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… I got a ticket for parking the wrong way like fifteen years ago… Has this not always been the case?


Yes. It has been sporadically enforced the whole time. It still is, OP just thought it would never happen to THEM


> sporadically enforced It's enforced when you annoy your neighbors enough that they report you.


Why not just go about parking the right way? I mean, parallel parking is *easier* when you’re lining your parking space with a car going in your direction. Especially in the case of one way streets. If the signs missing, and cars are parked willy-nilly it can make people go the wrong way which is incredibly hazardous for pedestrians, and other drivers if they mistakenly take the wrong way. Parking citations suck, and the top authority of parking enforcement has an incredibly lucrative salary. I would love the idea of a parking citation based on how much you actually make, and not just some sort of random amount. $120 is like a whole day, and for anyone who is around the poverty line—thats like a days pay.


I used to work on the corner of washington and 3rd and watched SO MANY people turn left onto the one way on 3rd. it happens all the time. I can only imagine how cars parked the wrong way would have contributed to that


It's usually because your neighbors are annoyed and reported it. I've had neighbors who report you for anything if you park on the street in front of their house. The weird intensity people have about this kind of thing is so odd


Sporadically enforced is ultimate Portland energy going strong.


That's wild. I see people park like this all the time and have never seen a ticket on anyone's car


I parked without a permit on my street for 2 years before getting a ticket. Just because it’s not enforced doesn’t mean it *wont* be enforced if it is technically illegal.


Same with being too far from the curb. I’ve gotten a citation for being more than like a foot from the curb and I see tons of what are usually bigass trucks or suvs with a way bigger gap between the wheels and curb than what I was ticketed for. I don’t mind that there are rules for this shit, it’s the inconsistency that annoys me


To be fair they teach 6 inches on the driving test


The state law is 12 inches though and my point is when my car was closer to the curb than the truck in front of it I shouldn’t have been the only car with a citation, ya feel?


The inconsistency is what saves us all a lot of money. We don't want meter maids driving up and down the neighborhoods so it's best to not kick the hornets nest and keep your complaints between friends


Same I got one like 2 weeks after moving here 10 years ago! And I never parked backwards again lol.


I got one 10+ years ago,  believe because I was parked on a busier street. I've parked illegally in front of my house for 23 years with no issue.


thank you 🙏🏼 I have been harassed by parking enforcement for decades - blocking my own driveway is my favorite ticket


Very surprised to hear this, because I once had Parking Enforcement return my call after I called in someone blocking my neighbor’s driveway. They specifically told me that their standard practice is to **only cite/tow vehicles that are blocking a driveway if called in by the driveway owner**. If I had to guess, the issue was probably with an overzealous tow truck driver rather than Parking Enforcement. I’ve lost count of how many times someone has parked across my driveway, but one time my car wasn’t parked in the driveway, so I asked parking enforcement to just leave a warning or ticket, specifically asking them not to bother with calling in a tow, and a tow truck still showed up and towed the car.


100% that tow truck driver was one of the rudest people I've ever met. I had to stop and ask him to say what he said again on camera about towing my car from a valid parking space and he just kept on with it, even pulled his truck around acting like he'd tow my car.. I didn't start shit any more.. moved blocks away and parked in front of my house later. I just park as close as I can now, not worth having that experience again.


Wait… tell me more


I live across from Franklin Highschool and I have a tendency to park in front of my driveway for a while if there is a ton of traffic at the school. It's not parking, it's my fault, but the last school event a tow truck showed up and started trying to tow my car from in front of my house while there were dozens of other cars parked around the block, literally in intersections.. but no, tow the dude who lives here first I totally get it, it's no parking.. but when I moved to a parking space across the street, well in front of the yes parking sign, the tow truck driver said he was going to tow my car for being within 6' of a no parking sign.. on the right side of it. There was a car in the roundabout behind my car when I parked.. no comment Keep in mind this was a winter event at Franklin Highschool.. I was parked in front of my own driveway for 30 m at 8 p after getting off work late before this. Oh and there was the time a parent pulled a pistol on me in front of my house for honking at them for parking in front of my driveway, that was tight.. absolutely no police response and the Franklin High Dean said that's to be expected. Seriously, dude had shots fired near his school at an event weeks prior and he's just cool with parents pointing guns at home owners on the block. edits 1, bad grammar


If it’s a no parking zone, then there’s no parking. You’re not exempt just because you live on the street.


