• By -


I'm with you. Pedos deserve to be, well you know.... the thing.




I mean in some ways it's worse. If you murder someone, they can only suffer for so long. If you sexually assault a child, they will suffer for the rest of their lives and potentially ruin their lives. It can cause serious behavior issues that will reduce their life prospects a lot. I've only known one guy that revealed he was molested as a child, he's doing pretty well now but he's in AA and Sexaholics Anonymous. Absolutely destroyed his 20's and 30's, and moreso destroyed his family.


The way I see it, there are *sometimes* justifications for taking someone else's life. There is *never* an excuse to sexually harass, sexually assault, or rape children. Since that's the case I think pedophilia is worse.


Technically if you murder someone, they too suffer for the rest of their life. Albeit, a much more brief period.


Yeah if you're an amateur


I would say pedophiles are worst than murderers


I would agree. Why are we only putting them in jail for a few years? This is a perfectly valid use of the death sentence


It's saves us money by having the inmates carry out the death sentence instead.




Based af. I’m standing with you brother.












And I'll be right there next to you with some yard cleaning equipment.


Count me in


me too


Me three and I’ll pack a few brews for the show


Libleft checking in and joining the causing unconventional fatal accidents train


The radical centrism train is coming to run over pedos


Bartender here..... Just know we're gonna be drunk as fuck and our actions will be out of our own hands


> Get a flair to make sure other people don't harass you :) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 10329 / 54342 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Flair checking bot here to kill the unflaired pedos












I can bring some 3d printed aks


You mean a mashine that turns big pieces of wood into small pieces?


A beaver?




I'll be there with some high quality liquor for refreshments... And some rags incase we get sweaty... and a couple of lighters for if one of our smoking friends needs one :)


Can't go wrong with a paper shredder writ large.


If that ever happens, that’s the day I go full auth


why would you go auth if the auths aren't solving it




Because there’s nothing to be solved right now, M*Ps are universally shunned in every social square they try to wriggle their way into, and haven’t gained much of a footing at all minus internet strawmanning / shock content If it DOES become a mainstream issue though, then it’s time. Which is basically exactly what the comment I originally replied to said


I... think you should reread what I said? if it becomes a mainstream issue that means the auths who decide what becomes a "mainstream issue" didn't strangle it in the crib. why would you become auth in response to their failure? the lib solution is outside of their control


So, you are planning an outing this weekend? [Seeing as how a professor who defended ‘MAP’ as a term was hired by John Hopkins.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10813233/Trans-professor-DEFENDED-pedophiles-minor-attracted-persons-hired-Johns-Hopkins-center.html)


>In the book, Walker attempts to destigmatize pedophilia and encourages people to refer to them as 'Minor Attracted People,' asserting they should not be ostracized for their urges - which Walker says cannot be helped. >Other contentious claims made by the professor - who possesses a doctorate in criminal justice - in the book include suggestions that pedophiles should also be provided with child-like sex dolls to satisfy their urges, and that the sex crime was not 'immoral.' >Walker claimed that she was a victim of a smear campaign by the media and online observers **because they were transgender.** Or maybe because, get this, *they're defending goddamn pedos?* Fuck anyone who defends pedos, they belong in the same place.


There seems to be a strong correlation that I'm not allowed to point out.


No pattern recognition allowed.


Which one? The one is obvious. The other nothing on the internet says if its so.


We all see it, only some of us are acknowledging it. None of us are allowed to say it.


Tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo


I can’t tell if your profile pic is Teddy Roosevelt or Stalin lmao


Pretty sure it’s Charlie Kirk


If you're born (or childhood trauma'd into) a pedo and you've never diddled any kiddie and want to keep it that way untill you die, you deserve protection from lynching and some kind of "let's keep everyone from diddling" therapy. If you've diddled kids, it's the rope.






