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Yeah, they should be nerfing that Swablu. Unbelievable 150 damage.


Swablu was just there to pile up OP's misery


I took on a level 4 swablu as a level 10 ceruledge....I couldn't get him below 50% hp because every time he stepped on the goal he got over half his life back.... I fought him for almost 30 seconds alone. And he tanked me until I had to go just go score somewhere else




Disgusting damage. No idea why No Retreat Iron Head and regular Iron Head have a seperate cooldown.


I was genuinely hoping it was a bug in the first week or two.


Yall need to CHECK your reports cause you SYSTEM sucks. I literally carry a team and I get reported for AFKING?


Wrong comment?


What is blud talking about šŸ’€ Yeah bro I was going on a 9 killstreak on COD almost got the chopper gunner but the Melania hit me with the scarlet rot lmfao PLEASE CHECK THE WIFI CONNECTION BRO I got reported for using Heavenā€™s Gate in Shadowverse? HOW IS THAT AFK???


For reals - I cover the splat zone and none of my teammates are covering it with me! Itā€™s like come on team show up throw a bomb or something at the zone. They arenā€™t even KOing the opponents at that point they are close ranged weapons playing at a distance! šŸ˜‘


I hate that I like this game.


lol relatable af. My significant other always asks me ā€œwhy do you even play that game if it always pisses you off so much??ā€ Idk man, I really donā€™t šŸ˜­


I always leave for 2 months or so and come back for my return bonus license lol


I swear it off almost daily. But then there I am searching for matches.


This is what I raged about in the recent patch, itā€™s a fucking crime that it got through without a single nerf. At least I could run from t-tar. This guys closes a mile gap in 0.2 seconds and can wipe anything but a defender just as fast.


I only play defenders and i hate him. Instantly eats all my hp... Imo that mon should: Be able to kill each ball independently. Each ball provides 20% hp and damage. Killing one ball (not the head) reduces max health and damage by 20%. Killing the head kills it. Balls respawn one by one with a cooldown when the head is out of combat and at full health.


Testicular torsion meta


Ball Eater Gengars rubbing their hands


Yeah i hear that, I primarily play tanks(hoenstly mostly cause no one else will lol) and the fact that even as tree at the same level as him or as umbreon falinks being able to just pop out, do more than enough cc, while also taking half my health with either iron head or megahorn so long as he went no retreat is just....?!?!?!?!


Hes awkward to play so he hasnā€™t gotten the attention for the atrocities he commits, and t-tar was soaking up a lot of the hate for him. Now that t-tar isnā€™t raid boss level anymore I hope falinks gets every ounce of the hate it deserves. Itā€™s probably the worst character Iā€™ve had to deal with being OP personally. Even the zacian meta didnā€™t feel this bad, because again, I could keep my distance and attack once he whiffed his sacred sword combo, but fkin falinks will spot you from across the screen and kangaroo hop his ass all the way over to you, dealing cc, shielding, and killing me all at once. All my homies hate falinks


Yeah I imagine if he was as easy to play as M-Y was/is he wouldnt be able to skirt by only somewhat noticed cause for me Y was my zacian. Does our team have Y? AM I Y? do I have an exp share in lane? SO many things could go wrong because of 1 pokemon's existence. Blind picking into falinks can feel just as hopeless, especially if the randos decide 4 Attackers with no bulk/cc is the right call cause you just can't keep them safe from him, especially since he will farm them for kills right away. Leafeon's still a menace in that respect too, but least she's frail =\


It's way too overpowered. It can 1v1 all other OP mons and win 90% of the time. That's says alot for just how overpowered falinks is. I play leafeon. He's one of like 5 or 6 mons I can't 1v1 against. But at least the other 4 or 5 I'm still evenly matched with. But falinks? Ya no he will bulldoze the fuk out of me.




When it was announced i was thinking it was going to work that way. If you cut a snake in half it doesnt die and the tail grows over time.




Knock out, please say, knock out. Kill is such a harsh word even tho there are several Pokemon that justifiably need to be killed.


