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It's a shame some of you must die, but it's a sacrifice the right wing is willing to make. As far as Scotus goes, look, the confirmation for Clarence's latest luxury vacation "gift" just hit his inbox so he kinda had an obligation to pay his billionaire buddies back on this one. Just remember, nothing gets better until we throw every single useless Republican bum out!


There is no limit to the other peoples' lives the GOP will toss out to get what they want.


In this case, the chain of "what they want" is kinda weird. There's not a huge fortune in manufacturing bump stocks. So it's basically pandering to the rabid radical right wing to keep voting for the politicians that will do other things that enrich the GOP donor class (lower taxes, deregulation, etc).


The **real** rural right wing Americans get a handheld USA flag and 1 cheeseburger! The politicians get to keep 100% of the blood money they "earned". This is a stupendous trade! /s


I take a much more cynical view of “what they want.” And the bump stock perfectly fits with their goals. I believe they want the additional guns, bump stocks, high capacity magazine, and whatever other military gear reserved for the actual military in most countries, to be on the streets because of the fear it causes in people. Basically the only thing they campaign on is cutting taxes, stopping immigrants from invading, and law and order. On each issue they always try making it seem like things are so out of hand with Dems and everything is good when they’re in power. That’s because fear is the greatest motivator out of all the emotions. So as long as they have a population fearful and believing the other side is making them less safe than they’ll get votes no matter how deranged their overall platform is.


In my state, the state GOP proposed a bill to make the AR-15 our state's gun. This is insulting for several reasons, but chief among them is they proposed this on the same day a resolution was proposed/adopted for gun violence awareness week in the state where the victims' families of several school shootings in the state were in attendance. When adopting the resolution by voice vote, several republicans audibly voted against the gun violence resolution. It's also insulting because our state is known for its nature rich environments and hunting grounds. So if anyone wanted to name a gun as the state's gun, a 30 out six or a 30 30 would have been more appropriate choices. But of course this wasn't about anything more than pissing off democrats and dunking on the families in attendance because their children died in school shootings. It was enough to make every adult in the room disgusted by the GOP for a lifetime.


If it had been Alito's kid at Sandy Hook, you can bet he would have a different opinion. Their problem is they cannot care less until it hits that close.


I'm not sure he would because that would mean he would have to go against the money




Then the far-left can battle it out with the moderate-left for policy. One can dream...


"I won't get extremely rich being a supreme court justice just the opportunity to serve my country and affect how laws are enforced and if I don't get a lot of gifts from very rich people that bias me to decide in their favor I will quit wah wah"


It's crazy to me that bigotry is so powerful that Republicans want to abandon all progress just so they can live out their lives cozily immune from criticism of their hatred.


I believe bigotry is a tool to influence. The real ultimate goal is to deregulate and cut taxes. It’s all about the $. The more the overlords can scare the fearful the more money they make.


It's worse than that, your typical rich person wants all rules reversed pre 1945 so that the common man is just their cattle again.


They also want slaves because they're among the laziest, most degenerate, and morally bankrupt people on the planet.


Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.


I mean how many years has it been since that fucking psychopath killed dozens of people at a country music festival in Las Vegas using guns fitted with bump-stocks? Whatever that number is, I guess that's how long it takes something as evil as that to fade from public memory.. or something, idk.


Shrek reference acknowledged


Life imitates art far more often than art imitates life


Don't forget the Libertarians.


Fuck me that Clarence Thomas is such an asshole. He is the ultimate anti-MLK. He claims that black people all got hangouts and unfair help when he was the one who was given everything by relatives and was a beneficiary of all the civil rights battles that he did not personally see or take part in. The ultimate anti-MLK and the ultimate 'screw you I got mine!'


I despise republicans but I also know enough about guns and how they work to tell you that a bump stock is not a machine gun. Also, they're practically useless for anything except cosplaying and fucking around in the woods. You're probably less dangerous with a bump stock than you are without one.


Well, looks like the Overton window is hitting you on this one. I have put in my fair share of hours on the range, but using a wood stock instead cheap tactikewl. But watching the endless slaughter and the endless circling of wagons to protect the rights of the absolute worst to go on packing, adding to it the funneling of foreign cash into domestic politics over the issue, being excluded from the gang because I might vote for a democrat once in a while and frankly I'm fresh out of sympathy for the true believers anymore. When they start crying and whining, it's a damned good indicator the country is on the right track again.


They are worse than useless -they actively cause harm and death, yet call themselves “Christians” and “pro-life”


Thank ~~God~~ **Trump** for the Republican on the Supreme Court… We can look forward to him installing Aileen Cannon as the next associate “justice” (quid pro quo for delaying his trial) if he wins the election


Thank glitch McConnell. Remember, he didn’t allow Obama to fill a seat 11 months before an election because it was an election year yet they filled the seat 11 days before an election.


>11 days before an election. Before the federal election date, but recall many states had already begun early voting and mail in ballots were also already en route from the post office. So the election was literally underway when they seated her.


