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just dont spill any and you'll be right as rain brother


☘🌿🕊🌱🍀Nature 🍀🌱🕊🌿☘ (as in its pretty not the weed)


The key to live is keeping all liquids inside you for as long as possible.


Piss isn't good tho


What's even weirder is that atoms are mostly empty 🤯


Wtf is "empty" really?


To make it very plain - there is more space BETWEEN atoms, than the space they take up themselves. So a solid object, made up of solid matter, has more empty space than actual physical space. It's tough to wrap your head around, just think about the atoms sticking together like magnets


So funny thing about empty space... Well, it actually is something. It's not nothing. It can bend and is effected by mass. So in our reality, at least as far as we know, there is no such thing as nothing.


Oh that's neat, kinda like Dark Matter kinda deal? Not saying they're the same thing, more just that we can confirm there's SOMETHING when otherwise we would assume there's NOTHING.


Way back when, the Greeks didn't know what the fuck was going on, and decided that the only way light could get to the earth from the sun was through some medium. They called it ether. They were accidentally correct. And while it's not really a "medium" it kind of acts like it. At least in the way mass warps it. Look at it this way. It would be as if you poked a syringe into jello and created a bubble inside it. That's the same effect mass has on space. So in that way it acts like something.


Okay, so wait, wtf? Essentially my understanding/takeaway, and to put it a simile, it's like space is *almost* like a liquid? As much as it's the absence of air/a vacuum, it also "displaces" itself for something like, say, a satellite?




It's what gravity is. The displacement of space.


Or, not exactly displacement, but close enough lol. Gravity is just a side effect.


Tldr space isn't nothing, it's just much less than something


Everything is always filled with something


From a distance it looked solid, when we got better tools to zoom in further the illusion of a solid atom breaks down. Kind of the same way a really think mist can look like a white wall from afar, but once you get closer you may see the particles that make up the mist, mostly suspended in the air. And then we have the energy ofcourse :)


Yeah nothing


Even nothing is something


But energy! :)


Nope. The absence of anything at all. Except maybe antimatter.


Antimatter is just matter but with the charges reversed.


Consider the excretion disk of a super massive black hole, the spiraling arms of our galaxy - more specifically, the degrees of the spiral and rotational velocity, there is a much larger influential force that appears to drive the galaxy in unison (less like "fluid in a blender" or a tornado). Gravity or dark matter... I'm pretty sure it was dark matter. Nevertheless the size of disk driving the rotation of the galaxy is magnitudes larger than the galaxy itself


Antimatter is matter with the charges reversed, dark matter is matter we can't detect except by its gravitational influence on surrounding matter. If atoms contained dark matter it would cause them to have more mass than they should, so that's unlikely.


Thank you for the clarification


Form is emptiness, but emptiness is also form.


form is form and emptiness is emptiness as well


Sure, but that doesn't escape what I said.


Oh no I know, it's the other side of the saying, kinda like that 'before enlightenment the trees are trees and the mountains are mountains, then we see a little clearer and the trees are not trees and the mountains are not mountains, with further clarity and enlightenment we come to see that the trees are trees and the mountains are mountains'. Something about seeing through our conceptions and that turning the whole thing topsy turvy, but we come to see that even that is a conception and that there is a permanence behind the conceptions that is very simple and straightforward. I was being tongue in cheek, I suppose


Are you a good meat bag or a bad one


I'm a bad one. I'm aware of my sins


Most of us are good meat bags. Even the good meat bags make mistakes


I would like to believe.


Good and evil are just colors on a spectrum


Goes back to Yin and Yang. You can't have the good without having the bad. No light without dark or happiness without sadness etc and most importantly, no eggs without bacon.. Life is one big meat bag of everything. The good, the bad and the ugly.


There's a spooky skeleton inside you right now.


I'm not even tripping and this makes me feel weird.




Do not tempt a dragon, for you are fleshy and taste good with ketchup


Lol this got me going


welcome to the physical realm ever think about mapping your understanding of these phenomena on knowledge from decades long studies of them to add some realistic nuance to your imaginations?


Maybe? But I don't want to so no :3




It just sounds like alot of work


if you enjoy expanding your mind, that should be an essential point of departure, as your mind will automatically shape narratives from your existing knowledge base - which means, if you deepen that base - the narratives branching through your mind will not only attain more vivid detail, but come to accurately reflect life as is, as understood through decades of study, and all you have to do, is let your curiosity guide your eyes across some great piece of media,’ conveniently offering your new beautiful vista


There are only about 6 liters of blood in you… thats 3 of those 2 liter bottles of soda… a decent amount. But as we say in the operating room… all bleeding stops eventually…


That’s kind of dark lol




Just put on some good music and feel it flow


Maybe it's the fan? More of a staticy noise


Yes you are! And it's perfectly normal for us humans :) Natures wonderfull way of evolving us. Platns also have a different type of liquid to move neutriance and water and probably something more that I can't remember right now inside of the plant. That's the liquid that bleeds out when you pick a flower or cut a thick leaf or a branch :)