I'm gonna call it now and say it dodged nerfs because it'll be next season's BP mon.


That's a good thing. If your right and they are waiting until after the next BP to nerf him then at least we can rest assured his nerf is coming eventually and they didn't just forget about him.


Yeah I absolutely hate playing against that thing whenever I play anything but defender. Whenever I play a squishy it just nukes me in like 2 seconds and there's barely anything I can do because it's really good at closing in on you. Yesterday was funny tho. I was playing my Slowbro tanky build and enemy team had a Falinks. At some point we had a 1v1 at top lane and no one else was around. We battled each other for like 45-60 seconds straight and he noticed at some point that it's getting nowhere and then after like a minute he just turned around and walked away lmao. The whole situation was just funny. We just slapped each other for a full minute, then stopped, looked at each other, and went like "Ok, have a nice day", and walked away šŸ˜†


ā€œI really thought one of us would have gotten back up by now, wannaā€¦ just call it a day and get back to our teams?ā€


Me: oh shit it's falinks. Gotta guard the goal.... oh shit talonflame... and cinderace!.... where the fuck that goodra come from!? *looks at map*.... šŸ˜‘GET DOWN HERE AND HELP ME! *pings* "Gather here Ɨ5" and "Defend our goal zone Ɨ8"..... WELP IM DEAD AND THERE GOES OUR GOAL ZONE THANKS FOR NOTHING! My team: oh look a swablu!šŸ¤Æ..... oh hey they only have one guy guarding thier goal let's put 5 points in at a time while we have the chance.... oh not to stack.... what's stacking?, I just wanna score some points šŸ˜Ž... HEY HOW DID OUR GOAL ZONE GET DESTROYED!????šŸ˜±


Yeah pretty much haha


I'm used to shredding right through most all rounders with my leafeon. I'm razor leaf/leaf blade. I can usually 1v1 75% of my fights. But against falinks.... I'm just a sitting duck.... he got more beef than a defender and mauls your face off faster than buzzwole. So unfair. and this was before the patch. AND I WANNA POINT OUT LEAFEON IS ONE OF THE POKEMON THAT IS CONSIDERED OP AND IT JUST GOT A SPEED AND DAMAGE NERF IN THE LAST PATCH BECAUSE OF IT.


Failinks without a check is so terrifying i always pick blaziken in case there isn't another counter on my team just to be safe


I keep forgetting blaziken gets the bonus stacks


I don't play Blaziken, what does it do to counter Falinks?


Blaze stacks on all troopers, allowing you to both get massive heals and do massive damage against Falinks. Falinks can't hope to 1v1 you ever because even if he brings you to low health, Blaze heals more when you have less than half health and that's like a free 50% heal upon proc.


Blaziken's passive stacks on every single trooper, meaning you heal like 6 times more than the normal amount. They also buffed the healing recently, effectively making you immortal as long as you stick to failinks


Thanks for this info! That sounds awesome. Maybe I'll have to start playing Blaziken....


I like running Azu because I get full Pulse hits on it. And A9 actually gets multiple freezes on it since every trooper individually gets freeze stacks.


Iron Head / No Retreat seems to clearly need a nerf at a 56.61% winrate on UniteAPI. Meanwhile Megahorn / Beat Up could use a buff at 43.25%. That explains why I've had some trouble with it as my favored build. The other builds are sitting at slap on the wrist territory at about 51.5%. Falinx is full of special interactions with abilities, and it looks like they need some rebalancing.


Please buff Megahorn Beat Up. Feels good sending goons to do my dirty work or leaving them to farm while I do other stuff.


Timi doesn't want you to goon with Falinks, literally 1984


Did you mean uniteapi? Udb is different


Ah yes, I mistyped.


Iā€™ve honestly being thinking of just rage maining Falinks to get more players to hate it so the devs mights actually do something.


I would do that, but I'm bad at falinks. I'd give them a reason to buff it


Swablu: I came here to laugh at you.


Feel the weight of your sins!


I mean how do you do 5k-7k with just basic attacks so fast? Like we have skills for a reason but they still pop less than. 2k.....


