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Yeah I feel like no one plays casual games anymore And why would you? What's the downside to playing ranked? The penalty for losing a ranked match is almost non-existent, you can still select whatever role/character you want, and the skill level of everyone in the lobby will still be all over the place The ONLY reason to pick casual over ranked is if you hate draft or don't have the time to wait an extra 3 mins for the draft screens And bc we only have 1 playable mode, TiMi is making draft 1400+ again to give casuals even less of a reason to play CASUAL mode


Mostly do casual incase I don't want the pressure to do well or if I just want some easy way to do challenges and all


PLEASE tell this to my friend who took a solemn oath to never play Ranked.


Haha I also get this. There's so much RNG involved with climbing ranks that it can feel really frustrating at times The secret is to just not take the game seriously. Play what you have fun with, don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake, and try to just laugh off the horrible teammates you get. I promise you will climb ranks over time no matter what you do


Great, when was this announced? Time to take a sabbatical.


>and why would you Zapdos stage. Sometimes I just wanna play zapdos and I’m not able to because no one else is playing. :( Also there’s a friend I cannot play with because ranked has cut us off from each other, so casual/standard is the only way to play with him. It really sucks that the only people we can play are bots. I consider us *incredibly* lucky we somehow found a two 10 player matches in a row one time before finding nothing but bot matches.


I do


And then you break the wall and find out it was protecting you from useless human beings.


THIS I used to complain about bot matches, but the recent matchmaking made me realize bot matches were actually the solution


Bots let you try to progress. Humans actively hinder your progress.


Nah the bots still worse. At least humans sometimes give up or do funny things. Bots are legit a waste of my time because there's no challenge, nothing funny just 10 minutes of wasted energy. (they need to bring back bots surrender when losing by 200+)


This is exactly why I get happy the moment I realize I'm in a bot match. I swear, some people are just useless! My losing streaks were mostly because of people abandoning their lanes, stealing my jungle and never scoring but somehow let the enemy score until we have no goals left.


I dont like how this is true


Why is it that a bot match from a casual match is easier but the bot match from a CPU match is more annoying Like the bots in a casual match are usually extremely stupid and have a lower defense and attack score Then the bots in a cpu match have better ai and seem stronger


Because in casual matches it’s not actually bots, it’s noobs who are somehow worse than bots.


No they’re saying the opposite. That in casual matches the bots have less stats, but in CPU they have normal stats that players should have. It’s weird.


If they were bots, then how does a Mamoswine take three hits before it dies from a mister mime whenever it's a casual match bot?




Uh, no? They're always matching level with other players, and I'm usually ahead since I focus on getting stronger, but even when they're one or two levels below me they still do more damage in pure CPU matches


There are people in the casual matches though, not as much as in ranked. But still a relevant amount.


and in some modes, the bot teammates REFUSE to score and will just keep farming sitting on 50.


I started a new account and there is absolutely zero people in great league it sucks


the game has been pushing everyone to masters for the past month so


I think it struck a nerve of my finger lol


Funny thing is that on casual match you gain more coins because you are playing with "real" players.


I would rather bot matches rather than having teammates that don’t help. 😂 It’s sad since most the times bots help better than real people.


This is also true in Ranked matches, tho less often. Basically gave me a free climb, lol


I believe the game gives you more Points/Energy for pulls when you select Casual, even if u end up fighting bots. So it's a win-win for some.