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Homelander has about 431967 anti-feats in herogasm alone


People always forget that The Boys still uses semi-realistic physics Homelander couldn’t lift the plane because it’d be like trying to hold a cake on top of a toothpick. The walls he punched didn’t explode because that’s like trying to blow up a wall with a bullet


No you don’t get it, it’s perfectly normal that FTL characters are perfectly normaly visible even though they go faster than the very light they reflect


Someone was explaining how people who do powerscaling just pick and choose which laws of physics to abide by or measure feats with. He talked about how death battle measured the force of Goku's Kamehameha by the pushback on Goku/destruction beneath his feet, which makes like no sense. His point was really about explaining the whole speed of light thing or FTL shit and just saying that anything with mass moving at the speed of light would literally just create a fucking blackhole. He explained it with a pretty impressive graph and shit all while talking about how easily people get FTL reflex speed for dodging lasers and that we really need to consider if the lasers work differently in the comic/series or if physics do in general, meaning they can't just box in feats with real world logic constantly


>anything with mass moving at the speed of light would literally just create a fucking blackhole If I understand it correctly, you wouldn't even need to reach the speed of light. Your relativistic mass approaches infinity as you get closer to the speed of light. The schwarzschild radius of an object is directly proportional to its mass. So eventually you'd reach a point below luminal where you still have finite mass yet have enough mass that you'd be within your own schwarzschild radius.


Yeah I'm explaining it really badly but that was something he said when he brought out the graph to show how someone like Cyclops dodging a laser rifle blast would destroy the planet if his reflex speed was even remotely light speed. I really wish I could remember the name of the YouTuber or YT Vid. It was just one of those lucky random finds a long time ago


If you ever do remember I'd love to see the link to it. Because he is incredibly right. Powerscaling does inherently limit the effect physics actually play.


>Homelander couldn’t lift the plane because it’d be like trying to hold a cake on top of a toothpick. Then wouldn't the plane collapse instead? Like if you hold a cake on top of a toothpick, the toothpick would be fine but not the cake


That’s… the point You can’t lift something if it just breaks when you try and keep it in place If you were to put the plane on top of a weightless, unbreakable, unbendable, flat plate, then Homelander could lift the weight of the plane. It’s just that due to distribution of force, a normal plane would break around him as he tried to lift it


.... OK but what if he like, "pushed" it through the air?


This would work.... til the needed to turn the plane, or angle it in any direction, he can help make thrust but he can really control where the plane goes, controls were destroyed


Naa man I got south indian peak human doing more environmental damage than homelander. Spiderman beat him based on feats he has shown in herogasm


Yeah, but he should've punched a hole through the wall, like a bullet would.


Tell us


It’s just budget reasons but, Homelander would punch a wall and it would get dented. People say this makes him wall level since it didn’t explode upon impact.


Not saying it needs to explode, but why doesn’t his fist just go through it?


Doesn’t really matter because even if you scale him properly he’s city level fodder who gets merked by every other Superman copy


I feel like the definition of „fodder“ in this context is very subjective


no way, I could get 10, maybe 20 to 30 with 50 being a stretch, but no way he has that many anti-feats


Season 1 showed him running through time, season 2 showed him running between universes, season 3 showed him keeping up with the God of Speed, and Season 4 episode 1 stated that he was running faster than anyone else ever had before, yet he was struggling to catch up to the Samurai Robot in that same scene. There was also a scene in season ~~7-9~~5 episode 10 where he implied he would have struggled to keep up with a Lamborghini.


There was an episode where a bullet hit him in the back of the neck and he was able to reach up and pluck it out of the air before it could pierce his skin. A few episodes later he lost a fistfight. Like to someone with no powers, just straight hands took him down.


Its even funnier when you realize that the Flash technically has infinite strength. (yes, literally infinite) as he can switch between rest and light speed really quickly, giving his punches infinite mass and hence infinite momentum. In essence, he could turn the likes of superman into spaghetti.


You assume his durability allows him to do that


Pretty sure the Speed Force protects him.


