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I’ve had big dogs my whole life- living in houses with gardens. Then I bought my first apartment so I decided to get a small breed as I thought it would be most fair on the dog. I researched a lot and in the end I decided on a Pomeranian. I’m not gonna lie, I was sceptical. He turned out to be THE BEST DOG I’ve ever had. The smartest, happiest, funniest, cleverest, obedient and perfect dog ever. The most loyal friend I’ve had. I have deeply loved all my dogs but my pom just blew me away. I didn’t think it was possible to love a dog even more than I’d loved all my dogs, and I feel a little guilty saying it, but the connection I had with my Pom is unmatched. He could understand everything, we had long conversations and he would just listen and hold that eye contact the entire time. He could name all his toys, all our family members…we communicated by just a look, a gesture, I could tell exactly what he wanted by just looking at him.. he was like putty in my arms, he trusted me completely, it’s like we were One. I have never felt closer to another soul in my entire life. He had my whole heart and complete devotion and I had his. His emotional intelligence was out of this world. All the myths (less intelligent, harder to train, less devoted etc) I’d heard about small dogs were immediately crushed. Pomeranians are to this day my favorite breed, though I do love all dogs, there is something extra special about poms. Your puppy will hit adolescence and test the waters, but poms are just wonderful spirits with big personalities. He will add so much joy to your life, especially when he has found his place and purpose! Congratulations on your new little perfect family member, it’s such a blissful time. ..Woah, this was long but really I could go on and on about my beloved boy. I lost him last year and I still mourn him and miss him every single day.


Honestly you summarised exactly how I felt about my pom. They have a big dog personality mixed with the intelligence of a cattle dog all in a small size, and they're loyal as fuck. I mourn my girl every day too, the pain of losing a friend like that cuts especially deep. RIP our babies, I hope they're having fun across the rainbow bridge with all the other doggies chasing balls and causing mischief 💚


Wow, you really nailed all of the incredible qualities that these beautiful little creatures have. My boy is the most amazing dog I’ve ever had. He’s 13 now, and I can’t imagine life without him, yet I know that it’s coming within the next few years, and so it’s all I can do to keep away those thoughts of losing him. I really don’t know how I’ll be able to cope! So sorry for your loss, and I hope you’re doing OK now. ♥️💔


I couldn’t have said it better myself! My little Pom is my best friend and love of my life. 💕


Ask him to come back to you and I think he will. Ask him for signs ! To lead the way back to him :)


Wow! How old was he when you got him, and where did you get him from?


He’s just laying low to lull you into complacency. Then BAM— he’s gonna bust out as the tyrant he is. Amiright?


When we first got our Daisy Mae she was very sweet. Never barked at anyone or anything. When someone knocked on the door nothing. I was so happy as our last one was so yappy. Now at 10 months she barks at everyone and everything. Granted. She had a really bad start. She fractured her growth plates and has been through three surgeries. It's been 6 months and she is finally almost back to normal accept for the barking. She never had a chance to socialize so we are starting from scratch. I think we may need a trainer. But since your is not a puppy your probably good. I love our pom to death, would not trade her for anything but I just wish she could enjoy a walk or enjoy meeting new people.


I hope the best for her 🙏


😊 thanks




It’s hard to know since not all Poms are created equal. In general, Poms are great dogs, but they can be a bit anti social. I would say you might’ve hit the dog lotto if he’s friendly. My purebred Pom is very friendly/loves people and I can tell you it’s rare.


Well, not to rare. My Pom Brutus https://preview.redd.it/mr3d7dthoa0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32e237c6a95658e854b07a82eafdb27645372a06 Loves everyone and everything… except for this fox that decided to set up its den near my property. Brutus HATES that fox and in true Fox fashion, he/she likes to sun themselves 5 feet away from my fence and taunt Brutus.




Definitely do the DNA test because that looks like a full pom! Also it’s fun to see all their family connections!


You sure that's a mix? SO CUTE!!


This picture is too good, love it so much!! He looks like an absolute joy 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/099z945ipd0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6efb2153d397e325dd45fcbbc7036af580084ffa Looks and behaves like Luna. She's 7 months old and she can already go on walks off leash. She is a bit stubborn when it's time to go inside but she won't stay out alone. Our vet here in Austria told us she's 100% Pom so I do believe yours is too.