I’ll also thank the American voters who continue to vote for presidents like Trump because democratic ones like Clinton and Biden just don’t excite them enough. 


Blame the electoral college. Trump never won the popular vote


Related to the EC is the Senate. Low population states are already given undue influence, then even if the majority wins the Senate, they STILL can't win because they need a supermajority. If any house needs a supermajority it should be the HOUSE, since the large states have an advantage. I'm NOT suggesting that, just that it would make more sense there than in the Senate.


Dems don't have the cutthroat bitch slaps that the GOP does. Dems have a million little wins, but nothing so big and shocking as packing the court for one party for the next several decades.


He needed the backing of almost every GOP senator to get away with it. They are all complicit. 


**Any** republican would have appointed this shit. Happened to be trump in the white house. Every one of them will do this shit. They are rotten to the core.


While this is true, what distinguishes trump imo is that he would be the only one who openly expects them to pay him back through official acts while holding their seats.


He's pretty brazen with this payola shit, isn't he. At the end of the day, the republicans will jump into his smelly old lap.


It's not that he appointed conservatives, that IS to be expected, but he appointed partisans, and that's extremely rare. That's why in the past it wasn't unusual for Republican appointees to vote liberal and vice versa, because they WEREN'T partisan and could look at the facts.


The same would have happened with any Republican president. Don't let them off the hook.


Which is funny cuz Trump was the one who banned them in the first place. All his 2nd ammendment cultists ignore that, tho.




We can look forward to a lot of awful things if he wins the election.


Bush 1 gave us Clarence; Bush 2 gave us Sammy the 12th century sage.


What's funny is Trump was the one who banned bump stocks in the first place. Republicans said it was a great move to violate their second amendment rights for that. Now Republicans are in support of allowing Bump Stocks again


You do realize the Bumpstock ban was Trumps right? Also this was a legally correct ruling, this should've been legislated and not made up by the ATF in obvious overreach and stretching of the law. I mean look at Sotomayor's dissent, it basically boils down to "if it walks like a duck" with no legal defense and loaded with inaccuracies and misinformation. I'm not a bumpstock fan, binary triggers are more effective, legal, and allow for more accurate rapid fire from the AR platform but honestly the ATF didn't have any legal grounds to put this restriction in place without legislative grounds. Maybe we should be more angry the federal government didn't take action if this was such a needed restriction, or hell states. They could pass individual anti bumpstock laws right now. Why did we leave this upto the courts other then they knew it would eventually be overturned letting them look like they "did something" thus being able to have thier cake and eat it too.


>Thank God Trump for the Republican on the Supreme Court… We can look forward to him installing Aileen Cannon as the next associate “justice” (quid pro quo for delaying his trial) if he wins the electio Ironically it was Trump's Admin that passed the bump stock ban.


"Some of you will die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take." - Lord Farquaad, "Shrek"


Guns don’t kill people, textualism does -strict scrutiny pod


"Now I have a machine gun. Ho-Ho-Ho." -Hans Gruber


Hans said it, but McClane wrote it.


"Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." Is the actual quote.


26 U.S.C. § 5845(b) For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means: Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. ​ The supreme court chose a narrow view of this definition. Congress can change the law to include bump stocks. Not that that will happen anytime soon...


The Supreme Court chose to follow the law as written. Bump stocks allow for pulling the trigger faster than you can without one, but the weapon still fires only one round each time the trigger is pulled. I'm honestly pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to rule that the machine gun ban is unconstitutional.


> I'm honestly pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to rule that the machine gun ban is unconstitutional. There was zero chance of that ever happening for two reasons. One is that the NFA itself was not being challenged and two is that even the most "conservative" politicians and judges are terrified of being devoured by an angry mob of the masses just as much as Dems are. The NFA isn't going anywhere unless congress repeals it which has about as much chance of happening as Michael Jackson rising from the grave and flying to the moon.


"by a single function of the trigger" Is this just hard for people to understand or something? And there are single function triggers out there that you can easily out run the pace of a bump stock with as a bump stock is just stupid in regards to proper function. And we haven't even began to talk about binary triggers. All things that are perfectly legal. This bump stock thing is just knee jerk bullshit from those who clearly dont understand firearm functions or what is available on market. Thus why this hate for bump stocks when binary triggers are sitting on shelves ready to go This wont be the last one they undo. I expect suppressor to be addressed as well soon. Then SBR's.


Please don't draw attention to binary triggers.


I’m a liberal, but did you read the opinion? The Supreme Court is not meant to create laws, but rather interpret them. Alito said it clearly, “Congress must act.”


I do not understand the uproar over their ruling. A bump stock clearly is not a machine gun in any sort of definition, and it's not up to SCOTUS to change existing laws to make it one - it's up to Congress, and as you pointed out Justice Alito literally made a separate opinion saying Congress needs to change the laws. As much as everyone hates SCOTUS recently for the way they've reversed course on Roe v. Wade and all of the clear ethics violations that they get away with, they got this ruling right.


One could even argue that the legislature passed the buck on bump stocks the same as abortion...by never codifying it into law...