"Speed Force" the answer why he can run absurdly fast without vaporizing himself, yet not been able to hit or tank as much force as the amount of speed he can pull off.


Yes and no, he can tank his own attacks that comes from his own speed, so he can throw these punches the guy you replied to talked about, but any outside force is well an outside force, he (or rather the speed force) can't do anything about that


Newton is doing fucking cartwheels in his grave from this description


The speed force is just the made up magical bullshit the writers sprinkle in every time the ghost of Newton threatens them




This isn't true, [the Speed force protection him from basically anything](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/olubummo/blog/can-the-speed-force-protect-speedsters/164733/).


Light speed isnt infinite mass in.. fiction usually


You forgot they they do have a some semblance of realism in the show little as it may be like when he fought girder he would shatter every bone in his body if he messed up the punch


So this means that the flash can theoretically be? ![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc)


Not comics Flash, no.


I mean, Lamborghinis are pretty fast


My cousin has a Lamborghini and that thing’s so fast we haven’t even seen it yet.


FTL Lamborghini?


wait where’s the lambo thing come from


My mistake, it wasn’t 7-9. Season 5 episode 10.


, CW flash has it easy compared to any comic flash. Their power levels are seasonal.


There was also a scene in season 4 when x character said that nuclear explosion would destroy the speed force


Wait what? Can you show me that? Because it's already impossible. In CW, the Speed force is [infinite](https://youtu.be/s1BRxYstl5c?t=65) of [infinite void of energy](https://youtu.be/s1BRxYstl5c?t=65) that is [10 Higher-Dimensional structure](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/f7b3c96f-8095-43ab-8523-3eea1304a711) that construct located on [the Cosmic Plane](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Cosmic_Plane?so=search). It contains more than one, possibly an infinite number of infinite multiverses, and the number grows exponentially. In addition to these multiverses It's literally [10th dimensionl force](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/f7b3c96f-8095-43ab-8523-3eea1304a711) and infinite Encompasses time across an infinite number of universes, which is what allows speedsters traveling through it to use it as a means of time travel


it was Jay during the flashtime episode. Barry couldn't figure out how to stop the nuke so he was going to throw it into the speedforce and Jay said it may destroy the speedforce


Jay said they might lose the Speedforce. He didn't actually say it was certain they would lose it. If a bomb could destroy the speedforce surely someone in the future would have done it and therefore it wouldn't exist today. The speedforce was described as "eternity itself, an endless void of time and energy". Destroying it with a bomb would be like destroying a universe with a nerf gun.


yeah I know, I also said "may" in my comment I also never said I agreed with what he said, I was just giving you the context you asked for


comically awful writters, because you can fix this by just adding, " it may destroy OUR CONNECTION TO the speed force"


In season 1 he also casually evaded natural lighting while carrying Joe. In season 3 it’s a huge deal for him to reach Mach 3.3 for a few seconds


Yeah I couldn't keep up with this show I wanted to but during season 3 I was like ya know I'm pretty sure he's already run faster then the Speed God in precious seasons why are we struggling now.


Bad writing is the easy answer


Yeah this show is like the prime example of bad TV shows that when a new season starts they pretend like whatever happened the last season has already been taken care of and has no more effect


Yeah it’s honestly weird to me how people still defend this show I get seeing it with pink tinted glasses while it was coming out but people go out of they’re way to say season 4 was great when the stupidity hit a bran new peak in that season. I mean Barry needed a pep talk to throw a damn punch 😭


That's been most of the cw shows when you look back on them .... none of them hold up to even the smallest bit of scrutiny. It also doesn't help that they get like 8 seasons a piece... I had fun with season 1 of arrow but like damn did that show need 7 seasons


Yeah and people will defend them with their lives it’s really something. I mean the shows especially supergirl turned flat out cringe after a while I get second hand embarrassment watching it


Didn't the punisher try to advocate for gun control at some point. Like who was writing this shit


The punisher? That’s marvel and I highly doubt he did that in his show unless you mean a comic I’ve never heard of 😅 But that did happen in Arrow at some point actually


Indeed. I saw a video series on YouTube where a guy reviews the season of CW Flash and makes fun of each episode. 🤣😄


Madvocate bro is so funny 😂


Oh yeah, indeed. I wish if he made more videos.