Mine just snipped at me cuz I was pitting him in his crate🙄 I'm not ashamed to say mines snotty but he also has sweet moments and is with me 24/7


Lol! Ours will growl if we dare pet her when she’s napping ok couch! 🙃


Same. I will get growled at for moving too much in bed. Ask me how many times have I replied with “this is MY bed”.




Haha, mine is a tiny tyrant who rules with an iron fist and no remorse, but I do love her. She is very cuddly when it fits into her schedule though.


This is my 12 year old male, he even rules over my 75 pound Doberman, who is 4 years old. But he is the sweetest pup I've ever had.


Exactly! We have one boss bitch in our house-and it ain’t me! 😂


My dog was perfectly behaved, and then she realized I love her unconditionally. So now she bosses me around because she knows I’m a pushover.


Not all poms are the same, but these traits sound similar to mine. I have one that is more timid and shy…the other more brave and outgoing.


I’m on my third Pom and each one was different. My first a boy, was super smart, funny and was very communicative. My second a girl, was confident, barked and not as cuddly but lovable. My third is timid, rarely barks but barks at people when they come in the house and is very attached to me. When my second was alive, the second and third barked all the time. When the second died, the third stopped barking! Unfortunately none of them bonded.


How sad, How could somebody put him in the shelter! I'm so glad that you are giving him a new life! He will bless you immensely!


Unfortunately Poms tend to be popular with older people, and that leads to Poms often outliving their owners.


That's how my baby is except he does bark alot as soon as we go outside without him.


Simple rules to follow so you can survive your Pom. Rule #1. You don’t own a Pom the Pom owns you. Rule #2. See Rule #1.


We have a four month old Pom and she’s very lovey unless it’s close to dinner time she becomes extremely bossy. She snuggles when she wants to but usually when we go to bed she likes to sleep down by my legs.


Mine literally tried to leave with the mailman today, he loves his car rides


I would say yes to a lot. They are usually very loud and barky though


Wally is extremely friendly and wants to meet every single person he sees! He’s such a sweet boy. He does get sassy and into trouble getting into things he knows he shouldn’t though! Overall though he is the sweetest dog I’ve ever known😊


Poms are not anti social like everybody is saying. Poms are possessive! So they act anti social sometimes just because they don’t want to share you! They yap because they want you to know there’s a danger! lol your new Pom could either not have this trait because of the mix or just needs to latch on to you as their forever person before these traits show up…


Our boy is 8...some of the best years I've ever had. I've had dogs continuously for more than 60 years; big, small, all kinds of breeds. I wish I had discovered Poms from the start. He's a charmer, VERY smart, well behaved, full of personality and happiness. They are wonderful little companions


Last year I too rescured a Pom of 3 years old. I’ve had dogs all my life and she is by far the sweetest most loving dog I’ve ever had.


My first pom was like that, absolutely LOVED the world, the vet, random people riding motorcycles. Seriously the embodiment of “there are no strangers, only friends I haven’t met yet.” Our current pom is much more scared. He loves us to death but any loud noise or stranger and he’s behind us until he’s sure it’s safe for him. Both lovey babies but different ends of the spectrum


You forgot a picture!!! My daughters full Pom loved frisbee and walks and agility and scent detection. He is terrified of bicycles but that’s probably because he was raised on a farm and didn’t see such bizarre things for a while. He loves kids and people too. Doesn’t seem to like border collies but I think that’s because a border collie puppy got near him at his first agility trial and he was a bit overwhelmed (plus it was a very hot day). He loves other Poms and most dogs but prefers small. We don’t see many dogs where we are. Poms are a very smart breed BUT most people raise them as lap dogs and that makes some of them very angry while others are okay with it.


My pom barks... a lot... at everything. Phones goes, she barks. Doorbell goes, she barks. I get up and run somewhere, she barks. People visit, she barks. She doesn't like other dogs near her or she'll show her teeth and growls and might snap (she never makes contact). I shut her barking down every time ASAP, but she keeps doing it. She's recently turned 7.


Yeah that's why she keeps barking. She can get your attention ASAP


Sounds just like my late Gadget. He was one in a million. Cherish him.


one week isn't enough time to gage a dogs true personality. He's gotta get time to be comfortable before he will show full personality


My pom is 7 and he barks at everything lol he's such a good dog though. So loyal.


