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Ford and Carter they were best friends after the election of 1976


Carter must have liked football and nachos.


Maybe he did. But would’ve been fans of sucky teams the Lions and the Falcons were terrible in the 70,80,99,2000,2010


HEY, I got nothing. At least we were good last year.


Yeah we were


Missed the reference ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)




And drinking beer


Billy Beer.


We elected the wrong Carter.


With PJ and Squee?




This is the answer, Carters Eulogy for Ford was very heartfelt


It was amazing to hear


Until Carter screwed him over in 1989 (Panamanian elections). They weren’t really on good terms after that. There’s a reason Presidents quit dealing with Carter. He screwed over Clinton too.


Really I didn’t know that


GWBush and his family were very friendly with both Clinton and Obama.


HW Bush and Clinton too.


Didn’t Dubya say that Clinton was essentially an honorary member of the Bush family?


Yeah, I think Clinton called himself the black sheep and W said he was the brother from another mother.


Like the second son HW never had. Poor Jeb.


Who's Jeb? We only know of Jeb! here.


Please clap.


This will never not be funny.


Well, at least he asked nicely


At his dads funeral he called Clinton one of his dads other sons along with some other men


I think it was Jeb who said he thought HW liked Bill more than any of them.


Yep - I also think that HW and Barbara were the parents Clinton wished he had. I love the fact they took him in and treated him like family.


That tracks. Clinton had some daddy issues.




Well they are all the same just doing the work of the elites


At least they were liars we could trust.


At least Clinton administration helped the middle class in the process .


Yes and Bush spoke fondly of how well Clinton treated him when they took a long trip together.


W always seemed impressed with how Clinton treated his dad too.


Wasn't the 2001 transition pretty acrimonious? I remember reading that W went out of his way to make things as smooth as possible for the incoming Obama admin, partly because he resented the way he had come in. It's part of why he and the Obamas get along so well.


I'm not sure about 2001. I did hear that someone pulled a prank on W and removed all the Ws from the white house keyboards! That's a pretty good pack. I DO recall that W tried to make everything as smooth as possible for Obama bc Obama wanted to the same for rule 3.


One of us heard it wrong bc I was under the impression W said he welcomed the Obamas bc that’s how he was treated and he wanted to pay it forward. Going to Google it bc now I’m curious if I misheard or misremembered


It wasn’t acrimonious afaik it just was super messy. From what I read admins just didn’t really plan for the transition in the past so it took forever to get up and running. Probably influenced by 9/11 happening 8 months into Ws first term, he put a lot of effort into “modernizing” the transition to the next admin.


The Clinton to Bush transition was compressed because Bush wasn't certified as the winner until Dec 12th. That's where the mess came from. Going forward, they made sure to begin the transition process much earlier. Preliminary steps for transition now begin in the summer before the election.


It wasn't acrimonious, it was really compressed. Bush wasn't certified as the winner until mid-December, so the transition was very rushed.


Fox News and right-wing hacks like Paul Harvey tried to make it sound that way, but it was mostly some harmless pranks/practical jokes like the W key thing.


Makes sense, former president is a very small group so they all probably understand each other on a unique level. It also helps that they're all rational and very normal people


Plus, they're all smart enough to put personal politics aside when they're together.


I mean, compared to today, the personal politics are likely not all that far from each other. Both had similar goals, just different routes to get there.


Except for one


W and Clinton have children and grandchildren the same age. That shared experience probably helped too. know the Obama girls have met the Bush twins. It's such a small group with unique experiences and it's nice that they all have each other. I remember in 2016 when it looked like it might be Jeb vs HRC and they asked how the election would effect their friendship. They basically shrugged, said they would vote how they see fit and keep being friends.


Yeah you can tell, until recently, there was a bond because of the job. The notes left for the next guy, etc. They all know how hard the job actually is.


I love this so much.


I kind of wonder what W would have been like without the influence of the hard, hard right members of his cabinet. Or, you know, without September 11.


Aren't GW and Michelle actually really good friends?


There have been photos of them sitting together at events. Read they were close.


I bet it makes a difference that they all did two terms and, in retrospect, weren’t running against each other.


I have to wonder what exactly that was all about. Did they have common financial interests? Were they just attempting to create influence for uniting Dems and GOP? There's gotta be something to the story.


I think it’s as simple as HW Bush had a gracious transition for Clinton and Clinton wanted to return the favor.


I would actually enjoy the two of them in a podcast or some kind of talk show format. Politics aside they are both charismatic on the personal level and would be interesting to listen too. Call it W & Billy’s bonfire chat.


Oval Office Ladies


I would listen to that.


