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Zoroark is difficult to really master but it’s not as hard as everyone is making it out to be. It has a lot of mobility. So if you do make some bad judgement calls, you’re not as committed to those decisions, you can get out without dying while a lot of other characters don’t afford you that luxury. I mostly play defenders now but I started out with Absol. I think it really helped me to quickly learn map awareness and I can play jungle anytime I get grouped up without one. Plus it’s going to be a little while before you get to masters. So you have some time to learn before you have to be good with it. However, I would suggest learning a back up mon too just in case someone doesn’t let you jungle because you’re not going to be able to hold a lane with it for a long time, preferably something that can function with the same held items while you level them up. One thing I definitely would do with Zoroark is spend some time in the practice area with cooldowns turned off and watch some videos to get a thorough understanding of how all of its mechanics work. Good luck! It’s a fun mon to play


I agree, there's no reason why you shouldn't learn how to play zoroark even when you are just starting, but as you probably already know I would pick up a variety of roles like umbreon defender for example to round out your skills and map awareness etc since you will have experience with all types of playstyle and be more familiar with playing with and against them. I would watch ghatlue and crisheroes for zoroark videos as they have quite a lot of them for both builds. Here are some specific guides tho for each build: Ghatlue's feint attack guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TdxxCuAmd8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TdxxCuAmd8) Crisheroes night slash guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kY-xanAGRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kY-xanAGRg)


Its not that Zoroark is the learning curve it's the knowing the rest of the roster to be to effectively play Zoro makes it not good for someone new imo


How do you turn cool downs off in practice mode?


It’s on the start menu labeled “practice options” it really helps when you’re learning the finicky moves


Yeah no, its best you learn the game with easier Pokemon first. I feel like you will learn bad habits otherwise


This is the mistake I did. When I first started I saved 15k and brought Mew straight away


Would you recommend Umbreon? My main interest in coming back was doing Pokemon of my favorite type(dark) absol maybe?


absol is generally not recommended due to the high skill ceiling same as zoroark, but umbreon is definitely a great choice


Idk why people think Absol is hard... I mained Absol at launch, and just clicked Sucker Punch + Pursuit and typically things just... Kinda died immediately (defenders withstanding)


The thing is due to massive power creep things like leafeon deal way more damage while taking way less risks Although some players make Absol work (me no cap) the number and effectiveness of Absol plays in ranked games are worse as worse each season


Oh absolutely. Power creep is very real and is what moved me into Dnite, Gard, and Comfey, because I got tired of losing 1v1s


I still cook 1v1s with Absol u/mewtwothegod am I right


yeah sure


Exactly, literally I just so happen to own it, and one time I got tired of losing, and just picked despite not knowing how to use it. That same match (as in my FIRST Absol match) I ran with sucker punch-night slash and dropped a 22 kill 9 assist game. Absol is easy and I stand by that. (And no, it was infact NOT a bot match, masters game.)


Me when I play greninja for the first time and got 25 kills in masters 1500: Also no, Absol is definitely not a easy Pokémon, it just happens that your real player enemies lack the brain cells to play this cursed game


Yeah Tbf, I don’t think they had any defenders, plus night slash-sucker punch isn’t one of the better move sets on absol


I like how I changed your tone by 2 sentences But anyways


>won my first 5 games I really wouldn’t put much thought into this and whether you’re doing well with a mon. You’ll be playing against AI bots for a good while where you’d probably win the game playing with one hand Zoroark isn’t someone I’d recommend until you have the fundamentals of the game learned


This is a lengthy document, but 100% recommend going through it for Zoroark. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mcefLghJJkMyQYFRMWH-93rbHGmp0v3zIAVKBXlhbMc/mobilebasic#heading=h.yvpru43i3p9a


I’ll take a look tonight!


zoroark is an extremely hard to play pokemon that requires map awareness, reaction time and your knowledge to to your pokemon up to all pokemons to counter play well since 1 cc and its over for you in short, don't play zoroark


So far he hasn’t been too bad to use, but I’m also just beginning. I’ve been using him as a central ploy that brings the opposing team over to my team so we can take them out together.


as a green badge zoroark myself i can say that deleting players below your skill level is very easy but you will have a hard time after getting to higher tiers for a returning player I would recommend stuff like dragapult, lapras, trevenant or alolan ninetales if you really like the assassin playstyle leafeon is always better and easier to use


Im green badge zoro myself and I still have a hard time navigating higher skill levels. Like after scoring the first goal I’m still unsure how to assist the team properly


Also keep in mind, at the beginning, the game will throw mostly, if not only bot matches, meaning you aren't playing against actual people at first. The computers are much easier to play against and therefore much more forgiving when you make mistakes against them. Zoroark is very deadly in the right hands, but takes getting his combos down to the T and very fast reflexes to really get the best out of him which is why everyone is warning you that he isn't the most beginner friendly.


1. dont


You can learn by using the bot games


Better advice give up using Zoroark and use something easier


Thank yall for the advice! While I’m not going to give up zoroark I will take things people have said relating to how to improve at him, as well as play others to get a better grasp of the game again!


I'd say don't take it to rank till your Confident enough


Top comment right now has it right. Zoro is hard, but not impossible to learn the game on. I’d definitely say learn the pokemon in practice before going into real matches. Then use the bot matches/YouTube videos to learn the actual game. You definitely want to use full heal, Zoro is like Dodrio in that if it gets CCed it will almost always die. Night Slash just recently got a nerf but it’s very much still playable. I’ve always been a Feint Attack/Shadow Claw enjoyer anyhow. Always open SC and make sure the box hits because it cause a slight stun plus if you run FA it reset the cooldown of the other move. Zoro is fun but you can definitely be punished hard. Some matchups are next to impossible if the enemy has any brain cells. But best of luck.


Don't play night slash,and look up a tutorial on how to combo feint properly.


For new player i would recommend using mage type pokemons - easy to master and crucial even in masters. Try alolan or delphox or garsevoir with held items like slick spoon and glassess.


He is very good early game and not so good late game


I've been playing since launch and have over a 60% winrate overall since then. Theres a good case to be made that Zoroark may be the most difficult and skill-intensive character in the game (probably along with mew). When you start the game, the first several games you play against (maybe the first 15-20) will be only bot matches, allowing new characters to get a feel for the game and get some confidence even though it does not tell you that you are playing against bots. Once this time is over, you will be thrown to the wolves. The most important skill to learn while you are learning the game is how to win a match as a team. This means learning where you need to be when, how team dynamics work, and building up general "moba instincts". This also includes knowing when to pick fights, when to score, what fights to run away from, etc. these instincts are generally easier to learn when you don't have to worry about the high levels of skill and thought needed for a complex character. this is why people are recommending you start with something simpler like umbreon (who happens to be very good and pretty easy to pick up, with a generally simple moveset). the concern is that you may teach yourself bad habits if you play your early games with a character where you have to thing about so much more than just the macro of the game. That being said, good zoroark players are terrifying and if you are committed to the character and do end up learning it well along with the other skills mentioned above you will be a very good asset to your teams. I say don't give up on the zoroark dream, but consider learning a few of your favorites alongside it as you go (especially early on) so you can get good at the game instead of getting good at one character while losing games due to lack of experience


lol as a new player, go Cinderace


We don’t need more leftovers cinderaces


Dark types only in this household