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Thanks for sharing. Can you describe any information about the stock footage, what's the context, and where to obtain this footage now? Thanks!


It's in a netflix documentary called "Hitler and the Nazis" at 16:25 of episode 2.


Initially I was like oh great another Nazi doc, but it was truly fascinating and definitely worth a watch.


I KNOW RIGHT. I thought it was just going to be a rehash of the same ole, same ole. But noo, it is truly insightful, with little-known but super significant facts about not just the Nazis but the mind state of the German society at that time. So neat, how they tied together the great depression that we started and the rise of the Nazis. Without the American banks crashing, there would have never been an economic environment for Hitler's message to take hold. Talk about irony.....


Damn I'm watching this


So are the banks going to be crashing so trup can win?


We’re in the middle of a cost of living crisis due to inflation due to Covid19 disrupting supply lines and the rental/housing market, along with Air BnB removing rental supply. The banks don’t need to crash.


This show is fire, yo. I was embarrassed to tell my partner how stoked and fascinated I was... learning about the nazis 😅 I feel like I learned a lot and I paid attention in high school/college. The Trump comparisons were just ever so slightly over the top for me - at one point a lady calls the Berghof "Hitler's Mar-a-Lago, if you will". I thought the parallels they show without saying his name were a lot more effective. (Like the similar contours of the movements' grievances, and his demagogue techniques) Overall it was still p great. The framing of it through the perspective of US reporter Shirer who was in Berlin for much of that time, I thought was really compelling and made it easy to follow.


I noticed that too. Sometimes, they went too far with trying to make comparisons. That "Hitler's Mar-A-Lago" line took me all the way out. That shit was not necessary in the least bit.


Yeah -- I think there was enough legit similarity to make the comparison without that. People downvoting me -- I agree orange man indeed bad. I'm saying he's enough like Hitler that viewers can figure that out without being hit upside the head with it. And doing it overtly like that is bound to shut down people's reasoning if they came into it neutral or positive toward him.


Absolutely. It gets me to wondering... Did they use AI to subliminally modify that section of the stock footage so that Hitler "slightly looks like Trump", hoping that some of us would see it? The bias is obvious throughout the 3 episodes that I've watched. Hate to go down that mind bending rabbit hole, but hell..they used AI to bring Shirers voice back!!! You never know.


Can’t believe how much he looks like Trump in this photo.


Trump has practiced Hitler's mannerisms since he was a child. Just like reading his quotes before bed according to the late Ivana.


Hence why I won’t be voting third-party this November.


That disgusting TRUMP SCOWL ![gif](giphy|VdPLnocwp32P9sc9eK)


I thought that was Leia for a second


I guess history does not teach a person to learn from its mistakes.


Yup....starting to feel the exact same way. It doesn't repeat but it rhymes. This image is incredibly creepy and is basically a stark warning to us all.


Mystery rhymes with history