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People found his TikTok account and he had a post of himself showing off his new hairdo šŸ’€


Hopefully they clown his ass


Iā€™d like to see an arrest but who am I kiddingĀ 


Iā€™d say for something like this the lesson of the internet never forgetting your face is more fitting. Dudes not getting arrested over hair fees


He should get his head shaved as punishment


Half of his head. Let him figure out the other half.




Nah, fuck that shit. Shave the front or back half


While in jail.


Do you realize how much some salons charge for braids & other treatments? If he came in with a pick-in fro, that could've racked up a bill over several hundred dollars or more. That's felony theft to grand larceny depending on how it's charged... Now I want Ugo on YT to make a video to clarify... Smh... That was probably hours of meticulous work for her. Hope karma catches up with him sooner than later.


> a bill over several hundred dollars or more. That's felony theft to grand larceny It's not, unless you live in Illinois, New Mexico, or New Jersey, and that would not cost over $500 so really only New Jersey https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state


This is an academy in the UK and the website says menā€™s braids are 35Ā£ or about $45. Just a straight up bumbo.


Really? $45ā€¦ dude couldnā€™t afford that. Thats low.


This is why we are losing our basic quality of life. Shoplifting, theft from cars and failure to pay like this guy. There needs to be consequences. Open up a 24/7 court. Arrest these people. Take them right over to the court to be seen that day. Insurance companies who pay out for shoplifting only cause the business to charge the honest people more. Start prosecuting these people. Create an instant justice system that handles these small crimes that cause a degradation for us all. We have billions to send to Ukraine. Surely we can find millions to solve this crime that affects us all.


I think it the perception of the loss of quality of life. This shit always happened, the difference is now that there are literally cameras everywhere to film it and create the perception that the world is going to shit. The world has always been shitty and people have always been shitty, we just see them being shitty way more.


Wage theft overshadows all other types of theft combined, so if youā€™re looking for the true source of a society squeezed dry, look there first




Look at my fancy ā€˜do. I got it for a steal!


The hairdresser should take him to court, and ask that the judge repossess her work... Shave him bald in the courtroom and give her the hair to do with what she wants... Like throw out in front of him ;)






ai account ^






The video should be shared with all the Salons in the area. Make it so no one will give him any service.


More so, his name and account should be shared with the police and he should be arrested




Where did you hear this?


Saw it on Tiktok


Can you post the video/thread?






Hahaha great news! that will teach him,I'm guessing he's going to be roasted as he should. He should ne shamed without mercy




What a loser


dude ran out wearing his $300 Nikes but refuses to pay for his haircut. what a joke


Thatā€™s assuming he paid for the shoes lol


and assuming they aren't ~~reproductions~~ replicas


I guess the genius forgot he's been on camera the entire time.


Often doesnā€™t matter to local police


One of the things about video though is someone still has to be able to identify the person in the video. Even when the police get the video and put it out, you still need someone who both recognizes them, saw wherever it was posted, and decided to give a tip on the identification.


pass it out to all the local salons... dude shoudnt get service for 50 miles.


Oh so Like when I had metroPCS


Badum tss


The Police in our moderately sized town have a really good success rate when it comes to this sort of thing. Every once in a while I'll see one of their posts and think "No way anyone can ID them from that crappy image" but in the comments the PD will have posted "Suspect IDed, thank you for your help!". Most of them happen within hours. You know the cops are getting desperate when they go so far as to offer a reward for the info.


There's a new slang in the hood for stealing, and it's called "renting." "I 'rent' cars and shoes and sell and them to friends," for example. Language betrays cultural mentalities. The idea is that you're not even stealing, but just "renting" something, which isn't yours and which you weren't given, for free. The entitlement is mind-blowing.


We called it "acquiring" in the Army.Ā  Our generator is blown and needs a part that takes a month to get to us. In the night, we will go and acquire a new piece from someone else's generator.Ā  That's why we had to start pulling motorpool duty 24 hours. In case another unit needs to acquire equipment or parts for themselves.Ā 


Strategically Transfer Equipment to Alternative Locations


The Rocinate was a legitimate salvage


Remember the cant!