Legal interpretation is only important when it’s about something you support


Legal interpretation only seems important when it's about something you support.  Just like the first amendment. No one has a problem with legal interpretation when it suits them.  It's up to the Congress to properly legislate in a manner that leaves as few issues up for legal interpretation as possible.  The courts step in because Congress didn't do the job properly.  


I understand it. People are easily manipulated and didn’t actually pay attention to the ruling


You aren’t wrong in isolation, but that is literally true for most of their rulings. They are creating de facto laws because our government is so broken that Congress hasn’t agreed on anything in decades. They would have NO power over abortion, for instance, if Congress had ever enacted a law. Same with guns. Same with gay marriage. It’s all Congress’s job. So in reality, which has become very clear post-Trump, these are questions of law being decided along ideological lines, especially on the conservative side, who have stopped even pretending to care about legal justifications. So many “wtf, bro” dissenting opinions from the same minority these days. This decision was no different. Bump stocks, IMO, effectively turn a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic one, but a decision in either direction by the court was only a matter of finding legal justification. Which, as we’ve seen recently, a middle finger to America is basically enough these days. We have true believer fundamentalists and cynically corrupt old men running the show.


Other things Alito has said clearly: [In 2006](https://lawandcrime.com/supreme-court/each-of-the-five-reported-anti-roe-v-wade-justices-talked-about-abortion-during-their-confirmation-hearings-but-only-one-tipped-her-hand/), during his confirmation hearing: >Roe v. Wade is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. It was decided in 1973. So, it’s been on the books for a long time. It has been challenged in a number of occasions. And I discussed those yesterday. And the Supreme Court has reaffirmed the decision–sometimes on the merits; sometimes, in Casey, based on stare decisis. And I believe when a decision is challenged and it is reaffirmed, that strengthens its value as stare decisis. [In 2022](https://www.ilfoglio.it/esteri/2023/06/17/news/alito-roe-was-a-mistake-that-had-to-be-corrected-that-was-what-we-did--5398085/), with a conservative majority on the supreme court: >"Parliaments have enacted laws regulating abortion, saying that abortion is allowed in certain circumstances but not in others. Roe took all of that away from the legislators and took it all upon the Court. And that was just wrong. It was egregiously wrong, as I wrote. So, the mistake had to be corrected. That was what we did." I would have thought that a graduate from Yale Law School would have known what the phrase "egregiously wrong" meant *before* he was appointed to the supreme court. Just like I would assume he would know whether or not a flag of distress was being flown over his own home during a violently contested presidential election. Just like I would think that a wide deference to federal agencies, like the ATF, when they interpret statues in a way that is obviously fulfilling their purpose, is a good policy for a federal government overseeing the lives of hundreds of millions of people, rather than attempting to insert a court of 9 to micro manage every single politically charged issue. So either Alito is a genius above my ability to comprehend, or his own cognitive abilities in these regards have a convenient tendency to fluctuate wildly in direct accordance with his own political expedience at any given time.


Everyone thinks Scotus is working as intended when it rules in their political favour and is a redundant corrupt entity when it doesn't.


Congress writes laws. ATF enforces laws. This was government overreach. Congress needs to pass a law about it. That’s it!


Yes they just ruled the president cannot unilaterally sign gun laws into effect. Hopefully congress can ban them again


Instead of banning range toys that no serious firearm owner bothers with, what if we tried to tackle the root causes of violent crimes?


Then SCOTUS will overturn on 2A grounds.


Thank fuck someone has some sense. Alito said it perfectly in his concurrence: “I join the opinion of The Court because there is simply no other way to read the statutory language. There can be little doubt that the Congress that enacted 26 USC 5845(b) would not have seen any material difference between a machinegun and a semiautomatic rifle equipped with a bump stock. But the statutory language is clear, and we must follow it.” Goddamned SCOTUS, doing their job and accurately representing what a statute says even when it doesn’t fit the outcome they’d like to see. Fuckers should just legislate from the bench, that’ll solve it! (/s if that wasn’t obvious)


The people in this thread are so frustrating. They can’t think for a second about the consequences of just allowing the Executive to pass laws as it sees fit when it’s a thing they agree with.




They won't care until someone opens fire at the Congressional baseball game. Wait, that already happened?? Back in 2017?!?! And they still did nothing?!?!


Well, it was only practice.


I still can’t believe that didn’t stop this insanity.


Sandy Hook proved once and for all that they don't care. The only thing that would break the gun lobby's stranglehold on Congress would be someone getting through security at the Capitol and shooting up the right half of the House or Senate, and even then, they'd probably explain it away somehow. Steve Scalise would have died from a politically motivated shooting if not for some exceptional surgeons, and he's still the gun industry's strongest advocate.