Me too he made one about the flash movie too


YouTube also has videos with reviews of that show and people oftentimes make fun from how ridiculously inconsistent Flash there are.


CW Flash can have 1 good feat and 1 ridiculous anti-feat in the exact same episode.


Yep 😂




Also iirc Barry and Supergirl were traveling across the earth (with Barry running and Supergirl flying) in one of the crossovers, and Barry was running loops around the earth in few seconds


I remember watching an episode where the villain would just walk out of the room and he would not chase after them


Silver surfer competing with the Flash to see who’s the biggest jobber in comic book history


The famous Silver Jobber!






These two are the only right answers


Have never bother looking at spectre...why he is a jobber?




All of the comic characters.


Remember when darkseid went to new york and got mugged? Also the cops that took thanos away


That was the thanoscopter comic, right?


I think


That wasn't an anti feat though, the context was that Darkseid WAS depowered, a him getting mugged by some random was meant to showcase how low he's fallen. Thanos meanwhile just got LEGITIMATELY detained by New York cops


Maybe those were special cops?


Not all of them, how someone like the Beyonder or TOAA from Marvel or the Presence or Lucifer from DC have anti-feats?


Beyonder was beaten by few people because they thought that he is rasist


The Beyonder have never ever been beaten by any people. Where did you get this from? [If you mean Beyonder when he comes to Earth, he never get beaten, Beyonder is using avatar **and** limiting his own power to experience humans emotions such pain](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fdba3dbb8a44caf47d95efda99a804cf-lq). [**This was literally the first thing he explained since he come to Earth, he never beaten by bunch of people whatever at all**](https://www.quora.com/What-happened-to-the-original-Beyonder-Where-is-he-now-in-Marvel-Comics).


i beat him up because i thought he was racist(i thought he said a slur but he was just reading the word black in spanish out loud from a magazine),my bad


Fr fr, go kill that disco racist guy.


Idk about Lucifer but I know Presence died once. And then he was reborn as a evil god


He never ever died once, where did you get this? The Presence is the one who created all concepts and life and death (aka Death of the Endless) imao. If you mean by that Yhaweh. This was literally just an aspect he created to test the spectre and Michael Demiurgos was there and told him this test from the Presence to him, that he always be with right, even against his creator. If you mean the Great Evil beast then [he is not the Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2234c9add83f172a87c798915ec654d0-lq). The Presence is absolutely [the creator of all DC][ [Lucifer himself said the Presence is Omnipotent, Omnipresence and omniscient and everything part of his plan](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4bfdb9c75580d7c82dbf8a33d4cbea24-lq) and the [Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5aeab6fe9c51ae3902dee00d30d91ea7-lq) himself [confirmed that and he literally hold all existence in his hand](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-05cb3e542497ae1c774f152453baf17b-lq). The source is [omnipresent and omnipotent](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/6vMAAOSwDL1f4a-U/s-l1200.webp) and [the source is the Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-90f66dad6fb2c0ea98901eb9c4bb766d-pjlq) and [confirmed twice it's his power](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-33ccea4710ed139713e92cfa2f0095e1-lq). [Source again confirmed be omnipotent](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-475c39ab1e652a42f224f158f4fb82df-pjlq) and [it's part of the Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a47f3af3b695ea213240ba27c5f1827d-lq), it's just [an aspect of God/the Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a3a0bc51875687a1cba7336524522dbe-lq). [The Overvoid is part of the Presence too and this said be writer](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fe2b7fa9297fffe6c42b305b13bacf56-pjlq). [The source and Overvoid part of the Presence again](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1f0401591970402f3de40cc8f0bd95d1-pjlq). [Overvoid](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fd9f3be48d8ad793d345ccba10c78c98-lq) = [the source](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-869341b885eb5874efef7d20c7b241e6-lq) = [aspects of God/the Presence](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11133/111337738/7213194-1449177495-70561.jpg). [The Presence is the Supreme and Perpetua is one of the hands? Is he the one who gave them existence to create the Greater Omniverse](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-031dd7191494fb74d628ff9f7e960f4d-pjlq), and [again](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5707cdfd7374f8793de03b96f4959873-pjlq). [The Hands are mere agents of the Presence](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9797b3a5be3ba7b76fdd24874c1aa00d-lq). The Presence simply dosen't involved by himself [but aspects of itself](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b1b7b6edb7f6d10bfc97cbf56f70e50e-lq) as the source and [Overvoid](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-87a38de460fd218e7b55624c2136019e-lq) are his aspects. [All Existence are just God's imagination, everything](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2243531d4e0f952d02e67b4cab8da381-lq), literally [everything](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c297ee488ac4de3a937039a914b329d0-lq). [Everything happens as the Presence will it happen](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2bfd746d742aeb519564969e3d6584ab-lq) [The Presence is ultimate transcendence in his true self, beyond all](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-91d8204b045e809340e78cea63b9e95e-lq). [Beyond everything and eveyone](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bc6a86377d647947adc83ed61def8a22-lq). [Discrabed all-powerful](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c363880286e63884a367885030c644be-lq), many [more](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2f172c5f374cd5288a9203660e082851-lq) timea