That seems reasonable. But isn't that what people who support these things tend to think? Very few people who support "helping pedos" think that child sexual assault is okay, but instead think that people shouldn't be basically lynched for attractions they never would act on. If you think that sexuality isn't something you can control, and who you are attracted to is something you can't control, then it follows that a pedophile isn't to blame for being sexually attracted to kids. As long as they don't actually assault someone, obviously. Of course a pedophile might be more likely to offend than someone who isn't a pedo, since kids are more vulnerable than adults, but ultimately you should be judging people because they are rapists - not because they are pedos.


Thats fair enough, but I really do question the intentions of people who support a pride flag for pedophiles, and want to call it a sexuality instead of a harmful mental disorder


I'm an atheist so I'll be waving my "SCIENCE HATES PEDOS" sign with y'all


Science H Logic


No doubt in 5 years people will say "if a kid can choose their gender they can also consent to sex"


They are saying it now. What do you think purple is?


I like how people arent allowed to get tattoos until they are 18 because they cause permanent changes to the body.


Honestly the logic follows. There isn’t a single good reason to say someone has the maturity to decide they want life altering hormones and cosmetic surgery but not mature enough to consent to sex. It’s absurd on its face. To be clear I’m not purple and kids shouldn’t be able to consent to either of those things


‘MAPs’ can go and die, they take up too much space and GPS’ are better


Team GPS! Fuck MAPs.


I will die on this hill with you




Ban me if you must but I have no respect for Pedos. I only want to see them driven out of town and into jail.


>but I have no respect for MAPS. Don't use their words mate. They're **pedophiles**


What does map mean??


Acronym made up by pedophiles, stands for Minor-Attracted Person. Don't ever use it. They are simply disgusting pedophiles and that is it, they don't deserve to be called anything else that isn't a derogatory term




I only respect those who realize they have a problem and do not seek ways to normalize it.


Yes, there are people who realize they are afflicted with that and just surpress it and don't act on it. People who want to normalize it because they feel oppressed are just wrong.


But then they don’t seek therapy because they’re worried that a therapist will report them due to mandatory reporting laws, even if zero abuse has happened.


Yes that is a problem. Then again aren't therapists forbidden to do so unless they think they are a credible threat?


I don't know about the US, but at least in Germany it's actually illegal for them, except there is a credible threat


US as well as far as I gather. Patient-Doctor confidentiality. Unless they actually confess to a crime or are indeed a credible threat in the expert opinion.


Depends on what people see as a “credible threat.” To some (a lot?) of people, even an admission of feelings of pedophilia automatically equals a crime, and an accusation can completely ruin someone’s life, even if nothing has been done.


Those people don't call themselves "MAPS" tho


Thats actually exactly where it comes from. Psychologists use it to describe those people specifically, most people just assume it means actual predators, and some real predators have referred to themselves that way, which is why people seem to think this. It was never meant to legitimize child predators.


Like incel, another term that has a positive origin but got very quickly twisted into something bad.


Fun fact: Incel was coined by a woman to describe *herself*. Now it's used as a form of inverse slut shaming on men.


Well I am not an expert on that side of society nor I want to be :D


GPS is the way to go


I am so upset that i made this joke, scrolled down and saw another person make it


What else can you expect from Reddit admins and mods? There were literally child porn subs that weren’t shut down until the media and police got involved.




Where's PCM on the controversial subs list? \*sniff\* I thought we were controversial...


We have to get banned in order to get invited to the pro circuit. Right now we’re just a promising rising star


This sub is pretty tame in the grand scheme of things tbh. I don’t want to sound like a boomer but Reddit used to be pretty wild back 10 years ago. Most of the truly awful subs are either gone (like the jailbait one) or went private (like most of the beastiality ones).


I usually hate CNN but goddamn did they do the right thing here.


Even a broken clock knows pedos need to go to prison.


I’m not perfect, but even I can admit when someone like CNN gets something right. It’s just rare, and I assume that normally they’re fucking up due to their biases.




