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If I lose more than 5 in a row I close the game and play another day. It rarely happens tho.


I really should turn the game off sometimes ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


I’m the same but I call it at 3 sometimes 2 haha


IMO this is a perfect cut-off point. Hell, I'll stop even if it's after ONE frustrating match whether I win or lose.


I only said 3 because sometimes I have a really good game but I still lose, if I get tilted at all its time for a breather


Longest was 8. During those times I would go to settings and hide my profile from public view as a lot of friends check my profile sometimes lol. I haven't played the game in months but I'd imagine if i lose at least 4 in a row i'd take a break


20. And 2 of them were When the enemy team had the same points as ours.


that’s just cruel thanks for sharing your pain with us 🫡


Not to be rude or anything but how do u lose 20 games in a row? Did u not get any bot games?


Maybe they were in Master? It's harder to get pity bots after 1200+. I know for a fact you can get pity bots below 1200s, since that happened to me when I lost twice in a row upon hitting Master lol. That or they were so tilted they lost to bots...


Yesss i didnt know there were bot games in master then i went snorlax because no one chose a defender and i just got him...and realized halfway through it was a bot match. 


After 1400 no bots at least it used to be that way till last season when the new boys were born


Even so, when we are not playing carries (or even playing carry), our own bots will screw us over.


Think I had something like a 20 game losing streak last season dropping me from ~1600 to something like ~1400 lol. Couldn't even be mad because each match was fun Edit: never mind I remember one of those 20 games was a bot match that I lost and that was the only match that made me lose my sanity. Pls fix bots


And I thought my 8 was bad..  This thread is comforting. I've set myself a rule now, that I stop playing after 3 losses in a row. Hopefully that will break those streaks up in the future, as I do probably play worse when I'm tilted. 


We can all commiserate together 🥲


Rip me telling myself I can go to sleep when I finally win


lol i feel this


... 5??? This thread scares me


Yeah it's scary lol. You know what's among the most common factors I see in the profiles I happen to check of underperforming allies? Long losing streaks in one sitting!


6 at most back in the day. Waaay too many people lack the self-control to stop the bleeding at around the 3 losses in a row mark. Queueing up when you're tilted is the worst time to queue up. Like how many times do y'all have to get burned and drop a lot of elo before you learn lol.


Some people, like me, don’t care about elo though? I just play because i enjoy the game. I play strictly soloQ and find that nearly every game is a coin flip. I can play an amazing game and still lose. I can be experimenting with a new build and do alright but still win. At the end of the day, as long as I’m past 1200 masters and viable for draft, i don’t really care what my elo is. Sometimes the coin flip odds are in my favor and im at around 50-53% and sometimes its not and im around a 48-50% for a few games. Its no sweat off my back because i know that i play my role on my team well every game. People who shudder at below 50% win rates don’t understand statistics well. They think they do, but they don’t. They love to claim that after a while it should always average out to 50, but that is for large sample sizes, not 50-100 games in a season. One single game can be the difference between 48% and 52% wr in some sample sizes I’m not playing competitively, so why the tf should i care if im at 1350 or 1550? Doesn’t make a difference to me. I play because i enjoy the game and quite frankly addicted to it. Yeah, players suck and i often get paired with bozos, but that’s just a part of the game you have to accept. I don’t get butthurt and start checking everyone’s profiles in order to confirm that it’s everyone else’s fault but mine, I just simply move on with my life and start the next game. Simple as that.


I respect this a lot and wish I didn’t care about the stupid fucking 1600 sticker that I feel required to get every season


There's a clear difference between players like yourself that don't care about elo and will continue playing regardless (other modes are dead so where else ya gonna go) vs. many others (at least the ones vocal in communities like this Sub) that actually do care yet engage Ranked in an unhealthy way that sabotages their climbs but will attribute their issues to outside factors rather than things they can change... like not playing on tilt and making their situation worse. >They love to claim that after a while it should always average out to 50 It's true that MOBA matchmaking tries to function so that most players match others of similar skill and thereby win rates trend towards 50%. However in Unite though, it's obviously questionable this is actually happening in a "reasonably fair" way like with other MOBAs, so the logic likely doesn't hold.


Mine is 7 Even when l still lose, like every time l rage, I still play the game bev there addition to many Pokemon ya can play as.....


Well for me, climbing ranks, play ur heart out to get close to Ultra 1, then lose repeatedly


every fucking time i stg, ahaha


37 when the game first released, since then I haven't been nearly as bad


wow that’s a lot did it ruin your wr? 😭




18 :)


Six or seven I think? I don't remember exactly and I reason to believe that loss streak actually has my brain counting a very ugly win in there. Definitely have had at least five for certain since matchmaking likes to put me on 5-loss-streaks lately.


5 max and then I’m done for the day


I don’t remember exactly how many but it was during that rotted pikachu quick match event. It was at least ten I think. For regular matches though, maybe 6? I usually play something else after the 3rd or 4th loss but it’s too easy to get into a “just one more match” mindset.


Like 8-12 right now. Trying to climb to masters and Veteran is a living hell.