i killed em. i was bored so i killed the presence


TOAA had a comic made by a Thanos fanboy called infinity conflict. In it, is revealed that for TOAA to be all powerful and all knowing he needs to spread his power through artifacts called “astral regulators”, and Thanos got that and absorbed all cosmic entities + living tribunal and became stronger than TOAA


Sorry but the Infinity Conflict Marvel comics (aka Thano heart of the universe) is not canon to Marvel at all.


Yeah CW flash is has the most anti statements ever. But it's at least super obvious the writers were just stupid. "Just a few kilojoules to contain the nuke" "Run around the planet at sub mach 20" "Barry your running at mach 1" *dodges lightning in the next episode* The rest is just a shit ton of PIS you get with every speedster.


Honestly I would say Rick Sanchez but I guess people keep saying "But with prep!".


Rick after being run over by a normal car and dying to it (He’s got universal durability obviously)


Rick is as durable as he felt like making himself that week


Yeah rick will go from being powerless because of a simple inconvenience in one episode to the god of destruction incarnate in the nextz


I mean, we saw that with the right amount of equipment he can fight gods (he literally fought a Zeus knock off)


And with the right equipment so can literally any other character Not many can make that gear but it’s the same prep time argument Batman has


Yeah but it’s different for batman and Rick because they actually can build the stuff so by giving them prep time isn’t giving them a power they are unable to get on their own. Rick specially more because with the portal gun he can get any weapon from his arsenal theoretically anytime


And got wrecked


Which is dumb because we saw against the president and a few others Rick knows a lot of H2H


He and batman are the prep time gods, maybe add ironman in there too


I wouldn't say Iron man. He's intelligent but knows his limits more than anyone. The difference is when iron man is going to fight someone who doesn't break those limits, he's already prepared with his Iron man suit.


Yeah but when he preps he can pull off incredible stuff, he managed to mimic Spider-Man's spider sense and even cancelled it when they fought in civil war. And has created some insane armors Although most of his “buster” armors have failed against the opponent they have been specifically made to defeat (hulk buster, Thor buster, phoenix killer). Those poor buster armors are jobbers


That's a good point, that when he has prep time, he can still do great things, but even without it, he still thrives. I'd say that he's at a point where he doesn't need to have prep time if we include his already made technology, but if he has it, he wins most fights(unless they're like multiversal threats).


He wins, if he is not wearing a hulk buster armor of any kind. I swear that armor has never won a single fight against hulk, not in comics or other media. There’s also that time when he “hacked” a symbiont when knull invaded. He let it take control over him for a bit and fought it off to give it to Brock


None of the Hulkbusters have ever worked LMAO. Ironically the one time he knocked Hulk out it was by using up all the power in his regular suit channeled into a punch


Also in the avengers movie but with a sucker punch. It makes me sad since the hulk busters have the best designs, also the Thor buster is really underused for an armor powered by an asgardian gem he should use that in the creation of hulk busters


It's funny stark is a super genius yet the best idea he can come up with is try to out hulk the Hulk and it never works lol


You can’t out hulk the hulk




I guess the doctor is just in a different tier then? You could atleast mention him. Then again saying rick is anywhere close in terms of prep time to batman is just funny.