Semi smear post for Franklin High administration; the Dean in particular.. they do not care about the neighborhood their school is in one bit. Kids steal off our porch on camera and the school won't even try to find the thieves.. regularly. I have tried to diplomatic route and am constantly told 'we're working on it' but.. I dunno how many people have an experience with a gun being pulled on them in front of their own home and the SCHOOL saying.. well that happens.


No shit? My brother parks in front of my driveway every time he comes over


I'm right on Woodward, on event nights there are cars parked in every no parking zone.. I would park in front of my driveway then backup when everyone leaves. The frustration comes from mine being the very first car they tried to tow when there were cars blocking the roundabout.


so did i! no one seems to believe me when i mention this law could be enforced


Yes, it's always been the case, nothing new


I've seen tickets for this going back decades. This has nothing to do with new or old Portland. The cops are just better staffed.


I grew up in Seattle (where the same parking culture exists) and was shocked to learn this was not the standard everywhere.   But also this is so damn dangerous. It’s nearly impossible to see oncoming traffic if you park the wrong way and the street parking is tight. Save yourself a head on collision and take 15 seconds to turn your car around.


It is the standard, our enforcement just doesn't enforce.


Wait, so parking facing the wrong way on residential roads is actually illegal in Portland? If not, it should be.


Immediate ticket most other places I’ve been.


Straight to jail


Cislunar orbital prison colony I’ve been told.


It’s illegal pretty much everywhere. Portland included.


Always has been. Just never enforced.


It is. So it parking up to the corner but people like to pretend it’s not.


Uh yeah. Seems pretty straightforward. Park facing the right way. Der. Der der der. Come on peeps. It’s a simple transaction


As someone who recently moved in from out of state, the lack of traffic enforcement has been mind blowing to me…


Coppers have been on a work slowdown ever since we asked them to chill out on murdering folks.


To be fair, in my experience I mostly see this on narrow residential streets with only enough room for parked cars on each side, and a single car driving down the middle...so people drive down the center of the road both ways and park wherever they see parking, whichever direction they were already going


Two Outbacks parked on either side of my street and a firetruck got stuck a few years ago. Our streets are way narrow here.


Can confirm. And I spent three years in Chicago where’s there some very tight alleys and street. Part of Portland are definitely comparable.


I used to live on a large street in Irvington and there were a lot of people too lazy to park the correct direction. Its just Portland, no where else that I’ve lived has this ever been legal.


This is exactly like the street I grew up on. I get *why* people did it. (Hell, I still do on occasion out of habit). But it’s dangerous.


This is my street now, especially as more infill is happening and more cars need parking. Just crossing from my apartment building's parking lot to the only sidewalk on the other side of the street is damn dangerous. You can't see anything if everything is filled up with parked cars. I've had way too many close calls especially from cars treating it as a shortcut from Barbur to Capitol and just blasting through.


I too learned the hard way when I parked like a Portlander in Indianapolis


Unless you are going to execute an illegal u-turn to get to that parking. Then take 5 extra minutes and go around the block. Most of the city is a predictable grid.


My brother got one in front of our house on a gravel street in quiet SW Portland once. On our own parking pad.


Also grew up in Washington and assumed this was common knowledge that you never park the wrong way.


Another reason why it's dangerous - motorists passing on through that road, when we see cars parked the wrong way it looks like the street is a one-way street instead of a two-way street.


I don't understand why this is surprising... roads have directional travel, they have been that way since motor vehicles came about. You point your vehicle in the direction of traffic flow. It's really that simple folks.