Bush and Willy Discuss Pubic Service


Bubba and Dubya reminisce about war crimes


Bubba and Dubua reminisce about alcoholism and fast food.


That would be so cool. I hope we get to a point where former president do that someday


Probably Adams and Jefferson. Their exchange of letters after they repaired their falling out is some of greatest American writing ever. “We ought not to die before we have explained ourselves to each other.”


And then they died on the same day.


Adams’ last words were “Jefferson lives” despite him having died earlier that day 😥


Couldn’t even be bothered to check Twitter and stay current on the news, smdh.


I mean he was apparently feeling pretty sick. Probably didn't want to get his phone out in case the news only made him more depressed. Also the internet was pretty slow back then, so its possible he didn't want to deal with the load time


Back when it was still called Twitter.


Didn't even know he was sick....


A hat tip to you, friend. RIP Norm.


Not just the same day, the 50th birthday of the US.




Yeah when I finally got to watch the John Adams series on HBO this blew my mind too


Just rewatched. Cannot recommend highly enough. It’s a great production.


What did you think about the way they portrayed Adams in that miniseries, vs. the recent Ben Franklin series on AppleTV?


I didn’t want the Franklin series. But I think it was a fair, nuanced performance by Giamatti. I think it showed Adams’s principled nature and altruism as well as his inflexibility, lack of diplomatic tact, and immense ego.


Ill definitely find it. Thanks.


Yep. To add to the coincidence, it was July 4, 1826 - 50 years to the day after signing the Declaration of Independence.


Thats something else. Truth is always stranger than fiction, I guess.


If it weren't for the feud, perhaps. Since it was one of those best friends fallout feuds I think it may even solidify their friendship more.


Perhaps not the best, but Clinton and Nixon’s mentee-mentor relationship was unique and one that stood out to me the most during my reading of The Presidents Club. Essentially, Clinton really valued and respected Nixon’s opinions on foreign policy and, for Nixon, I think this was some nice redemption at the end of his life.


Is there any particular event or bill regarding this? I’m pretty interested in this backstory.


Specifically about navigating Russia post-Cold War. Clinton: “I sought guidance in the example of President Nixon, who came to the presidency at a time in our history when Americans were tempted to say, 'We've had enough of the world.’ But President Nixon knew we had to continue to reach out to old friends and to old enemies alike. He knew America could not quit the world." Here’s some more info that was declassified about 10 years ago: https://will.illinois.edu/news/story/new-documents-provide-insight-into-relationship-of-presidents-clinton-nixon


According to Nixon, we should have been tougher on Russia’s foreign policies towards their neighbors.


Excellent link, thank you


Lincoln liked Andrew Johnson and admired the fact that he remained loyal to the Union despite being from the South. Lincoln was reportedly glad when he was chosen as his running mate, saying “Andy Johnson, I think, is a good man”. Of course, Andrew Johnson ended up being one of the worst presidents in history. To be fair, though, any other Southern Democrat would have been even worse.


Johnson is a really interesting read. Obviously, he is an awful president and scuttled reconstruction which has rippled down for a hundred years, but he hated the southern aristocratic plantation owners as much as any abolitionist, just not for the same reasons.


Didn’t Johnson get rip-roaringly drunk before the Lincoln-Johnson inauguration and give a terrible inaugural speech that embarrassed the hell out of Lincoln?


Yes, he also gave a terrible inauguration speech after the death of Lincoln


Depends who you ask. Ive read a number of versions of what happens. He may have been drunk or he may have been sick. Or he may have been told to have a drink because he had a paralyzing case of nervousness/stage fright. He did give a terrible speech though, and Lincoln was asked about it and compelled to deny that Johnson was a drunkard.


the og - adams/jefferson 2nd place - truman/hoover


Truman would give out signed copies of Hoover’s book “Fishing for Fun” the admiration was sincere.


I read a letter from Hoover to Truman where the former claims that ‘bathtubs are a menace to ex-presidents’ after they’d both fallen and been injured in one. It’s also well-known that the ex-presidential pension was possibly created because Truman was rather poor when he left office, but Hoover - who was better off financially - also took the pension to avoid embarrassing his friend. how nice.


Not president to president, but I genuinely enjoy watching W interact with Michelle. Appears they truly enjoy each others’ company & it’s refreshing to see


Michelle just seems to have been loved by pretty much everyone.


Except some QAnon people


I heard somewhere that Obama was one of the last people HW Bush spoke to before he died. Doro Bush hugged Obama, said “he’s been waiting for you”, and left them be.


Perhaps there are better examples, but Nixon and Kennedy were friends when they served together in Congress, and Kennedy contributed (under the table) to one of Nixon’s Congressional campaigns. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/TkI5fKvf0fE


Truman and Hoover. Hoover wrote to Truman, “Yours has been a friendship which has reached deeper into my life than you know.”