Nah, he’s up there with Batman


Well atleast that still means he isn't close to the doctor then.


Wait he is like Dr. Strange with tech.


Every other character from marvel or dc comics but in la its Rick Sanchez, Flash or basically every cw character (Including a lot of Supernatural characters)


he had to get heavly nerfed so the episodes dont last 3 minutes


And for him to just be really really stupid for most of the time aswell


Correct me if I'm wrong but if Barry actually used his powers like he was supposed to his only real villains would have been the reverse flash and zoom because most of the others would be a fucking joke right ? Captain cold is literally a guy with a gun . He can't do anything against a speedster without plot armor. Barry could just run very fast and punch gorilla grod very hard and wouldn't have an issue against him I don't want to start reciting more villains of the week from a show I watched around a year ago but I clearly remember that Barry could probably beat most of them if it weren't for plot armor. And the only reason reverse flash and zoom are actually a threat is because they have a motivation to keep him alive. And for zoom there is absolutely no reason for him not to beat Barry up at the moment he got cured The only good part about the flash is the sheet talks videos about it. Change my mind


“There’s nowhere to run!” Criminal: *Runs* “Welp, nothing I can do…”


"Don't stop to talk, don't stop to talk, don't stop to talk....."


By anti feats, DB ends up being rock/mountain level lmao


To be fair, why wasn't the "uncontrollable" broly destroying the world or hell, even the universe with each ki blast? Why tf would he be using "Ki control" to not destroy everything? It's like, characters are hurt by Ki attacks, but if they dodge those same attacks, it just leaves a tiny crater


E x a c t l y


Probably someone like superman considering how much media he’s been in


yeah,superman is faster than a speeding bullet in one comic and so fast time doesnt even really matter in another


To be fair, both of those speeds are above that of a bullet.


fair enough


https://preview.redd.it/vx8t8mw3p00d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=79bfd81143c75d06de1f07d21d289fc95c42a38b Archie Sonic What most people don’t understand is majority of the feats he does aren’t ever done again after they’re done the first time. If he was so powerful he wouldn’t have struggled with fighting Dr. Eggman, Nagus, Scourge etc. On top of that the post Genesis wave takes away a good chunk of his feats and puts him down to his game counterpart


From what I've seen, he actually ends up weaker than his game counterpart, like, The End is explicitly far stronger than the Time Eater, who can recreate timelines that no longer exist, and the Time Eater is much stronger than Solaris, who is at least universal. Plus, game Sonic has more immeasurable speed feats I believe, moving in timeless voids and restoring time with his speed in generations, escaping an infinite dimension with his speed in base form in forces, and so on


There's no way you used sonic moving in timeless voids in generations as a immeasurable feat


Well it's an inaccessible feat in the most literal interpretation, like how pokemon characters moving in the distortion world would make them immeasurable, or Elden Ring characters having inaccessible speeds, and so on, not that he needs it, even if you don't count that, game Sonic still has other examples of immeasurable speeds


Yeah it just that others use that as a legitimate feat, even though that would eggman a human have immeasurable speed




Think about every time a regular speed person turns the corner and gets away from him. Dude can make seconds into hours, but a light jog around the corner is too quick for him.


yeah lol


I watched this entire series about it, it’s hilarious https://youtu.be/c9Xh7_XvnFI?si=nbxy2A6ouQ30ldFo


CW flash may jobbing hard but not all of them, he dose blitz his opponents some times too. >* [**List of Characters who COULDN'T TAG CW Barry on ‛‛some” Occasions**](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/olubummo/blog/list-of-characters-who-couldnt-tag-cw-barry-on-som/169133/) >* [**List of Characters CW Barry MADE FUN OF.**](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/olubummo/blog/list-of-characters-cw-barry-made-fun-of/169132/). >* [**CW SPEED FORCE**](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/olubummo/blog/cw-speed-force/169120/). [**CW Flash can entire other timelines rewrite them in single moment too**](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/FlashGUIDE-Interior2.jpg). Honestly he is more like if taken as "**bloodlusted**" he pretty much solos many countless verses.