[That’s why they ban guns at NRA conventions](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/25/1101181842/nra-trump-speech-guns-banned-houston) Oh the irony


For everyone under this comment saying "that's someone else's rules!" It's defacto the NRA's rules as it is fully their choice in booking speakers and booking spaces. If they were actually against the idea of gun bans or restrictions, then they would protect that idea with every choice they make. Spend their money only on spaces that allow weapons to be freely carried. Book anyone that would cause or stipulate no weapons to be remote only. The NRA are complete hypocrites because for all their blowhard nonsense, it is in their sole control to allow guns into their conventions and they actively choose not to.


There’s nothing Steve could do. He got the memo back in the ICU. His job depended on the status quo.


I've had a sneaking suspicion that's morphing into a certainty that not stopping school shootings is the point, as another prong in the attempt to destroy the public school system. If vouchers for private education stealing funding won't do the trick, maybe making public schools a target gallery will convince enough people to go for home/private schooling, making the public school system [small enough to drown in a bathtub](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Grover_Norquist).


Honestly I thought school shootings would do it. You'd think if there was an easy path to free political points, saving literal children would be one of them. Nope!


If Sandy Hook didn't move the needle, nothing will. The NRA won the war, maybe reasonable people can still win the occasional battle.


Man... Sandy hook happened 20 minutes away from my school high school. We went into lockdown shortly after because people were glued to the news, scared of it being something like a coordinated 9/11attack and saw a man with his hunting rifle heading towards the school. Turns out he had no clue about the shootings and just lived in that direction.... But Jesus christ. And then people like Jones get away with their horseshit?


Good news, the judge has given the green light for the state to start selling off Alex Jones assets to pay back the sandy hook families. Small silver lining.


Average Republican reactions to things: Pride flags in schools: "Oh my god! Think of the children! Save the children from the woke mob!!" Regular school shootings: "Meh, whatever." School shooting survivors advocating for gun control: "FUCK THEM KIDS!!! THEY DESERVE TO DIE!!"


No your not seeing the NRA’s big picture idea… Kid sized guns to protect there freedom with. How else are they supposed to protect themselves unless by there 2nd amendment right. Every preschooler should have a tiny shot gun for protection!!! /s


It has to be *their* children before they get it, just like it has to be their wife dying, or their 12 year old pregnant before they understand the right to abortion.


Even then, “the only moral abortion is my abortion”


While also kicking and screaming about abortion because “BABY MURDER” and yet


I always thought a policy to give newborns a government subsidized handgun upon birth would play well within the right wing sphere.


Yeah, but that’s both a handout and communism :P


If that’s the case then why haven’t more Mass shootings involved bump stocks. Don’t get me wrong, I agree that there is little use to a bump stock but they haven’t been prevalent in mass shooting scenarios except for Vegas. These weren’t off limits before and mass shooters weren’t using them. You are suggesting that NOW that they are legal again, it’s going to be the norm when it wasn’t the norm for mass shooters before they were illegal. I don’t understand the logic Like switches on hand guns which are completely illegal and still used every day by criminals in Chicago to murder each other? Making something illegal only increases the black market for the product and will not stop criminals from getting their hands on them.


I literally had a right-wing nut job once tell me in response to my comment about the rise in school shootings: “We can always create more children. But our rights, once they’re gone…they’re gone.” Refering the 2nd amendment. What a wack job.


For the record, I don't believe in the revised "originalist" take of "the 2nd amendment exists to protect the first. __However__ when you have blatantly corrupt justices with lifetime appointments who are activity working to overthrow democracy; well I legitimately cannot think of a better use case for what they say the 2A is for than that. I'm at a point where I'm hoping for some patriot with less to lose than I do will take care of business.


Bump stocks provide a major reduction in accuracy. They have no use other than mass shootings.


Maximum damage for minimum effort. It's much more efficient as you get to kill more people in a shorter time. Pure genius. /s just in case.


Something no ammosexual has been able to rationally answer: why do you need any kind of weapon that is capable of dispatching such absurd levels of bullets in a short time? Like, are you expecting a literal cartel to invade your basement, or hunting Rambear with his own arsenal? Hunting/self defense is well covered by guns with low capacity/single fire limitations, and both of those SIGNIFICANTLY reduce casualty potential if used against citizens.


This might come as a suprise to you but people also shoot guns for fun. It's like limiting the top speed of cars to 80mph because no one would need to go any faster...


This might come as a surprise to you, but speed limits exist.


Speed limits exist as a rule. A stock car normally doesn't have a speed Governor that will force it to remain below 80mph.


Yes, which is why whenever the analogy of automobiles is brought up in any discussion involving firearms, it is blatantly redundant to do so.


Full auto for a light rifle (which is an AR-15 and the like) is only good for things like firing randomly into a crowd. Back in the 80's the Army changed an M16 to have a three round burst because an M16 on full auto becomes useless when you can't control it and actually aim at something.


Former Marine Marksmanship Instructor here. We don't even use burst. Semiautomatic is just better for everything except suppressing fire, which is why we would typically have a machine gunner in a fire team (4 man team). When you're actually in a combat scenario, ammo is precious. I'm not gonna ratta-tat my way to an empty mag when I can actually engage with accuracy using semiauto.