Yeah Swablu needs to be nerfed


Are you playing in bluestacks?




*swablu must be stopped*


Itā€™s definitely not ok but I wouldnā€™t nerf it to the level of other characters due to its many counters. Definitely nerf it tho, those stuns and dmg are crazy.


People always say that it has counters yet when I look at something like Venasaur it has a 44% winrate against Falinks.


Venusaur isnā€™t a real counter though, it just sustains itself better, but doesnā€™t actually deal better damage versus Falinks. If Falinks saves its entire iron head into NR into head and basics for after giga drain it can comfortably KO Venusaur before the next giga drain. Lucario is a better example of a proper counter as not only does it heal itself continually versus Falinks, it also deals massively increased damage due to constant resets, to the point a Lucario player doesnā€™t need to be playing decently to wreck the Falinks at all. There just isnā€™t much Falinks can do to fight back because unlike Venusaur, Lucarios healing versus Falinks is sustained, not in one burst, so Falinks struggles to break it down or burst it.


Great, Lucario has a 45% win rate against Falinks...and thats the best counter?


You need to remember that WR isnā€™t indicative of a Pokemons 1 vs 1 potential. Lucario still has to compete with a team in a meta where its style of attack isnā€™t necessarily optimal overall even if it wails on Falinks individually. Not saying Falinks doesnā€™t need a nerf but seriously, Iā€™m not even a good Lucario player and think I can count the instances a Falinks has beat me individually one on one only on a single hand over many many games. Thatā€™s doesnā€™t mean my team won of all those games however.


Of course, the game isn't 1v1 anyway, hence Venasaur is actually meant to be strong against Falinks because in between Giga Drains we would expect the tanks/supports to peel. But the fact is a 45% win rate is actually good against Falinnks. Buzzswole is down at 39% lol.


And this is where the low WRs on Falinks counters comes in, because their WR is obscured by being otherwise quite mid, in a team game, despite excelling against Falinks. Whereas Falinks is the opposite, itā€™s generally very good in many situations and mid in a few, hence having a good WR. Because the Falinks getting spanked by a Lucario doesnā€™t stop it stomping Lucarios allies. Which is why Falinks counters often have to be compounded to have an effect. But a team of Falinks counters means you skip on generally stable meta mons, so it isnā€™t done. Itā€™s a difficult mon to balance but its drawbacks donā€™t counter its strengths. Notably its access to burst in its combo and also the sheer bulk because it gets it upfront (shields and DR) whereas many other ARs have to brawl to sustain. Falinks does not, which means it can engage as aggressively as a defender despite having way more damage.


In the Tournament a while ago the players have all stated, not verbatim, that Falinks supposed counters dont really work with some smart gameplay. There were tons of A9s and Venusaurs but I dont remember a single instance of Falinks struggling against those. They also stated during games that werent recorded that Lucario also wasnt a problem either Its counters arent really counters unless you stack them


Yea yea Iā€™ve noticed too that it can survive and just not heavily fight those counters alone. This particular moveset of its does need some fixing, itā€™s a menace. On a good day tho, I can actually also play smartly enough to punish a falinks or even use it to punish its team if I just wait itā€™s 2 stuns out.


Yeah no retreat is just a bonkers skill especially when you also add in how the troopers also block stuff. I really like him on paper but boy.....


Nerf Swablu


Move resets baybeeeee. It's juke or die. YeefuckingHaw


Pokemon Unite on PC since when?


aside from that ceruledge bitter blade needs to move faster. i mean they already pre-nerfed it so that it wont take that much hp to falinks, so it should be at least fast like giga drain


*swablu must be stopped*


Swablu is absurd, jeez that's too much damage :/


To be fair...... it's not exactly a 1v1 it's you vs a team.


Haven't played this game in like a year, glad to see it keeps getting better lmfao On a serious note it's disgraceful that the same shit keeps happing over and over again. M2Y was the last straw for me


Was m2y already a year ago?


August last year I think?


