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If I understand what you are trying to do, I would recommend that you use the external module Shazam. Shazam allows you to show/hide individual HTML elements by mirroring branching logic of other fields, not the entire descriptive field.


Indeed, Shazam seems to perfectly fit the use case. I like how Vanderbilt implemented part of Shazam's functionality into REDCap as Field Embedding, but at the same time I miss the functionality to show/hide HTML elements based on a field's branching logic, which is the main reason why I would still use Shazam today.


So I did a quick mock-up of a table with rows that only appear based on branching logic. If this is along the lines of what you need, I'd be happy to share the coding with you. Basically, each row is a descriptive variable branched to whatever, and then each column has data piped in from whatever variable needed. No rows showing: [https://ibb.co/nbx2PbJ](https://ibb.co/nbx2PbJ) Row 1 showing: [https://ibb.co/5xk612z](https://ibb.co/5xk612z) Rows 1 & 3 showing: [https://ibb.co/3Mn5fX7](https://ibb.co/3Mn5fX7) All rows showing: [https://ibb.co/X4yKF76](https://ibb.co/X4yKF76) For the form status issue, it sounds like the form status variable somehow got embedded in the table (it will be "form\_name\_complete" surrounded by curly brackets, so for example {form1\_complete}. Demonstrated here: [https://ibb.co/0V32v2f](https://ibb.co/0V32v2f))


That does look similar to what I need, if you don't mind sharing the coding with me. The Form Status piece is weird - it's not embedded as part of the table, but almost seems to be "floating" overtop of it: https://ibb.co/HHmGP3q


Hmm that's super weird...maybe just a visual bug. I'd probably try deleting the instrument and starting again (if possible) or maybe try using a different browser? Here's the HTML coding I used for the first row (if you want a background color). I removed the 2 additional columns leaving just 2.

Column 1 Column 2
Here is what I used for all subsequent rows:
Descriptor \\\[variable3\\\]


Thanks! I think I was trying to be too clever with it - I was using a single

tag in the first row, and then making the subsequent rows just have s and
s, and then a final row with a closing
What you've provided works great.