Airforce still has burst. Most of us prefer semi though.


To clarify, we still have the option on the M16, we just don't use it.


The only time I remember using burst is when we had a bunch of old ammo to get rid of and they told us to go wild on the range.


You guys always got to wear the coolest hats!


Love my pith helmet, I used to bring it on field ops, it was clutch.


The Army has since changed to the M4, which has semi-auto and fully automatic so I'm not sure what your point is


They went to the 3 round burst because they thought they could save on training, when in reality just training someone to control full auto is about the same work and is a lot better overall.


Are you telling me that people can't write on the walls with machine guns fired from a hip? My whole childhood has been a lie! /s


Pfft... the Canadian Military started using burst, standard,so the States copied us... haha. Has to be true.


[>A spent case deflector was incorporated into the upper receiver immediately behind the ejection port to prevent (hot) cartridge cases from striking left-handed users.The action was also modified, replacing the fully automatic setting with a three-round burst setting. When using a fully automatic weapon, inexperienced troops often hold down the trigger and "spray" when under fire. The U.S. Army concluded that three-shot groups provide an optimum combination of ammunition conservation, accuracy, and firepower.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M16_rifle) Kind of why? I had always heard it's because they were trying to save money. i.e. full auto = waste more bullets, 3-round/semi = waste less bullets. So I had to Google to see


The ruling also makes zero sense. Alito straight up admits that a bump stock would've been considered a machine gun if it existed when the machine gun ban was implemented. It's the most pedantic, inconsistent ruling that is just so blatantly partisan. The hack partisan right wing will invent whatever legal justification to back their decisions. It's originalism when you need to justify what some old fogeys in 1700 thought a fire arm was (yeah totally a bad slow machine gun means they would've allowed people to carry them around) but it's strict text when you need to define what a machine gun in in a law. Fucking stupid


What makes zero sense of "This is how you guys defined 'machine gun', and bump stocks don't match that definition, so if you want to ban bump stocks you have to go through the correct process instead of arbitarily declaring it overnight"?




People can cry all they want, but this ruling is sound. A bump stock does not make a weapons a machine gun. If congress wants to ban bump stocks, they will need to pass legitimate legislation instead to trying to rely on a poorly writing executive order to protect us. I lay this failure squarely on the feet of our Representatives. They had 5 years to pass legislature that would solidify the bump stock ban, but just like abortion they decided not to do anything because it would have been difficult to get passed.


Considering that the Las Vegas shooting is the only one I can find reference to bump stocks being used I'd say they don't even have a use for that. I really don't care about whether or not bump stocks are banned (banning them was nothing more than a cheap political move meant to shutdown any conversations about actual gun control) but I don't think the shooter not having them would have made him any less deadly. Like, I'm pretty sure the main reason why the Las Vegas shooting was so deadly was because the guy was shooting into a packed crowd of concert goers from an elevated position. He probably could have still killed a score of people if all he had was revolutionary war era musket.


They dint even have a use in mass shootings seeing that it has been used in only one, even then it wasn't like it contributed to an increase of injuries or death


Im not sure about this opinion. Heres why: Pistol stocks are often banned. They literally only serve to increase accuracy, which you would think you would want because accuracy means lower chances of bystanders being hit. What Im saying is we need less hard and fast rules/logic and more lets sit down and think about the implications logic. As for bump stocks, they exist to let a normal joe do machine gun fire when they cant afford a legal machine gun (which are ungodly expensive/basically for rich people). The use is fun. The incidental is that they are good for mass shootings. I think a reasonable passable solution could be limiting the locations where these can be, but ultimately, bump stocks are simple mechanisms, and frankly anyone with 2 brain cells can make a semi auto rifle into a full auto rifle.


My understanding is that they are right. It's not a machine gun as defined by any law. It has nothing to do with them being Republicans. It has to do with the ATF banning something without a legal reason to do so. Law enforcement agencies enforce the laws. They don't create them, and they can't just ban something because they think it's bad by calling it something that it isn't. I get why people are upset. I don't like bump stocks. They should be banned. So they should pass an actual law to ban them. If we should be upset with anyone, it's our dysfunctional Congress for not doing this the right way so it wouldn't be overturned.


The law very clearly defines what a machine gun is and is not. Bump stocks are, by definition, not machine guns and SCOTUS is merely affirming the law as written by Congress with this decision. Words have meanings, and to claim that SCOTUS got this wrong is to claim that laws should be arbitrarily enforced in ways other then they are written, which is lunacy.


I really wish people would understand that the Supreme Court did not strike down a ban on bump stocks, they ruled that the ATF, and other government agencies, do not have the ability to pass laws. Only Congress, and by extension the Senate, has that ability. I know that people like to follow their emotions on gun stuff, but misrepresenting what happened while at the same time failing to understand why this ruling is so very necessary is typical reddit


Stop being a buzzkill man, we're in the middle of a "republicans legalize mass shootings" circlejerk here.