I had the opposite happen to me when I was Falinks and Ceruledge United me


Azu aqua tail does too much damage, ceru unite does too much damage, and falinks no retreat mega horn does too much damage


I usually eat Falinx for breakfast, even during its unite. Matchmaking on the other hand? Absolutely not okay.


Loses to most other All Rounders conventionally. And if youre not playing an All Rounder your mon is degenerate anyway. SEEMS FAIR TO ME


im glad i dropped this game. Nintendo balance moment


Itā€™s crazy how we went from ā€œthis game is almost perfectly balanced and yet still funā€ two months ago before falinks to ā€œgod damn it, this again??ā€ Heā€™ll is a flat circle, ladies and gentlemen


He got the Same problem in what Clefabe's issue was, in that it does way too much at way too high a level with one single kit Too good at getting to the backline, while doing a ton of damage, with its CC at insane levels, while getting way too much shields. Absolutely no drawbacks to iron head-No retreat while doing everything at SSS+ Tier levels. The only weakness is he can't do the combo while Ulting. Just a joke


Yeah I mean that 150 damage of the swablues is insane please nerf swablues šŸ˜­.


It's very dumb and I love the little things but I agree, it's absurd. I'm not 100% sure why it's doing that much to begin with but it needs to be nerfed whatever it is (if that's just No Retreat buffs, then wow that is dumb) Edit: just forgot the ')' whoops


It's been the most broken pokemon in the game for 2 patches now. Permabanned in pro play for a reason lol


non-mimikyu problems


his weakness is pokemon that become immune to damage and do aoe. most strong aoe pokemon can get him if you have a doll battle item. time it just right and make him waste his attack once its on cooldown rip into him and if he does his unite move to seperate do a massive aoe that will cancel it making him go back together again. his move cooldown just so happens to be almost the same as the battle doll so you should be able to take him.


They know it's not okay but it's a newer mon with a new skin. All timi cares about is money


Well... I think this is ok


Scizor existsā€¦Guardevoir existsā€¦and my teammates(Cinderace and Greninja) also exist.(sadly)


Skill Issue


Falinks dodging a nerf this last patch is a war crime


Thing about this mon is, it's not consistent against good counters. The issue is, there's very few of those counters. You need something that's an ADC with good mobility or a speedster to avoid it properly, or be named Venusaur(Pain Split on Trevenant is also a decent option). Lucario also counters it hard, but that can only be done in draft. It's a very draft pic centric mon.


Laughs in Azumarill


It being LV1 higher might have contributed?


And playing as the discount speedster...


Oh god and on PC too.


The discount speedster still has the stats of an allrounder, falinks basically one-shots all of them with that combo with how much absurd damage it deals and stuns.


Yeah, bulkier than other release all-rounders lol.


Bro I quit this game so long ago how do u guys do it


Do what I do vs ttar. Run away


That's the problem, you can't.


Never get close is more appropriate


Blame product people. The devs are only responsible for technical problems/bugs. Lack of balance is not a technical problem.


Falinks is an odd one, on one hand he can shred but on the other he has so many bad matchups that if he doesnt shred then he becomes a sixth member of the enemy team...


*swablu must be stopped*


OP, if you think leading with Phantom Force and not using its invincibility period to avoid the CC is the best way to play Ceruledge, I suggest you reconsider your game plan.


Imagine playing a game that hasn't been balanced since launch and the devs don't know what that means and complaining it's not balanced.


Bro plays a squishy mon into of the tankiest mons in the game and gets mad that he gets deleted


Ceruledge has everything to lose against a PokƩmon with as much stun as Falinks has. The problem is not so much the damage that Falinks can do to you, the problem is that Ceruledge does not have stun to break rival combos. Bonus, Falinks has good damage at close range and increases his defense against the cost of movement speed. If Falinks uses that move, the idea is to put you behind him where he can't attack and doesn't reduce damage. Falinks is well designed, the problem is that you don't know how to deal with it.


I mean Falinks Can be Stun locked by A9 alone so I think it's Fair and bro can harm itself with Confuse Ray All Marking pokemon do all to it And he got for himself is Bulk Shields and Dmg cause of all the counters