It’s surprising because no one has seen the mythical “Portland parking enforcement” in years


I see them regularly. They also are decently quick to respond to things like blocking curb ramps or fire hydrants


There's a hydrant across the street from my place and people park in front of it frequently. I report every person who does. Parking enforcement usually shows up within the hour to ticket them. Nope, I'm not gonna die because your selfish ass decided to block a life-saving hydrant. Not sorry.


I have a hammer. I can bust out the windows to run the hose if need be.


I remember this happening in Boston some years back. Someone parked their Benz in front of a hydrant that happened to be necessary to use for a fire, and the fire department smashed the windows and ran the hose through the car and across the street.


Most firehouses print the picture out for their collage boards.


Sure, but maybe let's nip this bad practice in the bud so that's not even remotely a necessary option to begin with.


I don’t blame you. Nice job. Would do the same.


In 2022 I got a ticket for having tags that were expired by less than a month. I'm not saying I didn't deserve it, but I'm still a bit pissed given how many cars I see without tags (or plates!)


Isn’t this common sense?


So is driving without a license plate, and that still goes unpunished


I see brand-new cars with one Oregon license plate, only in the back. I can't imagine how quickly I would have been pulled over as a kid in Portland. They used to bust everybody for everything. edit: A couple people said it's not required. It is unless you drive an antique, a motorcycle, a trailer, or a camper. It's **ORS 803.540.**


oh my god i got pulled over for not having the damn light on my plate...whatever dude, I'm not drunk


fucking infuriating they don’t enforce that one more


They do write tickets for no plates. But there’s no law saying they can tow them.


I wouldn’t know from experience, but judging by the number of them I see on the road (especially how often they piss me off enough to remember plates) its too many


They are and will be coming up. Mayor has green light all enforcement operations. If you have expired tags, ticket. Missing front license plate, ticket. Doubling up parking sessions, ticket. It’s already started and will only get more aggressive. Leadership has allowed it to go unchecked for far too long and they are feeling the heat finally.


Or current tags or even Oregon plates (IE Ohio plates or Texas) and you've been living on the block for at least a year or two.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


I think this is Old “Old” Portland. I recall people being ticketed for this 20-something years ago. I am all for increased parking enforcement. I’m tired of seeing people parked in crosswalks, it’s annoying and dangerous. I’d like to see them increase traffic enforcement too. There are way too many drivers speeding, blocking intersections, driving with excessively loud exhaust, driving without a catalytic converter, driving with misaligned headlights and not stopping at stop signs (before the sign not after it).


Yeah this *is* old Portland, I got a ticket for this on our tiny side street off of 39th almost 25 years ago.


lol. me too


And so many with no plates!


Yeah exactly, having actual enforcement is Old Portland. I learned quickly to not park facing the wrong direction with a ticket the first time I did it. Now I still go out of my way to turn around even though we live in anarchy with no traffic enforcement.


Yes!! I had some driver who had the gall to yell at me while I crossed in the marked pedestrian crosswalk after the car in front of her went- she was expecting to just run the stop sign and was yelling. That happens constantly on 25th and Raleigh, I always point to the stop sign. It’s not like I’m leaping into the road or not letting cars go, but that’s a busy intersection and eventually I need to cross- I’m not here to let every single car go first.


No lie, if you've been parking the wrong way, you've been making life difficult for everyone else so you should get a ticket to hopefully correct the bad behavior Sorry, that isn't new/old Portland that, is straight truth, from a 20+ year resident of this city but applies anywhere


My ex thought I was bullshitting her when I told her it was illegal for her to park facing the wrong way on our street. She also got one of these tickets, and somehow it was everyone’s fault but her own.


Please please please start enforcing parking again.


it's... it's the law. dafuq were you expecting?


I was gonna say, it's in the driver's manual if i recall correctly stating this is illegal to do practically in every state..... I grew up in AZ and then had to retake the written test to transfer my license over when I moved. I had to reread the damn thing to make sure I didn't Fuck up because of differing state regulations and laws. It's common sense I figured to park in correctly and not against traffic flow.....