Acquire sounds very officious.


It's also why they refer to assassination as neutralizing.


That's why we would just strategically transfer equipment to alternate locations.


Iā€™m guessing it was way more than just a haircut too. If she did those braids, it takes a long time, at least a lot longer than a haircut.


That or it was a retwist.


How do you think he affords the shoes? Lol


Number 1, that is a very shitty and personal theft. Number 2, everyone will know who that fucker is and I hope he can never find anyone else willing to touch his scalp. Edit: in case anyone is wondering, itā€™s [Big Hair Crush](https://bighaircrush.co.uk) salon in Birmingham, UK. Links to their social media there.


The crazy thing is he doesnā€™t think he did anything wrong since he put down a deposit and people on the salons insta page are telling her to take it down lol.


Just looked at the insta. Everyone saying the guy is shameful and embarrassing and someone texted his mom. Didnt see anyone say to take the video down.


> Didnt see anyone say to take the video down. One of the follow-up posts on here account where she's going over the cost and how long she had to wait (something like 2 hours) for him to show up had people on is shitting on her for charging a 30 pound late fee and dragging his name. Honestly I agree with her doing it. If you show up 2 hours late, that's 2 hours that the hair dresser can't slot bookings into. Then there's the time after that's wasted because any bookings after that now have to be pushed back until she's done.


Lots of people on there feeling sorry for HIM and saying they'll pay is crazy!


That's pretty weird, deposits don't usually cover total cost and I'm 51% positive he ran due to that.


If wasnā€™t the total cost. It also wasnā€™t in USD. But I believe he owed 60 total and put down 21.


I was going to say a piece of shit, but same difference anyway


What a violation. Sheā€™ll forever be mindful of that brief moment someone could run away. And to think she spent so much close physical contact with someone who intends to steal from her.


Can you imagine. Now every time she does anyoneā€™s hair that bit of anxiety will be in her heart. That totally sucks.


The way she reacted, it's not the first time. She was over it as soon as he was out the door. She knew, she's just taking a second to gather herself and get over it.


Really is someone that thinks of no one but themselves.


she will just post it online where she well send it to all of her stylist friends and they will send it to thier friends and soon everone knows. and the kid cant get his hair cut with out paying up front


Donā€™t they have his name for the appointment reservation? If enough people see this they should be able to identify him and charge him.




I wouldnā€™t put it passed this guy to be smart enough to not give a real name, but still dumb enough to make the reservation with his personal phone.


You're assuming the guy is smart enough to think that far ahead.


Oh Tiktok already found him. Like immediately




Put out an all-points bulletin for Mr. I. P. Freely.


Exactly . If u canā€™t afford to keep up with getting ur long hair styled, Cut the shit off and rock a low cut.


Sheā€™s probably paying quite a bit to rent that room to be able to run her own business without paying someone else to rent a chair. Scum move right there


Plus that doesn't look like a 15 minute haircut either, it probably took a lot of time to make that hairstyle. It just grinds my gears when you have a person working hard every day to put food on the table and a scumbag like this cheats her out of what may make the difference of making rent or not. Not that it's ok to steal either way, but it's not like she's an executive or something.


It can take at least a couple hours to get a hairstyle like that done.




Wtf is your Barber doing for 2 hours for a normal straight cut??




Those look like rope twists. Assuming he has locs and was there for a wash+retwist+style thatā€™s easily 2-3.5 or even 4 hours including being under the dryer. I say that bc I have that exact style, but just shaved my sides bc a full head took upwards of that long when I was doing a style. Not to mention the cost. If this was recent hair prices are higher and I pay about 140-160 depending on if Iā€™m styling that day. So yeah, a total pos.


My homie has full locs down to his lower back and he has to go out of state to get his shit done. Just the hair work is like 5 hours and $300. Add in travel and its basically a whole day just to get his hair done.