Last Dec. 23 rd. 2023. I lost my Pomchi. “Buddy.”He looked like a Pom. I miss him so much. My son got him for me after my husband died through a friend of his. He was black and tan. Had him for 14 years. I never remarried just me and Buddy. Im devastated. Heartbroken still. I’ll never get over this. He was my best friend. Went everywhere with me. When I traveled by air he sat in his pillow filled travel carrier right by my feet. I never left him ever. He went shopping with me. I was so attached to him. My one daughter is looking for a Pomeranian for me that looks like Buddy in hopes it helps me snap outta of this grief I’m in. I told her I can never replace Buddy not ever. He was one of a kind. He was a little snippy. Didn’t like kids. He was spoiled rotten but that was ok. I’m a senior citizen and I needed Buddy more than he needed me probably. Gosh I loved him. I still love him always will My daughter told me the cost of Poms and I can’t afford one nor can she. Who ever is lucky to get a Pom you will be blessed . These dogs are the best companion you’ll ever need.besides adorable smart and loving . But on their terms. lol. Maybe someday another little Pom will bless my life. Maggie


Pray to buddy to come back to you. I read so many books on dogs reincarnating back to their owners many times ! 


Thank you for texting me back. I so hope he returns to me somehow. I hope you’re right. I loved him so much. Sometimes I think I feel him brush by me or his little feet tapping on the kitchen tile floor as he runs through the kitchen because he heard his favorite treat jar open. I can’t talk about him without breaking into tears. Have a good day.


Perhaps read up on books on reincarnation and pets xx


I absolutely will get the books on dogs & reincarnation. I feel my love might be powerful enough for him to come back to me. He was the run of the litter just a tiny ball of fur. The most adorable little guy I ever laid eyes on. I will get reading. Thank you. I have a daughter who lives in Utah. I was talking on the phone with her one day and she said, Buddy wouldn’t want you grieving this hard over him. He loved you too mom. Some days I’m better. I told her I’m getting there slowly but surely but I don’t think I’ll ever completely stop grieving over him. I am so much more heartbroken over my Buddy dying than I ever was over my husbands passing. I was married twice for 18 years to each. What’s weird as I married them both on the same day, I realize it when I was at the courthouse with my second husband but went through with it anyway. I love both of them very much. My grieving for Buddy is much worse. I don’t know why. I had three children with my first husband loved him deeply had a beautiful home in Utah had everything I wanted. It was funny we got along. But this little buddy of mine just got my heart. Thanks.


Mine was almost perfect too🥰😍


My boy is amazing. We thought he didn’t bark for 10 months and now he barks at everything though


I also feel truly blessed with my Pom. He’s been extremely easy to train. Bell trained to go potty outside. The only thing is he forgets who I am when we go for walks 😆


We have one of each. One will lick your face off while the other would rather bite your face off. One is fiercely loyal and protective and the other has no concept of stranger danger. Love them both!


It certainly does seem like you hit the dog lotto!


I wouldn't be able to say without seeing some pics


Mine was alot like this , I never had to train her to be off her leash she always just stuck by my side no matter what, even at dog parks she would just sit next to me unless I played and ran around with her. Super sweet to wouldn't hurt a fly I often feel like I " won the dog lotto "


My dog is 100% Pom and just like this. She’s the best dog ever.


> hardly barks at anything Does not compute.


The non perturbed by cars or people going by and no barking is definitely not characteristic of a Pom lol


Depends on the dog, most tend to be vocal. Mine communicates a lot through barking; he has different types of barks depending on what he is saying, and from far I can tell if his toy is stuck under the bed or if he saw something outside. He will bark aggressively to the people visiting the house when he doesn’t know them. When he knows them, he stops faster but isn’t the type to cuddle random people, only close family ( me, my partner or my parents) We trained him a lot but before, he also would lung at loud or big cars too. He has a tendency to be easily reactive. But he is the sweetest with me and listens to me well ( apart from the barking lol)


While better securing that fence, keep in mind that he may be a digger. My Loki is, even though we don't have a yard. He digs ferociously in his beds - meaning they have to be replaced fairly often. Other than that, just enjoy the training period. He'll have you whipped into shape and all trained up in no time!