I see a lot of people arguing about these laws and stuff but just for me personally any amount of laws doesn’t stop criminals from doing illegal things


People forget that creating more laws will create more criminals. More criminals, the more control our country has over the people. The more power our country has over the people, the less freedom and liberties we will have. Yes, people will do bad shit, but pretending that laws will stop people is like pretending that our government cares about us. Our Constitution is meant to protect us from our government, while many people thinking giving up those rights will protect us from harm… when all it will do is to give more opportunities for the criminals…


Well it’s not a machine gun. Matter of fact, the wording on gun control is so fucking stupid that it creates these political loopholes. The bottom line is, guns are tools designed to kill. Period. People with violent crime history, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, unstable mental health conditions, should not be able to have one. There needs to be a test and license for responsible gun owners. Part of that ownership needs to be mandatory police led shooting courses, and first aid training, much like continuing education for medical professionals. You wanna cosplay as the military? Go play with air soft. Leave the real shooting to the adults.


> mandatory police led shooting courses Police are the last people I'd trust to teach responsible gun ownership...


go ask anyone on the line during quals. they often need to clear the range to get cops to pass.


Yeah.. I don’t want to pick up any bad habits from shooting with them.




Yeah the entire point of bump stocks is that they facilitate the loophole (automatic weapon means one trigger pull for multiple shots, bump shooting is still one trigger pull per shot). Bump shooting can be done without a bump stock, it's just easier to bump shoot with a bump stock. There are better ways to make a semi auto gun full auto, they're just illegal. In the sense of reading the law as it's written, SCOTUS was right. It's more that the law itself is too narrowly defined, because *in effect* there's little difference between a full auto mod and a mod that lets you fire a semi-auto at a high rate without using only your finger to do so. But the NRA isn't going to let any conservatives add any more gun regulation.


You were incorrect on one point.  Machine guns and other NFA items are not illegal.  You have to file an application, pay a $200 tax, and pass a  background check.  A machine gun is a firearm. The second amendment is clear that your right to own one can not be infringed. You just have to pay a tax to own it.  


1. That is merely for the *ownership* of automatic weapons. Additionally with that license you may only purchase automatic weapons that were added to the NFA registry *before 1986* (when they were made illegal to manufacture for public sale). It's effectively a grandfather clause. 2. To *modify* newer guns into full automatic, you need a different, much harder to get FFL license to do so, and even then the guns belong to your FFL and not yourself personally. Doing so without this is in fact illegal. 3. The fact that you need to perform these steps to modify an automatic weapon makes the statement "There are better ways to make a semi auto gun full auto, they're just illegal" more or less correct.


>People with violent crime history, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, unstable mental health conditions, should not be able to have one. This is already federal law.


'cept the executive branch started quietly charging domestic abuse cases as battery after that inconvenient testimony about 40% of cops in the 90s. We almost got a change to that a few years back but it died in congress thanks to the party you'd probably guess would block it.




What is the problem with just writing the laws technically correct? A coconut is not a hammer just because it's hard and I can smash something with it. And a bumpstock is not a machine gun. If you write street code for RED RACECARS to prevent speeding, because all you can think about when people talk about fast cars is a Ferrari, then don't be disappointed when a LIMOUSINE is running down the street at 200. If it was your intention to have the law being effective on a certain speed then just write it for "*any vehicles above a speed of 200 or higher*". I have total sympathy for gun laws and restrictions, but a "machine gun" is a very certain type of weapon. If you fail in front of the court because you actually meant something different, then it's the fault of the person writing the law. Phrase it like *"any gun with a possible cadence of X shots/minute or more, or any accessory allowing a gun to reach or surpass that limit". (Because bump stocks are not the only accessory allowing that).* There you go, just stop using defined terms that you don't understand and therefore use wrongly in the process. Similar goes for the dreadful "assault rifle" term. Is a gun less 'dangerous' when it was not designed for the army (not for ASSAULT) when it technically does the same? Why is an AR 15 semiauto in .22LR seen as more dangerous then a Springfield M1A in ~~7.65~~ 7,62 while the opposite is more to the point? Just because the later looks 'old' with the wooden shaft, while we have seen the first ones silhouette in action movies? A big problem of the regulators side, that constantly makes them the laughing stock in public is that they don't know what they are talking about. Some politicians are like kids talking about "*shooty things bad*". Witch is partially not wrong, but utterly unprofessional and thereby hurting the cause.


Literally change the statute. It by the definition of the NFA is not a machine gun.


Machine guns have a specific definition in federal law. Bump stocks don't meet that definition. this really isn't hard to understand. Unless you're anti gun and don't bother to read the law, the case, or know what a bump stock is. Then it's very hard to understand. But that's your fault.


Source: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/opinions/machine-gun-by-any-other-name-supreme-court-column-galant/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/16/opinions/machine-gun-by-any-other-name-supreme-court-column-galant/index.html)


question: has a bump stock been used in any school shooting thus far?






Not a school shooting, but the 2017 Las Vegas shooter used multiple rifles equipped with bump stocks. Deadliest mass shooting in US history and basically the reason these were banned originally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock


Bad law is a bad law. Now did SCOTUS do it because it was unconstitutional or to appease assholes? Yes.