It’s now going the way of tumbler where they’re cracking down on any non-pc politics, but leaving the hardcore porn. Tumblr as you probably know became a site with tons of kids and tons of porn and not much else.


Reddit grew *because* of them, not in spite of them. The main driver of Reddit has always been porn, and before they were going around making their investment rounds, a lot of the larger subs were sketch. Every round, they’d cull a few


Jessica Ashooh, the senior director of policy, allows and openly advocates through actions for child sex specialists (aka g-slurs). The website is run by peds.


The fuck is g-slur? Are people afraid to say groomer now? wtf?


Grœmer, not using the actual double-o to avoid being flagged. My favorite alternate is pRedditor. They tried to say it was anti-LGBT but that’s like saying Monkeypox is racist.. all it does is invite the reply of “why the fuck do you associate this word with that group? Are you just showing a bigoted connection that others aren’t making? Doesn’t that just make you the bigot for wanting to police this word?”


When was this? Ive never even heard about that. Even 4chan doesnt tolerate cp


Basically everywhere. There were whole subs dedicated to it.


>were I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there still are whole subs dedicated to it.


I'm skeptical of this claim but I'm not sufficiently confident that you're wrong, which makes me far too scared to attempt to attempt to prove you wrong.


The really shite ones tend to be private, invite only kinda things. Say the right thing and have the right comment history and you will get an invitation.


I think they're talking about the jailbait subreddit, which was very revealing but technically not nude pics of underage girls, it got banned like a decade ago. If there are/were other pedo subs I don't know about them.




Wait bro what was it actually removed, holy shit


Ya check the pill




u/Darth-Plagueis1298 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Darth-Plagueis1298/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Too based for reddit.




Just got back from a three day ban for declaring my hatred of pedophiles and rapists. Who is Reddit trying to protect?


"who is reddit trying to protect?" The admins.




They literally hired and defended a pedophile already and only cared about it because the backlash got too great. It’s a guarantee other admins are also pedophiles who wanted to protect their own.




You know they’re terrified when they’ll ban you for saying a type of yard maintenance equipment.




Remember. They hired a known child rapist as one of their admins. Then banned anyone who pointed it out.




They obviously have it in for the woodchipping industry.


The admins






Okay Okay! Geez…


Same. Can’t even believe this is a political issue.




Pedos. MAP isn't real.


Works better for the pun though


see you on lemmy, Spez is a cancer -- mass edited with redact.dev




Hey man, my purple flair means I simp for fictional videogame characters, not children!


Username checks out ?


I sure hope so


Based and Klee is my Waifu pilled


NoOoOoOoO now people will think Klee is my waifu and not Amelie nOoOoOoO


Hmmm, she's not purple enough. Not believable


Fuck MAPS. Fuck pedophiles. And fuck protecting them. What the actual fuck?? Would rather be permabanned than pretend that maps AKA FUCKING PEDOPHILES are humans to begin with.


The day people started forgiving and accepting useless people was the day society went downhill. In a few more years we're going to have ~~progressive~~ nonce and rape apologist movements.


No sweaty, it's always white men's fault 💅


Apart from trans white men because trans people can never be wrong of course xx


If this subreddit supports pedos now then please ban me. They’re a sick group of degenerates who prey on children and will never gain my acceptance in society.


All of Reddit does. Mods and administration ban you for calling out pedophilia or mentioning how the Admins worked with an open pedophile willingly. It's not ok to say kill the pedos, but blatant misinformation and death threats on left and right wing political subs is fine and dandy




It actually happened near me a few months ago, a dead body found in a ditch, one arm severed, head bashed in, multiple Deep cuts from machetes and as if that was not enough.... A broomstick shoved up his ass Turns out the sack of shit had molested at least 3 Young Girls over the years and eventually he fucked with the wrong family


Wait was it the video about MAPs with the other three quadrants saying "wtf?"