WTF! Next you're gonna tell me I have to pump my own gas...




Such a lazy chud move, happy to see a citation for it.


When I moved here I was SHOCKED that the city even allowed wrong way parking on the street. This would not slide in the Midwest and you would be hit with a ticket immediately.


I’m more surprised by the number of people in this thread that say they also do this than I am by you getting a warning for it. I’m also surprised by that, because you should’ve just gotten a ticket. On that note, where in the US *can* you park against traffic? I’ve never heard of that being acceptable anywhere so I’m honestly curious.


Nowhere in California that's for sure


Somebody complained


I've only parked the wrong way once.. about 8 years ago around se 8th+alder: got a ticket


This is a long time law almost everywhere. I always think the city is missing the opportunity to make some $ by not enforcing this more


I see them enforcing daily. Just park the right way and you won’t get the notice.


It amazes me that so many people regardless of where they are think at any given moment you can just park how ever the hell you want and then are shocked or surprised when they get a ticket. I mean is it really so fucking difficult to just park correct?


Pdx drivers cannot properly execute anything behind the wheel, parking especially


I’m being sarcastic yet serious. I’m quite sure most of the asshats are capable of parking correctly. They simply choose to be that piece of shit that loves to piss everyone off. They get whatever karma come there way ..


At least you got a warning. About 10 years ago a bunch of folks on my block got tickets for wrong way parking, no warning. Easy way for the city to make some fast money.


No warning, except in the city parking code


Pretty sure they go over it in the driver’s manual. Some people just like to be outraged when there’s a consequence for breaking the law because they’re used to breaking that law.


i just park the right way, and have never had this issue. easy fix.


Cops HATE this one EASY TRICK!


everyone always talks like "oh this GREEDY CITY keeps ticketing me just because I run red lights smh this smacks of fascism" and it slays me. One easy trick to not get tickets imo!


Impossible! It's my god given right to drive and park like a dangerous moron!


It is a greedy city, this just happens to not be one of those cases haha


Also an easy fix to not drive head-on into someone when pulling out of a parking spot


i also try to avoid t-boning people who run reds/stop signs, but the rules against doing that still exist for a good reason


That's my trick too, oddly enough, I have never had an issue.


Probably 25 years ago my parents and neighbors got tickets for this on their narrow residential street in inner SE, no warnings back then either


What? Stop parking facing the wrong way. That’s illegal everywhere.


can i hand these out? this is one of those things that bugs the shit out of me.


*This* is what we're mad about now?


Same energy as a kid getting angry at their parents for taking away something dangerous they were playing with


It’s just a warning, not a ticket. Grow a Fucking pair. 


In Texas they wouldn't warn you, just ticket.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


I got ticketed for this in PA, no warning. The warning is the only part I find surprising about it. eta: and I have not parked like that these many decades since. Ticketing effectiveness case study, I am


you’re supposed to park with the flow of traffic 💀 that’s never not been a thing, should just practice that rule everywhere


I feel like in “old Portland” (parts of which I very much miss) I used to get parking tickets all the fucking time.


Park the right way dude


I was cited for this same thing in the '80's when I was living in Southern California... except the citation was actually for "parking more than 3 feet from the curb". Since my car was pointing the wrong way, it's [passenger side] was deemed to be ~20' away from the curb across the street. Had a good laugh at that. Still had to pay the fine, but at least it was humorous.


That's clever enforcement!


It’s the standard everywhere I’ve lived in this country of ours .


That looks like a warning rather than a ticket. Awfully kind of them.


35 years in this city an has always been a ticketed offense. Personally, if you do this, I hate your guts for being such an a-hole.


YES, IS PORTLAND WAKING UP!!! You're lucky you didn't get a ticket so be thankful for that and PARK PROPERLY. Who knows maybe we'll even start seeing valid license plates on cars again too! 🤷


Just be a good driver and citizen. It’s easy!