Damn, Iā€™d have to get a hotel if I was doing all that lmao. I stay in state but still make a hour or two trip for mine. But it is worth when you find the loctician who does your hair just right. Even moreso with your friends length Iā€™d imagine bc itā€™s truly not ā€œjustā€ hair anymore.


That took hours


Easily several hours. I hope that guy gets caught.




Pay up front for everything is where it is headed. I'm old enough to remember pump before you pay gas pumps. That seems insane now but it worked for decades until people decided to start abusing it.


We only have pay after pump in the U.K. Edit; Been pointed out that we (U.K.) generally have pay after pump but also a lot of pay at pump option too these days. Those generally have a ā€œpay in kioskā€ button so you can still fill and then go pay. Thereā€™s a few unmanned service stations that only have pay at pump though.


Iā€™m American and was watching an English show last week. My wife was flabbergasted that someone pumped gas THEN paid. I told her, ā€œTheyā€™re better than us.ā€


Australia is like this too. Fuel first and then pay.




It is standard practice to pay in advance in Canada too, no matter how nice the area. It used to vary from province to province but everyone got on board after a few gas station clerks died during gas theft incidents. I used to work in a gas station before the changes and it was such a hassle because you always had to watch the gas pumps.


I feel like it was about 10 years ago that gas stations changed from paying after to before around Vancouver. Though, I agree with the sentiment regardless that you should be paying before services.


It was prevalent across Canada (except the 5 major cities) until like 6 or 8 years ago. But so much population turnover from the simultaneous pressure of really high immigration and a high level of people leaving cities (due to high cost) has really turned everywhere from big cities to small towns culturally upside down and almost nowhere does it anymore.




I just watched Silver Bullet last night and they call it 'Private Justice'


We entering the batman phase of society. I'm ready for it !


Terrible person I hope karma gets the best of him


Apparently the internet already identified him in his clowning him hard he had a picture on his Instagram showing off his new haircut


This kid is so fucked. The videos all over Instagram as well šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




I knew he was trash from the way he scrolls on his phone.


Yeah it screamed low IQ


Best way to handle this is to send all hair salons in the area. Let's see what happens when they refuse him service for ditching like that!


Or better yet , sit him in the chair and give him the walter white cut


Just need to find one or two that didn't see the clip... You know there are hundreds in a city


As a cosmetologist, I truly feel bad for her. Those braids are hard work and take time. What a shitty person he is.


Those took hours. She pays rent on the space or even the building. Iā€™m so mad about this.


Even if she owns the building it's still scummy.


Broke bum


Cut and run


I hope she lets everyone in a 100 mile radius know what he did.


Thatā€™s what weā€™re doing.


Iā€™d switch to payment first after that.




Half halfway lol. Fade em to that awkward point where it doesn't look good before or after. They'll feel fucked enough to pay, and fucked enough to finish the cut.


I hope she reported this.


Ahā€¦.a special kind of scum bag.


Imagine being such a deadbeat that you canā€™t afford to pay for a haircut. Poor girl.


He can afford it. This isn't stealing food because you're starving; this is stealing because you can steal.




Worse when someone can afford it and walks out completely


Literally. A whole bum.


I wouldn't get a $150 haircut that takes hours even though I can afford it. The idea that this guy feels so entitled to a fancy haircut that he not only refuses to pay for it, but steals from this poor lady in terms of lost time and d revenue and the money she likely needs to pay for the chair space. He's beyond being a piece of shit. This isn't stealing an iPhone from Apple (which is not right either) but this is far more egregious, he's stealing from a young woman just trying to earn a basic living.


The top comment on the salon's post is someone messaged the boys mom hahha


She replied that the mom blocked her


the apple doesnt fall far from the tree




Like she cares?


Bro messed up hard, aside from legal consequences good luck finding anyone to do his hair now. That's much worse imo as someone with dreads finding someone who, good at what they do, affordable and actually responds is a fuckin blessing.


