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This shit happens many often. Many mfs go afk during the final fight against ray and we end up losing. Yet, still no action against them and we end up paying the price with our scores/stars instead


Like a good 75% of this subreddit would get banned from the game though lmao


lol truth


Yeah, not because they're literally incapable of dealing more than 10k damage but because of their bad attitudes. I'd be hard pressed to believe the serially whiny mofos that insist it's always the BAD ALLIES ruining their games have never intentionally hard or soft AFK'ed EVER.


Imagine a game banning people for not having skill lol. Not to mention if people play support mons


OP would be one of the first to go lmao


While it's uncommon for damage dealers NOT AFK or trolling to get below 10k, these kinda ideas won't help. What if you ally with a support clearly building for damage and deals like 9k? They get a pass just because they're not a damage-dealer class? Roles are pretty fluid in Unite. Sometimes you just get people having lag, first timing a mon in Ranked, just plain shit or just having a bad match for no real reason... Like whatever the cause, just move on for your own sanity. Fruitlessly report where appropriate.


>While it's uncommon for damage dealers NOT AFK or trolling to get below 10k, these kinda ideas won't help. What if you ally with a support clearly building for damage and deals like 9k? They get a pass just because they're not a damage-dealer class? Yes. You're making perfect the enemy of good here. >Sometimes you just get people having lag, first timing a mon in Ranked, just plain shit or just having a bad match for no real reason... Like whatever the cause, just move on for your own sanity. Fruitlessly report where appropriate. Sub-10k damage isn't just playing badly, it's actively going out of your way to not do damage and will almost always be trolling. I really don't see the downside to forcing someone in any of those four categories into bot / casual matches for a while rather than inflicting them on ranked. There are very few exceptions. Off the top of my head, just Comfey, Clefable, Blissey and Umbreon. For simplicity's sake you could exclude all defenders and supports. Which isn't perfect but, again, it doesn't have to be perfect, just better than it is currently.


I would love to get thrown into casual/bot match hell or better yet banned for some indeterminate amount of time just because this dodgy game DCs me at draft or during the loading screen. I feel too many legitimate AFKs will get caught in the crossfire under these conditions rather than the idiots that die in lane once then start throwing tantrums in base. So in order to save myself, I just stick to supports that will strangely get a pass no matter what or hope I load in early enough to rack up at least 10k damage? I get people are frustrated with the dumbfucks that tilt and start griefing without consequence but I don't see solutions like these working.


This is insane take, comfey and clefable players getting banned immediately for playing the character lmfao.


Anyone who plays Comfey deserves to get banned immediately.




I feel this could have potential fatal flaws, but I see what you mean.


"Potential fatal flaws"? LOL have fun if the poorly implemented draft mode DCs you or you get DC'ed at loading screen, you can't get back in time and allies don't remake. You'll get punished or at worst, banned. People would exploit this for sure - griefers will just pick Supporters and Defenders or in general people will be far more willing to throw matches if they're unhappy supports. You build full damage Rapid Spin Blastoise or attack Eldegoss and are so bad at them you can't do more than 10k? You get a pass according to these rules. What's the difference between offensively built Defenders vs. All-rounders, offensively built Eldegoss vs. ADCs, etc. doing this badly? Why can some bad players get punished and not others under these rules?


Idk there needs to be a certain degree of "repeatedly less damage" factor, obviously. Just a couple matches cannot result in a penalty bigger than a fair-play point, because somebody might just be having a rough day.


lmao nobody plays defender and support they’re jokes even timi agrees as evident in their balance patches


*Sniffles* You... you think I'm a joke? /j


Well yes, they are complete jokes in the solo que atleast


Lmao tf they are not. Defenders have been meta for over a year now.


😎 i’m the cool kid


^ This man has never been ass blasted by pre-nerf Mr.Mime /Sableye/Lapras/Umbreon/ current Trevenant


keyword pre-nerf then timi realised what the fuck they were doing actually making supports/defenders good


Pretty sure "pre-nerf" only applied to Mr.Mime, as evidenced by the mention of "current Trevenant."


Bro trev can deal close to 100k damage and tank close to 150k as a defender. Where tf u been lmao


My brother in christ, have you SEEN what trevenant can do? Have you never been mean looked by umbreon or stunned for hdlf the game by blastoise or slow bro? Have you ever been invaded by sabley or have hoopa drop a whole team on you? Nah fr tho the value even bad tanks and supports bring to a team is insane.


Do play against Trevenant and then see


How dare you.


Please say sike,like actually say it .


burnt the kitchen. i play sableye/slowbro/umbreon and always carry in solo queue. (masters 1400 ish)


This the kind of dude that would report a player in league for dying too much. Being bad at the game isn't a banable offense.


except it is in professional MOBAs. they punish you for excessive poor performance.


I just had a game where a venu hid in the bush waiting to steal while everyone was fighting. The fight took to long so he ended up staying the bush for over a minute, the game punished him for afking and we lost 0 elo 😂😂😂


I'm safe, I usually attack wild mons and kill everyone usually, but what about the defenders and supporters?


Are you all stupid? Ofc if a support has less than 10k damage but a reasonable amount of assists and healing they shouldn't be punished. The 10k thing is actually very reasonable


Not my clefable 1 in every 10 matches


You mean like by posting their gamertag in a public forum and ridiculing them?


This is basically a callout post, surprised it hasn't been locked yet.


I rather see a punishment for scoring 0 points. Cause if 10k in damage has to be scored less people will play support.


*Zacian players in shambles*


Shouldnt be in it without Zamacenta imo.