You don’t want a ticket? Park correctly. It’s very simple.


People didn’t know to not do this? Beyond being a rule, isn’t it just common sense?


Yes it is common sense.


my brother in christ old Portland has been dead for ages


You got in trouble for doing something you were supposed to do. Why the surprise


I got several of those in the 90’s. Maybe it’s a sign old Portland is coming back!


It looks like just a warning? In seattle you’d be out $75 at least, if not trying to find out which tow company has your car.


That doesn’t look like a ticket, just a courteous warning


Dude, you should be glad you broke the law and got away without a ticket. I’m actually surprised you did in a city like Portland.


Just park the right way and stop being a douchebag


I don't know anywhere it IS legal to park facing the wrong way. You should learn AND remember this from drivers education/safety you study before getting your license.


Fascinating, I’d never seen people park like this before moving to Portland so I always assumed it was legal here. The more you know! Glad I learned in this post instead of finding out the hard way. Not that I’ve ever done it before, it feels weird it always breaks my brain


Portland’s relationship with the roads is really unique. I’ve never lived somewhere, for example, where people will just travel on the wrong side of the road if they’re only going one door down, but people here do it so regularly that when I was taking driving lessons, my teacher pointed out two different people doing it in three hours. I was in a position to pull that maneuver yesterday and I couldn’t bring myself to do it - even with absolutely no cars around and no possibility of causing a problem as far as I could see, it just goes against every instinct I have about driving and I couldn’t make myself do it. But I’ve seen so many people do that exact thing with no hesitation here, and I’ve never seen it anywhere else.


No love for PBOT, but y'all complain when car campers live in the same spot and now it's satanic for parking rules to be enforeced? Pick a (literal) lane?


Lol more like old Portland is back. I can remember people getting ticketed for this as recently as the late aughts.


Good, parking facing the wrong way makes it more dangerous for other drivers when you go to leave your spot. At least you got a warning, not a ticket.


Wow, they are enforcing parking laws, this is fantastic! Pay your fine and park correctly next time.


You think that’s bad, *technically* a car can only park in the same spot for 24 hours. A legally registered, non derelict looking, perfectly parked car only has only 24 hours to *legally* occupy a parking spot. Obviously it’s rarely if ever enforced, but Portland is a bit nutty with their parking laws


OP is a knucklehead


Lol I call parking enforcement on fools like you regularly. Learn to park, or pay, your choice.


Yeah, I got an actual ticket for that about ten years ago on a low-traffic residential street where almost nobody else was parked. You're lucky to only get a warning.


People park like shit here. I worked retail security and people got waayyyy more aggressive after I asked them to move their cars than when I caught them stealing.


This rule has loosely been enforced for at least 20 years (and I’m sure longer than that). This isn’t new.


Oh no! It's the consequences of your own actions


This has been a thing for decades in Portland. You’re lucky you got a warning. It’s unsafe to park the wrong way.


“I can’t endanger every single person near me because I’m too lazy to park my car”…. Common sense used to be common. Take two minutes and park the right way instead of murdering a family of four because you’re fucking lazy. Every day on my way home from work, people park the wrong way at the very end of my street to wait for there kids. Many face the wrong way. I’ve almost hit them countless times because they try to pull out as I’m turning in and completely block the road. It’s ignorant.


Actually I think this may be a sign that old Portland is not actually completely dead. Portland used to enforce parking laws.


I got a ticket for wrong way parking about 25 years ago, back when old Portland still existed.


You mean “the city I had made up in my mind which allowed breaking rules at will even if that can be dangerous to myself and others is dead”?


I don’t think this is the Death Knell you think it is.


Idk what the consensus is here, but I’m very happy they are giving these kinds of tickets out and wish they did it more often tbh


You shouldn't be driving if you don't know something a basic as parking in the direction of travel.  It's fucking dangerous.


For real though, thanks for posting this/ sharing. Now I’m going to stop doing it.


Awesome! Accountability! Enforcing rules! Now all we have to do is start street sweeping!


