hit projectile. That seems very Gengar-esque to me since Gengar’s vibe is this emoji 🤪 but purple.


To me absol is so strange, i love the playstyle of pursuit but CAN'T stand the inconsistencies of crits. There are so many times where i jump in and do less or more damage than i expect Other than that, umbreon, can't wrap my head around him.


Gyarados. The buffa have helped him a lot so hes enjoyable to play now. But still not competitive or something ima soloQ with Mimikyu. I f@#$#_ LOVE Mimikyu, but shadow sneak might as well be a delete yourself button for me 😭 Absol idk i can have fun with this one at times but the inconsistenty of crits even with a FULL crit build means you can dive something hard that you killed earlier in the game but miss.the crit this time and just get CCd to death.


I don't have a pokemon like this, just Pokemon that I dislike AND hate the playstyle of. Talonflame and greedent are prime examples. Talon cuz it can basically ignore the speedflux and if it's in a pinch, it can just run away. Greedent just makes me made when I look at its goofy face when it steals my exp and doesn't die cuz it can run and heal. :(


Mewtwo Y idk whay im doing wrong i keep dying xD


I've been a Crustle main since mobile release. I still think that Shell Smash is a bad move, it woks well on itself, but doesn't synergy well with the rest of the kit, making him feel incomplete.


Glaceon, love the pokemon, but the the playstyle of basic attacking to build up spears, and launch them at the opponent in one go is so boring. Thats why I play Freeze Dry and Icy Wind instead, but even that gets boring very quickly.


Decidueye- I specifically hate when they get their moves- Level 7 and 9 is absolutely terrible, and I often go intelleon because while I hate their design, they at least get Fell Stinger at lvl 5, meaning more crits to help with the progression and make sure you keep up. At the very least, for another mom I love (until Dragonite) Dragonair gets extreme speed/DDance at lvl 5, which is a decent enough buff from their previous move that it feels fun to mess with. Decidueye gets Spiritshakle at SEVEN, despite DDance, my main go-to for outrage, not being the largest boost until lvl 8. As far as Pokémon I like but hate the mechanics for, it’d be Leafeon. I love Solarblade, but managing when I use my meter is just not fun for me- I could get it back with a good leaf blade, but when I grind for levels, I find myself awkwardly waiting for half a second as Solarblade gets off cooldown. Finally, for the play style itself, Umbreon. It’s definitely because I usually get stuck playing defender half the time, and this one being one of few I enjoy on occasion, I’ve played too much Umbreon to consider it if I have a choice between Umbreon and, say, Sylveon, while not dooming my team.


Most attackers just aren't fun for me...I am sure I like some but lately I realized it's a big no for me


Probably metagross honestly. It's not a brawler to be exact, more like a skirmisher that weaves in and out of combat. Also I'm just salty they put fucking gyroball on its kit when metagross's earthquake is arguably even more iconic than metagross's meteor mash Oh and the unite fuking sucksss like would it hurt too much for it to be unstoppable while casting??


Gyarados personally. This thing is known for being able to level cities and crush anything with its colossal might and size in the main line games and anime, but in this game it feels like a pretty squishy hit and run pokemon with awkward movement, almost flailing around. Not quite as powerful or foreboding as i would have hoped.


Comfey. I absolutely love this pokemon, not because of Unite. Probably one of my favorite Fairy-type pokemon outside of Unite, and I love using it in Showdown with a Triage set. I just wish it had a less toxic or I guess annoying playstyle in Unite, then I can safely use Comfey with its Epic Holowear and label Comfey as my second Supporter main.


Chandure, I dont hate his moves but they couldve done so much more, other ghost types have these really cool teleporting moves as their ghost moves and chandelure has a 0.5 second stun and a zone that makes people slightly slower


mewtwo, why tf do u have to make my fav mon so unskilled like everytime i wanna play my fav it's boring af and ppl call me no skill


Mewtwo. So boring


Cinderace, I love the guy in a playthrough or battle, but I tend to like characters with a bit more bulk for matches


Lucario and Zoroark :(


Zoroark, its my favourite Pokemon, but man do I despise the Speedster style, and of all the speedsters this guy has to be one of the difficult ones.


don't get this "zoroark is difficult" stuff, literally just spam the buttons and you'll get your combo


They will absolutely drop combo then die. Seen it happen.


Tyranitar. It's weird in unite. It feels like it does no damage, but ends up chipping away so much over time. I guess that makes sense with its sandstorm trait, but I also highly associate tyranitar with stone edge. Very inaccurate but super powerful and high crit. Like tyranitar should either miss or one shot you, but instead it's more about sustained fights