Literally 1984, how was that promoting hate??? Was it something in the title?


That meme was clips of people defending pedophiles, accompanied by a simple “wtf” caption. It really says a lot that simply exposing their arguments to the light of day accompanied by “wtf” qualifies as hatred - it’s a tacit admission that their views are repugnant in and of themselves.


Reddit when you say "Fill right wingers with bullets": ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ Reddit when you call a convicted childfucker a "odep" reversed: 😡🤬😨🫣😱


Why do you have to reverse it? Are we not allowed to say pedophile now?


Bruh, that promotes hate, bruh.




They aren’t the only one, but linking articles is ‘doxxing’ and gets you banned.


Who cares, make an alt and come back with righteous fury


What’s crazy is that challenors partner was a moderator of all the lgbt subs. Kinda tells you how compromised all of the popular subs are


More importantly, they were a moderator for *underage* LGBT subs, including one that didn't go dark in solidarity with the rest. They were removed, but another new account was suspiciously made mod just afterwards.


ghislaine maxwell's reddit powermod account:




Based and we shall meet in Valhalla pilled.






Confirmed! Flair_Helper likes kids


Coward predditor mod hiding behind a bot to support pedos






Oh is this sub pushing pedophile tolerance now? If so, go ahead and ban me now you spineless bitch-ass pedo-loving moderators. MAPS ARE PEDOPHILES. THEY DO NOT DESERVE TOLERANCE OR ACCEPTANCE. THEY DESERVE DISGUST AND DISTRUST.


Admins have told the mods they have to. The real question is why do the admins want to normalize pedophilia?>!Because they are pedophiles!<


"It's my job" is not an acceptable reason to be morally wrong, especially when you're a fucking unpaid volunteer.


Based and good soldiers don't always follow orders pilled.




Rebranding pedos as “minor attractive persons” and legitimizing the behavior is the next logical step. I mean people are already arguing that a 12 year old can consent to life altering and sterilizing medical and surgical procedures to affirm their identity. If affirmation of identity matters above all else, who are we to question a “consensual” relationship between a 45 year old man and a 12 year old girl? Call it a slippery slope, but we said we would eventually end up where we are now back when it was just “leave us alone to do what we want in the privacy of our homes,” and now you can be fired or banned for using the wrong pronouns. I’ll probably be banned for this comment, which was completely uncontroversial and the universally accepted standard for essentially all of modern civilization until the last 5-10 years or so.


What the fuck is this timeline? Everything was going alright for like 20 years then boom


The ~~industrial~~ information revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


If you were sexually attracted to microwaves in the 1990s, you would grow out of it because you’d be a clear outlier. Now there’s probably an online community of a few dozen people from around the world with the same fetish a simple Google search away.




And so it begins.. pedophilia being normalized. Let's see how long it takes for the Overton Window to shift this time.


I was told the slippery slope doesn't exist? only a matter of time before corpse attracted person / animal attracted person becomes normal and accepted there must be an end to progressivsm, if people don't stand up now, then when?


Turns out that those who warned about a slippery slope with this kind of stuff were wrong. It hasn't been a slope - it's been a steep 90 degree cliff


My comment was removed too. Of all the things reddit has done, supporting predators has crossed the line. I have been progressive my whole life, but i will simply not allow the support of child abuse in this platform from the admins.


Arboreal mulching device






As the moderator of a sub about cartography I hate this acronym


#Indeed. Pedophilia is not an orientation because "child" is not a gender, and same goes for the other two


Predditors protecting their own people from criticism yet again lol Also love the standard comeback from the mods usually being 'hey uh, a new mod we hired messed up... Just a mistake lol' like yeah right, banning someone on a internet forum is just soooo confusing lol


“That’s promoting hate!!” Good.


Cletus, get the mulching equipment


Imagine defending pedos


Pedophillia is a crime against god and nature




Jannys going to protect groomers, great