I really wish they'd remake "my fellow Americans" with these two. Not actors, like actually both of them. I'm sure the job gives plenty of acting experience.


Underrated film. “Decaf, you pussy.”


"Hail to the chief, if you don't, I'll have to kill you. I am the chief so you better watch your step, you bastards" I still sing this in my head every time I hear the melody.


Bush 1 and Clinton


I think that modern presidents have learned some very dark shit and realize there's a lot more to the world than they could ever imagine and it humbles them with fear and possibly shame. So they bond in a very deep manner after their time "at the top."


Just curious, what was the relationship between the Roosevelt families? I know they represented very different parts of NY society but Teddy had some fairly progressive ideas, at least by today’s standards.


They were at least cordial. Both of Eleanor's parents died when she was young, so Teddy (who was president at the time) gave her away at the wedding.


The relationship between Franklin and Theodore was cordial, and Franklin's marriage to Teddy's niece Eleanor strengthened the relationship further. Teddy was pleased that Franklin followed his own political route of NY legislator and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Teddy's death in January of 1919 probably meant that he did not hear about the rupture of the marriage of Eleanor and Franklin in September of 1918, although Teddy's daughter Alice had been encouraging Franklin's affair with Lucy Mercer. After Uncle Ted's death there would be a sharp break in the relations between the Hyde Park Roosevelts and the Oyster Bay Roosevelts over politics, especially in 1924 when Ted Jr. (who was Eleanor's first cousin) was running for Governor -- Eleanor drove around New York State in a car with a steaming teapot on the roof to emphasize Ted Jr.'s connection to the Teapot Dome scandal.


There is some very limited evidence that Teddy was grooming FDR to be a national figure in politics, as most of their known photographs apart from Franklin’s weddings were near the end of 1916-18, as they shared many ideals. Today I think there is only one surviving photograph of them that’s online.


From what I'm seeing, almost every single president was at the very least respectful to their opponent and opposing party presidents. Well, until a certain someone appeared.


W and Michelle Obama


Kennedy and Nixon were good friends while serving together in the Senate, pre-1960. Not sure about after that election since Nixon basically left politics for a while to work as an attorney for Pepsi Cola Co. I always thought it was an odd coincidence Nixon was in Dallas the morning of Nov 22, 1963. He had been in town for the annual Pepsi conference (along with movie star Joan Crawford) and left Friday morning about an hour before Air Force One touched down at Love Field.


While both men served as Senators from their respective states, they were never Senators at the same time. It was while they were Representatives in the House when they forged their friendship, being assigned offices across the hall from each other.


Do you think presidents chat about top secret information with each other that bothers them, and they can't share it with anyone else?


I mean off the subject but don’t we miss the days when people thought dubyas blank ass stare was the dumbest thing we’d be seeing in the presidency? 🤦‍♀️


Yes Clinton Bush on Haiti 🇭🇹


W and Michelle seem like genuine bffs lol


That surprised the eff outta me


I only know recently but I think the Bushs did well with both Clinton and Obama. I know the sr bush would fish with clinton, etc. But when you see W and the Obamas interact its like they adopted him. Def respect between W and Barack but with Michelle its more like familial love.


I’ve seen pics of them, some funeral(?) and the love there was real. I truly believe Bush43 was transformed by the Presidency. He became a humble introspective person. Maybe that would have been more useful Before he killed many with incompetence and malice, that’s just me, but going just on 2010 on, I can see it.


Concur. I dont think he was intentionally a bad person. Dude was a dolt whose family just wanted to extend the legacy and he had horrible people (cheney) guiding him.


I wonder if W really wanted to be president or it was just what he was told would be his destiny? It seems like he spent most of his adult life pursuing a golden ring that he found out he didn't really want once he got it.


The dog that caught the car. I can see it


I’d say Bush and Obama, but that’s George and Michelle.


Jefferson and Adams. Absolutely best friends but their political differences put a huge strain on their friendship.


Obama & W!


Well after their presidencies — TJ and Adams


Would teddy and taft count since teddy ran as an independent?


During teddy's presidency yea, but during the 1912 election, they hated each other


Yeah I know that part, although I swore I heard that they later made up, Adam's and Jefferson style, I might be wrong about that though


Post presidency I think it’s easier to be friendly. I am more curious which presidents had the best relationships with congressional leaders of the other parties. Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neal come to mind.