I have a Pom/shih tzu mix who is also a rescue, and she is the sweetest dog I’ve ever had! She was so sweet/outgoing when we met her at the rescue was the same when she came home, and settled in very quickly. It didn’t take much to potty train her or teach her to sit. I feel the same way about winning the dog lotto!


My Pommie sounds like yours. Best dog I’ve ever had!❤️


We also have a Pom mix adopted from the Humane Society. She’s incredibly people friendly and good at being social with other dogs. Has a really sweet temperament. She didn’t bark at all for the first 3 months we had her but I think once she realized she was home she started to bark at random things - she hates skateboards, headlights at night, and squirrels. She has particular dogs who she sees when we walk that she has issues with and tries to bark at (hates all huskies for some reason??) We are working on training her to stay focused on us when there are distractions around. We feel really lucky too! I’ve never had a Pom before and I’m also surprised by how incredibly sweet she is.


Our girl also looks really similar to yours! https://preview.redd.it/w1ogeimmoa0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf991a0be79cebe6eadb480781159d5a2625540a


Wow! Super similar! A lot of the same features for sure. I love their little pink ears.


Me too!! We actually don’t know if she is full or a mix, like you. We thought maybe Pom chi but she definitely doesn’t have a chihuahua personality and the more I learn about the varieties of full Poms it seems like she could just be a pomeranian.


Poms are the best.


Did y’all know that walmart sells dog swimming pools?? It’s only $10. My Pom loves it


Give it a few more weeks and then check back with us 😆 You’re getting played!


You just define my Pom !


My Mishka is an angel, I say yes!


I got unlucky with this insane, barks constantly, high energy Pomeranian. I did a dna test and she’s 80% Pomeranian, a little chihuahua and chow chow. She’s just 100% insane lol


That’s how mine is.


The 3/3/3 rule. You don’t really know a dog until after 3 months. I mention this because as nice as your situation is, many times it’s reverse where a dog is having a bad time during adjustment and isn’t given enough time to acclimate. A dog will change after 3 days, 3 weeks and then 3 months. Yours may too. My Pom was sweet the first 3 days, a terror after 2-3 weeks then was fine after 3 months


Lol! 👍🏼


My first Pomeranian is absurdly attached to me. Since she was a puppy, she would run away from children or unknown people, then hide in my room. She loves to chase plush toys, doesn't like being held by others, and is quite antisocial. She barks at any strange voice, noises that I don't even hear (but she's so cute that I never mind). She stares at me for hours, asks to play, seeks affection, and loves licking my hand. The second one is very fearful, barks, and hides. He's also very affectionate, but with anyone. He's the type that loves being close, lies on the sofa, pillow, or at my feet. His favorite word is "eat".


This sounds 100% like my pom baby! He loved everyone, from Day 1 until the last. In 13.5 years, there were literally only 3-4 people he did NOT like! He was affectionate towards everyone he met. I told people he was a natural emotional support dog because he was. He was quiet, most of the time. As he got older, he barked more. But he was obedient and would quiet down when told to hush. He was very intelligent and learned lots of words and signals. When he learned some words, we switched to spelling them so he wouldn't know. He learned that, too.


My Pom was just like yours! Enjoy the ride! ♥️


My rescue (11 months old, we got him 2 months ago) is Pom and toy fox terrier. We love him, but he is a moving disastrous. He barks at visitors and other dogs. He demand barks, grabs stuff to chew and chewed through about five leashes and harnesses. He finds anything dangerous within his reach and tries to eat it. He mouths at your hands, pants and face. We are working very hard at training and things are getting much better, but I thought I’d share the other end of the Pom mix spectrum. Maybe the issue is the toy fox terrier? Or likely his time as a stray? Best of luck and enjoy!


Doesnt bark at anything?? Mine barks because the wind blew and the grass moved!! He has two husky sisters and hes the one who starts the concert every single time!!


Aw, mine is paired with a husky too https://preview.redd.it/vdymu12xuk0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3034f89c47c2c584a4da9ff3d4b37a154f4234


Lol that sounds like the opposite of the typical pom. They can be affectionate and cuddly with their chosen human, but they usually hate everyone else (especially strangers) and will bark at anything and everything. I love them but they can be absolute divas.