Yeah, I think it's mostly jobbing rather than actually being anti feats. It's not that he isn't that fast, it's that he doesn't use his speed to full capacity. The other examples like saying his top speed is mach 5 or whatever are just the writers not knowing stuff, since he can literally run to fucking China. I don't want to spoil to much because I am only on season 6 of Flash, so I didn't look at the first links but isn't that link about timelines talking about stuff like Flashpoint? They have referred to him altering the past as "rewriting timelines" before but I haven't seen later seasons, so maybe it is referring to something else? I've also been collecting speed feats from the Arrowverse, in shows outside of Flash, but I haven't made a blog yet. Lots of supersonic and subsonic feats for street level. Edit: I checked the other links and it seems a lot of the links to videos/gifs are not working. Just letting you know.


Oh yeah, I just write it worng but the Flashpoint was about the past altered and create/rewrite timelines but Flash with other forces (like still force, etc..) he returns them back.


Ah OK I haven't got to the forces stuff yet.




First time seeing a pic of cw flash, is his schlong THAT pronounced for real?


Explain for cw flash


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMbZvyMBxUcE2ynNlqq0Q3VZMAAK6dG2j&si=TcbYyoPePvcJ4GYx Here is 4 videos worth of inconsistencies. Tldr cw flash should not struggle with 99.9% of the villains


I’ve been watching the flash recently, and nothing pisses me off more than how they just frequently make him way slower. Like one episode he can literally run so fast he stops time long enough to figure out how to stop a nuke. The next episode every Tom dick and harry bad guy is able to stop him. Just makes no sense


The Powerpuff girls. Beat Satan and lifted several mountains but get boxed by a neckbeard


Why aren't cosmic entities here they job soo much I even heard once that galactus got staggered by spiderman






Probably superman


Superman probably got the most amount of statement for him holding back/not being at full power


Bro looks like Tom Hollend


Nearly every mainstream battle anime has massive antifeats imo. A character with planetary+ durability shouldnt ever feel hurt or injured when thrown into a mountain or whatever.


That's usually due to the person throwing them though, not actually getting hit by a mountain, like, if someone equal to you punches you into a building, it's going to hurt, because they punched you


I get that. But if I was a being as strong as Goku for example, I shouldnt feel anything from the impact of hitting the ground etc. Because in the end it should feel just as it feels to go through the air. Especially if the person who’s punch I just took is like a thousand times harder than the impact afterwards.


This isn’t really how physics works though. The mountain will apply force on Goku equal to the amount of force he applies on it by hitting it at speed.


If i fly headfirst into a wall of cotton candy at 100mph it wont hurt right?


Considering water becomes solid after a certain speed then probably not. Depends if it can stay in place when you hit it. If it barely slows you down then Nothing much happens to you from the cotton candy atleast. If the cotton candy doesn't move at all but you still go through it then it probably does more damage then if it caved in. If it completely stops your momentum then you may as well have been hitting a brick wall.


The Doom Slayer getting knocked down by a temple falling on him despite, at that point, being baseline multiversal from Davoth scaling, Arceus being able to rewrite universes on a whim and it's true form being complex multiversal and then getting harmed by Pikachu and a small meteor, Cloud killing the embodiment of fate and then getting knocked out by some random dude with a baseball bat in Rebirth, Sora beating galaxy-level beings at the beginning of KH3 then being unable to do serious damage to Davy Jones (multiversal Davy Jones confirmed?), same with Vanitas and also Luxord being soloed by bad breath, I have a lot of examples


>The Doom Slayer getting knocked down by a temple falling on him despite, at that point, being baseline multiversal from Davoth scaling If it helps, the latter part isn't a thing.


