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He probably  was the single most famous person in the world at one time. It’s really flabbergasting how only about 5% of people are aware of his existence today. 


Yeah he had the largest funeral in NYC after Lincoln. I tried to find tourist stuff about him and he's buried in a cemetery in Brooklyn but otherwise I couldn't find anything on him.


How the heck didn’t he win then? The guy who won is today seen as even more of a nobody than either him or Teddy


Georgism’s main tenet was that all property should be publically owned and “rented” out. Definitely not a universally popular notion in America, especially in the Gilded Age! His presidency would have lasted about a paragraph into his inaugural address, then about 200 assassins would have lit up the stage at once.


I didn’t say he should’ve been president, I was asking how he lost the NY mayor race (the highest office he actually ran for) despite his fame


Henry George was good. Gone too soon man! Fly High Henry 🕊️


The literal best possible ending we could've gotten.


His writing is so clear. I can not recommend progress and poverty enough.


Who’s Henry George? ^(and for once Reddit answer this instead of downvoting and being silent)


He proposed a Land value tax. So replace all taxes with essentially rent to the government for the use of property. Property tax is similar but that is affected by the value of the improvements (house on top of land). In property tax Walmart with a parking lot the same size the building is 80% of the value and the land with the parking lot is low values. In land value parking lot or Walmart they are charged the same. In property tax you discourage people having high property values, in land value you discourage wasteful land usage. Georgism is the idea to replace all taxes income, payroll, sales etc with land value tax. He was a prominent thinker in the late 1800s arguing back and forth with people like Marx and Communist/socialist types.


Georgism is named after him


Fun fact, this is a common misconception! He actually named the ideology after after [Curious George. This is because he got the idea for the LVT when reading his son a bedtime story about how Curious George was trying grow the most bananas he could on his farmland.](https://www.google.com/search?q=holy+shit+i+can%27t+believe+you+fell+for+that+lmfao)




That’s even better than choosing the name after himself


S! Land value taxes are based.


Funnily enough, George means "farmer."


I think Georgism has merit. I wouldn’t go as far as to say I strictly adhere to the philosophy, but I like the philosophy. Beyond that, I know very little about the man.


I've heard of Georgism. I'm personally not a huge fan, but I understand that this guy lived in the 19th century and had a 19th century concept of what budgets were, and in that context it was a little more reasonable to think land value taxes could cover the whole thing. Now they absolutely can't. We do fund most local budgets with property taxes, which are similar to LVTs (don't come at me for saying that, I know what the difference is.) This is why mayor makes more sense for his goal than President. If we're gonna try this, try it at the city level. I have seen George put up there with Marxists, socialists and utopians, which I disagree with and think are an insult to George. He wasn't that bad.


https://preview.redd.it/pd66il6vc58d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2784bd2d619473dc3f426cc6a3c07c875eeb56 America if President Henry George passed his Land Value Tax amendment




I completely forgot this guy existed. Didn’t he come up with the concept of a singular income tax or some shit?


He believed in a land value tax. I’m pretty sure he thought that there shouldn’t be any other taxes, including an income tax. 


Have absolutely no idea who this guy is, I’m gonna be real with you dawg


Usually when I think of Georgism I think of its effects on rural land and wilderness. If less land is wasted under Georgism, that is where it would be most beneficial. I'm curious what a Georgist policy specifically in NYC would be like. Now a Henry George presidency, that would probably not fully implement Georgism. I don't have any predictions beyond that but I can't see him being a revolutionary leader or even causing a political realignment.


He would have been a great fucking president


I have no idea but I will say because white immigrants were mostly democrats after citizenship, the New York electoral county map was about 90% the same as it is today even back in the late 1800s. Don’t think any other states could say that.


10/10 He had great ideas


S tier, but I’m an unabashed Georgist.


If Henry George was elected, I would be fine abolishing term limits.


I assume he wouldn’t get much done but he’d probably do some progressive urban-orientated reforms and Chinese exclusion.


Ugh Georgism is a very overrated policy proposal - it would be extremely short-sighted if implemented and enforced how Henry George and his followers understood it