Hope he has a massive hairfall and goes bald in patches.


And he did it to a person, not a corporation. Pretty messed up.


Exactly. What does this fucker tell himself to make this OK? He's not sticking it to the man, he's just ripping off a small business owner. Bastard.


He surrounds himself with people who also think that this is OK.


pretend to forget him, next time he comes in shave him bald


I wouldnā€™t blame her if she switched to a payment-first policy


Really should. I have made salon appointments where they require this. It's kind of annoying but, if things like this theft are happening, I can see it might be called for.


I hope his hair falls outā€¦.and he falls in a ditch.


Petty thief




Those are twists, and I agree that she did a good job!


Places will start to pre-auth credit cards like hotels and gas stations


What a loser. I bet that took plenty of time to do too than to bail without paying. Pretty shitty behavior imo.


This kind of work takes hours. What a piece of shit


And now she's money first or at least half first now right?


Doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s found, they wouldnā€™t do anything at all and he knows it, less than a thousand dollars nothing happens.


Itā€™s not a haircut people, she spent hours braiding this guys long ass hair




That's not a man.


yup - lil b\*tch boy


Trash being trashy. Why is anyone surprised?


Give him a break...He's got a Walgreens to get to.


Just remember, when you say "It's WalMart so who cares?", it leads to this. People who steal and take advantage will do it to individuals as well. Very few people can draw the line between corporations and individuals.


Stay classy.


He's going to have to to steal some kids' bike and ride 3 hrs to get a haircut if he keeps that up.


Broke ass..


What a scumbag! Poor lady probably paying an arm and a leg just for that little space. Instead of taking a paying customer u waste her time


Her ā€œscuse meā€¦ Hey!ā€ broke my heart šŸ’” What a piece of shit!


This absolute clown had no idea he was being filmed the whole time. Hope heā€™s being publicly shamed right now because plenty of people in Birmingham will know this thief. Poor girl is just trying to make a living.


What a POS


And this is why my barber requires a deposit to book, so all your credit card info is on file.


POS shouldnā€™t be hard to find tho. Look for the dude with the most goofy ass doo on the block.


Thatā€™s such a dick move. What an asshole


The definition of trash. That woman probably puts her soul into that place and the hair she works on. Shame on this clown.


lawless behavior is becoming more prevalent. We are witnessing the collapse of social / societal norms.


Once he's caught just make him pay, very healthy tip. And shave his fucking head. Fair?


against his own community too, what scum


It wouldnā€™t be ok even if it were against a white personā€¦


Why you pay up-front.


And then heā€™ll get upset if he is asked to pay first.


Just say you broke


Iā€™m sure he lives a sad pathetic life


I believe this is so fucked up. My barber told me this happened to him and it's just crazy. Soon they're going to start asking us to pay ahead of time...šŸ˜” Cuz these a-holes


I used to work as a waitress in an oil rig town in Alberta, Canada. The "rig pigs" hated people from the east coast, we have very distinctive accents and as soon as they heard me talk they would start planning to run out on the tab. I was just trying to make a new life for myself in a new place and it crushed my spirit when I would have a really good night for tips and then would get some asshole who just thought it was funny to stiff me with a $60 bill in front of his friends. I just wanna give that poor girl a big hug and pay her electricity bill. I have no qualms with stealing from large corporations, if I see someone stealing food at Walmart, I sure as fuck didn't, but stealing from the little guy makes you a massive piece of shit.


If you can't pay for a haircut just do it yourself ffs


Pay the lady fool!




Hair today, gone tomorrow


"non bowling people"


He treated her like his slave, free labor!


Thats an asshole.


But most services make you book through an app that has all your contact info in itā€¦ if she didnā€™t at the time, Iā€™ll bet she does now.


Piece of garbage. I feel for that young lady, who spent her expertise, her time, and her money to take care of this POS.


Creep. That looked like a complicated, time consuming hair stylešŸ„ŗ


Title should be B*tch runs out of hair salon without paying cause that isnā€™t a man.