Wasn't even a law. Using the ATF or EO to ban something isn't okay. The neither the president or the ATF can unilaterally make a law. Only congress can make a law and only congress can decide what gets banned. This is the same shaky shit that Roe v Wade was based off because congress couldn't get off their ass and codify it into law.


No, this is more in line with west virginia v epa than it is the over turning of r v w.


I was just referencing things we take for granted as law but because they were enacted on a shaky legal basis they can get fucked without congress actually doing its job. WV v EPA is also a good example.


Am I conspiratorial for thinking SCOTUS approved it in hopes more shootings will occur, to make Biden look bad? Or is this in preparation for the election.


Yes. You sound like a quack. Any new shooting with a bump stock would create a massive outcry of anger towards the conservative party it would massively help Biden, not harm his election chances.


It would boost gun sales due to fear mongering on the right about gun bans


They made the ruling because the people that pay them told them to rule that way


Or because bump stops don't make a rifle into a machine gun nor are they a machine gun by definition of how they operate under the way the 1986 law was written. Bump stocks aren't machine guns so they got it right. Congress has the ball now.


You obviously read the ruling. 🙄


Yes. I don't think conspiratorial thinking is necessarily bad, but the fact is they were banned using the *wrong legal process*. They were banned by executive order, when they should have been banned by legislation.


I thought the Roe vs Wade deal was a bit too coincidental being right before the midterms. Had the overturn been after the election I feel the outcome would have bee different


Scotus can only rule on the law as it's written. The ATF violated the law with the bump stock ban and so they had no choice but to reverse the ATF rule. This change would need to come from congress before it could be enforced.


Is everyone in this thread just dumb or bots? This was overturned because this law was made unilaterally by the president, who happened to be Trump at the time, mind you. It's not that anyone doesn't want bump stocks to not be banned, but the law made falls outside the president's power. Laws are to be made by Congress and the Senate, not the POTUS. For all you conservative haters, do you really want someone like Trump making laws at his sole discretion? This is a win for the American people. Now, Congress can make an actual law that will not be overturned. Dumbasses, the vast majority of responses here, just dumbasses.


Every gun murder is sponsored by Republicans.


"We'll be right back with GOP proceedings, but first a brief message from our biggest longtime sponsor the NRA!"


The scotus ruling is about government overreach outside their purpose and not bump stocks. Congress could easily pass a law banning them




Look, I get some people who don't like guns, but banning bump stocks was incredibly stupid. Bump stocks were kind of pointless to begin with, "bump firing" has existed since semi auto firearms were created, and litterally, anyone can bumpfire a rifle without a fancy bump stock.


SCOTUS blows but Congress should be doing their jobs.


Well, you see, each pull of the trigger is a separate function, the bump stock is just you know, a machine you put on top to make the function automatic -- completely different from a machine gun!


A bump stock is not automatic one trigger pull is still required for each shot


You've hit the nail on the head. This is not even a 2nd amendment issue because the device is not a firearm.  The only legislation that applies here is the National Firearms Act. This act gives the ATF authority to regulate and tax different types of weapons including short barrel rifles and machine guns. Neither of which is illegal. You have to file an application, pay a $200 tax, and pass extensive background checks.  "For the purposes of the National Firearms Act the term Machinegun means: Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger The frame or receiver of any such weapon Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively or combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, or   Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person." So simply put the device does that meet the regulatory definition of a machine gun. Therefore the ATF has no power to create rules determine it as such. They are not a legislative body that can make laws.  Congress is well within thier power constitutionally to regulate firearm attachments.  This is not infringing on anyone's right to own a firearm. NAL but this really isn't a 2nd amendment issue. 


Conservative politicians hate people. Kids especially.


Nonsense. They love the unborn ones, and then the ones that can enlist when they come of age.


Lol, looks like you hit a sore spot with this factual observation. Republicans voting to end school lunches, end affordable health care help for kids, voting to end funding educations (like Florida not funding any form of the Arts in public schools this year), and voting to literally end public education. While also violently fighting over banning abortion and birth control. Which when you put side by side with voting (as always) for increased military spending and many sitting legislators both calling for a lowering of the draft age and raising of voting age... literally between birth and the time they can kill and die for the country, republicans have shown they don't actually care as long as you are straight and dressing how they say.


I owe a lot of credit for this observation to George Carlin. [George Carlin on Pro-Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfhaea-3YbI)


Until they become veterans. Then they stop caring about them again.


Ask Congress to pass a law…the definition of a machine gun is specific and identifiable. It’s enshrined in law. Change that law.


Just fyi, you don't need the stock to bump fire or any special equipment.


To be honest, I'd rather be on the receiving end of a ar-15 with a bump stock than without, most of these shooters are already really inaccurate.


I’d take my old Ruger 10-22 varmit rifle over an AR15 with a bump stock if I was forced to defend myself from another man with a gun 100 feet away.