Pro tip: Park correctly to avoid parking citations.


I live on a bike boulevard, and I have seen so many close calls when a car parked in the wrong direction pulled out into the road, nearly hitting an on-coming bike. When you're parked on the wrong side of the road, you can't see on-coming traffic. It's really dangerous, and it should be ticketed!


Lmao you didn’t even get a ticket. Old Portland is still alive, try living anywhere else.


Should have been a ticket


Thanks Obama


Oh no they want us to use common sense 😂


That’s always been on the books.


It’s been this way since before you were born, OP


Could I really be so out of touch? No, it is the city who is wrong.


Maybe don't park the wrong way?


Great now do cars with expired tags or no license plate at all.


Seen quite a few of these in my neighborhood lately. Can't stand the laziness. Your neighbor probably hates seeing you do it constantly too and complained


maybe bike next time


In actual old Portland, that was called PDOT.


I got a ticket for this once for backing into an angled, zone permitted parking spot. In 2007


Been dead for at least a decade


Old Portland died when the Blitz brewery on Burnside closed down.


PBOT has been on a ticketing rampage, lord knows where the slush fund goes. They weren't doing anything during COVID, but they're making up for it these days. Those cycling meter maids must get paid bonuses.


You deserved it


That is a warning? Not a ticket?


This has always been a thing, the only surprising part is they just gave you a warning.


Take driving school again. Lawless heathen.


Then don’t park on the wrong side of the street, you menace.


My dad got this ticket forty years ago. He saw me doing it when I was young and said not to cuz you’ll get a ticket. Def not a new thing


Why would you think you can park like that? It’s on the opposite side of the road.


What?! You violated a city ordinance and got cited for it??? 😱 The world is burning before our very eyes.


Dear OP, Shit like this is why people make fun of Portlanders. Please stop being cringe.  You didn't even get a citation, they basically just said "fix your parking doofus". What are you even complaining about? 


How DARE they make you obey traffic law 😒




It's illegal. It's annoying as fuck when people do it. Why? 1 If you have a passenger (kids especially) they are now exited the car into traffic. as opposed to onto the sidewalk 2 there are no reflectors on the front of the car, the tail lights are reflective. Thus if a car is driving on the right side of the street at night they are less likely to see the car. Guess what car is at fault? 3 if park cars are facing you from both sides of the street, you are driving the wrong way on a 1 way street. 4 the driver doesn't know the law or is entitled and ignoring it. 5 Oregon doesn't have formal driver Ed to teach the basic rules.


My buddy got multiple tickets for being parked downtown without having a front license plate (he had one on the back) and that was ~20 years ago. If anything, super specific parking tickets *is* Old Portland.


I worked for a lady who used to be one of the managers of the parking enforcement department many years ago. From what I remember her telling me, it mostly has to do with confusion to other drivers. It may trigger a driver to make a U-turn on a one-way street. I am sure there’s more to it than that but I recall her saying this.


I mean park the correct way. This definitely is not new for downtown


Got a ticket like that, but had to pay last year. Nothing new.


Good, I’m really happy to see enforcement is coming back for all the shitty drivers.


Honestly it’s pretty nice that they just gave you a cute lil warning instead of an actual ticket… Old Portland is dead but this ain’t why


This is a legit safety concern tho. Don’t park against traffic, no one is expecting a car to dart out of a space in the wrong direction.


I never knew this was illegal. Park like this in front of my house probably 20% of the time (in a residential area where parking is not at a premium). I'd always just heard to it referred to mockingly as "Parking like a Pollock" but not "Parking like someone who is breaking city code."


They enforce it from time to time, just like parking violation in general. Most of the time, people get away with parking like shit in Portland, and rarely get tickets. But that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. OP must be assuming that “everything’s legal!” In Portland, which is thankfully not the case… also, that’s not a ticket, OP got a gentle reminder and still found energy to complain to Reddit that they “didn’t” get a ticket 🙄


It is illegal. Please stop doing it.