John Boehner and Obama were very friendly, despite everything


Probably Van Buren and Fillmore. Both eventually became free soilers


I had no idea what they did as President while they were in office other than the rumor and scandal


- Nixon and Clinton - HW Bush and Clinton - W Bush and Clinton - W Bush and Obama - Ford and Carter - Truman and Ike - JFK and Ike


Its funny to me seeing this post and looking over the comments, as the acrimony we see today with some of the presidents really wasnt how things were. Its why W, Clinton and Obama can all get together and have genuinely cordial moments. They set a good example too, because this is how things really should be.


Clinton: I'm with Stupid. Bush: He he! This guy's a Chad. He he!


What’s sad is that all current/former presidents can’t get along the way Clinton and W do no matter which party they belong to. Nowadays instead of seeing each other as team members who want to do the best for our country they see each other as political enemies.


Clinton and the last guy


My vote is these two honestly


Kennedy and Nixon


Famously Jefferson and Adams were great friends for decades, aside from a rift for a few years in the early 1800s.


Such good friends that they died on the same day - July 4th which is eerie as hell.


Ford and Carter


They’re all buddy buddy behind closed doors


W and Obama are buddies, as I understand it.


HW and Clinton I think. And they even ran against each other


The letter that HW left for Bill was awesome


Yep. Beautiful. Back when people had "wonder and respect" for the office they occupied.


Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. Can you really think of two that worked more closely?


Ike and jfk had a good working relationship. Ike put America first and tried to help jfk anyway he could.


Ike. The last good Republican Prez. Before the Great Party Shift. Look at his ‘56 platform - it would be called Radical by current republicans.


Herbert Hoover and Harry Truman. Truman worked with Hoover post-WW2. Hoover was sent to Europe to by Truman to assess the situation there, and also was consulted on reforms to the federal bureaucracy. Hoover IMO was the most accomplished and successful former president.


When you work for the same corporations, friendships do happen.


Bush is giving the photog the finger


Tommy J and Johnny A. We all know about it. We all know they were friends and rivals and friends again.


How *do* neocons and neoliberals manage to find common ground? …Truly, a mystery!


Do presidents actually respect Bush? Feel like Cheney ran the show and he was short to live up to the presidency?


George W and Michelle... Okay not really what you asked but I do love their relationship. It gives me hope in the world of politics.


Kennedy and Nixon had rooms across from one another as rookie Congressmen. Apparently they were close. When Nixon was president, he invited Jackie and the two kids over for lunch at the White House where he regaled them with stories about their father.


Clinton and Bush Sr. Spent a lot of time working together after Clinton’s term.


Those two. Jeb and Clinton became exceptionally close.


Seems Obama and Bush got along well after he was out of office. People have said he’s a great fun loving guy just wasn’t Presidential material, hence Cheney V P.


One that a lot of people don’t talk about is Eisenhower and Kennedy.


Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter became very good friends. They made an agreement that whoever died first the other would do the eulogy


I feel like these two might have bumped into each other at a Frat party at least once.


I like to think Obama and McCain held each other in very high esteem and considered themselves friends but I have no idea and too lazy to google it. Mccain was an American hero, heading his story of his military service and imprisonment and eventual rescue makes me proud to be American. And I voted for Obama


W. and Michelle Obama


Bush I and Clinton.


Bush Jr and Michelle obama


Adams and Jefferson post their presidencies


It’s George Bush and Epstein’s best client


Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill were the best of friends. I know O’Neil was “only Speaker of the House” (so yes it missed a bit on the topic) but there were several great stories of how he and Reagan would go at it politically, and then laugh about it afterwards and share meals together, etc.


Remember when the presidents played minecraft these two literally teamed up against Obama and Rule 3, so probably the ones in the image displayed lol.


Uniparty. They’re all in the same syndicate.


War crimes are a bonding experience.


I think in most recent times it has to be McCain and Obama.


George W and Michelle Obama have a wholesome relationship forged over cough drops.


Well, these 2 lying shits are birds of a feather. I’d say them, but W is pretty close with Obama.


The Republican and Democratic parties are not opposing parties, they are two factions of the same party with the only one purpose, to keep the rich and powerful American oligarchs rich and powerful American oligarchs.


Andrew Jackson and Dwight D. Eisenhower




Not one disagreement




It was the devils bargain that Nixon warned about. Nixon absolutely hated that the Republican Party was beginning to court evangelicals. It was a divorce from the libertarian Goldwater/Milton Friedman part of the party that was strong in the 60s. Imagine a GOP that would have agreed with same sex unions in the 1970s as 1980s. Instead they fused with social conservatives.


Reagan - Bush - Clinton all worked together smuggling cocaine into the country. I’m sure that formed a bond. Drug kingpins have something in common


Opposing parties my ass. Both a couple of disgusting NeoLiberals.