To be fair, if bumpstocks were used, there'd be far fewer deaths... they're straight garbage. They're not wrong, they aren't a "machine gun", they're a really shitty novelty item that got a bunch of attention but nobody actually uses because they're trash.


Can they not shoot that much with a single fire weapon? Does it only shoot 1 shot then there done? Or can they keep shooting and reloading even with a single fire shot weapon? Curious im from a country with no guns.


I guess now that his kid is out of high school trump dont care they overturn his bump stock ban. The hell with all the other kids right?


At least they're playing Dubioza Kolektiv.


I know trying to bring logic here is a waste of time, but why aren’t you mad at Congress. The Supreme Court applied Congress’s law, if you don’t like the result, change the law.


Clay Jones is among the best. Making a great point as usual.


Gotta keep the Kleptocracy going.


SCOTUS cares about money and keeping republicans in power. That's it.




moRonica a place where guns have more rights than humans..


Bodies of our children killed in their schools should be sent directly to SCOTUS and placed directly on the floor of the courtroom in front of the bench. Let them face the consequences of their hatred and bias.


I'd rather have someone empty their whole magazine on my using a bump stock than someone taking 4 well aimed shots at my normally. Bump stocks are not nearly as dangerous as they are made out to be and not even required to shoot many firearms in a high rate of fire, I have seen people achieve this by bouncing a handgun off their fat belly as they fired. Fuck our current SCOTUS and everything that has lead it to this point of course.


Legitimately, what is the point of buying/selling bump stocks? As far as I’m aware, they increase rate of fire in exchange for loss of accuracy. That sounds like a modification specifically made for increasing damage to crowds. That sounds like it’s specifically for mass murders.


A reminder, individual gun ownership has only been protected since a 2008 ruling that reversed the last 200+ years of rulings that you don’t have that right. And EVEN in that 2008 ruling, Scalia very specifically put in a clause declaring “dangerous and unusual” firearms were NOT protected by their ruling. He refused to define “dangerous and unusual” but the majority were quite clear they were leaving room open to automatic and semi-automatic weapons that had no purpose beyond killing lots of people like in a war…or a civilian massacre. Took just over 15 years for the even more extreme SCOTUS to remove even that caveat. Not hard to imagine we will soon long for the days AR-15s were the worst things to worry about. (To be clear, EVERYTHING in that 2008 majority ruling was pulled directly out of the conservative judge’s ass and had no bearing in the 2nd amendment. It was them just rewriting the 2nd Amendment as THEY wanted it to read. The “dangerous and unusual” part was added because even they realized how out of hand it would get if any lunatic had the ability to instantly take dozens of lives [my read of their reasoning as they included NO Constitutional support for including that caveat])


No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776 I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery. – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787 A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined… – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both Houses of Congress, January 8, 1790 The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country. – James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789 Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops -Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787 Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun. – Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778 What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty …. Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins. – Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789 The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. – Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776 As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms. – Tench Coxe, Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789 The militia, who are in fact the effective part of the people at large, will render many troops quite unnecessary. They will form a powerful check upon the regular troops, and will generally be sufficient to over-awe them – Tench Coxe, An American Citizen IV, October 21, 1789 Arms in the hands of citizens (may) be used at individual discretion…in private self-defense… -John Adams, 1788 A Defense of the Constitution of the Government of the USA, p.471 A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves . . . and include all men capable of bearing arms. . . To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms… The mind that aims at a select militia, must be influenced by a truly anti-republican principle.- Richard Henry Lee Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation.. (where) ..the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. – James Madison (Federalist Papers #46) …but a million armed freemen, possessed of the means of war, can never be conquered by a foreign foe. – Andrew Jackson in his first Inaugural Address, 1829 The burden of the militia duty lies equally upon all persons; – Rep. Williamson in Congress, 22 Dec 1790 (Elliot, p423) But sure, 2008 only.


They are too old to care about children. Especially when the planet is overrun with 8bn people who will soon kill each other over ................water.


We shall not violate the bodily autonomy of... guns!


why does literally no one understand this ruling? its more about departments full of unelected people don't' have the authority to make laws.


Joke’s on you: SCOTUS also said school segregation is fine, so this cartoon is unrealistic


Joke’s on you: SCOTUS also said school segregation is fine, so this cartoon is unrealistic


When did the scotus say school shootings are ok?


One of the most important cartoons I’ve seen here and it’s not one bit funny. Thanks to whomever drew this. I’m honestly perplexed after reading the legal argument of the ATF. Congress’ law basically defined a machine gun to involve the gun itself executing what it needs to fire the next round. A bump stock lets you hold your finger in place and the gun’s movement executes the firing of the next round… and the next… and the next. Very much in line with the definition. Apparently the ATF overstepped its bounds by qualifying bump stocks as a machine gun - semantically, a semi automatic rifle with a bump stock is the machine gun and the bump stock itself is a bump stock, but in practice… this scotus just sucks.


Should it come as a surprise from a court which doesn't understand how a fucking comma works.