Nah like 7 but the 7th one was a joke cause my team was literally winning by 200 points and then my team surrendered at raquaza with only me voting no 😭


I normally rage quit and say to anyone near me I got teammate who act like they are recovering from a brain aneurysm/brain tumor


13…all in ranked…over a 4 day time period…


If I lose 3 in a row it literally ruins playing the game for a few days for me


over the course of a couple days it was 9 or 10 matches - after losing like 3 in a row I usually take a break, simmer down, try again later ... but every time I tried I lost again 😭


I'm embarrassed to say...24 they were mostly split into different days too I just could not get a grip, I even used Mimikyu and Absol to see uf I coukd survive longer and carry our team byt it wasn't working😭🙏


7, I coped by telling myself my MMR would be lower


Used to be 5 losing streak but now 7, but if you’re talking about a winning streak my highest I remember was like 10-11 solo Q


unsure honestly? i dont like to keep track. itd just put me in a negative mindset, which isnt productive. i try to look at my losses and try to think about what i couldve done differently. of course, some games will still be unwinnable when youre forced to play alongside absolute chucklefucks (the worst is when you recognize a players name and go "oh. oh no. Them." and then proceed to get stuck w them for the next 3 matches. happened to me last night 🙃), but still, i try and put that aside and reflect on my own performance and how i couldve performed better during specific moments in the game, or even reflect positively on moments where i was doing a great job! its hard not to get tilted playing this game. im notoriously a calm, patient person, but this is the ONE game that can get even ME mad, ahaha. when that happens, i try and take a step back, take a breath, and say to myself "yknow what? ive decided im going to be nice and have fun instead :)" and when that doesnt work, I'll just stop playing for a bit, or switch to standard where the stakes are lower and just fuck around w mons/sets i dont normally play (ive been trying scizor/scyther recently with a limited license after having fun with him during one of the weeks he was free, and im really enjoying it! might go ahead and spend some of my saved up coins on him!). anyways, try not to let a bad streak get you down, yeah? its just a game, and games are supposed to be fun! even if youre losing, if youre still having fun, youre doing it right! and if youre not having fun, theres no shame in calling it quits. hang in there folks, and may your teammates treat you well! 💚


I think I'm around 12-13, worst part is I even lost to bot match, then continue pair with dumb teammate with cooperative opponents...


9. Got a 5 streak and took a break. The next day, proceeded to get a 4 streak which turned into a 9 total lol


I think it was 9 and after the 3rd loss I just didn't care about winning anymore. I just decided that I would play the Pokémon I wanted and it always boiled down to Sableye. LMAO


9, on this season.


11. Back on Season 5, or 6. I don't remember but it's the time where duraludon was released and was very op and picked a lot. I lost 11 games in a row due to Duraludon's op'ness, rayquaza flips, and worse duraludon in my team compared to the enemy. Ironically it's the season where I reached 2200 master rank pts, my peak.


15 was my biggest losing streak. I’ve also learned that literally the higher your ELO is and the higher your rank is. The more deliberate the matchmaking forces you to have bad teammates.


19 except bot matches this season and i’m stuck in U5 coming down from U3. I played lone defenders in all of them. I have been the losing MVP in at least 8-9 of them as a defender. Imagine a Lapras dealing the highest damage or scoring 37 is the highest in the team with 2 of us scoring 0. I don’t think i’ll have the patience climbing back to Master this season.


I think like 6 or 8 over 2 different sessions. But prior to that I think I had 8 ranked wins in a row so evens out I guess


I don't know..... probably 4 or 5? I mostly don't bother with ranked anymore except when I need it for battle pass or event missions.


-200 ish elo from 1600 to 1400 Pretty sure I lost like 20 matches and then some I learned some viable life lessons 👀 on should of quit and solo queue sucks


34 due to inconsiderable team performance (except me) :( I mean they always forgot about Ray and lose it or, they got killed and left me 1 vs 5 or 2 vs 5 


And also lag


7 or 8 I think




Mostly 7(ranked matches)


at least 16. i was stuck in veteran lmao finally made it to ultra this season


10. Kept getting matched with real apple'd up trios and duos back-to-back. Beware of solo-q, folks.


lol if I lose 3 times in a row im playing the next day


5 then the next game i win 1 then lose 5 again


1 I don't play a lot n not super high elo probably, but I never had a loosing streak yet. At first I thought it was just my experiences from other MOBAs helping me, but in the end it's still a game that mostly younger people play n just to chill, so it's probably the norm.


I gotten a 14 streak then lose to a mewtwo


8, it was in the Mew2 apocalypse era. I literally uninstalled the game and had a break of several months after that :,)


Last season, i hit masters 1577 with a 60% WR… then lost 11 in a row of the most frustrating, most asinine games with teammates who did literally everything wrong. Bye bye win rate :(


How is this possible? If I ever lose 2 games in a row I instantly get a both match. Literally every single time


I haven’t had many bot matches since getting into masters… I would really love some by now 🥲 You used to get them if you allow the q to go past a minute. But that hasn’t been the case for a long time


I came from Ultra 1 3 diamonds to Ultra 5 0. Gotta love solos. If anyone wants active EU player to their team I’m happy to join.


Idk about losses but this morning for 6 matches in a row someone was idle. I took it as a sign.


13 iirc, it was so bad that I stopped playing if I lost 2 games in a row. And that happened multiple days in a row btw


I went from 1598 to 1534 over the past couple days so I’m definitely losing my mind


3, Max 4


2, its not that Im good, its that I always am against the stupidest players so its not hard to make 20+ kills and 150 points


idk what a lose streak is


Mewtwo meta. 8 and then followed by another 8. My slowbro WR still hasnt recovered


I can't remember tho I probably quit because of it.


mine is same as u at 12


I had 7. on two or three of the game my lane partner left me when we are in the winning position. the other lane lost and we lost ours because fighting 1V3 in the early game is difficult. i hate random soloq player who really dont have sense of the game. I am in Masters but still find this kind of player often