I hadn't thought of it that way but you're right, us animals along with plants share fluid as our means of hydraulic power, just like an excavator! In the long march of evolution, life has carried with it water from the sea up onto land, and has managed to continue to this day! I encountered a passage that was pretty thought provoking, in what has to be the most mysterious book ever written, a strange and conteoversial blue book published in the 1930s claimed to have been given by the celestial beings that designed life on our world: 58:1.3 (664.4) The Satania Life Carriers had projected a sodium chloride pattern of life; therefore no steps could be taken toward planting it until the ocean waters had become sufficiently briny. The Urantia type of protoplasm can function only in a suitable salt solution. All ancestral life—vegetable and animal—evolved in a salt-solution habitat. And even the more highly organized land animals could not continue to live did not this same essential salt solution circulate throughout their bodies in the blood stream which freely bathes, literally submerses, every tiny living cell in this “briny deep.” 58:1.4 (664.5) Your primitive ancestors freely circulated about in the salty ocean; today, this same oceanlike salty solution freely circulates about in your bodies, bathing each individual cell with a chemical liquid in all essentials comparable to the salt water which stimulated the first protoplasmic reactions of the first living cells to function on the planet.


“I’m a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl” - Bjork


You want a real unease??? Everything about you - even the blood in your veins - is actually just a series of electron clouds. Feel good about this - it means you’re full of potential.


And the water we drink was once pissed out of a dinosaur. We're filtered dino piss.


The sensation of being filled with blood is the essence of butoh dance.


I wish I could talk to my flesh and tell it I'm sorry for hating myself so much.


You can hunny, be nice and kind


Just have to figure out how first...


You could start by thanking your feet for getting you everywhere, your hands for feeding you and tying your shoes... Your back for letting you sit up on your own , your legs for the many miles you've come so far, Your heart which has such a huge capacity for love, oops your heart for keeping the blood going that heals and nourishes you, your mouth for tasting yummy things your eyes for seeing everything, I could go on. I'm not 20 anymore for sure and it's easy to focus on my wrinkles or that stupid cystic acne that keeps coming back, I've hated on my belly shape, which I should be grateful for bc it's carried 3 sons and shows that I get plenty to eat. I've hated on my legs which have faithfully taken me on many shenanigans bc they have been called chicken and pencil legs, , I've hated my hair( purple now, I went a little overboard coloring my silvers), I've hated on every feature on my body. I see my Mom and my Grandmoms and my Aunt's in my face now and I can't hate it anymore bc they're beautiful to me. I've longed for different color eyes, I wanted the blue green hazel of my Mom or the gorgeous blue of my Grams eyes, but they're my brown eyes and they have some pretty flecks in them but they let me see the faces of the people I love, they let me appreciate the beauty in a strangers smile. It's a journey I guess, I've heard that said, to try to love and accept the strengths and weaknesses of my flesh, I'm trying to help you along yours. I'm also thankful right now for my but and legs and whole body for letting me be comfortable on the couch and my fingers so I can tell you this stuff.


This is probably the most wholesome interactive I've seen on Reddit. I hope you both have a great day and always try to love yourself. 🫶🏼


Thank you, it felt garbled and I hope it's helpful


My right hand for sure, the most useful and fine tuned tool I've ever had, left one has the prttyest vein. I'm genuenly baffled at night, hearing how that hollow thing in my chest keeps going non-stop for over 21 years now, my mind has given up a million times allready. Supposed it's a fairly decent outcome of the genetic lottery, to be more like my dad in so many aspects. Altough that does have it's trade offs as I'm not pretty by any standards and can't recognise myself in the mirror, but I know what those eyes have seen.


Beautiful. Thank you! 🥰


My writing is a little disjointed and off the top of my head, I apologize for that


Mine tends to always be like that, it's not a problem.


Also your Blood is Blue!


Organs locked inside a mech-suit made of bone LET ME OUUUUUTTTTTT


This made me think of this shirt I used to have that said “my insides are bloody” in red drippy letters. I thought it was hilarious but a lot of people didn’t always think so much so. 😆


If any1 were to post this on drugscirclejerk, tag me!🤚


That sounds more like a r/stonerphilosophy post


Everything and anything is strange if you look long enough. One strange and cool thing about the human body to me is that we don't make our farts, our gut bacteria does. We have tons of symbiotic microorganisms living inside of us and all over us. We have bugs that live in the pores of our skin. Like they have legs and everything. I'm not just talking about the mites that live all around us consuming our dead skin cells but actual tiny bugs that live in our pores. You can look up pictures. Everyone has them.


How about the theory that multicellular life evolved from single celled organisms merging and cooperating symbiotically? Blood isn't just blood, it's a river of cells that aren't physically attached to you, doing a specific task that keeps you alive.


It's probably true. If you look it up, I just recently saw an article stating they have seen it happen recently for the first time. Two organisms become one.


The chloroplast in plant cells is the most well known example - it's literally got its own DNA that's separate from the plant's nuclear DNA.


That's really cool, I didn't know that. I follow a lot of science news on Google's home page. Mostly biology too. Some plant-like organisms that are as big as my hand or bigger are actually just one cell containing one nucleus. Kind of off topic I know. ADHD at it again lol but I just like to share knowledge.