Yes it is? Like, we are informed in-game and from Hugo that Davoth did create the Doom multiverse (rather, Hugo says metaverse), and the cosmology is repeatedly stated and shown to be much larger than you'd think at first glance, like each realm, like Jekkad and Urdak, are higher dimensions, Hell is stated to be unbound by space and time, hence why the Slayer could travel to an alternate universe through it, and even a weakened Davoth without his physical form twisted Jekkad into Hell with his pure anger, and he supposedly has the power to destroy the Doom multiverse once he regains said physical form. Like, go through the Eternal and Ancient Gods codexes and watch the livestreams Hugo Martin did, and it's said again and again that Davoth, being a Primeval created by the Primordials, has the power to create and destroy multiverses, and the Slayer, being able to kill Davoth, must also be a Primeval


None of this is relevant. You're making the mistake of assuming that all power instantly relates to everything you do forever. But this isn't how fiction works, and its definitely not how games work. In the vast majority of games, if end bosses have some kind of access to massive power, it's normally not meant to reflect their physical strength in a fight. And that's a story thing, not a gameplay one. Davoth was straight up not depicted as particularly strong in the fight. He was just a guy with a fabricated body messing around in a mech. You can speculate *why* he isn't strong, but the fact that he wasn't depicted as strong there isn't really in question unless someone just straight up never saw that part of the game. Doomslayer's depiction in the series certainly isn't multiversal and nothing about that fight contradicts it. Trying to insist he is is just making up a bad interpretive rule and trying to hold to it even when it makes no sense.


The reason Davoth is not hard is because the Slayer is far stronger, the codex and Hugo both support this. The Slayer explicitly gets stronger with every demon he kills, and he slaughters demons for, quite literally, billions of years before he ever fights Davoth. The Slayer obviously isn't depicted as Multiversal in the gameplay, but we are told outright that Davoth will destroy creation, the Codex tells us just how powerful Davoth is, and we are repeatedly told in 2016, Eternal, The Ancient Gods, and by Hugo Martin that nothing is ever strong enough for the Slayer. Imps throw fireballs that are 4x hotter than the sun, they do not phase the Slayer. Argent energy is suggested to be hotter than absolute hot (being hotter than was previously thought possible), and it barely scratches his armor, which is weaker than his actual skin. The wraiths created the realm Argent D'nur is in and possibly more, and the Slayer uses their power in his crucible, and it's not dwelled on. The Slayer can easily dodge lightning in gameplay, but it doesn't feel that way because of how the game is showcased. What a strange argument, OF COURSE it's a story thing, because you can't effectively showcase much of that stuff in gameplay without making the game boring. Kratos kills gods that can create realms and beat a guy who hit a snake so hard it was sent back in time, but in gameplay he struggles to open a chest, so I guess he can't be past universal. Sonic moves faster than light and can time travel and cross infinite distances with just speed, but in gameplay you don't even go the speed of sound, guess he can't even roll around at the speed of sound


>The Slayer obviously isn't depicted as Multiversal in the gameplay He isn't in the story either. Considering you see him hurt and threatened by stuff like falling buildings and explosions, and there's no evidence of him having cosmic strength. None of the rest of that matters until there's actually tangible evidence that he is meant to have strength on higher levels. Writers aren't stupid. they know what they are trying to convey, and they will make it clear somehow a character is meant to be stronger if they are. >Kratos kills gods that can create realms and beat a guy who hit a snake so hard it was sent back in time Neither of these things are a clear delineation of the level of physical strength. >so I guess he can't be past universal. No, but the fact that in the plot he is nowhere near universal means that. >Sonic moves faster than light and can time travel and cross infinite distances with just speed, but in gameplay you don't even go the speed of sound, guess he can't even roll around at the speed of sound Sonic is from a fairly inconsistent world. Many versions of sonic become faster or slower depending on what the plot needs. In the first movie he runs across the us in two seconds, but at the end of the second one he somehow isn't fast enough to stop eggman from doing something while in the same room as him.


>Sonic moves faster than light and can time travel and cross infinite distances with just speed, but in gameplay you don't even go the speed of sound, guess he can't even roll around at the speed of sound Sonic counts as a valid example of gamplay/story segregation because we have FMVs, OVA and cutcenes of him actually using his speed. The lightspeed statement is directly from the games. Doomslayer has no such scenes or statements confirming these outlandish claims about him. If developers want to get across a character's abilities they will do so narratively in some fashion; Doomslayer has performed in-game and out precisely the way the creators intended.


This is what people don't get. A character sometimes moving slow for plot reasons =/= there being no evidence literally anywhere that they are supposed to be fast, but it secretly being true. The latter case makes you have to ask in what sense they are fast if they can *never* use it.


Vegeta is an easy contender. Physically, he's pretty broken, and he got some new abilities to buff up his threat level. But he has the worst weakness. His existence. Man is built to lose. It is written in stone.


All of dragon ball. Via statements and a few feats, the series punches up to galactic and even universal, but most battles are planetary at best. Even Broly, the untamable beast with no control who is far stronger than anyone else barely destroys more than a continent until his clash with Super Gogeta.


Can we stop with the “Broly shouldn’t know ki control because he’s on a rampage”. In his Wrathful state he displays a great level of skill with ki manipulation by reversing Goku’s God Bind. Ki manipulation is how he’s even flying and shooting beams in the first place. After losing his mind to grief he still isn’t aiming to destroy the environment and actively targets people, evident with Whis and Frieza. He’s not Buu.






DRAUGR BEHIND YOU! “Use L1 to block incoming enemy attacks” *Next Tip* /j


cw flash? how about just EVERY SINGLE SPEEDSTER IN DC.


Every speedster and goku, dude is pebble level


If anyone says Kratos can they explain to me why?


I'm not sure what you mean by anti-feats but it is true that one of the things about the flash is that. Most of the things he has ever done (and i mean any flash) never technically happened. Lmao.


What dose that mean?


Everything the flash has done either happened in another time line (where he runs back to the past to undo it) or in a distant future (that hasn't happened yet). So TECHNICALLY. The flash hasn't done anything lmao.


What dose thst even mean, no it all happened where he is, Flash beat Death itself in race in his time, Flash outrun instant teleportation in his time and saved Earth, Flash outrun Big Bang in his time, Flash outrun the speed force in his time when Perpetua comes out. Flash outrun Superman in his time and countless others. Like what dose even mean?


saint seiya characters


Cw flash fan will say that this Barry Allen is unbelievably overpowered by fail to mention that the writers nerfs him by being incompetent at writing speedsters.


CWC flash definitely falls under this, bro is supposed to be the fastest man alive and constantly lets non speedsters go. Bro is a forensic scientist and yet forgets how his powers work the next day.


All fiction characters have some crazy anti-feats


Heisei Godzilla


Which? Just curious


Popeye is probably up there. At one point he was able to just ignore God erasing the universe and even beat him at an arm wrestling contest, yet he's also canonically been knocked out by a fish when it jumped out of the water and slapped him in the face. Additionally, Kirby. He goes from killing Universal beings with ease, to getting knocked around by a penguin with a sledgehammer.


Cw flash treats his problems like a shitty Minecraft YouTuber in trying to convince his 9 year old audience that there are definitely real stakes in his creative superflat world he created 5 minutes ago Bro is actual god


What are anti-feats and anti-statements?


basically something happening that shouldnt, a character performing below what the is known to be capable of  think DB characters not doing any enviormental damage despite being planet+ level


Oh cw flash is a good one!


My question is, why is Barry packing like Ayo?


there’s probably a cup


Gojo the fraudulent one


This show made me dumber.


Goku being physically effected by guns. And Krillin being damaged


Most, if not all, Marvel and DC characters, especially in the comics


Big Mom


https://preview.redd.it/m7d6zxhx910d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9963ab955f433fb3e7d9e39a943c9f715967bc62 The idea that they didn’t just have him rip the shit out of the brotherhood bunker is absolute bullshit to me.