Plants are cool as fuck, I've just ADHD'd my way through a degree in horticulture & botany. Chloroplast DNA is usually used instead of nuclear DNA for plant phylogeny because it's generally consistent within a species, and follows the maternal line. Sometimes plants have chloroplast DNA from a different species - so we know those ones are hybrids. We can trace that back though whole groups of species and genera to see what diverged from what, but sometimes they hybridise again and end up with the original chloroplast. The evolutionary tree of life is more like a tangled net than a tree lol.


My ADHD mostly makes me creative. Sometimes I wonder if I'm autistic though because I love to learn more than I like to socialize. I have seen diagrams of evolution that definitely resemble a web more than a tree. Maybe the tree of life was coined after the term branch defining how they split off from ancestors.


I'm AuDHD and yeah I enjoy learning more than socialising for sure, though it is fun socialising with folk who're into the same stuff as you. Yes the tree of life analogy was meant to represent the classic theory of evolution - humans have a bad habit of assuming nature / natural processes can be categorised in a neat & satisfying way. Like, even the idea that there's such a thing as a species falls apart the closer you look at it. Taxonomists have boxing matches over whether to classify things as one thing or multiple. 😂 It's particularly influenced by the fact 18th & 19th century naturalists were generally more interested in animals than anything else, came up with theories of speciation, ecology, biogeography etc. based on their observations of animals, and applied that to everything.


Like how humans like too put mushrooms in the same category as plants even though they are more closely related to animals? I don't have a degree of any kind. So I might not understand. I just read a lot of studies and articles and sometimes books. Could be that it's just easier to say something that fits the current model to not make things confusing. Like I was watching electroboom and even he says he likes the model of electrons pushing each other through a wire but in reality that's not how it works. You'd have to watch the video for a good explanation but yeah.


It depends on the context - if you're trying to find out how things actually work you need to create models that are accurate, if you're trying to explain those models in layman's terms it's better to simplify. Electroboom is a science communicator, he's in the second category.


Wait until you hear about J I Z Z


My fav!


We are meat machines.


Yeah :[ kinda gross


You’re like planet and your blood is your ocean


what would you rather be filled with ? 😳


I think I'd rather be filled with helium


Ur trippin bud


Some portion of the water forming the saliva in your mouth was once in the digestive tract of a dinosaur 200 million years ago


You are not the meat bag, blood, or skeleton. You’re a soul/conscuousness occupying/using these things (or producing them) so you can drive them around like a vehicle. Or believe whatever you want. But you’re not the meat bag.


Last night i looked down at my rice bowl that was now in my stomach and it weirded me out


It is liquid life, don't spill it.


There is only nothingness, we were programmed/taught to believe that we were real. Through identification with numbers forms shapes descriptions and of course with a mental construct of physicality and emotions to make it appear real.😉🐇🕳️🌈🌀


I cut my finger super deep with a razor blade on several hits of acid one time. It was crazy and scarey. Thankfully I wasn't alone, and my friend that was on less acid was able to patch me up. Otherwise I may have just stood there bleeding, staring, dripping everywhere and then panicked trying to locate my 1st aid supplies .


Wait till you find out there's a whole ass skeleton in everyone one of us 🤢


You are blood


A jenga tower of blood lmao


Your bones are wet.


i had this same trip but i was saying, man im full of innards all we eat are innards


Wait until you learn you're just a bunch of tubes. Literally. Every organ. A tube. But my skin? Tube. Pretty tubular.


…and he poured the wine and said this is MY Blood…drink of it so that you may live… So the question is not one of whether your blood is actually wine, but one of how you define yourself. Are you flesh? Then blood is your blood. Are you pure consciousness? Then, wine is your blood.


And he poured the bread and said this is my staff and he parted the red wine the end I loved that guy


And then from nothingness formed a singularity with all of the matter and energy in the universe contained within a sphere the size of a pin head, and as entropy only increases with time, this maximally compacted lump of matter was also in its least chaotic (read, state of minimum entropy) state. Let that sink in. All the mass and energy in the universe, contained within a microscopic volume, and all of the matter therein, being held in its least entropic state since at least 13.8 billion years ago. This is the miracle that the empiricists chose to believe. I find it rather absurd, but then again, I’m not one to believe consciousness emerges from matter. This was the nuanced point i was trying to make.


yea its weird as hell, but its weirder if it gets out


You aren’t filled with blood, you ARE the blood, you are also a skeleton, you are also heaps of muscle. Collectively that is the you, not separate from your mind and perception.


Were you high when you posted this?


Depersonalization is a serious condition. Are you okay? Do you ever feel like you're just a brain piloting your body?


Eh, when you think of anything like that such as “why does my arm move not as soon as I command it but quicker than that “ and “why does my body just breathe by itself without my say so” and so on, yeah it can be trippy but that is fun.


This reminds me of the time I lost it whilst off my nut because I remembered I have organs. My partner tried to ease my mind by telling me it was okay because our cat also has organs but somehow that made it worse.